.s . Hillel Day School Presents Gift to AJC Israel Editor on Visit Here Talks (111apain Party) Politics Friedman-Gardner Troth Announced through its kibbutz movement. By CHARLOTTE HYAMS The changing of images often The influx of immigrants saw the has seemed the popular sport of relative strength of the kibbutzim decline during the past 15 years, American political parties. But like movies and hot dogs, it but new frontiers are opening up. seems to have been exported to This, above all, he wants to im- Israel. Take the Mapam party, for press upon the young people of the Western world, he said. "We example. can't promise lots of money, but Yaakov Amit, editor in chief of we can promise satisfaction and Mapam's daily voice, "Al Hamish- fulfillment for the American Jew- mar," insists that his left-wing ish youth who wants something socialist labor party never was in more out of life." the army of Russia's faithful, as The new immigrants, who will some would claim. Rather, being an independent party, Mapam have swelled the working force by sometimes found Moscow's ideas some 100- to 150,000 between the last election and the next in Octo- in line with its own, he said. ber 1965, have put Mapam and the So that the friends Amit and other political parties in some- his wife are making on a month's what of a quandary. MISS MARILYN FRIEDMAN visit in America (his second) Amit sees a new mood, a new should not misunderstand Mapam Mr. and Mrs. Harry Solomon of dissatisfaction in Israel, and Scotia Rd., Huntington Woods, an- policies, he assures them that "We how these dynamics will affect have always been independent in nounce the engagement of their the outcome at the polls is any- daughter Marilyn Joyce Friedman judgment on all questions within one's guess. and outside Israel." to Lawrence A. Gardner, son of Throughout the statehood of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gardner of That the once pro-Stalinist Hashomer Hatzair youth move- Israel, the parties' strength has S'haker Heights, 0. ment has been Mapam's chief stayed relatively constant. Accord- Miss Friedman is a graduate of strength is undeniable. So is the ing to Amit, a member of the sec- Stephens College, Columbia, Mo. fact that in the past Mapam has retariat of Mapam's central com- Mr. Gardner graduated from the demanded a more radical class mittee, the new workers could University of Wisconsin, where he swing the election in either direc- was affiliated with Pi Lambda struggle. tion, and radically tilt the Knes- Phi Fraternity. But "even in the 40s we were set's political scales. And then An Aug. 30 wedding is planned. independent," Amit insist s. again, they might not. Mapam, he said, has consistently "We may be a nation of proph- "For I, the Lord, have not opposed the policy of the USSR in the Middle East and its treat- ets," he laughed, "but not where changed—I have not changed; and you, sons of Israel, ye have not ment of Russian Jewry. A mem- politics is concerned." ceased to be." Malachi 3:6. ber of the presidium of the "Mine eyes are ever toward the Zionist Actions Committee, Amit Lord, for He shall pluck my feet said that the Soviet Union's The students of Hillel Day School are shown presenting the con- out of the net." anti-Z ionist propaganda and tribution of the 165 students enrolled in the school to the Allied (Psalms 25 15 )• "many other aspects of Com- Jewish Campaign at a special assembly before the entire student munist principles throughout the body. Martin H. Shenkman and Bethsheva Greenberg presented the world" have drawn his party's check to Mrs. Dorothy Roer of the Junior Division of the Jewish Music the Stein-Way fire. Welfare Federation in the presence of Rabbi Emanuel Applebaum, Corsets-Brassieres "Above all, with us, Israel and DICK STEIN headmaster of Hillel Day School. the Jewish people always stood Expertly Fitted first." &oRCHESTRA 20127 W. 7 MILE RD. "If we seem more critical in re- 538-5575 cent years of Soviet policy, it is Parking in Rear not because Mapam has changed, but because Russia has changed," he said. And as far as change goes, a The delegation of 48 from Michi- overwhelmingly elected a member "There are those in Israel who Only GOOD PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHS gan at the Republican National of the Wayne State University feel that Russia is leaning toward board of governors. CAN KEEP YOUR JOY . . . FOREVER! Convention scheduled to open in In the last war, he served in a peaceful solution of the Arab- Call Today For San Francisco on July 14 will in- Israel problems." An Appointment clude Alfred A. the army in the Pacific. For seven T h e U.S. - USSR desalination May of 17610 years he was clerk to Common agreement may have important im- Open Daily 'til 5:30 p.m. Fairway and Ir- Pleas Judge Ned H. Smith. STUDIO OF plications for Israel, Amit feels. Closed Monday Burdick and May stated that, win H. Burdick PHOTOGRAPHY "If Russia takes part in such a of 17351 San after voting for Governor Rom- scheme, it means it must con- UN 2-0200 LIVERNOIS AVE. 19492 J u a n, two De- ney on the first ballot, upon their sider our own achievements in North of Outer Drive UN 2-0660 release from that obligation they troit attorneys. this field. And, of course, any les- Max M. Fisher will support Governor Scranton sening of U.S.-Soviet tensions will for the Republican nomination for was named one influence Israel." of the state's 12 President. Up to that point, the tall, white- delegates at haired newspaperman was solemn, large. Spitzer Book Center intense. Speaking through his in- May, a graduat terpreter and host, Abe Berniker of the Univer- Moves to Suburbs With of Windsor, the Israeli suddenly sity of Maryland smiled. "You know, there is a Growing Community M. H. Fisher Law School, is a biblical example I'd like to use. Boys' Men's — Young Men's As the community has moved former FBI investigator. Born in God created the dark and the northwestward, so has Joseph he came to Detroit in Washington, light, yes? You people are seeing 1929 as a special agent of the Spitzer's Hebrew Book and , Gift black and white, but we see light Center. His new store at 24711 Group of Department of Justice Division of among the shadows. When (Soviet Investigation. He entered the pri- Coolidge near Ten Mile Rd. is the Premier) Khrushchev was in latest step in a series of "moves Egypt, even (Israel Prime Minis- with the community." ter) Eshkol saw an area of light Spitzer's first store was on where the Jewish press saw only Reg. $6.00 Dexter and Cortland. From there, shadows." he moved to Does Am it foresee the lowering Wyoming and of Kremlin walls to allow Jews to 1 Curtis. Now, on leave for Israel? $437 Coolidge, his is It was a cautious reply: "We'll the only Hebrew wait and see. It would be an—ah- book store in the test of Soviet good intentions to entire suburban allow more Jews to leave for area. Israel." The descendant Including Hammonton Park and Botany "500" Sixty-year-old Amit, one of of 15 generations the founders of Al Hamishmar Spitzer of rabbis, Spitzer ("On Guard") in 1943, has been White on White Dacron & studied for t h e rabbinate at the Alfred May Irwin Burdick its editor in chief for 12 years. Preis"-::-.urg Yeshivah in Czechoslo- Worsted An emigre to Israel from Lithu- vate practice of law three years vakia. He came to America in 1947 ania in 1929, he is a member of Reg. $14.95 Short Sleeve later. after his release from a German Kibbutz Belt Zera in the Jor- In 1951 he was named a member labor camp. He is married to the dan Valley, one of the 73 kib- Reg. of the Detroit Loyalty Investi- former Helena Framovitz and has $5 . 95 now $3 87 butzim of Hashomer Hatzair. 16. ages 6 to gating Committee by the late six children, Although rules of membership Spitzer's center carries a com- require a kibbutznik to be actively Mayor Cobo. He is president of the Detroit Round Table of Cath- plete selection of Israeli and engaged in the settlement's work, olics, Jews and Protestants. He domestic religious items, imported Amit has special permission to served in the Air Force in the crystal, gift ware, silver and gold leave the kibbutz as an editor in jewelry, pearls, books in Hebrew Tel Aviv. Many government offi- last war. Burdick, a Wayne State Uni- and English, including best sellers cials are granted such leave to 7 MILE AT EVERGREEN versity law school graduate, has and books for children, and records perform service for their country. Charge Accounts Invited Amit is hopeful about the new been chairman of the Republican for both adults and children. pioneer image Israel is gaining 15th District Committee since KE 3-4310 "Sorrow will vanish, Israel will 1957, having succeeded in that THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS remain." Talmud Babli, "Sotah" *Sale starts promptly 9 a.m. Monday, July 6. post his brother, Judge Benjamin Friday, July 3, 1964 19 Burdick, when the latter was 9a. goundations Ay %id/ Fisher, Burdick, May Be Named to GOP Convention in San Francisco LI 7-2770 House Cleaning SALE MADRAS SHIRTS WALK A° U SHORTS /3 off Now SUMMER CLOTHING 20% to 50% OFF SLAX 2 pair $23 97 DRESS SHIRTS