THE JEWISH NEWS Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with issue of July 20, 1951 Member American Association of English—Jewish Newspapers, Michigan Press Association, National Editorial Association. Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co., 17100 West Seven Mile Road, Detroit 48235 Mich., VE 8-9364. Subscription $6 a year. Foreign $7. Second Class Postage Paid at Detroit, Michigan PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Editor and Publisher CARMI M. SLOMOVITZ Business Manager SIDNEY SHMARAK Advertising Manager CHARLOTTE HYAMS City Editor Sabbath Scriptural Selections This SabbatiCthe ninth day of Ab, 5724, the following Scriptural selections will be read in our synagogues: Pentateuchal portion: Deist. 1:1 - 3:22. Prophetical portion: Isaiah 1:1-27. Licht benshen, Friday, July 17, Page Four VOL. XLV. No. 21 7:47 p.m. July 17, 1964 Historic Myth Exploded by Vatican Debate More confusion than enlightenment has come from numerous quarters in recent months over the issue of the proposed schema "on the Jews" resulting from Ecumenical Council discussions. The reports from the Vat- ican, which have been followed by vague de- nials, that the entire matter still is "under study," cause the New Republic to comment editorially that "if in fact the expectations raised by the Catholic Church that this tragic historical injustice will be righted are proved to have been false, hopes for a new era of good feeling between Catholics, Protestants and Jews will be badly bruised." Thereupon, the New Republic reviewed the Catholic-Jewish issue and made these editorial comments: . Historically, there is not a shadow of a doubt that it was the Romans who crucified Christ. Some of the members of the Sanhedrin condemned as blasphemy his assumption of the role of Mes- siah. But neither the Sanhedrin as a whole nor the few who delivered Christ over to Pilate had the power to pass sentence of death. Crucifixion was a Roman, not a Jewish, death penalty; and the accounts of Pilate's compassion and Jewish Christocide date from a later period when Rome was strong and Israel weak. As one of the greatest historians of the period, Joseph Klaus- ner, has pointed out: "The Jews, as a nation, were far less guilty of the death of Jesus than the Greeks, as a nation, were guilty of the death of Socrates. . . . Yet these 1900 years past the world has gone on avenging the blood of Jesus the Jew upon his countrymen, the Jews, who have already paid the penalty, and still go on paying the penalty in rivers and torrents of blood." The words were written a dozen years before the Third Reich began putting into effect its "Final Solution" of the "Jewish Problem." It was also long before the advent to power of Adolf Hitler that the saintly priest who was to become Pope John XXIII, began to think of some way of righting this wrong. If Pope John had lived, the schema on the Jews, in which he and Cardinal Bea took a deep personal interest, would surely have been voted by the Vatican Council in a form that at the very least would have lifted from all generations of Jews any burden of collective guilt. But the second session of Vatican II was a pale and faint echo of the first; and if a schema on the Jews comes before the third session and is voted on, it may not be the one Pope John wanted. If the heart is torn out of the schema on the Jews, as some predict it will be, the reason would be essentially political, not theological; for the theological point is conclusively covered in the statement: "Father, forgive them (whoever they may be), for they know not what they do." The most obvious reason would be the open and pas- sionate opposition of the Islamic countries, par- titularly those of the Near and Middle East. Pope Paul might not react to such opposition as firmly as President Johnson did to the message of the 13 Arab ambassadors who protested the President's decently hospitable reception of Is- rael's Prime Minister in Washington this month. During Pope Paul's precedent-breaking visit to the Holy Land last January, Arab statesmen tinctured their cordiality to the head of Catholic Christendom with scarcely delicate reminders that they control most of the shrines particularly sacred to Christendom, and that, moreover, they can, if the Jews are "helped" in any way, influ- ence not only Islamic but governments of other countries which harbor Catholic institutions or missions. The Orthodox churches would be even more seriously affected because they are strongest and their flocks most numerous in eastern Eu- rope, the Middle East and westarn Asia: and since Paul has continued John's effort to narrow the gap between the Catholic and the Orthodox, the possible fear of Islamic reprisals becomes a political consideration. Cardinal Ottaviani of the Congregation of the Holy Office, leader of all the opponents of John's modernizing efforts in the Roman Curia and throughout the world, was and is a vigorous antagonist of the whole schema on the Jews. He objects even to a mild anodine version repeat- ing again the Roman Church's repudiation of anti-Semitism. There have been signs of late that the "Ottavianisti" have been flexing their muscles. Since there are other schemata to be voted on at the third session, some of greater significance to Pope Paul, his desire to win votes in advance may play a part in diluting the schema on the Jews. As Stalin was once said to have asked how many military divisions the Holy See had, so the Pope's advisers may consider that the oppo- nents of Israel have greater political strength than the Jews. Daniel Dialogues by Buber: Old Work Edited by Friedman A distinguished authority on the works of the eminent philosopher and interpreter of Hassidism Martin Buber, Prof. Maurice Friedman, makes available a new translation of one of Buber's earliest works. "Daniel—Dialogues on Realization," which first was published in Germany in 1913. has just been issued by Holt, Rinehart and Win- ston (383 Madison, NY1.7), in Prof. Friedman's translation, with an im- portant introductory essay by the trans- lator. Dr. Friedman explains that this is an important sequence in Prof. Buber's thought "from his earliest essays in 1900." The translator states that " 'Dan- , iel' shows the influence of the religions of the Orient — in particular, Taoism, Buddhism, and the Hindu Vendanta." He indicates that the mystics of other faiths "provided a bridge for Buber to The New Republic made the additional Jewish "It mysticism." is not Jewish mysticism in comment that the "profoundly moral and general," Dr. Friedman states, "but spiritual challenge" in the proposed schema Hassidism, the popular communal Jew- now "is in danger of being weighed on the ish mysticism of 18th and 19th Cen- scales of political prudence," and there is a tury East European Jewry, which had influence on the develop- warning that "the Pope will not be able to the greatest ment of Buber's philosophy, and this remain 'above the battle'." Prof. Buber is evident in `Daniel'." The issue that has been stirred was not "Daniel" was written in the form of five dialogues, and in it of our making. It came from conscientious Daniel and his friends explore philosophical problems on the rela- Catholics and it had the encouragement of tions of man to God. "The sum of life," the discussants assert, "is the sum of its un- Jewish leaders. It began as a matter of conditionedness." church conscience and must continue as Prof. Buber, who became famous for, among other works, "I and such. The developing discussions, however, Thou," brings forth the idea that "man takes upon himself the tension are of great merit. When, as indicated by the of being and becoming, and the soul experiences worldwide its own New Republic, the historic truth is presented, stillness and its own movement, its own fixity and its own whirl, its explaining the origin of the crucifixions, own continuance and its own transformation. The two aspects of the which were not Jewish policies, and pinning great nature stand with each other in the outstretched heaven of the blame where it belonged, the record is finally living soul. Thus the world lives its duality from within: in the man, being set straight on an historic injustice who wills to create the unity." "To live the tension of the world is the highest test of our \--- against our people. being," is one of the lessons in "Daniel." The philosophic dialogue affirms: "There is in reality no except the I of a tension: in which it brings itself together. No pole, no force, no thing—only polarity, only stream, only unification can In Israel, whose population is expected to become I." At one point, a note of bitterness is discerned in Daniel. Asked exceed 3,000,000 by 1970, the Oriental-Occi- producers, he said: dental clash presents a problem that could to define "Those who seek work without being, who give what they do not become comparable to the race issue in South possess, who triumph where they have not fought: the pet children of Africa and the United States, but such an appearance. They shun realization from of old or have renounced it eventuality is being averted by the vision of when they take leave of their youth. But they slo or make things those who, like the ORT directorate, provide such as once came only out of realization, or at least deceptively similar educational media and training facilities things . . . God once created' the world in six days, but since then we which tend to raise the standards of living have learned the technique of creation. With its help the apes of of all new settlers, regardless of their na- God makes the world in one day, and it is more interesting . . . " Prof. Buber had refused to give consent to an English translation tional origins or their skin pigmentations. of "Daniel," but he was induced by Prof. Friedman and Arthur A. ORT's work in Israel, in European and to permit it although he stipulated that Cohen Afro-Asian countries and in Latin America, Prof. Friedman should "write an introduc- attest to efforts that are based on the experi- tion explaining, even at some length, that this 4„, ences that were gathered since the move- is an early book in which there is already*, ment first was founded to be of assistance expressed the great duality of human life, to persecuted and distressed Jews in Russia. but only in its cognitive and not yet in its Now the needs embrace larger areas. The communicative and existential character." is obviously a book of transition to forced migrations are responsible for an in- This book crease in the number of people who must a new kind of thinking and must be charac- as such. look to ORT for retraining and re-education. terized Adhering to this condition, Prof. Fried-k Fortunately, the movement is prepared to man wrote the lengthy introductory essay apply its experiences to the needs. It must which fully evaluates the Hassidic character be upheld and given courage to carry on the of Prof. Buber's life work, his mysticism, his vital tasks in many lands by those who are intent in "Daniel." Thus this new work s"•: in position to provide sustenance for its train- emerges as another noteworthy addition to Dr. Friedman the large library of Buber's works. ing institutions. 'Sinking New Roots: Problems Faced by ORT Challenging facts presented by ORT in its annual survey of conditions in areas where this Organization for Rehabilitation through Training is functioning reveal "a vast human tidal wave" which has altered the Jewish map. Repatriates from Algeria now living in France, a flood of immigrants from many lands who are now "sinking new roots" in Israel and in several other countries, con- tinue to present problems that demand speedy solution, and one of the means of relieving the tragedies that have been im- posed upon hundreds of thousands of people who have been forced to flee from their homes is through training for new occupa- tions and the acquisition of knowledge that should guide them towards happier futures in freer environments. The ORT report emphasizes not only the problem with which it is grappling in France where Jewish newcomers must be taught new skills in order to train them for means of earning a livelihood, but also the condi- tions that have been created in Israel by "the unfinished work of integrating a million new immigrants." r-/