Adrienne Greenberg to Marry in October MISS ADRIENNE GREENBERG At a recent family dinner, Mr. and Mrs. Ben G r e e n b erg an- nounced the engagement of their daughter Adrienne Joyce to Leo Stanley Wuls, son of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Wuls of Downs- view, Ont. An October wedding is planned. Pianist Rubenstein Honored as Hebrew U. Opens Musicology Dept. JERUSALEM (JTA) — The He- brew University formally opened its new department of musicology in the presence of the famed Amer- ican pianist, Arthur Rubenstein. The Israel Philharmonic Orchestra has endowed a chair in honor of Rubenstein, who always refused to accept fees for his many appear- ances with the orchestra. David J. Goldbergs Married 50 Yea rs MR. AND MRS. GOLDBERG Mr. and Mrs. David J. Goldberg, 1 9 3 2 6 Wisconsin, will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary Sunday. The Goldbergs are affiliated with many organizations, including Bar- Ilan University, the Jewish House of Shelter, JNF, Yeshivath Beth Yehudah, and Bnai Brith; and are members of Bnai Moshe. Beth Ab- raham, and Beth Tefilo Emanuel rrikvah Synagogues. Mr. and Mrs. Goldberg will cele- - —ate their anniversary with their children, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Gold and Morris Goldberg, and grandchildren. Trees are being planted in their honor in Israel. .1) Leon Uris' Armageddon' Recapitulates Battle for Berlin and City's Division Leon Uris, having just s c ored a victory in London in the libel suit that involved his "Exodus"; still remembered for the "Exodus" and "Mila 18" successes, is certain to be in the limelight again with his newest novel, "Armageddon," be- ing issued this week by Doubleday. A Literary Guild selection for July, "Armageddon" already is as- sured of a spot among the best sellers. Then there is the theme itself: the fact that it deals with the most crucial period that pre- ceded the tense East-West struggle gives this volume extra status. It is not only the difficulties that arose after the last war between Soviet Russia and the United States, preceding the division of Berlin, but also the retracing of the background of Nazism and the evaluation of current conditions re- lating to the attitudes of Americans LEON URIS and other allies towards ex-Nazis, that makes this work noteworthy. warding off the Russian menace, Armageddon, named in refer- and the result was the division ence to Megiddo and the ancient of the city, but with most of the Biblical battle conducted there, West Berliners remaining in an with its mystical implications, is area of freedom thanks to Ameri- interpreted as "the place where can aid. the final battle will be fought be- The airlift which brought mil- tween the forces of good and lions of tons of food and supplies evil." As the implied center of to Berlin—an accomplishment that any serious crucial armed con- was believed to be impossible of fict, the application of Arma- achievement by the Russians, a geddon to Berlin—the center of success that was doubted by most the new Uris story—is especially Americans and by the Berliners, applicable. There are love stories here — led to the attainment of an aimed between the brilliant American goal which emerges as one of the army officer Sean O'Sullivan and major motivations of the Uris a German girl; between the Rus- novel. sian colonel Igor Karlovy and a Life in Germany after the war, German teen-ager. There are other the manner in which even arch affairs — and interlinked with them criminals posed as "we didn't are stirring accounts of the strug- know" what had happened, the gles between the Russians and the minority that was anti-Nazi and Americans, the effort of the Ameri- helped the Americans in the tasks can representatives to establish the of establishing democratic institu- security of the Berlin area, the tions — these are among the fac- intrigues and the scheming which tors that emerge in "Armageddon." called for courageous action by the There are emotional aspects to representatives of this country in the story. The young girls' search an embattled area that became a after luxuries—especially cigarettes very crucial center of conflict. and chocolates—and their abandon Uris has made -a thorough study in their sex lives; the first days of of the East-West struggle relating the Russians' entrance into Berlin to Berlin and his "Armageddon" and the orgies that ensued, the therefore is an historical novel. So devotion of American military complete are his analyses of the personnel realizing they had duties differences that existed before the to perform — these and many issue was resolved into a divided other elemental factors add to the Berlin that there is more of his- story's importance. tory than of love-making in this The rapings of young children narrative. by the Russian invaders when they Readers of "Armageddon" will first came to Berlin will cause the be amazed to learn anew the readers to shudder. Some will re- source of trouble in Berlin, the fuse to believe that such inhuman- miseries that developed from the ity was possible. Uris must have fact that the Russian troops were gone to the proper sources to get permitted to be the first to enter data for his novel the city. Had American troops In an explanatory statement made occupied it first, most of the cur- tc the Literary Guild, Uris gave rent miseries might have been these reasons for "Armageddon": avoided. The ensuing battle as it "Never, not even for 'Exodus,' had I is outlined in the Uris volume amassed such a volume of material. came the logistical problem of reveals the extent of the trou- Next defining the most important facts, set- bles. The determined American ting them in chronological order and them with a fictional cast representatives, having succeeded interweaving of Germans, Russians and Americans. in convincing the Pentagon that Then began a two and a half year grind at the typewriter. My proudest the U.S. must hold the line in achievement as a writer was the fic- Berlin, were compelled to risk tional re-creation of the Berlin Airlift. armed conflicts. Through sheer "Many of us have a block about Ger- but I believe automatic German- persistence they succeeded in many, hating is not answer enough. Today, Dinner June 17 in New York to Honor Zvi Tomkiewicz with Herzog Medal; Chief Rabbi and Stollman to Speak Announcement was made in New ecutive committee of the Religious York this week by the national ex- Zionists of America Mizrachi-Hapoel Hamizrachi that Zvi Tomkiewicz, executive director of the movement in Detroit, will be honored at the annual national banquet in New York, June 17. In recognition of his "extraordi- nary and outstanding service to the movement," Tomkiewicz will be presented with the Chief Rabbi Herzog Gold Medal Award. It is expected that Chief Rabbi Isle Yehuda Untermann of Israel, who will be a guest in this country at that time, will be the principal speaker at the dinner. Phillip Stollman, Detroit Mizrachi leader, will address the banquet in ZVI TOMKIEWICZ . . Toinkiewicz's honor. . . • • . ' • less than two decades after the war, the Germans hold a balance of power in the world, and the strange fact of life is that Germany is our most power- ful and important ally. We must do everything in our power to attempt to solve the eternal riddle of the German mind and to understand how Naziism was possible in the twentieth century. My attempt to understand the Germans is the first of three themes of 'Arma- geddon! "At the end of the War, the Soviet bear burst from years of hibernation obsessed with the idea of devouring the human race. In Berlin the Ameri- can and Russian giants clashed in an armageddon for the minds of the Ber- liners, the German people and the world. If we know what took place in Berlin in those years immediately after the war, then I believe we can under- stand the depth of Russian ambition and the genesis of the Cold War. Berlin is that one place on the globe where we have never broken off day-to-day contact in direct struggle. The clashes of those early post-war years make up some of the most supercharged pages of the history of this century. "There is a third theme in 'Arma- geddon,' and it is the most important to me because it tells how I feel about my country. At the end of the war our people, steeped in the belief that mili- tary victory would bring lasting peace, wanted to end the nuisance of foreign commitments. The cry was to bring the boys home, start the automobile as- THE DETROIT JEWISH • NEWS Friday, June 5, 1964 29 Kramer-_Rosett Rites to Be Held in Autumn sembly lines going, roll out the old pleasures. But there was left a thin line of American and British soldiers on the European Continent and that was all that kept the Red tide from sweeping over Europe. This handful of dedicated people had the courage, the love of country, and the foresight to hang on until we concluded our post- war binge. "We met the first great challenge with the Berlin Airlift. It is this part of the book, the grandeur of our people and our ideals, that argues that free men cannot be conquered when they hang tough. "I feel that of all the lines I have written none has greater meaning for me than the one where a misunderstood Genera] pleads to the President of the United States: 'In the name of God, Mr. President, the future of freedom on this earth requires our presence in Berlin.' That's what 'Armageddon' is about." In many portions of the narra- tive of 632 pages—like the others of Uris' novels, "Armageddon" is long — there is room for some editing. Historians may challenge some of the facts. Nevertheless, the new story seems certain of another long retention of a place among the best sellers. It is a challenging work, more from the historical than the fictional side of it. The referrals to the Jewish suf- ferings under the Nazis are minor in this story, nevertheless they share in it, even if to a minor degree. "Armageddon" is another supreme effort by a man whose stories of the Warsaw Ghetto ("Mila 18") and Israel's battle for freedom ("Exodus") gave him such high ranking in the world of lit- erature. 0 .40 ifr MISS BARBARA KRAMER Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Kramer of Pennington Dr. announce the engagement of their daughter Bar- bara Sue to Robert Jeffrey Rosett, son of Mrs. Paul Rosett of Free- land Ave. and the late Mr. Rosett. A November wedding is planned. MUSIC I ENTERTAINMENT ! SAMMY WOLF and his orchestra UN 3-6501 If No Answer Carl DI 1-6847 • Candids • Formals • Movies Spotliters to Stage Dance ALL Your Photography Done in a Distinctive Way For Those Special Occasions The Spotliters of the Jewish Center will hold a dance 9 p.m. June 14 at the Oak Park Center. Music will be provided by a local band, and refreshments will be served. All single. Jewish adults age 21 to 40 are invited. By CLARE CALL MR. ROSEN 341-4141 Larry Freedman Orchestra and entertainment LI 7-2899 For Your Fine Diamonds and Jewelry "Buy With Confidence" Norman Allan Co. Gemolog ists 17540 WYOMING OPEN THURS., FRI. Diernontolooists DI 1-1330 A 'TIL 9 P.M. because of our meticulous at- tention to fine tailoring and superb fitting . . coupled with unparalleled per- sonal service, we offer that little bit more that makes world of difference ! Alterations A Specialty Remember Dad With The World's Finest Apparel from Harry's 73 0