`Tree Market Day' Exhibits Readied for Sale by Young Women of JNF Hirschmann, Bina Landau Head Program Imm.7 at Celebration Honoring William Hordes Ira Hirschmann, who helped res-1 Wishnetsky, has served as presi- visas for the lives of 100,000 Ro- cue 100,000 Jews from Nazism, will dent of the JNF Women's Auxili- manian Jews and conferred with be the guest speaker at the Labor ary, and is cash collection chairman Apostolic Delegate Angelo Horn- Zionist Movement-Landsmanshaften of the Israel Bond Women's Divi- calli, later. Pope John XXIII, for Israel 16th anniversary celebration, sion. Their son-in-law, Edward Wish- the exodus of thousands of Jews June 22, 8:30 p.m. at the Labor netsky, is active in the Labor Zion- from Hungary. Zionist Institute. ist movement and is a past chair- In 1946 Hirschmann was named William. Hordes, lifelong Zionist man of the Brenner-Truman branch special inspector general of the and dedicated communal leader, of the Labor Zionist Organization, United Nations Relief and Rehabili- and their son, Earl, is active in tation Administration and re-organ- will be the guest of honor. ized the DP camps in Germany. In Bina Landau, interpreter of Is- communal causes. Hirschmann, a former U. S. envoy 1960 he was sent on a mission to raeli and Yiddish songs, will be the guest star. Mrs. Morris L. Schaver in Turkey, during World War II the Middle East on behalf of the is the testimonial chairman; Harry undertook a secret mission for U.S. State Department and the L. Schumer is honorary chairman, President Roosevelt, to negotiate United Nations. He visited all the and Morris Lieberman, campaign with Eichmann's agents for the countries which surround Israel — rescue of thousands of Jewish chil- Syria. Jo r d a n, Lebanon and the chairman. The affair will climax the Labor dren. He traded four American Gaza Strip. A noted writer on foreign affairs, Zionist O r g a n i z a t i o n-Farband- Hirschmann is the author of "Life From left, Mesdames Robert Sillman, Sheldon Otis, Gerald Pioneer Women - Landsmanshaften Line to a Promised Land" and "Cau- Granadien, Melvin Forman and David Schurgin sort treasures for 1964 Detroit Israel Bond campaign. Neil Staebler to Talk tion to the Winds." A pioneer in "Tree Market Day." Not pictured are Mesdames Joseph Pernick, Hordes has devoted all of his at Reception Prior to radio and television, Hirschmann is Gerald Gordon, Morton Roth and Mannie Nosan. adult-life to the building of a Jew- * * * president of Television Systems of in Palestine and in Hordes Testimonial ish Hoin. America, Inc., and chairman of the The Young Women of the Jew- behalf of the of Israel. He is Neil Staebler, congressman-at- operating Committee of the Colo- ish National Fund are preparing an associate and co-worker of many large from Michigan, will be guest nial Trust Co. of New York. an exhibit called "Tree Market of Israel's leaders. He has been speaker at a leadership reception Refreshments will be served after Day," to take place Wednesday at linked with State of Israel Bonds 8:30 p.m. at the home of Mr. and Raleigh House. since the first Israel Bond drive Mrs. Edward Wishnetsky and Earl the program. For reservations, call the Bond Office, DI 1-5707. Taking part in the day's pro- was launched in 1951. Hordes, 19491 Manor. gram will be Mark Fischer, offer- The reception will be in advance Hordes and his wife, Bella, are BUSINESS AND PROFESSION- ing antiques and bric-a-brac; Jean active in many Jewish and corn- of the Labor Zionist Movement- Musk the Stein-Way Landsmanshaften AL CHAPTER will have a coed Hosier, David Fredericks and Lila munal causes and their children are Israel 16th anni- meeting for paid-up members 8:30 Schneider, showing antique jew- following in their footsteps. Their DICK STEIN versary celebra- p.m. Tuesday at Cong. Gemiluth elry; Marian Weinstein, showing son, Herbert, fought in the Israeli & ORCHESTRA tion, honoring Chassodim. John C. Morris will stationery items; and Sol Rosen- War of Liberation and he and his William Hordes family are making their home in speak on "Hypnosis, Its Uses and man with flower stalls. for his lifetime Participating artists include Israel. Their daughter, Mrs. Edward Abuses." A social hour will follow. of dedicated serv- For information, call Dorothy Carold Wald, Katy Keek Arnsteen, ice to Zionism, to Stan and Sheila Burns, Shirley Goldberg, UN 2-6610. the upbuilding of Kallus, Muriel Cowan, John Jacob- * * * PLASTIC FURNITURE Israel and to the son, Susan Bolt and Evelyn Brac- COVERS ISRAEL CHAPTER will feature ket. Mesdames Elenore Lakin and Jewish commu- MADE TO ORDER "Step Up into Summer Fashions" Helen Eder will display wood-cuts. nity. or READY MADE as part of its regular meeting 8 Staebler is a Other stalls will include a salon Editor, The Jewish News: p.m. Tuesday at Workmen's Circle featuring original creations by former Demo- CALL ANNA KARBAL I was delighted to read your ac- cratic national Center. According to Mrs. Saul Mrs. William Kiafer, a boutique, count of George Samaan, the Arab LI 2-0874 committeeman ?4g7.3ei:OW:2:+*>24.WKX ■ CM:4Ci:741*.,.+M Greenfield, president, fashions will baked goods, and a "white ele- social worker in The Jewish News and served for be modeled by members and their phant" sale of miscellaneous of June 5 for it brought back fond many years as children. Refreshments will be memories. George was my teacher treasures. chairman of the served. For information, call Mrs. of Arabic in night classes con- The admission cost will include Staebler Democratic State Sam Fischer, LI 6-9642. and his luncheon and prizes. All proceeds ducted at the YMCA in Jerusalem, Central Committee. A candidate * * * of which I was a member from ORCHESTRA al: will be donated to the Jewish 1958-60. A tall, good-looking, af- for the Democratic nomination for "Music At You Like te PISGAH LODGE will hold its National Fund. governor, he has played a key role HOME: OFFICE: fable fellow, he conveyed a feel- 107th annual installation of offi- U 7-0896 U S.2737 ing of sincerity to all whom he in the battle to pass medicare and cers at a dinner - dance 7 p.m. civil rights legislation. Presidential Toast met. Thursday at the Town and Country ■ We developed a warm friend- Club, Southfield. The new presi- to Be Lifted at Fete ship, thus whenever on vacation dent is Benjamin B. Goldhoff. Not from my studies at the Hebrew previously listed are new trustees Honoring Israel University and in the Nazareth LI 8-1116 Sol Steinberg, Morris Berk, Sher- • CAN DI DS • MOVIES Gen. S. L. A. Marshall, author man Goldman, Joseph Gutterman, and military analyst, will be guest area, I would make an effort to LI 8-2266 • BLACK & WHITE • COLOR Isadore Gussin, Frank Hoffman, speaker at the Cong. Gemiluth visit him and his family. More often than not, he was using his Louis Lightstone, Nathan Rose, Chassodium Presidential Toast to vacation to do field work, and so Arthur I. Shapiro, Sidney Sidder, Israel dinner, 6:30 p.m. Sunday in we did not meet. Hy Wasser and Irving Wasserman. the social hall. On one occasion, however, I did * * * Milt Moss, comedian and TV find him at home with his family, personality, will be guest star. who went out of their way in IVAN S. BLOCH LODGE will The congregation is being joined typical Arab fashion to make me hold its 19th annual installation meeting 6:30 p.m. June 20 at the by its affiliates and by Selfhelp- feel comfortable in their midst. Greek Orthodox by religion, Red Mill Restaurant. Officers to Detroit in spon- they respected my observance of be installed are Charles Blauer, soring this affair the dietary laws, and did not serve president; David Keyes, Leo Sil- on behalf of Is- meat. ber, Earl Kendler and Phil Nelson, rael Bond s. It Unfortunately I was not used to vice presidents; Iry Herman, treas- also will honor past presidents the kind of food which they did urer; and Harold Phillips, Dave Siegfied Cahn. serve, and so suffered in silence Kaufman and Harvey Green, sec- Sigmund Lowen- while I ate, not wanting to offend retaries. thal and Herman their warm hospitality. * * * Strassburger and George had just entered the incumbent presi- Baerwald School of Social Work Einstein Lodge Sets Up dent Benoit at the Hebrew University when I Fund to Aid Members George. first met him, and was rather con- Gen. Marshall, A state of Michigan charter has cerned about the many readings in who has been been granted upon the formation of English which he would have to with the Detroit the Albert Einstein Benevolent do, since Arabic was his native Fund, designed to help members News as military tongue, although he spoke Hebrew of Albert Einstein Lodge, Bnai analyst and edi- Gen. Marshall rather well. Brith, who are in need of financial torial writer for over 35 years, has It is good to learn that he has served in or covered 13 wars, in- assistance. finally completed his training. I cluding two world wars, the Korean Felix Rosenzweig will chair a know that the years he spent at committee to direct the fund, which conflict and the Sinai Campaign. the Hebrew University have will include Saul Goldman, Sam He established the Army News brought him in contact with many Fridman, Max Freedman and Nor- Service and developed methods of Israeli students, thus narrowing. battlefield research, which became the gap which separates the two man Adelsberg. standing procedure in all theaters cultures. Members in need may make ap- of war. RABBI DAVID JESSEL, plication for help to any member Gen. Marshall is the author of Temple Beth Am, Livonia. of the board of directors; or the "Blitzkrieg," "Sinai Victory" and request—always kept in strict con- "Night Drop." He and Mrs. Mar- fidence—may be made in behalf shall visit Israel each year, and he Israel Museum Gets Gift of another member. Repayment is a regular purchaser of Israel From Helena Rubenstein will be voluntary. Bonds. He has just completed a Now, right at home, enjoy flavor thrills just like TEL AVIV (JTA)—Mayor Mor- Members have been asked to mission to Israel. you get at Biffs Grills! Stock your freezer with dechai Namir announced that make voluntary contributions to Moss is starring on TV as "Zoo- these thick, juicy, ground round steak patties. build up the fund. Checks should keeper Milt." He is a former dra- Helena Rubenstein has donated $100,000 to the Tel Aviv Museum be made payable to Albert Einstein matic actor and has appeared with Benevolent Fund. All contribu- such stars as Eddie Cantor, Abbott of Modern Art which bears her tions are tax-deductive. and Costello, Phil Silvers, Kate name. He made the announcement Smith and Paul Whiteman. He had at the opening of an exhibit by THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS a long run on the TV show, "Merry 23 Israeli artists which will be shown in New York next fall. Friday, June 12, 1964 Mailman." 24 • ncti Aith, Activities LI 7-2770 ■ LETTER BOX Sheldon Rott •••=111MMII 1 AT YOUR MARKET FROZEN GROUND BEEF PATTIES They're the THICKEST