WSU Press Issues Martin's 'Tolerant Personality,' Volume Exposing Many Manifestations of Bigotry in the U. S. There was once a rabbi who was so open-minded that he could see every side of a ques- tion. One day a man came to him with the request that he grant him a divorce. "What do you hold against your wife?" asked the rabbi gravely. The man went into a lengthy recital of his complaints. "You are right," he agreed when the man finished. Then the rabbi turned to the woman. "Now let us hear your story," he urged. And the woman in her turn began to tell of the cruel mis- treatment she had suffered at her husband's hands. The rabbi listened with obvi- ous distress. "You are right," he said with conviction when she finished. At this the rabbi's wife, who was present, exclaimed, "How can this be? Surely, both of the.-n couldn't be right!" The rabbi knitted his brows and reflected. "You're right, too!" Nathan Ausubel in "A Treas- ury of Jewish Folklore." Sylvia Rothchild writes Fine Novel About Jewish Life among others — especially those who come to participate in the meal. If the ceremony is conducted after the meal is over • and con- cluded, then the meal was just an ordinary meal and not a special one tied to the event. If the cere- mony is performed before the meal, 'then those who participate in the meal may not witness or be impressed mrith the ceremony and the objective of impressing them is lost. Some Kabbalists asserted that one who partakes of the feast of a Pidyon is considered as if he had fasted 54 fasts. Some explain this one the basis of the conten- tion that if there was some flaw in the circumcision arrangements, it would take 54 fasts to atone for it. Some derive it from Biblical abbreviations. It. is a general con- sensus among Jewish scholars that the Almighty may more easily be reached through good acts . with glad hearts than throtigh penance and self affliction. The road to virtue is best paved with confi- dence and joy, in doing the right things in life. Thus, the occasion of the meal in the course of which the ceremony of Pidyon Haben is performed. By RABBI SAMUEL J. FOX (Copyright, 1964. JTA, Inc.) A blessing is made over a cup of wine by the Kohen at the cere- mony of a Pidyon Haben (the re- demption of the first born son). A number of reason are offered for this procedure. Generally speaking, Jewish ceremonies such as a circumcision, a wedding, etc., are performed with a blessing over wine. The reason usually offered for this is that ceremony includes praises to the Almighty and praises to Him are traditionally offered over wine to indicate that we are happy to praise Him. In the case of the Pidyon Haben other rea- sons are offered too. Some claim that the wine is used as a means of publicizing and spreading the news of the incident and what it signifies. Others claim that the wine is used because the Kohen traditionally blesses the child with the threefold priestly blessing and the blessing he invokes should be offered with a "good heart." Wine which gladdens the heart of man is considered symbolic of the good heart. The Zohar writes that be- fore blessing anything else, one must first bless the Almighty who is the source of all blessing. Thus, before the Kohen blesses the child he must first bless the Almighty Michigan has over 15 million ADL Notes Huge Cost and thus the wine is used to create acres under protection from forest a basis for first blessing the Al- of Dixie Defiance, Says (by making the benedic- fires and has one of the best low- mighty Law Can Save South loss records of any state. tion over the wine). Federal civil rights legislation The Pidyon Haben ceremony gives Southern states a chance to traditionally performed in the Personal Service. Experience. Finest in Musical Entertainment avoid the ruinous cost that de- course of a meal. fiance has brought in the past, ac- The purpose of the meal is that cording to a report, "The Price We and his Pay." prepared by the Anti-De- it is to be a festive meal engaged famation League of Bnai Brith and in for the sake of performing the sacred commandment of Redeem- the Southern Regional Council. 427- 9317 It documents the vast cost in- ing the First Born. The aim is to curred by the South's resistance to spread the cheer and thanksgiving equal opportunity, and itemizes the price for discrimination in the when you care enough to remember . . . economy of Southern communities, employment, legal procedures, edu- cation, culture, and tourism. Expenses range from the $17 bil- lion loss in gross national product estimated as the cost of discrimi- nation against Negroes, to the $138,429 spent for police overtime LI 2-6373 and .equipment in Jackson. Miss., from late May through August Weddings • Bar Mitzvahs • Home Portraits 1963, to combat demonstrations. comes the majority. The only reliable and legitimate means of gaining esteem and respect for oneself is, in the long run, to be willing to grant it to others equally deserving." Anti-Semitic manifestations and the status of Jewry are often taken into account in discussing the bi- gots, the "vitriolic attacks on race 'mongrelization,' " charges of the "Jewish menace," etc. The author comments on the psychological temosphere in which the bigots are involved. "Analyzing anti-Semitic, anti- Negro, and other such material," Dr. Martin writes, "one finds its most persistent theme to be that there is a vile conspiracy afoot, engineered by minority groups. A frequent allegation is that fluori- dation programs are a conspiracy to poison drinking water. The Ku Klux Klan in Tennessee has even attacked polio vaccination pro- grams, presumably for the same kind of reasons." Tabulating the groups that are affected by anti-Semitism, the author states that "a signif- icant relationship was found be- tween anti-Semitism and aesthetic, economic and political values, but not religious values." Sylvia Rothchild, married to a In his evaluations of the exist- doctor in the Boston area, mother ence of intolerance, Dr. Martin re- of three children, was the winner ports findings which indicate that of an award for the outstanding Jewish children's book in 1960. "Jews are generally more tolerant Her full length novel, "Sunshine towards other groups." Reporting on the spread of anti- and Salt," published by Simon and Schuster, places her in the ranks of Semitism and the resort to the venomous "Protocols," Dr. Martin modern novelists. tells of the spread of propaganda Possessing a fine style, "Sun- about the "learned elders, the shine and Salt" is a splendid nar- Jews and their Gentile tools," and rative that is based on conflicts states: among generations. It is a tale " 'Hate literature' amply demon- about a New York girl who had strafes the readiness of the in gone to New England with her • tensely prejudiced to believe scientist husband and had all but almost anything. A mimeographed abandoned her Jewish affiliations tract anonymously mailed to the amidst a non-Jewish environment. sociology department at the Uni- Her children were sent to a Jew- versify of Oklahoma and purport- ish Sunday school, but that was mg to 'analyze' the notorious for- the extent of her Jewish loyalties. fiery 'The Protocols of the Elders Her father's death brought her of Zion' alleges that 'pink eyes' and back home. Soon he mother came dysentery result from 'poisoned to live with her. That's where the food cooked in aluminum.' This conflict began — the mother's ob- publication also suggests that 'our jections to her non-kosher home, food is tampered with in many her manner of setting things in ways to bring about sickness and order, her difficulties with the malnutrition,' and goes on to warn non-Jewish neighbors. that 'white and brown sugars are The new environment in Pine- your deadly enemy.' The author, view was not the the mother's with unintentional irony, adds: liking. She preferred Mapleton, 'Using myself as a guinea pig, I with its synagogue, its kosher proved to my own satisfaction that butcher. Her daughter took her white sugar in coffee with homog- there, she made friends, and won enized cream will eat your teeth many admirers by her devotions. out, your hair and eyes. Eventual- Then came a tragedy. Left alone ly it will effect (sic) the mind.' " By exposing these inanities, Dr. when her daughter, son-in-law and Martin's "The Tolerant Personal- children left for a week-end vaca- tion to the cape, she tried to ity," which serves as a guide for prevent a demented boy from caus- better human relations, renders a ing a fire, was herself thrown into valuable service in establishing the flame, was adjudged to have the truth regarding the spread of suffered a heart attack, but a tale bigotry. "New Horizons of Economic of heroism emerged in newspaper Progress", the Franklin Memo- stories. rial Volume, was released by The major element of courage Wayne State University Press was her deep interest in the syna- this week. It was edited by Prof. gogue in Mapleton, the friends she Lawrence H. Seltzer. It is the had made and inspired, in spite of 12th volume in the series of Leo her illiteracy. She emerged saintly M. Franklin Memorial Lectures and courageous. in Human Relations. Out of it also developed an in- Other new WSU Press volumes creased evidence of anti-Semitism include: in the Pineview community and "The Persistence of Shakespeare the awakening to reality by the —Essays in Honor of Prof. Robert only Jewess to have been admitted W. Babcock," edited by WSU Prof. to the community's historical Herbert Schueller. Essayists in- clude Profs. Henry Peyre, Samuel society. The narrator's husband, always Holt Monk, Earl R. Wasserman more responsive to her mother's and Herman J. Weigand. "Culture and the Direction of religious attitude, responded to Human Evolution" is a sympo- the call to membership in the sium arranged and edited by Mapleton community. He and his Stanley J. Garn, with Albert A. family were drawn closer to the Dahlberg, John W. Crenshaw, Jewish ranks. There was an awak- ening resulting from the realiza- Harry J. Jerison, Samuel II. Boyer, William Etkin and Theo- tion of what the elder woman dosius Dobzhansky as partic- whose passing was so tragic had ipants. such fine qualities. American Jewish Archives' The fine style of the novelist and her well-woven plot makes sources are among those utilized her "Sunshine and Salt" a novel in data compiled by Henry Putney Bees in "The French and British well worth reading. in the Old Northwest—A Bibliog- raphical Guide to Archive and THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, July 24, 1964 27 Manuscript Sources." A strong plea for the reduction in racial and religious tensions, for the spread of educational ef- forts to assure proper tolerance, is made by Prof. James G. Martin of Northern Illinois University in "The Tolerant Personality," just issued by Wayne State University \-- Th Press. Dr. Martin points out that "the • \_ fanatic is dangerous precisely be- cause he refuses to yield in his viewpoint regardless of contrary evidence." "Rationalism a n d humanism are the basic values which en- courage tolerant intergroup at- titudes," the author declares. He emphasizes that "gross inequal- ity and intolerance are self-de- structive," and he states: "To deny equal rights and oppor- tunities merely on the basis of such a factor as race will event- ually result in a reversal of the situation, as the minority be- Blessing Over Wine at Pidyon Haben When All Are Right IRV FIELD ORCHESTRA CANDID ART photography of distinction by HERMAN JAFFEE THINK BIG THINK WIG Wigs International announces the opening of their new salon located at 22175 Coolidge in Oak Park. Featuring Fashion Tress Wigs and Hair Pieces, all made in France for lovely women. Michigan's Most Time Months ' Fashionable Payments To Pay Wig Salons Available 24 WIGS INTERNATIONAL_ 1540 Woodward 22175 Coolidge 962-3900 542-1668 Next to Telenews Theater 9 Mile & Coolidge