Profs. Zeitlin and Hoenig Again Challenge Scrolls' Antiquity; 2 New Books on Subject there is an affinity between the Qumran texts and Karaitic teach- ings. He points to the apocalyptic teachings in Pesher Nahum as being in line with the general kar- aitic concept. Dr. Hoenig contends that "the scrolls are early karaitic, pole- mical diatribes against the ex- pounders of halakot, namely, the Rabbanites and their teachings, as based on the Mishnah and the Talmud." Dr. Hoenig's essay maintains: "It is known that the Karaites obtained their historical knowl- edge of events of the second temple from Josippon. Yehudah Hadassis in his "Eshkol ha- Kofer" makes many references to Joseph ben Gorion (Josip- pon). One is also aware of the fact that this karaitic author had many early sources which he copied into his book, evidencing again the early dating of Josip- pon. Saddia Gaon, too, as shown by H. Malter, utilized Josippon. "With this background, the re- lationship between the newly discovered Pesher Nahum and Josippon may now be ascer- tained. In presenting the Alex- ander Jannai narrrative, both texts use cognate (though not similar) expressions. That is, the Pesher Nahum usage of dorshe halakot is closest, of all extant sources, to the Josippon rendition, since no Qumran scroll ever mentions Perushim or Essenes. This shows, primar- ily, that Pesher Nahum was in- fluenced by the earlier Josippon narrative, not vice versa. Were the latter the case, Josippon would have contained the unique term dorshe halakot in the same story. The usage of the exceptional phrase in Pesher Nahum is deliberate. It is in the same spirit as in the other Qumran texts, and is only fur- ther evidence that a purposeful sectarian change from the norm, with contemptuous m e a n i n g, was the intent of the Pesher. In other words, the Perushim and sages of Israel of the tan- naitic text and of Josippon be- came in the derisive sectarian verbiage of Pesher Nahum, the dorshe halakot ("expounders of smooth things"). This Qumran Nahum Commentary with its singular terminology is therefore to be recognized as a karaitic composition. This notion of the karaitic charactistic of the Pesher Na- hum may be substained from still another vantage point. Its tone of diatribe parallels a kar- aitic tradition found in the pref- ace to Eliyabu b. Moses Bash- yachi's `Aderet Eliyahu,' namely, `the separation of the Karaites from the Rabbanites,' as based on Judah Halevi's remarks in his `Kuzari.' This tradition sets the origin of Karaism in the days of Simon ben Shetah, and resulting from Alexander Jan- nai's conflict with the talmudic sages." In a statement made recently on the Nahum Commentary scroll, Prof. Zeitlin maintained: "The protagonists of the an- tiquity of the Scrolls in their zeal ignore the principles of sound scholarship. A case in point: The Scroll, Commentary on Nahum, was heralded as a document of great importance for the history of the Second Jewish Commonwealth, preced- ing the time of Herod. The protagonists were unaware of the simple fact that the words Asher BeTalmud in this scroll demonstrate, without a shadow THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS of doubt, that it could not have Friday, June 26, 1964 been written before the compil- 10 Although new books have ap- peared giving credence to the claims that the Dead Sea Scrolls date back to the first century of the Christian era or earlier, there is a minority that continues to challenge this conception. Dr. Cecil Roth, in a Commentary article, expressed his view that "the literature of the Dead Sea Scrolls is in fact the literature, not of a pre-Christian mystery sect, nor of medieval Karaites, nor of contemplative Essenes, but ra- ther of the extremist leaders in the great revolt against Rome in 66-73 C.E." Prof. Roth came to this posi- tion on the basis of recent dis- coveries made near the ruins of Masada, the an- cient Hebrew for- tress, by the Is- reali archeologist Professor Yigdal Yadin. One of Yadi n's finds, fragments of a liturgical calen- dar, links the Dead Sea Scrolls "beyond any d o u b t" to the Prof. Hoenig "agressive, bellicose Sicarii Zeal- ots" who led the extremists in the Jewish revolt against Rome. Challenging this opinion, Dr. Sidney B. Hoenig, professor of Jewish history at Yeshiva Univer- sity, stated that he had read "with great astonishment" Prof. Roth's view and added: "Professor Yigael Yadin who has been excavating the Masada ruins and discovered the addi- tional Scrolls there has not yet published any photostats. How then can a careful scholar make assertations "beyond any doubt" that these are "the work of anti- Roman radicals and not paci- fists," if he has not seen the original evidence? "Moreover, to couple the Si- carii with the Zealots is a wrong interpretation of Josephus. The Sicarii were indeed extremists (Daggermen), to be identified with the group Josephus calls "fourth philosophy" (added to the three — Pharisees, Saddu- cees and Essenes). They Believ- ed in the principle of "no lord- ship of man over man." They are not mentioned as having taken part in the war after the assassination of their leader, Menahem; they fled to Masada at the outbreak in 66 CE and continued to expound their phil- osophy even later. The Zealots arose with the establishment of the provisional government and aristrocratic Peace Party which they opposed; they sought only democratic rule. With the de- struction of Jerusalem they dis- appeared, for their goal had been lost. "In the entire issue of the Scrolls, Qumran or Masada, — whether they are Essenes, pre- Christian, Sicarii or Karamaitic — the matter is still unsettled. The publication of the Masada Scrolls is therefore of absolute urgency before any scholar can give his 'conclusions' to the reading public." Dr. Hoenig, like Prof. Solomon Zeitlin, dates the scrolls to the time of the Karaites — the sev- enth or the eighth century of the present era. In an essay in the Journal of Biblical Literature, entitled "Dor- bhe Halakot — In the Pesher Na- hum Scrolls," challenges he views of Dr. J.M. Allegro and Prof. A. Dupont-Somner and contends that ation of the Mishna. This scroll was written at a later period." Meanwhile those who defend their viewpoint regarding the early dates — first century BCE to second century CE—for the scrolls — continue to assert that the scrolls revolutionize knowledge re- lating to the years preceding and during the rise of Christianity. Dr. Joh Marco Allegro, in "Search in the Desert," published by Dou- bleday, describes the Second Jew- ish Revolt, deals with the exca- vations in the Dead Sea area, and presents a dramatic account of archaeological findings. It is a narrative that reads like fiction, and it is based on recognition by the author of the authenticity of the Dead Sea Scrolls as originally dated by him and other archaeolo- gists. Special attention to the Book of Isaiah is given in "The Mean- ing of the Qumran Scrolls for the Bibl e" by Dr. William Hugh Brownlee, one of the original In- terpreters of the scrolls. In this volume, published by Oxford Uni- versity Press, Dr. Brownlee eval- uates the Complete Isaiah Scrolls and comments on their importance for the Bible as a whole. Great significance is ascribed to the Qumran texts. He contends that "only Solomon Zeitlin oppo- ses antiquity of the Damascus Covenant . . . and . . . also re- jects the views of archeologists and paleographers regarding the date of the scrolls." But it is evident from the views of Dr. Hoe- nig just quoted that another scholar agrees with Prof. Zeitlin. Thus far, it seems, Profs. Zeitlin and Hoenig are practically alone in their challenge to those who claim antiquity for the scrolls. Day Schools Are Described at Hillel Dinner as Filling 'Need for Intensity,' Blending Jewish-American Traditions Describing the Jewish day schools as the "harmonious blend- ing of two traditions," Dr. Max Arzt, vice chancellor of the Jew- ish Theological Seminary of America, speaking at the annual dinner of the Hillel Day School, in the Adas Shalom social hall, Wednesday night, strongly en- dorsed the movement for the all- day Jewish school that mingles Hebraic with general Jewish studies. A capacity audience which was described by Rabbi Jacob E. Segal, honorary president of the Hillel school, who presided, as the larg- est ever to attend a dinner in that hall, responded with contributions ranging from $100 to $2,500 to provide the necessary supplemen- tary aid for the school. Abe Kasle, who was the chair- man of the advisory committee that planned the dinner, pointed out in his address to the gather- 47 Delegations Attend Housing Parley in Israel JERUSALEM — (JTA) — More than 1,000 delegates from 47 coun- tries are attending the 27th World Congress for Housing and Planning which opened here Monday. Attending the conference also are delegates from the Soviet Un- ion, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Bul- garia and Romainia. The United States has the larg- est delegation, composed of 300 members, including Miss Goldie Levinstein of Detroit. The congress was opened by Y o s e f Almogi, Israel's housing minister, who greeted the assem- bled representatives from the var- ious countries, including 14 mini- sters dealing with housing prob- Mexican Delegation lems in their respective land. to Israel Is Largest Yet The congress will discuss prob- MEXICO CITY (JTA)—The larg- lems concerning the growing popu- est Mexican government delega- lation, population dispersion and tion ever to visit Israel is partici- town planning. pating in the 27th World Congress for Housing and Planning which New Proposal Reverses opened in Jerusalem Tuesday. The delegation, which is headed Einstein Gravity Theory by Undersecretary of State Guiller- A well-known British astronomer mo Rosell of the Mexican Ministry has proposed a basic revision of of National Properties, is com- Einstein's General Theory of Rela posed of representatives from most tivity, it was reported in the New of Mexico's official and private eco- York Times. nomic planning agencies. Dr. Fred Hoyle, a successful Among the participants in the author of popular science books of Mexican Mission which totals 27 science and of stage productions, people, are representatives from devised the theory with a col- the Mexican Ministry of Finance, league. the National Oil Company PEMEX, It accepts Einstein's 50-year-old the Mexican University, the Tech- theory of equivalence of gravity nological Institute, banks and pro- and acceleration, but it differs fessional associations. Undersecre- from that of Einstein in some of tary Rosell took to the Congress its results, such as the relationship and to the people and government between gravity on earth and the of Israel, a personal message from remaining material of the universe. President Lopez Mateos. Between sessions of the Congress, Israel's Advertising Media the Mexican delegates will tour Israeli advertisers spent a total the country, contact Israeli institu- of 36,000,000 pounds ($12,000,000) tons, as well as pay a visit to two in 1963, more than half of this sum groups of Mexicans now studying going for space in 24 daily news- in Israel within the framework of papers. Other advertising media Israel's technical assistance pro- include magazines and other publi- gram. cations, movies and outdoor ads. The Israeli charge d'affaires stat- ed that the visit of this delegation signifies the beginning of closer technical cooperation between Mex- ico and Israel on all levels and especially in the field of national and regional planning, housing and cooperative organizations. ing that a small group of parents pay $900 a year per child, the actual cost per capita to the school, besides their contributions to the school, and the deficit must be made up in community gifts. He therefore called for generous giving to the cause. Tom Borman was honored with a community service cita- tion, and in his absence it was accepted for him by his brother, Al Borman. The presentation was made by Rabbi Morris Adler who joined in strongly acclaim- ing the work of the Hillel school and endorsing the day school idea. A citation in memory of Morris Schaver, who was one of the founders of the school, was presented by Rabbi Segal to Mrs. Scheyer. Max Goldsmith, Hillel Day School president, presented a book of dedication to Harry Cohen. Mrs. Samuel B. Danto, president of Friends of Hillel, a women's group backing the school, an- nounced that Trees of Life en- graved certificates were to be presented after the dinner to the school's founding grandparents. Rabbi Irving Schnipper partici- pated in the program with the concluding prayer. Rabbi Ben- jamin Gorrelick introduced the guest speaker. A noteworthy feature of the evening was the participation of Hillel students and the school's choir, in the opening prayer, the Birkat Hamazon and a series of songs. Urging unstinted encourage- ment to the day school program, Dr. Arzt declared that "Judaism is congenial to Americanism and Americanism is congenial to Judaism, and we can integrate the two civilizations." He declared that "the richness and heritage of Jewish traditions adds to the American grandeur." Stating that there already are many day schools, he predicted that "there will be many more" because "Judaism can not be su- perficial and must have depth and intensity." He placed emphasis on the need for intensity, which, he said, is provided in the day schools. I FENCE Nobody UNDERSELLS GREAT LAKES DON'T EVER FORGET IT!! ASK FOR "Morrie Sherman" Sales Manager Great Lakes Fence 16540 GREENFIELD BR 3-2900 AIR CONDITIONING 13th Century Regal Aide Joseph Abrabalia, a Jewish statesman in Aragon, Spain, in the latter half of the 13th century, was a trusted aide of King Pedro III. He served as finance minister of the kingdom for a number of years. $695" FREE ESTIMATES — 5 YEARS TO PAY AUTO CITY HEATING Family Owned and Operated LI 4-9156, BR 3-8770, LI 6-6077 I E wis OFFICE HOURS: MON. THRU THURS., 9 to 5; FRIDAY, 9-4; SUNDAYS, 13414 FENKELL FOR ALL OCCASIONS c\