Jesuit's Work on Palestinian Vast. Range of Judaism Called 'Proselytizing' Needs Reported Monument Unveilings by CJFWF Envoys William Wolf's translation from cultural elements which might en- (Unveiling announcements may be The family of the late Jack W. inserted by mailing or by calling The the French of "Palestinian Judaism rich it, and at the same time to Jewish News office, 17100 W. 7 Mile Kaufman announces the unveiling A preliminary JERUSALEM — of Jesus Christ," by transform them into its own sub- in the Time Rd., Detroit 35, VE 8-9364. Written an- of a monument in his memory 11 must be accompanied by Joseph Bonsirven, S. J., published stance." He expresses the view that report issued by the overseas dele- nouncements the name and address of the person a.m. Sunday, Aug. 16, at Machpelah by Holt. Rinehart and Winston, Judaism "has lost most of its gation of the Council of Jewish making the insertion. There is a stand- Cemetery. Rabbi Prero will offi- provides an interesting study into ability to expand," and thereby Federations and Welfare Funds ing charge of $3.00 for an unveiling ciate. Relatives and friends are an inch in depth.) the thinking of a Catholic theolo- emerges more the proselytizer than indicates that, despite significant notice, measuring * * * asked to attend. progress, a vast range of needs gian on matters relating to the the historical analyst. Anna family of the late The Thus, in the view of this Jesuit still faces European and Israeli Jewish roots in Christianity and The family of the late Dora Wax Wermuth announces the unveiling the rejection of Christian dogmas priest. Judaism, while he compli- Jewry. of a monument in her memory on announces the unveiling of a monu- by Jewry. ments it as being "the most perfect The report, issued by Louis Sunday, Aug. 16, at Beth Abraham ment in her memory 12:30 p.m. Fr. Bonsirven, professor of New of natural religions," entered his- Stern of Newark, president of the Cemetery. Rabbi Lehrman will of- Sunday, Aug. 16, at Workmen's tory for the sake of Jesus. Testament studies at the Rome council, and Judge Theodore Levin There is a note of tolerance ficiate. Relatives and friends are Circle Cemetery, Stollner Section. Pontifical Biblical Institute, turns conclusion in which he of Detroit, national vice-president, asked to attend. Rabbi Goldman will officiate. Rela- in his for his background material to revealed that intensive discussions * * * tives and friends are asked to Philo, Josephus, the Talmud and says that "we cannot really ac- with high-ranking European Jew- the Midrash. He rejects the atti- cuse Judaism of not having ish and Israeli leaders during a The family of the late Mrs. Mol- attend. * been enlightened by the Chris- tudes of Christian scholars who lie Dashkin announces the unveil- tian revelation which it had re- three and a half week period have ing of a monument in her memory The family of the late Max Ep- treated the Talmud, Targum and jected." He does not accuse Ju- opened up new avenues of inter- 1:30 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 16, at Mach- stein announces the unveiling of a Midrash with distrust. national cooperation, which will daism of fundamental disloyalty help strengthen overseas commu- pelah Cemetery. Rabbi Gorrelick monument in his memory 3:30 Delving into the accumulated "but only of distortion which lore that traces Jewish practices was gradual and not realized for nal resources and advance health . will officiate. Relatives and friends p.m. Sunday, Aug. 23, at Chesed shel Emes Cemetery. Rabbi Gold- and welfare programs. , are asked to attend. in the time of Jesus, the author a long time." schlag will officiate. Relatives and emphasizes in advance that "we The meetings — which were With all his tolerance. Fr. Bon- friends are asked to attend. should not forget that in Israel. at sirven . Edward The family of the late nevertheless goes so far as held in London, Paris, Vienna least on certain subjects, no uni- to say that "Judaism's instinctive and Israel—also reviewed basic Israel Ratner announces the unveil- versal or fixed dogma was ever tendencies proved to be most un- Why do Americans buy U.S. responsibilities that American ing of a monument in his memory imposed." He adds: "We must be fortunate in the field of ethics." savings bonds? Surveys show they 10 a.m. Sunday, Aug. 16, at North- careful not to present the qtate- While he credits Israel with "a way Jews share with their co-reli- , west Hebrew Memorial Park. Rabbi like the safety of investment and gionists in satisfying the needs meat of an isolated rabbi as the of life far superior to that of other Gorrelick will officiate. Relatives guaranteed return. Bonds help explanation of a commonly ac- nations and religions," he is nega- of homeless, economically and and fids are asked to attend America too. Buy an extra one r an culturally deprived Jews. cepted doctrine. We must also take tive in viewing legalistic tenden- now. * In Israel. Stern declared, the . into account the ironical, exag- cies. His book, while filled with greatly impressed gerated and paradoxical character The family of the late Ida Stein delegation was of many sayings; we are in the references to important Jewish with the outstanding • job being announces the unveiling of a mon- sources, nevertheless is thoroughly Orient, and we often hear the Sun- The Family of the Late words of a popular preacher. To Christological and is certainly open done in handling the continuing ument in her memory noon large flow of immigrants. day, Aug. 9, at Chesed shel Emes to the charge that it aims at bid- the rabbinical documents we should Lauding the 1VIalben program of Cemetery. Rabbi Litke will of- NATHAN also add the official prayers, since ding for converts from Judaism the Joint Distribution Committee ficiate. Relatives and friends are NATI NSKY many of them, at least in their to his faith. In this respect it is a for "setting a pattern of effective asked to attend. germinal form, are older than the proselytizing work. Announces the unveil- * * American Jewish aid," he cited ing of a monument in his Christian era." its pioneering advances in health The family of the late Bertha memory 1 p.m. Sunday, It is evident throughout that Lightning Takes Life and welfare, including the setting Aug. 9, at Chesed shel and William Marcus announces the the approach here is thoroughly of standards, development of pro- unveiling of monuments in their Emes Cemetery. Rela- Christological, that the applica- of Boy, Edward Bean ; fessional skills, demonstration of unveiling of monuments in their tives and friends are memory 11:15 a.m. Sunday, Aug. tion of accumulated learning is 3 Others Listed OK new methods and strengthening of 16, at Oakview Cemetery. Rabbi asked to attend. to the emergence of Christian- governmental and voluntary serv- Lehrman will officiate. Relatives A local youth, Edward Bean, 15, ity from the root of Judaism was struck and killed by lightn- ices and cooperation. and friends are asked to attend. under discussion. Nevertheless He warned, however, that the ing during a storm Sunday. the author reveals a deep knowl- Edward, son of Dr. and Mrs. end of German Material Claims 1111111.1111111111111111111r edge of rabbinic sources and a Herbert Bean, 19312 San Juan, was funds in 1965 is endangering the thorough acquaintance with The Family of the Late The Family of the Late continuation of some of these coaching a- baseball team for the ancient Palestinian history. programs, though the needs re- LIBBY KLAR MARY KARP Whether he deals with demon- Northwest Junior Athletic Associa- ology or angels or omniscience, Fr. tion at Comstock Field in the main urgent. Announces the unveil- Announces the unveiling The delegation was heartened, Bonsirven turns to important Jew- James Couzens - Greenfield area. ing of a monument in her of a monument in her Stern said, by the report that 100 ish sources. His conclusions, in- When the rain started, he and memory 10 a.m. Sunday, memory 1 p.m. Sunday, evitably, lead him to his own faith three other boys took refuge under agricultural settlements will be- Aug. 16, at Chesed shel Aug. 9, at Chesed shel come self-supporting this year and in its dominance, as is indicated in a tree. Fines Cemetery. Rabbi Emes Cemetery. R a b b i his lengthy discussion of the Elec- The lightning also hit Andrew will no longer need assistance Segal and Cantor Acker- Lehrman and Cantor Klein tion of Israel and of the Chosen Hack, 11, who suffered burns. from the Jewish Agency. man will officiate. Rela- will officiate. Relatives and In Paris, Baron Guy de Roths- People idea. True, he quotes major However, Andrew, Marvin Bayer, tives and friends are friends are asked to at- sources to indicate that at the 12, and Kevin Leary, 12, recov- child, president of the Fonds Social asked to attend. tend. Juif Unifie, the French Jewish outset the Election was not gratui- erect in the hospital after the ini- Federation, tendered a reception tous but a reward for Abraham's tial shock. merits, that it is of internal im- Edward's father, a Detroit podi- for the delegation at his home .portance based on predestination. atrist, is president of the North- There and in other sessions, the delegation met with officers of 1 1111111111111111111111111W True, he emphasizes Israel's quali- west Junior Athletic Association. ties and the people's duties. But The Family of the Late the FSJU and other French Jewish The boy was a junior .at Cass The Family of the Late he concludes by asserting that Is- Tech High School, a charter mem- leaders to appraise the progress WI LLIAM rael no longer possesses its earlier ber in Kennedy Chapter, AZA, and made in dealing with the immi- 1 RV I N FARKAS qualities (adding: "which always a graduate of Bnai David Hebrew grants from North Africa who STOLLER Announces the unveil- appears in Christianity"), "to as- School. He was Bar Mitzvah at have poured into France the past ing of a monument in his Announces the unveiling of similate all the religious, social and Ahavas Achim Synagogue, to which two years, assess the problems that memory 11:30 a.m. Sun- a montunent in his mem- remain and consider what must be his parents belong. day, Aug. 16, at Oakview ory 2 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 9, Cemetery. Rabbi Lehr- Besides his parents, Edward done to overcome them. at Machpelah Cemetery. man will officiate. Rela- leaves a brother, Barry; and his In another series of meetings, Rabbi Donin will officiate. In Memory of tives and friends are grandfather, Max Weiner. the delegation mat with repre- Relatives and friends are asked to attend. Our Dear Father, The Northwest Junior Athletic sentatives of Jewish communities asked to attend. Association has . set up a scholar- in Italy, Switzerland, West Ger- JERRY J. ship fund in the boy's name at the many, Belgium and Sweden who GREENBLATT Ohio College of Podiatry. Contri- had come to Paris to evaluate with butions can be sent to the fund, them the work of the Standing Who passed away Aug. 8815 Puritan. 11, 1953. Gone but never Conference of European Jewish The Family of the Late forgotten by his children, Community Services, an organiza- The Family of the Late "The Lord recompense thy work, tion roughly analogous to the Dr. Norman P. Greene GITEL GLASSER and a full reward he given thee CJFWF, which the JDC helped SAM WEISMAN and Mrs. Norman W. of the Lord God of Israel, under (Fayanne) Kaufman establish. Announces the unveil- Announces the unveil- whose wings thou art come to ing of a monument in her ing of a monument in his trust."—Ruth 2:12. Etienne Brule reached what is memory, 3:30 p.m. Sun- memory noon Sunday, now Michigan's Upper Peninsula day, Aug. 16, at Work- Aug. 9, at Beth Moses between 1619 and 1621, at the men's Circle Cemetery. Cemetery. Rabbi I. Hal- Rabbi Lehrman will offi- same time the Pilgrims landed at pern will officiate. Rela- ciate. Relatives and friends Plymouth Rock in 1620. tives and friends are are asked to attend. In Loving Memory asked to attend. 1 of the Late In Loving Memory of DORA STEI N LIBBY KLAR Who passed away Aug. 8, 1963 Sadly missed and always remembered by her hus- band, children, and grand- children. Dear Wife and Mother Who Passed Away August 5, 1961 Sadly Missed by Husband and Children THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday; August 7, 1964 38 The Family of the Late The Family of the Late ALICE CAYMAN COVENSKY Announces the unveil- ing of a monument in her memory 1 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 9, at Cong. Bnai David Cemetery. Rabbi Sperka w i 11 officiate. Relatives and friends are asked to attend. JOSEPH ROSENBERGER Announces the unveiling of a monument in h i s memory 11 a.m. Sunday, Aug. 16, at Chesed shel Emes Cemetery. Rabbi Gorrelick will officiate. Relatives and friends are asked to attend.