Workmen's Circle Sets Weekend Activities omens CO) activities ROSENWALD AUXILIARY, LIVONIA C 0 N G REGATION American Legion, has scheduled SISTERHOOD will hold its final its annual luncheon and games meeting 8:30 p.m. Monday at the party for noon Tuesday at Fed- Maly-Cohen Branch of the United eral's Auditorium, Grand River Hebrew Schools. Mrs. Saul Raimi, and Oakman Blvd. Prizes and program chairman, announces entertainment will be featured, that slides of the New York with proceeds going to charity. World's Fair will be shown. Guests Guests invited. For information invited. Refreshments will be call Lydia Slakter, vice president, served. The sisterhood's semi- VE 6-8174, or Helen Wolf, presi- annual rummage sale will be held 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesday at the dent, 342-7756. synagogue building. Such articles * * as clothing, household goods and MUSIC STUDY CLUB OF DE- TROIT will hold its annual lunch- books will be available. For infor- eon noon Tuesday at Imperial mation, call Mrs. Morris Herman, Caterers. A cocktail reception will chairman, GA 7-0197, or Mrs. Sam precede the luncheon. Pnina Siegel, KE 7-5431. * * * Schwartz, lyric soprano, will per- BETH SHALOM SISTERHOOD form, accompanied by Mrs. Robert officers and members of the board Bates. Officers will be installed, announces Mrs. Henry Gall, chair- will be installed by Rabbi Morde- man of the day. .Guests invited. cai Halpern at an installation tea 12:30 p.m. Wednesday at the syna- For reservations, call Mrs. Fay Wald, 535.3823, or Mrs. Rose Bas- gogue. Mrs. Jerry Efros is reelect- ed president, and other officers sin, UN 1-2701. are Mesdames Sidney Berg, * * * Charles Factor, Jackie Gill, Harold AVODAH CHAPTER, Pioneer Glass, Walter Herbach, David Women, will hold its closing meet- M o s s, Jerome Rapoport, Leo ing 12:30 p.m. Tuesday at the Schwartz and Milton Zimmerman. home of Mrs. Ben Meyers, 19372 A musical program will follow, Ohio. Mrs. Paul Feldman, past featuring Cantor Ruben Erlbaum president, will speak on her recent and Mesdames Norman Schakne, trip to Israel. Guests invited. Harvey Sibrack and David Moss. * * * Chairman is Mrs. Aaron Wallis. MICHAEL C. STARK CHAP- Guests invited. TER, Children's Leukemia Foun- * * * dation, will meet 8 p.m. Monday DETROIT CANCER FIGHTERS, at the home of Margo Silver, 16155 City of Hope, will hold its annual Kentucky. A cooking demonstra- Tag Day campaign throughout the tion will be presented. For infor- downtown area June 10, it was mation, call Mrs. Silver, 862-5631. announced by Mrs. Elliot Schubi- * * * ner, who is directing the campaign. CLUB TWO, Pioneer Women, Volunteers are asked to call Mrs. will hold its annual luncheon noon Schubiner, 357-5166, or Mrs. Sey- Wednesday at the Labor Zionist mour Schwartz, volunteer chair- Institute. Guest speaker will be man, UN 4-7294. Proceeds will go Emanuel Mark, who recently visit- to the free, nonsectarian National ed Israel. Guests invited. Medical Center. The group's execu- * * * tive board will meet 8:30 p.m. PARKWOOD CHAPTER, Monday in the home of Mrs. Abe Women's American ORT, will hold Eizelman, 17549 Pennington. Plans its culminating luncheon program will be made for the Midwest noon Monday at the home of Mrs. Regional Conference to be held in Sidney Bertin, 19444 Parkside. A Detroit during June. petite buffet luncheon will be * * * served, followed by an installation NORTHWEST N'SHEI CHABAD of officers, with Mrs. Jack Rubin STUDY GROUP will meet 3:30 reelected president. "A Panorama p.m. Saturday at the home of Mrs. of ORT Through Music" will be Jonathan Baiter, 17208 0 h i o. - presented by soprano Ruth Gold- Speaker will be Rabbi Batter. man. Accompanist will be Rose * * * Mash. OAK PARK N'SHEI CHABAD * * *: STUDY GROUP will meet 3:30 AMERICAN MEDICAL CEN- p.m. Saturday at the home of Mrs. TER AT DENVER, Detroit Ladies Kane, 24247 Rensselaer. Guest Auxiliary, will hold a luncheon speaker will be Rabbi G. Werner. * * * meeting noon Tuesday at the Jewish Center. Honored will be PURITY CHAPTER, Order of Mesdames Sol Atkins, Oscar Garri- the Eastern Star, will meet 7:45 son, Martin Landes, Max Eilbaum p.m. Monday at Eureka Temple. and Mandel Haron. Refreshments will be served. For a Home Demonstration * * FREE! Carrying Case, Head Block Fitting and Styling with every Fashion Tress Wig Wigs International 1540 Woodward (Next to Telenews Theater) Detroit YOUTH EDUCATION LEAGUE will hold its annual installation luncheon 12:30 p.m. Wednesday at Tam O'Shanter Country Club. * * * NEW STUDY CLUB will hold its paid-up membership luncheon noon Wednesday at Fisher's, * * * Radomer Board to Meet There will be a Memorial Day observance 1 p.m. Sunday on the grounds of the Workmen's Circle Cemetery, Gratiot and 14 Mile Rds. Members who need transporta- tion will be picked up at noon at the W. C. Center. Radomer Aid and Ladies Society will hold an executive board meet- ing 8:30 p.m. Monday at the Work- men's Circle Center. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Alfield will be host and hostess. Discus- sion will be on Israel Bonds. Dinner will be served. FOR EXCEPTIONAL VALUES I CORSETS BY EVA Free Custom Fitting Alterations by Experienced Corsetieres 15850 W. 7 MILE ROAD 3 Blks. W. of Greenfield Ilh blocks North of. Lodle .Expressway Open Thurs. to 9 p.m. BR 3-2509 or VE 7-9783 Only GOOD PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHS CAN KEEP YOUR JOY . . . FOREVER! Call Today For An Appointment sack STUDIO OF PHOTOGRAPHY Open Daily 'til 5:30 p.m. Closed Monday UN 2-0200 UN 2-0660 19492 LIVERNOIS AVE. North of Outer Drive WOMEN . . . CHECK OUR GET- ACQUAINTED OFFER AND WIN A WEEK END AT THE NEW YORK WORLD'S FAIR! (One Each Week For Duration) Every Woman Who has Our $20 Carl Richards Oil Permanent has an Opportunity to Win! For Details Call: St/ e$ ty Mary ote KE 1-8573 18215 W. 7 Mile, 1 /2 Block N. of Southfield To wives whose HUSBANDS HAVE NOT MADE A CLEAN BREAST OF EVERYTHLNG UNITED ORDER TRUE SIS- TERS announces that newly in- stalled officers are Mesdames Saul Kaplan, president; Leonard Pinter, vice president; Joseph Lupovich, Gerald Rosenbloom and Harry Morse, secretaries; Alan Colman, treasurer; Elliott Cohen, mentor; Leon Becker, warden; Ben Gold- hoff, guardian; and Herman Schon- berg, monitress. * * * MAIMONIDES MEDICAL SO- CIETY AUXILIARY announces next year's officers are Mesdames Howard Appelman, president; San- ford Bennett, Leonard. Hakin, Sol Sakwa, David Morton, and Victor Horowitz, vice presidents; Oscar Silverstein, Sander Klein, Eugene Pious and Arnold Axelrod, secre- taries; and Norman Schakne, treas- urer. Twenty-five-year members recently honored are Mesdames Robert L. Cowen, Sol C. Grossman, Max Lichter, Ben Marks, Hyman Mellen and Harry Weisberg. Where did your husband dine his customer or associates las t week? Where did he have the lunch that sent him home with such a cat-sleek, satisfied look today? Has he even mentioned Detroit's newest showplace restaurant, the ACT IV? If you've been having a touch of cabin fever, or are just plain bored with the same old community hang- outs, BUST OUT! Come right out and ask him to show you off where you'll be seen by people who are in- teresting to see. Music, smart decor, celebrities, 177 intriguing luncheon and dinner items—even the cocktails seem to glow warmer and brighter. Just leave your car at our door. Where's our door? Oh yes, if your husband claims not to know, direct him to the Boulevard West Building, just across the street from the Fisher Theatre on West Grand Boulevard; there, big as life, and twice as much fun, is the ACT IV! Phone 873-4600. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, May 29, 1964 15 - Open Thursday 'til 9 p.m. PRIMROSE BENEVOLENT CLUB will hold its installation of officers 12:30 p.m. Tuesday at Carl's Chop House. For reserva- tions, call Mrs. Molly Kobrin, UN 3-4057. * * Be one of the many who already own a FASHION TRESS WIG. The only wig with a guarantee. 962-3900 * INFANTS SERVICE GROUP will present a one-act play, "Did You Say Mink?" as part of its annual installation luncheon noon Tuesday at the Town and Country Club. Directed by Mrs. Sydney Berman; the cast includes Mes- dames Eleanor Riseman, Sophie Shapiro, Ruth Berman, Shirley Merson, Freda Fisher, Vera Brode, Helen Klein, Bernice Katz, Dor- othy Freeman, Alice Farber, and Evelyn Rochlin. For reservations, call Mesdames Leonard Baron, 353-3844, or Julius Stross, 341-6191. * * * NEGBAH CHAPTER, Pioneer Women, will hold a social meeting 12:30 p.m. Wednesday at the Labor Zionist Institute. Current events will be discussed. * * * JEWISH WOMEN EUROPEAN WELFARE - ORGANIZATION will meet noon Monday at Jericho Tem- ple. Election of officers will be held, and final arrangements for the installation made. * * * ZEDAKAH CLUB will hold its installation luncheon noon June 8 at Raleigh 'House. For reserva- tions, call Mrs. B. Chestnut, 356- 2804, or Mrs. G. Horton, UN 4-6303. * * HANITA CHAPTER, Pioneer Women, will hold its installation luncheon 12:30 p.m. June 6 at Carl's Chop House. New officers being installed include Mesdames r r i s Mittleman, president; Michael Wilson, Simon Slutsky and Alex Schreier, vice presidents; Nathan Glenner, Joseph Meizler, Leon Baum, Philip Herman and Ben Weinstein, secretaries; and Henry Abrams, treasurer. * * * Think Big Think Wig Call CLUB ONE, Pioneer Women, will meet 12:30 p.m. Tuesday at the Labor Zionist Institute, an- nounces Mrs. Sara Levine, presi- dent. Mrs. Rebecca Warren, re- cently returned from Israel, will speak on the various functions of Pioneer Women . Refreshments will be served. • * BNAI MOSHE SISTERHOOD announces that Mrs. Benjamin Weiss was elected president at the annual meeting of the ..sisterhood. Other elected officers include Mes- dames Karl Greenberg, Jerome Lechner, Sol Grand, and William Morin, vice presidents; Theodore Kohn, Nathan Wrubel, Leon Mos- kovitz and Louis Neuman, secre- taries; Leslie Rosenberg, treas- urer; Harry Gunsberg, chaplain; and Harry Markle, parliamentar- ian. Workmen's Circle Branch 460-E will hold a family picnic Saturday, at Highland recreation area. Mem- bers will gather 11 a.m. at Tele- graph and Maple and proceed from there. A program of games, nature hikes and discussion groups has been planned by the social com- mittee headed by Mrs. Abraham Brownston. Guests invited.