nmen's eluhs Sue Zoss Married to Bruce D. Abrams Manuel Cohen to Head S.E.C. Famous Inventor Elias Elkan Ries, an Ameri- can Jewish inventor, was a pion- eer in the field of electrical power transmission. The holder of more than 200 patents in the electrical field, he developed the original converter for alternating current transmission. SISTERS OF ZION, Mizrachi, WASHINGTON — P r es id e nt SHOLEM ALEICHEM INSTI- will hold its luncheon garden party TUTE WOMEN'S DIVISION will Johnson has named Manuel F. noon Wednesday at the home of hold a games night 8:30 p.m. Sat- Cohen chairman of the Securities Mrs. Pearl Gold Hoffman. 18225 urday at the Institute. Refresh- and Exchange Commission. He is Santa Rosa, it was announced by ments will be served by Mesdames expected to assume duties in Mrs. Morris Lachover, president. Ann Tobocman, Rachel Gorenbein August. Frames Glass Social chairman Mrs. Harry and Anna Goldfarb. Guests invited. Cohen, 52, has been a member Copper China * * * Fridenberg will be assisted by of the five-man board since 1961, Mesdames Esther Sachs, Rose BATYA CHAPTER, Mizrachi, when he was appointed by Presi- Bielewich and Morris Finkelstein. will meet at 8:30 p.m. July 24 at dent Kennedy. He is known for Proceeds will go towards the sup- the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. Trinkets and Treasures his consistent support of tighter port and maintenance of the Eisenberg, 14261 W. 10 Mile, Oak Appointment control over securities sold to the 863-9748 Mizrachi Homes in Israel. Guests Park. The poetry of Chaim N. Bia- public. invited. In case of rain, the picnic lik will be discussed along with A native of Brooklyn, Cohen will be held indoors at the same works of Japanese poets. FOR EXCEPTIONAL VALUES * * * was the son of a candy-store owner. address. He has been employed by the com- * * * NORTHWEST N'SHEI CHABAD mission for over 20 years, having Recently installed officers of STUDY GROUP will meet Satur- practiced law in New York before day at the home of Mrs. E. Fried- the Infant's Serv- becoming assistant attorney at the MRS. BRUCE ABRAMS ice Group in- man, 17390 Indiana. Guest speak- SEC. er will be Rabbi Friedman. clude Mesdames Sue Zoss, daughter of Mr. and * * * By 1952, he had worked his way Louis Ma lki n, CLUB TWO, Pioneer Women, Mrs. Samuel H. Zoss of Youngs- up to chief counsel of the division president; Lewis will hold a picnic 10 a.m. Wednes- town, 0., recently became the bride of corporation finance, became an Davis, Abner day at Palmer Park. Guests are in- of Bruce David Abrams, son of adviser to the commission and was Baker and Harry bloCks, North of, Lodge Expressway vited, according to club chairman Mrs. Nathan Abrams of Lakepointe named director of the division of Antman, vice Open Thursday 'til 9 p.m. corporation finance in 1960. presidents; Jack Blanch Rose. Entertainment is Ave., Grosse Pointe Park. Dr. Sidney Berkowitz officiated planned. Freeman and * * at the ceremony held at Rodef Sam Katz, case Only GOOD PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHS United Hebrew Schools, Women's Sholom Temple in Youngstown. chairmen; Irving Mrs. Malkin CAN KEEP YOUR JOY . . . FOREVER! Rosenberg, treasurer; and William Auxiliary, has reelected Mrs. Elbert The bride wore a silk organza Valensky, Albert Kaplan and Gil- Diamond president. Other elected gown appliqued in Swiss em- Call Today For An Appointment officers are Mesdames Herman broidery. A matching rose held bert Borenstein, secretaries. Fishman, Isadore Goren and Ger- her illusion veil, and she carried • * * Open Daily a cascade of lilies, Stephanotis 'til 5:30 p.m. STUDIO D I E DETROIT LADIES A U X I L- trude Hyams, Closed Monday vice presidents; and ivy. PHOTOGRAPHY IARY, American Medical Center at Judy Zoss served her sister as Denver, will meet noon Tuesday Meyer Charlip, 19492 LIVERNO IS UN 2-0200 maid of honor. Bridesmaids were at the Jewish Center, announces David A. Epst- North of Outer Drive UN 2-0660 ein, Edward Fish- Mrs. Leonard Knell of Shaker Mrs. Paul Shapiro, president. A re- m a n and Louis Heights, 0., and Judith Reitman of port on the lawn party will be Bayside, N.Y.; and Nancy Sue Zack, given, and a hand-made shawl Seiton, secretar- ies; Herman K. was junior bridesmaid. will be awarded. Cohen, treasur- * * William Zack was his brother- er; Sam Stewart, in-law's best man. Ushers were PRIMROSE BENEVOLENT auditor; and CLUB will hold a child rescue Charles A. Smith, Mrs. Diamond Dr. Edward Alpert and Michael luncheon 12:30 p.m. Tuesday at parliamentarian. On the board of Hirsh, both of Ann Arbor. the home of Mrs. May Shapiro, directors The couple will reside in Ann are: 20567 Stahelin, according to chair- Mesdames Morris H. Averbuch, Arbor, where the bridegroom is man Mrs. Rose Belinsky. Hostesses Maxwell B. Bardenstein, Max Dush- finishing his studies at the Uni- are Mesdames Mollie Green, May kin, Irving Dworkin, Leonard Fdel- versity of Michigan Medical man, Mitchell Feldman, Samuel Feld- Shapiro, Tillie Lichtenstein, Rose stein, Meyer Finkel, Lawrence Gold- School. Belinsky, Fannie Stein, Rose Aaron berg, Morris Halperin, Nicholas Lazar, Norman Leeman, M. Ben Lewis, A. I. and Sarah Liptzen. For tickets, call Morrison, Harry Oberstein, Julius Mrs. Belinsky, LI 5-5978. Rosen, Herman Roth, Bert Smokier, Irving Solomon, Nathan Spevakow, * * * Meyer Stewart, Henry Strub, Charles Milton Winston, Samson Wit- HEBREW LADIES AID Weiner, terberg, and Joseph Zuckerman. Hon- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Tuler of SOCIETY will hold its annual orary board members are: Mes- picnic Aug. 4 in Palmer Park. dames Irving Arlin, Jacob Axelrod, Chicago announce the engagement Albert Carnick, Albert Mazer, Morris Refreshments will be served. Pro- Fishman, Louis Gelfand, Max Hay- of their daughter Gail Renee to ceeds will go to underprivileged man, Bernard Isaacs, Morris Krause, Eugene Frederic Friedman, son of Alexander Moss, George Orley, Irving children. Mrs. Max Brumer was Palman, Charles Robinson, Irving Rog- Dr. and Mrs. I. Harold Friedman recently installed president of the ovien, Reubin Saywitz, Charles A. of Sherbourne Rd. Miss Tuler is a Smith, A. B. Stralser, Jack Tobin, and graduate of the University of Illi- group. Louis J. Tobin. * * * nois, where she attends graduate school. Her fiance, who graduated DIMONA CHAPTER, Pioneer from Tulane University, is a doct- Women, will give a Kennedy Mem- oral candidate at the University of orial luncheon July 28 at the Labor Illinois. Zionist Institute. Former member * * * Frankie Naggar, visiting from Mr. and Mrs. Burton I. Gross- Israel, will be guest speaker. Pro- man of Jacksonville, Fla., an- ceeds from the luncheon will go Mrs. Theodore Bargman and Mrs. nounce the engagement of their to the Kennedy Memorial. Fund. Max Stollman will be cohostesses daughter Ellen to Norman H. Guests invited. at a garden party at the Stollman Freedman, son of Mrs. Michael summer home, 2675 Lake Angelus Freedman o f Brooklyn. Miss Rd., 12:30 p.m. Thursday. It will Grossman, granddaughter of Mrs. be the semi-annual meeting of the Charles Smith of Detroit, is a Detroit Chapter of the Women's graduate of the University of Mich- Division of Bar-Ilan University in igan, where she was affiliated with Israel. Delta Phi Epsilon Sorority. Her The guest speaker will be Dr. fiance is a graduate in architect- Exclusive styles with distinction, Morris Adler, whose topic will ure of Pratt Institute and also at- beauty and quality. Visit our display room and pick your ideal dinette be "Is There a Future for Our tended City College of New York. STRETCH set from such famous names as: Past?" Paintings will be on dis- He is vice president of Florida Bnai DAYSTROM • HOLIBIRD play. ROMPETTE Brith and past president of the DUCHESS and Others Reports on activities of the Jacksonville Bnai Brith chapter, American Women for Bar-Ilan Uni- Mr. Freedman and Miss Grossman versity locally and nationally will are planning an August wedding. — 1; be presented, in addition to reports on developments of the American- patterned University in Israel and Minneapolis Day School the plans for the next academic Acquires New Building Cool, little coverall of stretchy nylon year. MINNEAPOLIS (JTA) — The A dessert luncheon will be Torah Academy of Minneapolis, and cotton terry with dotted sash. served. Guests invited. the only Hebrew all-day school in White, pink and aqua. S.M.L. A bus will leave for the cottage the area, took possession of a at Lake Angelus at 11 a.m., from building in suburban Golden Val- Reg. Price $133.90 17596 Wyoming. To arrange for ley as a new home. participation in this trip call DI OUR The six-year-old building oc- 1-0708. PRICE cupies a site of more than three Bar-Ilan Women are planning a acres overlooking a lake. concert, Oct. 4, at Masonic Tem- It will involve an outlay of WE RE-UPHOLSTER ple. CHAIRS $200,000, and plans are being form- Please bring ulated for a campaign to raise the 95 1 chair for Michigan was the first state to required funds. The 20-year-old day and up estimate. have a group of counties named school has 72 pupils and expects after a president and his entire to have 84 for the next academic CHROME cabinet, namely Barry, Eaton, Ing- year. The new building will ex- CHAIR, Inc. ham, Livingston, Van Buren, Cal- pand the pupil capacity of the Telegraph at Maple 9 Mile at Coolidge houn, Berrien, Cass and Branch, school to 130. 13214 FENKELL 272-3578 Birmingham Bet. Meyers & Schaefer Oak Park all of which designated in honor Open: Tues., Wed., Thurs., Sat. to 6; Open Friday Eve. of the cabinet of President Jack- THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Open Thurs., Fri., Sat. Eve. Mon., Fri. to 8:30 son. Friday, July 17, 1964 15 ANTIQUES ngagements ... ........................... Garden Party of Bar-Ilan Women Next Thursday Dinettes bv Alanco $ 11039 ° $3 ALANCO I an taJ tic