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June 05, 1964 - Image 40

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The Detroit Jewish News, 1964-06-05

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Johnson Recognizes Israel s Quest for
Peace in Frientdly Session with Eshhol

(Continued from Page 6)
Johnson face to face" and to ac-
quaint him with Israel's views in
foreign affairs and in economic
In an interview with the after-
noon daily, Maariv, prior to his
departure, Premier Eshkol stressed
the importance of continued U.S.
aid to Israel.
Eshkol told a press conference
Wednesday at the Israel Em-
bassy that he feels that his
Washington visit has improved
contacts between United States
and Israel and enhanced the
general atmosphere of relation
linking the two countries.
He said he was impressed
by President Johnson's attitude
and feels that Israel can believe
in the President's good faith and
good will.
He said also that the United
States understands that the de-
salting program will be very ex-
pensive and is willing to help
Earlier Wednesday the Prime
Minister met at Blair House with
a delegation of Congressional
leaders. Among them were Speak-
er of the House McCormack, Ma-
jority Leader Albert, Minority
Leader Halleck, Chairman Morgan
of the House Foreign Affairs
Committee, Chairman Celler of the
House Judiciary Committee, Chair-
man Fountain of the Near East
Subcommittee of the Foreign Ai-
fairs Committee and Senators
Saltonstall, . Humphrey and Sym-
ington of the Senate Foreign Re-
lations Committee.
Eshkol thanked the congres-
sional group for the friendship of
Congress toward Israel and their
interest in Israeli development.
In an address before leaders of
the AFL-CIO. Eshkol stressed the
solidarity of American and Israeli
labor and voiced appreciation for
the support of the American
He told Washington cor-
respondents that "an earnest
effort should be made to secure
effective and controllable agree-
ments to ensure a halt to the
race- in arms and military tech-
nology in the Near East."
He emphasized that "the pur- ,
pose of Israel's defensive policy
is not -to win a war but to prevent
one." He said Israel's policy
will be to "keep on pushing off
the danger of explosion and gain
time for the counsel of reason to
He lauded President Johnson's
suggestion for Israel-American co-
operation in desalting water as
vital for the world. He pledged
that achievements would be avail-
able to all developing countries
in the Near East and elsewhere.
Eshkol said he wanted it made
clear that Israel's growth will be
in development within her own
territory and "we want nothing
that belongs to our neighbors."
He said the Arab-Israel dispute
has often been magnified beyond
its natural proportions because
the Near East has become a focal
point of international tension and
cold war and the Arab world is
torn by internal strife and sub-
Acting Secretary of State
George W. Ball, acting at the
direction of President Johnson
scolded the abmassadors of 13
Arab nations who were sum-
moned to the State Department
because of an insulting press
release warning the United
States on its conduct in relation
to the visit of Israel Prime Mini-
ster Levi Eshkol.
In an unprecedented move, the
White House and State Depart-
ment went into action to challenge
the breach of protocol. One high
official said the Arab joint state-
ment here was comparable only to

Friday, June 5, 1964


a situation that might have taken
place had the American Ambas-
sador in Cairo warned President
Nasser on the sort of hospitality
to be extended to Soviet Premier
Khrushchev. He said such inter-
cession would have been unaccept-
able to Nasser and that Arab
actions here were equally in-
The Arab diplomats emerged
from Ball's office in an an-
noyed and unhappy mood. They
declined to respond directly to
press questioning and immediate-
ly left the State Department.
Ambassador Mostafa Kamal of
Egypt, spokesman for the group,
declined to comment on the Arab
statement of yesterday and said
it spoke for itself. He refused
to comment further on the Esh-
kol visit.
Prime Minister Eshkol's reply
The Arab joint propaganda move
had warned the United States to President Johnson's toast at the
that Eshkol is seeking munitions White House dinner was as
and a security guarantee, ob- follows:
"Mr. President. Mrs. Johnson, dis-
jectives which the Arabs warned
guests: Mrs. Eshkol and I
would undermine American-Arab tinguished
will long remember the kind and gra-
relations. The statement accused cious hospitality of Mrs. Johnson and
Mr. President. Over the years,
Eshkol, official guest of the White yourself,
my vocations in farming, Mr. President,
House, of exploiting pre-election as you know, in water projects, in land
settlement, in economics, have kept me
atmosphere to push in Washing- close
to ordinary people, to their hopes,
ton for arms and a new mutual and problems, and to their understand-
relationships between peoples.
security arrangement. The state-
"Long before I became active in the
ment cautioned th.t concessions political
life of my country, I knew
to Eshkol meant "dangers" to of the waves of friendship coming from
great country to our people strug-
the future course of American this
gling to renew its independence in the
relations with the .7..3 Arab states. land of its fathers. For the common man
no less than for its leaders,
The Arab states all receive var- the Israel,
very word 'America' carried with
ious forms of assistance from the it hope and encouragement.
"As I became more and more ac-
United States.
quainted with our international rela-
A previous joint move by the tionships, I have learned how lasting,
is the debt of gratitude we owe
13 Arab ambassadors took place indeed,
to the American people for its un-
prior to the Eshkol visit when the broken friendship over the years. It is
which is engraved for all
group called on Secretary of State a friendship
on the tablets of our renewed
Dean Rusk. The Egyptian Ambas- time
nationhood. Moreover, as I have met
sador the same day met with more and more people from other new
countries, I can say that American
President Johnson. It was learned leadership
of the free world and its
that on these previous occasions partnership with the developing coun-
tries are acknowledged.
the Arabs were more moderate
"Criticism finds its way to the head-
and less threatening in their ap- lines far more easily than appreciation.
as the Psalmists said, 'Truth springs
proach. By yesterday, however, But
the earth.' American aid and sym-
the inflammatory Arab statement from
pathy will not be forgotten. Despite the
of international tension, I think
went beyond bounds tolerable by
is true to say that in strengthening
the White House and State Depart- it
freedom throughout the world, since
ment resulting in the unusual and World War II, the patient efforts of
your great country have borne fruit.
firm action by Mr. Ball.
"Today, it is widely recognized that
If the Arabs now persist after the balance of hope is with the forces
freedom. Mr. President, I would like,
the warning, the United States has especially,
to thank you for your
the diplomatic right to declare the friendly, nice words you said tonight,
what we discussed this
offending ambassadors persona morning in your
office. May I say that
non grata and order them out of this great hope of freedom and peace
by the knowl-
the country.
edge that leading the forces of freedom
faith, an un-
Perhaps the most original gift derstanding of ordinary peOple,
ever presented to a State head standing
public experience, an d the
visitor was given to Eshkol pragmatic touch.
"My country is very small in area. I
by President Johnson. This was said
today to the President, I think that
an authentic scale model of a Israel is maybe smaller than the small-
Texas. When, Mr. Presi-
saline water conversion plant dent, as we in
hope, you will visit us once,
which had been prepared by the and Lady Johnson, you may express
surprise that our country, as I said this
Department of Interior.
morning, not too big, is burdened with
The White House made public such great problems. However, as his-
tory will show, our land has never been
the toast to Prime Minister Eshkol judged
by its geography or by its
voiced last night at the White physical capacity only.
its spiritual contribution,
House dinner honoring Mr. Eshkol it has found its
place in human thought.
— a toast pledging American It is this faith which encourages us in
the belief that the problems we face
"work for the solution of the prob- will
ultimately be settled and the help
lems that divide Israel and its that you, Mr. President, promised to-
is very much appreciated and , we
neighbors." The text of President will cherish
it for a long time. Re-
Johnson's remarks follows:
united as we are once again with our

"Mr. Prime Minister, Mrs. Eshkol,
excellencies. ladies and gentlemen: To-
night we are honoring the Prime Minis-
ter of a country and a people whose
record of industry and dedication and
single-minded devotion to progress is
very inspiring. The people of Israel
have labored long and hard to make
of their ancient land a highly devel-
oped and most modern nation.
"Their achievements are remarkable.
Toil and sweat alone are not responsible
for such success. The spirit and dedi-
cation of your people, Mr. Prime Min-
ister, have been the inspiration for
their labors. Yet you face, more than
most countries, continuing challenges
to the resourcefulness of your people.
In meeting these challenges, you shall
have, as you have had in the past, such
supports as we can give you.
"Mr. Prime Minister, you told me
only this morning that water was blood
for Israel. So we shall make a joint
attack on Israel's water shortage
through the highly promising technique
of desalting. Indeed, let us hope that
the technique will bring benefit to all
the problems that divide Israel and its
neighbors. With patience, with goodwill,
with courage and determination, we
can and we must resolve these issues.
"We welcome you here tonight, Mr.
Prime Minister, as representative of a
country for which we have great ad-
miration and affection. So I ask those,
my guests, my beloved friends, who
have conic here tonight, to join me in
a toast to the Prime Minister of Israel,
to his charming wife, to continued
friendship between our two countries."

land, after close to 2,000 years of sepa-
ration; we feel that faith has its reward.
"It is faith which has brought us thus
far and, if I may say so, it is this faith,
rooted in the Biblical heritage, which
is at the basis of the United States-
Israel friendship. We hope, Mr. Presi-
rent, that under your leadership this
friendship will deepen in the years
ahead. I am limited in my use of the
English language, otherwise I would
speak to you not from the paper. I still
hope that my meaning is clear, for as
the ancient Hebrew saying goes, 'Words
that come from the heart, go to the
"In proposing a toast to you. Mr.
President, may I cite the traditional
toast of my people, `L'Chayim Tovim
Uleshaloin.' It means, 'To a good life
and peace.' To you, who are dedicated
to bringing the good life and peace
to your own people and to the world
ladies and gentlemen, the President of
the United States of America."

A pledge to increase existing
understanding linking the United
States and Israel—and agreement
that Prime Minister Eshkol's visit
advanced this objective—together
with a reaffirmation by President
Johnson of opposition to aggres-
sion in the Near East, were con-
tained in the joint communique
issued today by the President and
Prime Minister. The President put

the United States on record as
opposing "the use of force or
threat of force" against any count-
ry in the Near East. The text of
the communique follows:

Eshkol said on departing from
the White House: "It has been a
very great pleasure for me to
meet with the President. I take
away from our discussions a clear
understanding of the position
the U.S. on various world pi
lems including the problems
the Near East. Our talks have
strengthened my feelings that
there is a broad area of agree-
ment between our two countries."
The Prime Minister emphasized
Israel's striving for peace, and
said that he and the President
have agreed that Israel and the
United States embark on a joint
effort with regard to the prob-
lems of desalting sea water. "I
shall leave Washington with the
conviction that the discussions
have increased the measure of
agreement between our two coun-
tries," Eshkol said.


"Prime Minister Eshkol and President
Johnson have completed two days of
discussions on matters of mutual in-
terest and concern. Both welcomed the
opportunity presented by the Prime
Minister's visit at the invitation of the
President for a full exchange of views.
"The President presented the views
of the United States on various world
problems, including those of the Near
East. He emphasized the strong desire
of the United States for friendly rela-
tions with all nations of the Near East,
and its devotion to peace in the area
and to peaceful ecoonmic and social
development of all countries in the
area. He congratulated Prime Minister
Eshkol on the progress made by Israel
since 1948 in the economic, technical,
social and cultural fields. He noted the
example provided by Israel in econo-
mic growth and human development in
conditions of freedom.
"Prime Minister Eshkol expressed
deep appreciation for the consistent in-
terest and sympathy shown by the U. S.
and for the generous economic assist-
ance rendered by the U. S. Government
and the American people to Israel over
the years. He was confident that Is-
rael's development would continue un-
abated towards the rapid achievement
of a self-sustaining economy. It was his
deep conviction that peace and the
maintenance of the territorial integrity
and national independence of all coun-
tries in the Near East is of vital in-
terest to the region and to the world.
"The President welcomed assurances
In the Sharon, Shomron, the South
of Israel's deep concern, which the and in Jerusalem you find the educa-
United States shares, for peace in the tional institutions organized in the
area. He reiterated to Prime Minister "Yesodoth — Educational Institutions
Eshkol U. S. support for the territorial of the Zionist Youth" Liberal Party.
In these institutes, 1,000 youths receive
integrity and political independence
of all countries in the Near East and their education, amongst them those that
emphasized the firm opposition of the were born in the country and those
U. S. to aggression and the use of force immigrated to Israel from 48 countries
or the threat of force against any all over the world.
In this "youth kingdom" you will
country. In this connection, both lead-
ers expressed their concern at the find: elementary schools, secondary, ag-
diversion of vitally important resources ricultural and vocational schools, syna-
gogues, clinics, work-shops and even
from development to armaments.
"The two leaders declared their firm "youth councils" for self management
determination to make every effort to of youth groups.
At the Dr. Mosenson Vocational Insti-
increase the broad area of understand-
ing which already exists between Israel tute in Magdiel, they teach electronics,
and the United States and agreed that metal work and other subjects, and the
the Prime Minister's visit advanced girls are taught household duties.
The Dr. Goldstein Zionist Youth Farm
this objective.
"The agreement reached to under- in Jerusalem, that was established in
developed in the course of years
take joint studies on problems of de-
salting provided concrete evidence of from a farm to a full secondary school.
secondary institution is
the desire of the U. S. to continue to "alonei Yitshak"
named after Yitshak
assist Israel in its efforts to so solve Greenbaum.
remaining economic problems. Both
, Institute is ex-
countries view this as part of the ceptional for its beauty
and scenery.
worldwide cooperative effort being un- The
in taking care
dertaken to solve the problem of of the grass-lawn and beds
scarcity of water and hope for rapid belonging to the institute. of flowers,
progress toward large-scale desalting
The "Nitsanim" youth village near
in Israel. The knowledge and experi- Ashkelon in the South is a three year
ence obtained from the joint effort will agricultural school. This school is re-
be available to all countries with water ligiously traditional.
There is a central purpose of the five
"In conclusion, the President and institutions of "Yesodoth": training for
Prime Minister expressed their convic- good citizenship, productive work, re-
tions that their peoples shared common spect for Judaism and traditional Zion-
values and were dedicated to the ad- ism.
vancement of man, to individual free-
Translation of Hebrew column, Pub-
dom, and to human dignity."
lished by Brit Ivrit Olamit, Jerusalem,

Hebrew Corner



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