Mexican fewry's Indomitable Will to Live Described in S. B. Liebman's jeivish Guide to the Colonial Era Seymour B. Liebman, a native New Yorker who has, in addition to his law degree, a master's in Latin American history from the University of the Americas, Mex- ico City, is continuing his studies as a resident in Mexico and is a lecturer in history and Judaism at University of Americas and Uni- versidad Ibero-Americana. He has done much research in the history of the Jews in Mexico and his latest important literary product is the selected compila- tion, much of the material in trans- lation from original sources, "A Guide to Jewish References in the Mexican Colonial Era 1521-1821," published by University of Penn- sylvania Press (3436 Walnut, Phil- adelphia 4). The introductory essay by the author - compiler - translator is of special merit. Liebman points out at the outset that "while specula- tion about Mayan descent from the lost ten tribes of Israel have caught the imagination and inter- est of a number of historians, archaeologists and anthropologists, little attention has been given to the history of Mexican Jewry." He calls it particularly regrettable because there is no lack for sources. He calls the story as recorded in the documents of the Inqui- sition "a history of devotion to faith, of persecution, intrigue and martyrology and contribu- tions to the culture of Mexico." Insofar as the record of the sur- vival of Mexican Jewry is con- cerned, Liebman writes that "plots, intrigues and daring were the basis." There were Jews who suf- fered tortures not to implicate other Jews during the Inquisition's search for secretly practicing Jews, while others implicated literally hundreds of other Jews, he states in his revealing essay. . We learn about the thriving Jewish community that lived in Colonial Mexico. Liebman states: "Jews resided in every part of the country and were repre- sented in every class and at every level. These people de- serve honorable notice in the history both of Mexico and of world Jewry." A record of the available vol- umes in which the story of Mexi- can Jewry is chronicled is outlined by the author. He explains the methods he pursued in preparing his bibliography, in the transla- tions he resorted to, in finding errors and "ignoble characteriza- tions and aspersions on many of the custom s and prayers of the Jews" in some of the material he had studied. He states that "some Christian authors of note, to whom these aspects of Jewish life were mean- ingless and unintelligible, found `witchcraft and magic' or mimicry of the Holy Communion in de- voted prayers and mores which antedate Christianity." Thus, Lieb- man's is not merely a guide to available record s on Mexican Jew- ry but also a refutation of misrep- resentations about Judaism. He shows how Jews maintained their own religious life, had con- tacts with Jews in other lands and that "they were Jews by choice," many having died for their faith. He traces Mexican Jewry's history, thus: "The history of the Jews in Mexico commences with the con- quest by Cortez in 1521. There were Jews in his company. One of them, Hernando Alonso, has the distinction of being the first Jew burned at the stake of the North American continent. This took place in Mexico City in 1528. From 1502 to 1802 decrees were issued by the Spanish Crown and the Papal authorities prohibiting the entry of Moors or Jews into the New World ..." The process of migration which kept bringing Jews to Mexico is traced and Liebman shows that Jews in Mexico were not isolated from other communities and some conducted ship trading in many lands. Jews also left an etymologi- cal imprint on Mexico, the author states. The tabular form in which the record of Jewish history in Mexico is presented indicates the extent to which the author had gone to gather his material. His work in- spires further study and as he in- dicates in his introduction: "This Guide is but the skeleton on which there must be placed the flesh and bones of the people Avh o had the indomitable will to live as Jews." 'Wilson vs. Lenin' Explains Political Origins of 1917-18 An important chapter in world history that preceded the serious East-West conflicts is recorded in the World Publishing Co. (2231 W. 110th, Cleveland 2) Meridian paperback "Wilson vs. Lenin — Political Origins of the New Di- plomacy 1917-1918" by Arno J. Mayer. Originally using the subtitle for the book's title, the author decided to use the heading that appeared in the first edition of the work, issued by Yale University Press in 1959, over the epilogue, as the basic title. The history of the entire ear of the first world conflict, the people of that period and their attitudes, the personalities in Russia and among the Allies, are under thor- ough review in this valuable paper- back. Wilson's dramatic move in the formation of the League of Na- tions, the struggles for domination among the revolutionary forces, the temporary triumphs of Clem- enceau over both Wilson and Lenin at the Peace Conference, are delineated as part of the his- torical significance of the events that resulted from the . great struggle of that time. About the forces of Revolution that emerged at that time, Mayer wrote: "Under Lenin's resolute guid- ance these forces of Revolution belligerently proclaimed that the existing capitalist governments were incapable of concluding a democratic peace. According to the Maximalists a nonpredatory peace would be possible only after the proletarian revolution had been victorious in the major cap- italist countries. This revolution was expected to gain much from the war's legacy of misery and un- rest, and the nascent Communist parties stood ready to intensify and profit from the prevailing political instability as a first step in the total transformation of European society, both national and international. Lenin's immed- iate aim was distructive: class war in preparation for the transi- tional dictatorship of the prole- tariat. However, his ultimate ob- jective of the classless society in a warless world had the same hopeful and utopian quality as Wilson's search for a peaceful racycommunity of sovereign dem- ocratic nations of unequal power." How Woodrow Wilson's vision had its temporary effect on So- cialists and others and aroused the hopes for peace is discribed at length in this effective work which, at the same time, indicates the counter-effects of the revolu- tionary Leninist appeals. In rela- tion to the current struggle, Mayer's "Wilson vs. Lenin" is a very valuable part of the litera- ture on the history of World War I. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, June 19, 1964 11 `Fool—Be Still', Fannie Hurst's Puzzling New Novel In addition to her new novel, "Fool Be Still," recently issued by Doubleday, Fannie Hurst had written 16 other novels, an autobiography, a group of books with miscellaneous contents and a number of noteworthy short stories. Many of her works, a 1 1 uniquel y charming are Fannie Hurst based on themes that have aroused discussion. Her newest work again may be the cause of perplexing viewpoints. In "Fool—Be Still," the hero- ine, who lived well with her husband but quite evidently did not love him — she respected and honored him—was search- ing for adventure when she be- gan to take dancing lessons. She fell in love with the dancing masters, had an affair with him, then was jilted by him. But she never forgot him. — After her husband's death, she felt the obligation of giving the best care to her son. Yet she continued the affair with the dancing teacher. The son died when a stone was hurled at him from a rooftop by a boy who was dared by others to throw stones. Urged to do so by social workers, the mother adopted the boy who killed her son. After her husband's death, this woman took in as a roomer an elderly man who befriended the son as well as the mother. He left before the boy's death and was shocked years later to learn about the killer's adop- tion. When he returned, a busi- ness relationship was formed by his son a man younger than the heroine — and her for the manufacture of cosmetics the woman had perfected. She be- came wealthy, and in the bar- gain, the young man fell in love with her. They were about to be married, but she met the danc- ing master again. He was crippled, yet she abandoned the sincere and serious young man for her old love. Puzzling? Indeed, it is. "Fool —Be Still' is a novel in the typical Fannie Hurst style. It reads well, holds the reader's attention throughout, yet it is puzzling: how could a woman adopt a boy who killed her son, — 1 and how could she possibly love a repulsive self-seeker? Perhaps that explains the title of the novel which Miss Hurst took from Byron's: Why did she love him? Curious fool—be still. Is human love the growth of human will? 2nd Arab Summit in Fall CAIRO — Arab heads of state will hold their second meeting in Alexandria Sept. 5, it was reported in Cairo. They last met for a "sum- mit conference" in January. "It is not so much for its beauty that the forest makes a claim upon men's hearts, as for that subtle something, that quality of the air, that emanation from the old trees. that so wonderfully changes and re- news a weary spirit." —Robert Louis Stevenson. .954/ ,410_1400 isepauim tinily,/ "FA NVH1 3NIM UNIT V GNU 1,NOM noA. NMOO laisan Ij.S.A. 3H1 N21111 110.1. M r 1 • Wife-saver. Saves time, saves trouble. Sure. And no guilt feelings about opening cans. How could there be, when not even you (great cook that you are) if you were to spend endless hours (that you don't have) could come up with so tasty a vegetarian dish? And so protein happy? Once a week (at least) make it Stamp-Out-Needless-Work, Treat-Your-Family-Right-Night ...serve 'em Heinz (strictly) Vegetarian Kosher Beans. .Every label carries the C) seal of approval of THE UNION OF ORTHODOX JEWISH CONGREGATIONS OF AMERICA. \r-- 5