Moscow Synagogue Has 'Manager', Fire Reportedly Destroyed Scrolls FDR 's Conferences With Ibn Saud Get Airing in Howarth's 'The DesertKing' LONDON — A Moscow Jew named Mikhailovich, whose first name was not given, has been ap- pointed chairman of the manage- ment committee of the Central Synagogue in Moscow, the Soviet press reported Tuesday. Soviet experts here say they know the name as that of a man "working closely with the author- ities and doing their bidding." Several weeks ago, Nahum Pa- ler, chairman of the synagogue's committee of three men was named to conduct the syna- looked on it "as a problem be- Problems that face the Saudi dom, did not bequeath much of it yond his own borders." He ac- Arabians, t h e weaknesses that to many of his sons, and nobody quiesced to the League's proposal have set in since the passing of now would dare to predict the to fight the Jews after Israel Abdul-Aziz ibn Saud on Nov. 9, future of the kingdom he created." was established as a Jewish Since Howarth describes the late 1953, the intrigues and the inter- State, and he was less surprised national interest ibn Saud's "rough wisdom,' it is than the other Arab states "to in the oil - rich interesting to note how he handled see the Arab campaign end in country, are de- President Roosevelt and the Zion- fiasco through inefficiency . . ." scribed in an in- ist issue. The biographer states at Howarth's "The Desert King" is teresting volume, the outset that ibn Saud's trust "The Desert King in Britain was undermined in part a revealing book. Some of the Ibn Saud and by "the promise of Palestine to facts in it still need elaboration— His Arabia," by the Jews." Describing the FDR-ibn for example, the reference to Tru- 'David Howarth, Saud visit, he states that Roose- man. But there is much of histor- ', published by Mc- velt's description of the horrors ical data in this book that will that were suffered by Jews from serve the students of the Middle Graw-Hill. This v o 1 u in e the Germans made no impression East situation very well. Ibn Saud —P. S. tells of the emergence of ibn Saud, on the Arabian king, who, "with who, at the age of 21, in 1901, Bedouin directness, proposed that came to reclaim his father's king- the Jews should be given the choic- est parts of Germany." dom. It was believed, when Roose- This is a story that recapitulates velt first reported that he had the events that involved Great Bri- learned more from ibn Saud tain, that brought Aramco on the about Palestine in a few minutes scene, that resulted in wealth flow- PARIS (JTA) — French police than during his entire lifetime, ing into the country that is among uncovered a secret French neo- that he may have yielded too the most backward but which oozes Nazi organization of more than 100 easily to the Saudi king. But active members throughout the with oil and therefore has made Howarth maintains: "Roosevelt country. Nine adults and 13 minors possible for the ruling house to returned again and again to the have been arrested and charged have a fleet of Cadillacs, to live in point, until ibn Saud grew im- with plotting against "the security luxury while the people were im- patient and said he was only of the state. proverished, while slavery was • an ignorant Bedouin who could condoned. Acting on orders from the State not understand the President's Security Court, police officers Howarth, who had permission solicitude for Germans. Bedouin swooped down on cells of the to visit Saudi Arabia to write were kinder to their friends than movement in Paris, Marseilles, his biography, who became in- to their enemies. Palestine, he Lyons and other centers. They timately acquainted with the added, was one of the smallest seized anti-Jewish and anti-Negro people who played major roles in of the countries on the Allied propaganda material, as well as the Arabian drama, who made side, and one of the poorest in Nazi emblems, pictures of Hitler a deep study of the slave prob- land, and already had more than and explosives. lem, who became well ac- its share of refugees." Police officials indicated that quainted with Harry St. John they believed that the French And so ibn Saud "refused to Philby — the man who became organization was part of the a Moslem and an intimate friend give an inch," and Howarth writes World Union of National Social- of ibn Saud — presents an in- that FDR "promised that he as ists, and that it was also in close President would never do anything teresting contrast between the contact with Colin Jordan's that might prove hostile to the successor to ibn Saud, his elder British National Socialist Party. Arabs, and that son Saud, and the younger bro- t h e government Police sources said that a num- ther Feisal. He t ells about ber of foreigners residing in of the United Saud's extravagance, his having France, particularly of "Anglo- States would not gone $300,000,000 in debt in Saxon origin," were believed im make any basic spite of having a larger income plicated and would soon be ex- change in its pol- than his father "because the pro- pelled from France. icy for Palestine duction of oil was always in- French security agents have without consult- creasing.' He views Feisal, the been watching the neo-Nazis for ing both Arabs second son who became crown more than six months. They ob- and Jews before- tained their first definite lead in prince, as opposite in character hand. and appearance, "who would a riot provoked .earlier this year Apparently Ho- by Nazi elements who stormed a F. D. R. have made a better king, ' but "whose reticence gave him a rep- w a r t h disapproves of promises Paris cinema where Socialist stu- that were made to Jews. His con- dents were holding a meeting. utation for meanness." After the riot, Patrick Lemaire, Now, Howarth states, "Aramco tention is that FDR "stumbled in- to the same trap that the British identified as head of a right-wing the King both live with a and sword above their heads: Aramco had laid for themselves in the pre- organization, was arrested. Docu- beneath the sword of nationaliza- vious war: the trap of making ments found in his home led the tion, and the King beneath the promises to Arabs," and he makes police to the 13 minors, all resi- sword of revolution. It would be this startling assertion about sub- dents of Reims. Among those arrested was Yves madness if the Saudis tried to sequent events: "Mr. Truman summoned his min- Janes, 41, believed to be the nationalize the industry Aramco "fuehrer" of the French neo-Nazis. has created, but national pride in isters in the Arab countries to Police found in Janes' home Nazi Washington, and annulled both the Middle East had led to mad- promises with the words, 'I'm uniforms, emblems, pictures and der things." sorry, gentlemen, but I have to secret documents. "As for the threat of revolu- answer to hundreds of thousands The confiscated files seemed tion," Howarth writes, "the king- of people who are anxious for the to indicate that the organiza- dom is clearly one of the richest success of Zionism; I do not have tion's only "political ideology" and ripest prizes in the world for hundreds of thousands of Arabs was rabid racism, anti-Jewish and anti-Negro. The organiza- a revolutionary. It is almost sur- among my constituents.' " tion was planning a number rounded now by Arab republics In this disturbing account, Jews which have already overthrown emerge as "arch-enemies of the of "intimidation operations" against businesses owned by hereditary rule; Jordan's is the Arabs," in the view of ibn Saud Jews and Negroes in France. only other considerable Arab mon- and his associates. Churchill is Police said that Janes was a archy. Since Saudi Arabia and referred to by the biographer as Egypt quarreled over the revolu- having known only too well that former French volunteer in the tion in the Yemen, Egypt has been there was no solution for Palestine wartime "Watten SS" of Nazi Ger- pressing revolution against the that would be acceptable to both many, and a long-standing mem- ber of Nazi secret organizations Saudi royal family in vitriolic Jews and Arabs. which operated in Algeria when propaganda. King Saud is over 60, Regarding the Arab League it was a French colony. chronically ill and almost blind; activities, Howarth confirms the Another suspect was Claude Crown Prince Feisal is only a few view that was commonly held Carrier, 31, an engineer, who years younger, and his health is that the only wish that was visited Britain on a number of also poor; beyond him, no succes- shared by all the Arabs was that occasions to confer with Colin sor has been proclaimed. With the Jews be thrown out of Pale- Jordan, police said. wisdom, the family may moderate stine, but that while ibn Saud its powers and survive; but ibn He who complains but finds no was "adamant about the Arabs' Saud, for all his own rough wis- rights to Palestine, and had al- sympathy is the one who faring ill ways been liable to rages when in one town does not venture to THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Palestine was discussed," he try another. — Baba Metzia '75. Friday, August 7, 1964 6 Police in France Arrest 22 in Raid on Neo-Nazi Net PAUL DAVIDSON gogue's affairs. Now, the Moscow report indicated, Mikhailovich will succeed Paler. In New York, Meanwhile, there was a report that a fire in Mos- cow's Central Synagogue two weeks ago destroyed several of the holy scrolls in the house of worship and caused much other heavy damage. The fire had reportedly been started by a Molotov cocktail tossed into the synagogue. The Soviet press has to date failed to report either the fire or any ar- rests resulting from the Russian police investigation of the action. EACH OF THESE MEN SOLD OVER '1,000,000.00 OF LIFE INSURANCE LAST YEAR FOR US! WHY? Because they were able to prove to hundreds of families that they know how to set up a complete program of life insurance—not just add to a hodge-podge of existing policies. They worked like demons — but their policy- holders now know the real meaning of security! AUSTIN KANTER National Life of Vermont Austin A. 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