Where Sabotage Doesn't Work THE JEWISH NEWS incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with issue of July 20, 1951 Member American Association of English—Jewish Newspapers, Michigan Press Association, National Editorial Association. Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co., 17100 West Seven Mile Road, Detroit 48235 Mich., VE 8-9364. Subscription $6 a year. Foreign $7. Second Class Postage Paid at Detroit, Michigan PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Editor and Publisher CARMI M. SLOMOVITZ Business Manager SIDNEY SHMARAK Advertising Manager CHARLOTTE liYAMS City Editor Sabbath Scriptural Selections This Sabbath, the thirtieth day of Ab, the following Scriptural selections will be read. in our synagogues: Pentateuchal portion: Dent. 11:26-16:17, Num. 28:9-15. Prophetical portion: Isaiah 66:1 24 - Licht Benshen, Friday, August 7, 7:25 p.m. VOL. XLV. No. 24 Page Four August 7, 1964 'Frightened Men' Who Yield to Boycott In his talks with British Foreign Secretary R. A. Butler, in Moscow, the Soviet Premier Khrushchev conceded that the principle of non-dissemination of nuclear weapons should be applied to the Middle East. Coming so soon after his visit with Nasser in Cairo, where the Soviet leader collabo- rated in anti-Israel propaganda, the Khru- shchev concession is important. It is an indi- cation that it may be possible, by means of high-level talks, actually to end the flow of arms to the Middle East and thereby reduce the war threats and the dangers that face Israel. Much more menacing to the peace of the Middle East is the stepped-up boycott cam- paign against Israel. There is a puzzling amount of yielding to threats from the Arab League in democratic countries, and the fright in some industrial circles is an indica- tion of a total lack of courage among many Europeans who so readily submit to warn- ings of "blacklisting" if they continue to trade with Israel. Already the British group that has yielded to the Arab threats in the Lord Mancroft case has been branded "a bunch of frightened men." That's the role of all who submit to the amoral boycott threats that emanate from Arab sources. Multiplying Tensions ... Urgent Need for Amity Separation Principle, Federal Tensions are multiplying in this country. in need of help in their search for better The 100-year-old prejudices persist in the homes and for proper training by reasonable South. Race hatreds have increased in the men and women and not by panic-inspiring Aid to Schools, Church-State North. Our large cities have become centers and riot-inciting rabble-rousers. * * of fear. There have been riots, and extremists Problems in Villanova Volume Responsibility in the search for a better —to use a term that has already been abused —a term that has been utilized for political flag-waving—have made use of their liberties to browbeat their neighbors. In the course of the tragedies that have been meted out in the large comunities in which rioting has occurred, there has been so much emotionalism that many people have stopped to rationalize about the issue. While civil rights and equality now are the law of the land and should be honored and re- spected, those who had acted consistently in support of justice and the elimination of prej- udice have been abused. There have been threats and accusations, and there is the grave danger that political capital may be made of the emerging tenseness. That is why it is so urgent that all who crave for good will, that freedom-loving peo- ple who v a 1 u e their American heritage, should aim at moderation and proper coop- eration. That is why it is so vital to our in- ternal peace that hoodlumism, whether by white-skinned or colored, should be branded as punishable, that lawlessness should not be tolerated in this land. * * If the racial issue should become a major appeal to the prejudices of American voters, it will set back our basic American ideals another century. By Congressional action there has just been corrected a 100-year-old crime. The enacted law of the land estab- lished equality for all. It is the duty of all citizens to labor to the end that the new and long-belated law should be f ully imple- mented. This calls for the elimination of the causes that create gangsterism, whether the hood- lums are whites or blacks. In the striving for equality for all Americans we are also pres- ently in the process, thanks to President Johnson's vision, of fighting poverty. In his challenging work "Why We Can't Wait," Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. admonishes us that there also are "millions of poor whites" who are suffering from the same ills that afflict his people—and he calls these millions of whites "the derivative victims of slavery." Let us not overlook this factor and let us take into consideration the basic needs of the country at large. We should be on the road towards solving the problem not only of ra- cial but also of economic equality, and the issue must not be confused by prejudices. When, therefore, we speak of the area of housing, of proper education, of employ- ment, it is one that affects all races, and it must be solved in the interest of elevating our people to higher standards. To accom- plish this requires time, patience, under- standing of the needs of the underprivileged. Such problems demand abandonment of brash, intemperate, impetuous leadership. They call for guidance of the people who are Villanova University Law School's Institute of Church and State way of life, for amicable relations among all citizens, rests upon all of us. They are as has, since its inception in 1955, provided a forum for "a free exchange much the duty of Caucasians as of Negroes, of views between sincere and knowledgeable men." Its currently- volume, "Religion and the Public Order — An Annual embracing all faiths, and the action to be sponsored Review of Church and State and of Religion, Law and Society," pub- taken must be firm, dignified, nonviolent. lished by Chicago University Press, proves the validity of the claims of Jews have suffered in the riots in the the forum's merits. North, just as Jews are suffering in the vise Noted scholars of all faiths participated in the exchange of views of the South where they are between the in this volume, and a variety of subjects is covered. Not only the devil and the deep sea. But wherever our matters revolving around the Church-State issue, but also marriage kinsmen are they must remember the estab- laws (in this instance linked to the Biblical Covenant), Constitutional lished Jewish principle of diva de-malkuta issues, church, state and universities, are among the many vital ques- diva—the law of the land is our law. This tions covered. applies, of course, to all citizens, and we must Prof. Harold Stahmer, writing on "Defining Religion; Federal work together to enforce that law—in this Aid and Academic Freedom," makes the point that "In their instance the law of equality, of civil rights— `religious' enthusiasm to preserve a historical wall of separation between church and state many in our nation run a very real risk the law of humanitarianism. of abridging the right of expression through the withholding of But much more than this is involved. Too funds to one among many intellectually viable and recognizably often people are motivated in their thinking accredited forms of commitment and concern." by property values and by their personal "Church and State: The Jewish Posture," by Richard L. Ruben- sufferings. Because one loses financially in the sale of his home is not a valid reason for stein, director of Hillel Foundations at several Eastern universities, hating his fellow-Americans of another color. takes the position that more than principle is involved in Jewish to Bible reading in the schools: "Apart from all questions It would have been wise for Jews who have opposition of version and translation to be employed, Christians and Jews do not fled from certain neighborhoods to remain mean the same thing when they speak of the Bible. There can be no there, by means of integration to protect the doubt that the New Testament cannot but divide Christian and Jew. values of their homes. But, having changed This is going to happen in any event, but equity demands that insti- neighborhoods, we should not penalize an en- tutions such as the public school, to which both Christian and Jew tire community because of a loss in property are committed and which both support, not be used as instruments of such division." valuations. Rubenstein contends that "historical Jewish experience has taught Because some one has been mugged by a gangster whose skin is of a different color us that the ideal of a government neutral in religious matters offers is no reason for generalizing and blaming the the only hope for equality on condition for all men in a multi-ethnic crime upon the entire differing race. Both and multi-religious community." Discussing the separation principle, Dr. Robert Gordis races are here to stay, and both must cement expressed his conviction "that the current American practice is their best feelings in the interest of Amer- defensible both in practice and in theory and should continue ica's highest principles. to be maintained." * * * Rabbi Arthur Gilbert predicts that the shared-time proposal will It is easy to preach in a matter that is as careful study in the coming years. He says it should be vital as the one that faces us during race receive encouraged "chiefly because it will provide the public school an rivalries. But it also is easier to offer advice opportunity to include within its discipline an enlarged number of even when an individual is involved than to children and at the same time will remove from the public school take advice. Yet, for the sake of the basic some of the pressure for teaching religion." His view is that the human values all of us advocate, we must Supreme Court has already indicated that schools may not engage in adopt objective attitudes. We must think in liturgical practice, that while the high court ruling is against reading terms of the country's future, of our chil- the Bible as a devotional exercise, "it may teach about the Bible" and dren's and grandchildren's roles in a mixed that it already is doing some of this work, 'but out of fear and ignorance is doing it badly." He favors examination of proposals community in which the Negro population which make federal funds available to religious schools under already has grown to more than twenty mil- certain will conditions within the National Defense Education Act. lion in the country at large and is increasing An essay on books of religion calls attention to important Jewish much more rapidly than our own. Regardless of the ratios of population, we must live to- tracts. On the matter of public funds for religious education, Dean gether in amity no matter what our neigh- Theodore L. Reller of the University of California School of Educa- bor's background. This justifies preaching. This demands tion declares: first question that must be answered in approaching the resort to fair play. It imposes upon the entire issue "The of public aid to parochial schools is: What kind of a society do country the responsibility of facing the issue we want? Only then can we decide on the best ways to expand public fearlessly, with an aim of attaining the unity funds to achieve that society." that must be cemented. Many of the issues discussed, primarily the separation idea and Indeed, we dare not be aimless. Rabble- the allotment of federal funds for religious education, provide data, rousing must be rejected. The causes that gathered by experts, on major issues which have created so much lead to fear must be uprooted. Lawlessness furor in recent years. The Villanova volume adds considerably towards illumination of must end. The honor and dignity of our land must strengthen us in the belief that these issues which have been clouded previously. The differing viewpoints offer background material on both sides of the -major- issue. aims can and' will be accomplished..