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June 05, 1964 - Image 17

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1964-06-05

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Karbel Elected
- Beth El President


Sidney J. Karbel was elected
president of Temple Beth El at
the 114th annual congregational
meeting on May 26. Other officers
elected were Martin L. Butzel,
vice-president, and Stanley J.
Winkelman, treasurer.
A member of Temple Beth El
for 35 years, Karbel has served on
the executive board of the Temple
for many years and has held the
offices of treasurer and vice-presi-
A native of Bay City, Karbel is
a graduate of the University of
Michigan Law School and a mem-
ber of the law firm of Karbel,
Eiges and Rothstein. He is a past
president of Harry B. Keidan
Lodge of Bnai Brith, Metropolitan
Detroit Bnai Brith Council, and
District Grand Lodge No. 6 of
Bnai Brith; a former member of
the national Bnai Brith Hillel
Commission and presently on the
boards of the University of Michi-
gan and Wayne State University
Hillel Foundations.
He is a commissioner of the
Anti-Defamation League national
commission, having served for
many years as a member of the
ADL Civil rights committee, as
chairman of the Michigan
Regional Advisory Board of ADL
of which he is presently a cabinet
and board member.
He is treasurer of the Jewish
Community Council, former trea-
surer and presently board mem-
ber of the Resettlement Service
and a past vice-president of the
Detroit Service Group of the
Jewish Welfare Federation. He is
a member of the boards of the
Jewish Welfare Federation and
Sinai Hospital and a former chair-
man of the professional division
of the Allied Jewish Campaign.
He is a member of the advisory
committee of the Detroit Chapter
of the American Jewish Com-
The following were elected to
the executive board: Wilbur De-
Young, Aubrey H. Ettenheimer,
William H. Frank, Harvey H.
Goldman, and James H. Wineman.
The following remain on the
executive board: Nthan B. Carroll,
Irving Goldberg, Emanuel J.
Harris, Mrs. John C. Hopp, Archie
Katcher, Alan E. Schwartz, and
William C. Sloman.
Sydney Sarasohn, retiring presi-
dent, will serve as an honorary
member of the executive board.
The following are as ex-of-
ficio members of the executive
board: Mrs. Roger D. Ettlinger,
president of the Sisterhood, Al-
fred L. Lindenbaum, president of
the Men's Club, Lee Marks, presi-
dent o fthe Married Group and
Arthur L. Goulson, chairman of
the cemetery board.

Yiddish State Theatre
Cheered by Paris Crowd

PARIS (JTA)—An enthusiastic
audience of 600 persons greeted
with 10 curtain calls the Yiddish
State Theater of Poland currently
touring Europe, which opened here
Monday night.
The opening production was
Cerkele, which featured in the cast
the noted Yiddish actress Ida Ka-

Ben Levinson Gets High Yeshiva University
Honors; Praised by Truman, Church Leaders

Honoring Ben Levinson, the
annual Yeshiva University dinner,
held Tuesday at Cobo Hall, was
adjudged the most successful and
best attended event in the history
of the university's functions in
David Goldberg, the organizer
of the Detroit Friends of Yeshiva
University, who annually serves
as the key personality in the or-
ganizational functions for the uni-
versity, said Tuesday's event was
perhaps one of the largest tradi-
tional kosher dinners ever served
here. More than 800 persons paid
$50 each to honor Levinson at this
As a mark of recognition of
Levinson's lifetime activities and
to indicate his friendship for the
Detroit leader, former President
Harry S. Truman, who was hon-
orary chairman of the sponsoring
committee for the dinner, wrote
to Abraham Borman, chairman
of Yeshiva U.'s Detroit Friends:
"I have been hoping against
hope to join you in your celebra-
tion in honor of Mr. Ben Levin-
son. However, I found upon my
return that my recent trips
through the country so depleted
my energy that I must have a
breathing spell for a week or so
before I can resume travel
"I wish to extend congratu-
lations to my friend, Ben Levin-
son, and to wish him every
success in all of his public
spirited endeavors for his com-
munity. I only wish I could
have been there in person to
express my personal high re-
gard for this interprising citi-
A message from the White
House greeting Levinson was ad-
dressed to the gathering by Ho-
bart Taylor, assistant to the Presi-
J. M. Roche, executive vice-
president of General Motors, ex-
pressing his regret at his in-
ability to attend the dinner,
nevertheless sent a contribution
to Yeshiva University for $1,000.
Among the many messages of
greetings was one from Congress-
man from Florida Claude Pepper.
Seven university heads were at
the speakers' table at the dinner:
The Very Rev. Celestin J. Steiner,
University of Detroit; Dr. William
E. Stirton, vice-president, Univer-
sity of Michigan; Dr. Emanuel
Rachman, assistant to the Yeshiva
U. president; Dr. Rembert Stokes,
president, Wilberforce University,
Wilberforce, 0.; Rev. Nicholas
Maestrine, president, Maryglade
College, Memphis, Mich.; John
Pingell, trustee, Michigan State
University; and Dr. Gordon Scott,
Dean, WSU medical school.
Conducted under the chair-
manship of John E. Lurie, the
Yeshiva University dinner was
addressed by Dr. Emanuel Rack-
man, assistant to Dr. Israel Bel-
kin, president of the University.
Dr. Jacob E. Goldman introduced
Dr. Rackman. In the absence
from the city of Edward C. Levy,
who was to have made the award
presentation, the president of
the University of Detroit, Rev.
Celestin J. Steiner, gave the
citation to Levinson in recogni-
tion to the honoree's "outstand-
ing service to national scholar-
ship programs."
The evening's entertainer was
Sam Levenson, who for nearly an
hour told stories and concluded
with a strong appeal in behalf of
Yeshiva University. Rabbi Samuel
Stollman of Windsor gave the in-
vocation and Rabbi Israel I. Hal-
pern recited the Benshen. Cantor
Shabtai Ackerman led in the sing-
ing of the national anthem.
In his address, Dr. Rackman
joined in paying honor to Levin-
son for his devoted services to
Yeshivah University. Describing
his university's functions, he said
that "it has more than buildings,
libraries, laboratories: we have a

Friday, June 5, 1964

vision characteristically Jewish —
of Heaven meeting Earth — the
conviction that the two must be
brought together. It is the ladder
upon which Man might ascend to
Heaven and Angels descend to
He declared that the university
provides leadership to serve the
Jewish community. as well as the
total American community; that it
sponsors many programs to cope
with many problems; that Yeshiva

Windsor Rabbi,
Samuel Stollman,
to Receive Ph.D.

Rabbi Samuel S. Stollman, spiri-
tual leader of Cong. Shaar Hasho-
mayirn, Windsor, will receive the
degree of doctor of philosophy in
English literature at Wayne State
University com-
mencement exer-
cises June 18.
Besides holding
the rabbinical
poet for 15 years,
Rabbi Stollman
is graduate asso-
ciate in English
at WSU. He was
ordained at Ye-
shiva University
and holds a B.S.
degree from Columbia University
and an M.A. from Wayne State.
Rabbi Stollman's doctoral disser-
tation on "Milton and Judaism" is
a comprehensive treatment of John
Milton's conceptualization of the
biblical and contemporary Jew, the
Mosaic law, oral law and rabbinical
literature in general. It analyzes
Milton's usage of Judaism in his
prose and poetry. Rabbi Stollman
hopes to publish the dissertation.
A celebration in his honor will
be held by Cong. Shaar Hasho-
mayim 8 p.m. June 17. The public
is invited.

University is a "diversified uni-
versity." He quoted from the re-
port of the Danforth Foundation
which praised Yeshiva University
for its "religious and academic
Stating that the university has
an annual budget of $24,000,000
and is the third largest Jewish
philanthropic enterprise in the
United States, Dr. Rackman
pleaded for continued support
for the school. "By aiding Ye-
shiva University you assist in
the harnessing of moral power
to physical power," he declared.
In his response to the encomia,
Levinson expressed thanks to
those who honored him, mention
ing many by name and listing their
roles in communal efforts. David
Goldberg, key leader for the uni-
versity's efforts in Detroit, was
especially honored. He spoke about
the vast needs for educational
movements and pledged his con-
tinued devotion to Yeshiva Univer-
His wife, Clara, was honored
prior to the presentation of the
award to Levinson. A bouquet of
roses was presented to her by Inda
Goldberg, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. David Goldberg.
Next Tuesday, Levinson will be
in Wilberforce, 0., to receive an
honorary Doctor of Humanities
degree from Wilberforce Univer-
sity. He will address the graduat-
ing class of Wilberforce, one of
the first Negro universities in the

The number of years of formal
education is greater in Michigan
than in the average state.

Jonas Dworin, president of
Cong. Ahavas A.chim, has an-
nounced a farewell party in honor
of Rabbi and Mrs. Milton Arm, 8
p.m. June 15 at the synagogue.
The gathering will be high-
lighted by a musical tribute di-
rected by Cantor Simon Bermanis.
featuring Cantor Louis Klein of
B'nai Moshe, Cantor Jacob H. Son-
enklar of Shaarey Zedek, and Dan
Frohman, conductor of the Shaarey
Zedek Choir and the Don Frohman
Members of the congregation
and friends of Rabbi and Mrs. Arm
are asked to attend the party.
Rabbi Arm has been appointed
assistant to the president of the
Jewish National Fund and will
soon be moving with his family
from Detroit.


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Charles Shere Elected
Bnai David President

At the 72nd annual meeting of
Cong. B'nai David, Charles N.
Shere was elected president.
Other officers are Jack Kraiz-
man, vice president; Neil Kalef
Norton Rosin, vice presidents; Jo-
seph Shifman, treasurer; and Ar-
thur J. Cole, secretary.
Shere served as president of the
congregation from 1954 to 1956
and has held various other offices
in the synagogue.

Ahavis Achim to Honor
Departing Rabbi Arm


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