Jordan Prohibits Mass Emigration of Its Arab Refugees to Australia GENEVA, (JTA) — The Jordan- ian government, acting at the re- quest of the Arab League, has taken measures to stop mass emi- gration of Palestine Arab refugees from Jordan to Australia, it was learned here from a report re- ceived from Amman the Jordanian capital. _ The report revealed that there a strong movement among the r:rab refugees in Jordan to emi- grate to Australia, and that Amin El Husseini, Jordanian minister for development, has expressed his government's dissatisfaction to of- ficials of the United Nations Re- lief and Works Agency, which has more than 650,000 Arab refugees on its relief rolls in Jordan alone. The refugees make up about 50 per cent of Jordan's total population. A statement issued by Husseini, following his con- sultations with the UNRWA of- ficials, read: "Many rumors have been circu- lating about the private emigration of refugees to Australia, encour- aged by UNRWA. The Jordanian government has put an end to this state of affairs, after having re- ceived from the Arab League a memorandum about the formal prohibition of emigration of Arab refugees to any other country. Fol- lowing this position, certain measures have been taken and severe controls put into effect to stop this emigration." Husseini said he has been given a message from Laurence Michel- more, U N R W A. commissioner- general, who has his headquarters in Beirut, declaring that Michel- more "disapproves of this means of emigration." Michelmore had stated, accord- ing to the Jordanian minister, that "there is no connection between UNRWA and the emigration of Arab refugees from Jordan." Arab Boycott Creates British Scandal ) (Continued from Page 1) Douglas-Home, the Prime Minis- ter, rebuked the ambassadors of the Arab states here for interven- ing on this issue. Government spokesmen at the time emphasized their opposition to Arab boycott practices, but Sir Alec made it clear that no further action would be taken on the issue. Labor Party members of Parliament, however, requested stronger Gov- ernment intervention. Commenting on the develop- ment, and predicting that the Chamber of Commerce step against Lord Mancroft would re- sult in "eruptions" inside the or- ganization, the Sunday Telegraph pointed out that, among the Cham- ber's ex-officio members, are such "influential men in this country as Lord Mayor Sir James Harman; Sir Harry Hylton-Foster, a con- servative leader in the House of Commons; Lord Cromer, Governor of the Bank of England; Patrick Milligan, chairman of Lloyd's Bank; and Lord Ritchie, chairman of the London Stock Exchange. The Chamber consists of 50,000 members. "What makes the present situa- tion so astonishing," the newspa- per declared, "is its crudity. All this underlines the folly of the Chamber's furtive plan, a little more than six months after Man- croft's forced resignation from Norwich Union in the face of Arab pressure." * * Australian Airline Yields to Boycott MELBOURNE — (JTA) — Arab boycott threats were blamed here today for the unpublicized cancel- "' ion by the Qantas Airline of Australia of an appointment of a sales manager in Israel. Colin Atkinson had been named to the post and had been intro- duced to leaders of the Jewish Jewish Cemetery in N.Y. May Be U.S. Landmark , IN NEW YORK (JTA)—The Span- ish and Portuguese Synagogue is negotiating with the U.S. Interior Department's National Park Serv- ice to have its ancient Jewish cem- etery in lower Manhattan designat- ed a national historic landmark. The cemetery has a plaque calling it the "First Cemetery of the Spanish and Portuguese Syn- agogue, Shearith Israel, in the City of New York." The official New York City Guide says the cemetery was purchased in 1682 by a group of Spanish and Portu- guese Jews who fled to New Am- sterdam after the Spanish Inqui- sition. Harmon H. Goldstone, a member of the congregation, reported on the negotiations. The cemetery contains the graves of some Jews who served in the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War. WE WILL BE CLOSED FOR VACATION JULY 27th Through AUGUST 2nd GEORGE OHRENSTEIN JEWELERS 18963 LIVERNOIS I UN 1-8184 KAPLAN BROS. Strictly Kosher Meats and Poultry Specializing in: • • • • • • • • • Fresh, Cutup Chicken Parts Ready Made Hamburger Patties Oven Ready Turkeys Mock Chicken Seasoned Meat Balls Veal for Scalopini Beef for Scalopini Tenderloin Chip Steak Boneless Chicken Breasts • • • • • ...... ISURWIN'Si Cartwheels Cube Steaks Kosher TV Dinners Beef Ribs Seasoned Meat Loaf I SWIMSUIT SALE 40% OFF 'FAMOUS LABEL BRANDS . . .1 I Catalina - Sea B's - De Weese I ' Roxanne - Oleg Cassini - Colony I I Rosemarie Reid 1 1 12.99 NOW 7.791 1 17.00 NOW 10.201 1 22.00 NOW 13.201 1 26.00 NOW 15.601 1 Also Sportswear Groups at 18229 WYOMING WE DELIVER — UN 1-4770 Member Detroit Kosher Meat Dealers Association 40% OFF: I SURWIN'SI • LOT G - NORTHLAND CENTER •I•14 L ei Classified Ads Bring Results community in Melbourne. He left Sydney early in May with his wife and children, ostensibly to take up his post in Israel. However, his failure to arrive in Israel and to deliver there a num- ber of private parcels he had been given in Sydney for delivery in Is- rael prompted inquiries at the Qantas office here. It was learned that Atkinson is now back in Aus- tralia. AMERICAN FINANCIAL QUIZ #3 • • • Mancroft Affront Protested by MPs Headed by Janner (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News) LONDON—Sir Barnett Janner and 12 other members of Parlia- ment sent a joint letter Wednes- day to the London Chamber of Commerce protesting the with- drawal of an invitation to Lord Mancroft, Jewish business leader, to become the Chamber's next president. The action was taken by the Chamber under Arab boy- cott pressure. The letter to Chamber President Lord Verulam expressed "consider- able misgivings and surprise" over the development. It cited reports that the reason for the withdrawal was Lord Man- croft's association with firms trad- ing with Israel and others that the Chamber was yielding to Arab boycott pressures. "We hope very much that this is not so," the Deputies said in the letter, "and that the Chamber will reaffirm its previous statement that it was opposed to being in- fluenced by such pressures and does not and will not contenance them." The "previous statement was a reference to a stand in the Cham- ber's journal "Commerce," early this year reaffirming the cham- ber's support of resolutions adopted in 1956 by the Association of Brit- ish Chambers of Commerce on the issue The resolutions deplored the intervention of political questions in the field of international trade by recourse to "boycotts based on racial or religious criteria." Top officials of the Chamber held a secret meeting Tuesday to discuss the Mancroft matter. A statement was promised on the meeting, but after the two-hour session ended no statement was issued. Press. comment on the develop- ments continued to be severely critical. The Daily Mail said that it was impossible to say how many British firms followed a policy of giving in to such Arab pressures, but that "Israelis say that the boy- cott has more effect in Britain than anywhere else in the world (Story of affront to Janner On Page One) THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, July 24, 1964 3 Being the director of a company profit-sharing program, I am responsible for a considerable sum of money. Where can I safely and profitably invest this sum? Open an insured savings account, in the company's name, at American Savings and Loan Association. Your profit-shar- ing fund, free of possible value fluctuations, will earn 4% per year, compounded and paid quarterly. And you might earn yourself a raise. AMERICAN SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION MICHIGAN'S LARGEST STATE-CHARTERED SAVINGS AND LOAN INSTITUTION Livernois at West 7 Mile Rd. / Dexter Blvd. at Cortland / West 9 Mile near Coolidge