Opposing Goals in Czechoslovakia: Jewish Assimilation or Emigration WW II Uprising Warsaw Observes 20th Anniversary of were in hiding in the forest just (Editor's Note: In his revealing WARSAW—Poland paid homage before liberation. His account of Aug. 1 to the citizens of Warsaw autobiographieal account of his ex- that sad period is given in "The who perished 20 years ago fighting periences under the Nazis, in the House of Ashes" to be issued by The Jewish Observer and Middle tion and are now strangling in overwhelming Nazi forces in the Losice area in Poland, Oscar Pin- World Publishing Co. on Aug. 28. Communist self-anni- East Review notes that the un- the grip of Warsaw Uprising of 1944. kus charges that the Polish under- The review of Pinkus' book will hilation. The day before, a commemora- easiest of all the people of Czech- They are violently anti-Zion- ground forces had begun a cam- appear in The Jewish News later slovakia today are the few thou- ist and reject any suggestion tion meeting organized by the paign of massacring Jews who this month.) (National Association of ZBOWiD sand Jews still remaining after the that the Jews as such are a na- the Former Combatants for Free- war. tional group. The only thing dom and Democracy and Nazi They do not relish conversations they have in common is their Prisoners) was held in the Con- desire to assimilate quickly and with foreigners, and will talk only gress Hall of the Palace of Culture if they are absolutely sure of not completely. They are the Mar- and Science. in a being quoted. The overwhelming ranos of today, existing On the eve of the anniversary, majority of the 10,000 so-called spiritual ghetto, but unlike the Spanish victims of the Inquisi- the wreaths were placed at the ..1zecho-Juden in Bohemia long ago tion, feeling no bonds with the newly unveiled Monument of the severed all contacts with Jews and Heroes of Warsaw at the Theatre Judaism. They opted for assimila- rest of the Jewry. Square in Poland's capital. The majority of Czech Jews Honor guards were posted in all were physically exterminated at Theresienstadt. There are very the places of fighting and martyr- few Jewish children to be seen— dom in Warsaw. Wreath-laying even young couples feel insecure ceremonies were also held at the and do not want to bring chlidren Powazki Cemetery, where thous- into a world of nuclear weapons, ands of young insurgents were they themselves having surived buried. In connection with the anni- the gas chambers. versary, new books and publica- Grossinger's is going to hold As a religious group, these Jews tions on the Warsaw Uprising a "Summer Rendezvous Week do not suffer any discrimination, a appeared in Poland. Among fact that most of them were anxi- them are "The Political Reasons for Single People," August ous to stress. All their needs are of the Warsaw Uprising" by 23-30. Everything will be met by the government on equal Aleksanderr Skarzynski; "The planned with one thing in mind: to bring single people together, make it terms with other religious groups. Anthology of Memory 1939-1945, *lei Cal Ctlab,s easy for boy to meet girl and girl to meet boy! In Slovakia, there is a differ- Volume II", collecting the liter- CATSKILLS There'll be a great round of romantic activities and events that should ent tale to tell. Very few of the ary works and recollections on assimilated Slovak Jews survived keep Dan Cupid very busy all week long. Highlights will include cocktail the Warsaw Uprising; the the war, and most of those now and get-together parties, a moonlight swim and dance party, sweetheart tennis, special enlarged edition of the golf, table-tennis tournaments, special late shows in the Terrace Room Lounge, living opted to trans f e r to magazine "For Freedom and great entertainment, afternoon dance sessions at the outdoor pc", special singles Czechoslovakia when their region People" which includes the programs conducted by Lou "Simon Says" Goldstein and dancing to four top bands. "voluntarily r e t u.r n e d to the memories of the soldiers of the It'll be great! So, don't be late; make it a date. If you're single, c'mon to Russian motherland." People's Army and of the brave Grossinger's for the gala Summer Rendezvous Week, August 23-30! typical East European They are "Zoska" batallion of the Home * August 15—Seymour Grau Pro-Guest Tournament. Free Golf Clinic by outstande WHITE MOUNTAINS Jews, totaling about 12,000 or so, Army. ing pros. August 22—Caesarea (Israel) International Golf Tournament for the Roth- and are extremely religious. The schild Trophy. (A great golf tournament for guests will be held at Grossinger's On Aug. 1, 1944, the headquar- every Saturday this summer.) social structure and economic con- ters of the Home Army, upon the ditions of Slovak Jewry differ com- direction of the Polish emigre * Eddie Cantor' and Milton Berle Tennis Trophy Tournaments every week. Tennis exhi- pletely from those of their Bo- government in London, started an bitions by leading "name" players are held regularly. Free tennis instruction clinic hemian brethren. While the lat- uprising in Warsaw in conditions every week by Eli E. Epstein, coach of the Yeshiva University tennis varsity. Variety ter are on the whole well-edu- of the full isolation from the allied tournaments. cated and with a western Euro- armies. The units of the People's * Special progrbMs for single people every week. * Children's Day Camp. * Teen pean cultural background, Slovak Army joined the Home Army in Center. * Complete Daytime Activities Program directed by Lou "Simon Says" Gold- CATSKILLS stein. * Four great bands for dancing. * Art instruction. * Lectures * Health Clubs Jews include very few professional the battle. (one for him and one for her). * Dining at the new Golf Clubhouse. * All-weather The insurrection lasted 63 days men and indeed few with any trade and clay tennis courts. * Outdoor and Indoor Swimming Pools. * Private Lake. * Free and after the defeat of the fighters, or business training. Dance Classes. * Outdoor dining at the official Olympic Swimming Pool. * Night Club. Unlike the Jews of Bohemia, the city of Warsaw was left in * Theater. * New 98-guest-room building—the Jennie G. Slovak Jews do not feel at home ruins. Three hundred thousand of among their non-Jewish f ellow the Warsaw population of 1,135,000 citizens. While there is no overt perished in the battles and execu- tiS discrimination against Jews in tions. Those who survived were ROTEL OR YOUR TRAVEL AGENT Slovakia, they are not accepted as driven out of the burning city by equals. Despite this, Hebrew is the germans. taught everywhere , kashruth strictly complied with, and every Jewish festival observed. Children s. w. abound, and such is the continuity of Jewish life that there is little intermarriage. Although the Jews of Slovakia are better off economically than they were in Carpatho-Ruthenia and have preserved their Jewish way of life, they live in an atmos- phere of uncertainty and unease. The overwhelming majority would emigrate to Israel if given the op- portunity. IrAs GREAT PLANS FOR A SINGLES WEEK AUGUST 23-301 Ai-TARIE10104 - 1.4 The BEST for each GUEST! GROSSINGER - NEW YORK the world's foremost resort is honored to present "Why is it that a man can sleep and smoke better under an apple tree than in any other kind of shade?" —Christopher Morley THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, August '7, 1964 11 AUGUST is F-U-N & FESTIVAL MONTH at STEVENSVILLE * Jacob Barkin Thl;Distingutslied Composer-Conductor Sholom Secunda The Celebrated Cantor Services September 6-16 To conduct the Rosh Hashonah and Yom Kippur assisted by Sholom Services Cantor Jacob Barkin will lead the High Holy Day Secunda who will direct the glorious Concord Choir. FREE GOLF PMAU O LVE Fishing, boating, great Broadway Shows, Dancing nightly to 4 famed Bands. Magnificent Main Bldg. (2 elevators) De Luxe Air Conditioned accommodations. New Teen Club with socials, barbecues, Hay Rides, etc. Twist & Splash Parties, Supervised Day Camp (Night Patrol) DIETARY INDOOR POOL & HEALTH CLUB THEATRE NIGHT CLUB PRESIDENTIAL WING & EXECUTIVE HOUSE • 'GOURMET CUISINE Dietary Laws LAKE HOTEL SWAN LAKE 20 SEE YOUR' AGENT PERTY (N. Y.) 915 TRAVEL WRITE FOR COLOR BROCHURE11 OR PHONE HOTEL DIRECT LIU NOW BOOKING Midweek & Week End CONVENTIONS thru '65 Reserve for HIGH HOLY DAYS—Open thru October THE S y. SUPERVISION BY RABBI JOSEPH WEINTROBE oncor "world's foremost resort" HOTEL Ray Parker, General Manager. Kiamesha lake, New York. Only 90 minutes from N.Y.C. Direct Wire To Hotel From N.Y.C. and Suburbs: CH 4.3500, phone Monticello, N.Y. 1840, or Call Your Travel Age nt. -.. =<,-,:y as augommager a mommatAtt