Tames A. Hack Is in Legislature Race Sol Plafkin Files for the Legislature Detroiter Dann Assumes Lawyer's Role for Jack Ruby; He Discharges Two Attorneys, Charging Anti-Semitism Jewish Choir Sings for Anglicans to Help Wipe Out Church Debt Sol Plafkin, 34, of 18419 Stoepel, has filed in the Sept. 1 Democratic Primary for state representative BUCKINGHAMSHIRE, England During his visit in Dallas, Dann Sol Dann, Detroit attorney, now in the 15th District. (JTA)—A Jewish choir performed acting on behalf of Jack Ruby and charges, he was threatened by the The area is bounded by Green- in an Anglican church here to the Ruby family, this week tele- attorneys who called him vile anti- field, Eight Mile Road, Livernois help wipe out the church's debt of graphed to Ruby's two attorneys Semitic names. and Fenkell. 3,000 pounds for renovations. Dann has filed an application for Plafkin began as a youth leader The Zemel .chair, which volun- in Dallas dismissing them from in the Labor Zionist movement teered to pert or m, was served their duties and demanding an ex- a guardianship for Jack Ruby in and a group worker at the Jewish special kosher food by the vil- planation for their actions as well the Dallas County Court. Center. He later became president lagers. The church altar was cov- as for what he charges was abuse Uncle Sam needs 190 million of the 15th District Young Demo- ered to spare embarrassment to hurled at him. crats and was campaign manager the 100 youths. Dann, who was in Dallas last recruits for Operation Security be- and special adviser to Jackie "No law is being broken by cov- week to confer with the attorneys, ginning May 1, and ending July Vaughn III, the first Negro to be- ering the altar furnishings," said charged that they used "vile anti- 4. He invites you to buy an extra come state president of the Michi- a spokesman for the Archbishop Jewish invectives" in dealing with U.S. savings bond for your gan Young Democrats. country's security and your own. of Canterbury. "We are members him. He is currently an active mem- of the Council of Jews and Chris- In his wire. Dann told the at- ber of the 17th District Democratic tians and the visit should help SAM ROSENBLAT Party. A.D.A.• NAACP, TULC, and improve relations between the two torneys that "Ruby family intend to hold you accountable for puni- a cooperating attorney for the churches." Master of Ceremonies tive damages for causing them un- American Civil Liberties Union. And His necessary anxieties . . . humilia- Plafkin, a practicing attorney, Dance and Entertainment tion and painful embarrassment." has represented, without fee, civil Band He s t a t e d that they refused to rights defendants in Detroit and Party Arrangement Specialist withdraw "with some degree of Ann Arbor. KE 8-1291 UN 4-0237 dignity from any and all Ruby Before graduating from Wayne Seymour M. Rosenwasser set an cases." State University Law School, Plaf- i kin taught elementary school in agency record during the month of Dann also communicated with 1 Detroit for • eight years. He also June by delivering $1,060,500 of in- the Dallas newspapers protesting has a B.A. from Wayne State dividual life insurance protection. that "hate and prejudice" JAMES A. HACK and an an M.A. in sociology from the This is the first time in the history prompted him of enter the case "in Coolidge. Southfield south of of the Ruben Gold Agency of Mas- order to correct a miscarriage of of Michigan. Twelve Mile and east of Lahser University sachusetts Mutual Life Insurance justice to Ruby and his family." and all of Berkley and Royal Oak Co. that anyone has exceeded $1 Township. million in any one month. In the In- addition to his duties with entire life insurance industry, less PLASTIC FURNITURE $.1 the Hack Shoe Company, James than 1.5% of all representatives COVERS Hack is secretary of the Ripple Y•' achieve this goal in a whole year. MADE TO ORDER ; Sole Corporation. or READY MADE Rosenwasser, who received his A 1952 graduate of Central High A Jack Faxon, Democratic candi- Chartered Life Underwriters de- CALL ANNA KARBAL School, where he won the Time Max Schrut LI 2-0874 Magazine "Gold Medal" for the date for State Representative in signation in 1962, has also been For Good Photographs highest score on the current events the 15th District, speaking before granted a Life Insurance Coun- and Prompt Service contest, Hack majored in political the Jewish Center Culture Club selor's license. He has been in the Call me at science at the University of Mich- last week, maintained, on the basis life insurance business for the past Ballroom Dancing by igan. Graduating in 1956, he en- of a study he has made, that 20 per ten years, and during the last five listed in the U. S. Navy as an Of- cent of the Jewish voters in De- years, in addition to sales activity, ficer Candidate and passed the troit have not registered. he has acted as assistant general Weddings - Bar Mitzvahs COOLIDGE AT 9 MILE Warning that Aug. 3 is the last agent with the Ruben Gold Agency. Foreign Service examination of We Come to Your Home Oak Park — LI 7-4470 With Samples the U. S. Department of State. day for regisrations, Faxon en- He has qualified for the National W. MAPLE AT CRANBROOK UN 4-6845 TY 5-8805 Commissioned in May, 1957, he courged a city-wide campaign to Quality Award of the National As- Birmingham — MI 7-1262 served 31/2 years, was stationed in urge immediate registrations. sociation of Life Underwriters for He gave three reasons for ehe London, visited Israel for three the past eight years, and is quali- weeks, and was so impressed that failures to register: Num e r o u s fied for the two top production he returned to that nation for six changes in addresses due to fre- clubs of his company—the 1965 weeks upon the completion of his quent r em o v a l s from former Leaders Club and the 1965 Presi- LI 8-1116 • MOVIES • CANDIDS military service as a Lieutenant homes, the new state law which re- dent's Club. LI 8-2266 COLOR moves from the registration lists I • BLACK & WHITE • He is a 1951 graduate of Indiana Active in the Junior Division of those who have not voted in the University, and in 1953 he received the Allied Jewish Campaign, Hack past two years, and failure by was cited at the 1964 victory din- those who have turned 21 to regis- a Master's degree in business ad- ministration from Syracuse Univer- ner for his extensive coverage of ter on time to vote. sity. Prior to entering the life in- solicitations. He was elected vice surance b u s i n es s. Rosenwasser president of his division for the Kramer Endorsed taught at Syracuse University, and 1965 campaign. Orchestra and was engaged in the private practice In 1963, he and his wife were for State Legislature of accounting. the Michigan representatives on Albert A. Kramer, of Oak Park, entertainment Rosenwasser, his wife Shirley, the Young Leadership Mission of who was the 1962 Democratic nomi- and their three children, reside in the United Jewish Appeal to Is- rael, thus making his third trip to nee f or State Oak Park. LI 7-2899 R. e p resenta- that country since 1959. His grandfather, Nathan Hack, tive, has been en- Candidate Withdraws acted as chairman of the shoe d orse d for re- to Back Sen. Blondy in nomination a n d section of the Allied Jewish Cam- EXPECTING OUT OF TOWN GUESTS paign for many years and his fa- election to that 1st Congressional District ther, Morton Hack, has been chair- post in the newly FOR A WEDDING OR A BAR MITZVAH? Theodore J. Wilk, former state man or co-chairman for many years created 67th Dis- representative, has withdrawn as subsequently. trict of Oakland a candidate for congressman from Born in Detroit, James Hack re- County, by the the 1st District in support of Sen. ceived his elementary education at 18th District Charles S. Blondy, in the new con- Is Conveniently Located at the MacCulloch School, as well as Young Demo- gressional district. in St. Louis, Mo., Wichita Falls, crats. 20500 JAMES COUZENS Kramer Sen. Blondy, in public office 24 Tex., and Miami Beach, Fla., dur- The candidate is a 1949 graduate years, has been state senator and (8 Mile & Greenfield—Across from Northland) ing his father's service in the U. S. of Wayne State University Law Democratic Senate leader under Call 342-3000 For the Finest Accommodations! Air Force. He is a graduate of Dur- School and is holder of a Bachelor Gov. G. Mennen Williams. He filed Dine at the SCOTCH & SIRLOIN RESTAURANT fee Intermediate School. Airport Limousine Service Available of Laws degree. He is member, in 2,164 signatures and has qualified At the University of Michigan, addition to professional associa- as a candidate on the Democratic he was affiliated with Tau Delta tions, of Zionist g r o u p s, Israel ticket. Phi Fraternity and is a member of ■ Lodge Bnai Brith, Jewish War Vet- Downtown Fox Lodge of Bnai erans Oak Park Post and other All Young Men Brith and of the Zionist Organiza- GIVE BLOOD local movements. His sister, Mrs. tion of Detroit. 6 to 60 • JUN. • JUL. • AUG. • He is married to the former Bessie Berris, formerly headed the Pioneer Women, and his brother, See Us!! Eleanor Miller, a certified teacher of the mentally handicapped with Richard Kramer, is a past chair- degrees from Wayne State Univer- man of the ZOD Balfour Concert. Elegant He has been active in Democratic Bar Mitzvah Suits sity and the University of Michi- Royal Fit. With the gan. They have one daughter and political circles for many years, and is now a member of the executive reside in Oak Park. committee of the Oakland County DEFEAT IRV Geologists have estimated that Democratic Committee. THE under Michigan, the nation's No. 1 SUMMER "The earth shook, the heavens salt producer, still lies a salt de- Charge Accounts SLUMP Invited posit of 71 trillion tons. also dropped at the presence of God: even Sinai itself was moved KE 3-4310 SEVEN MILE AT EVERGREEN THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS at the presence of God, the God of BLOOD PROGRAM RED Friday, July 31, 1964 26 Israel."—Psalm 68:8. James A. Hack, third genera- tion member of the well-known shoe firm, has filed for the primary election as Democratic candidate for State Representative from the newly constituted 67th District. The area includes Oak Park west — Oak Parker Sets blsurance - Record Faxon Warns That 20 Per Cent Have Not Registered JACK BARNES BLAIR STUDIO DOMBEY ASSOCIATES Larry freedman (=brook House Motel 101•1•10111 11111011P mai OSS REALTY CO. "Smartest Move You'll Ever 17350 LIVERNOIS Make" DI 2-1300