Congregational b rf, Dinner for Bonds Next Thursday Socialist International Asks Recall of German Scientists From Egypt; U.S. Call to France on N-Sec•ecy Hurts Israel Dr. Abraham Biran, director of antiquities of the State of Israel, which could be settled only by LONDON (JTA) — The bureau' fare. They reported also that, in this and similar scientific fields. will speak at the annual congre - Secretary Rusk and Butler had President Charles de Gaulle. It was gational and Israel Bond leader- of the Socialist International, goy- another move, they are advocating ship dinner Thursday. 6:30 p.m., erning group of the body, with 12 that West Germany establish dip- a private meeting with Maurice indicated that, for the time being, Couve de Murville, the French France was sharing nuclear re- at Holiday Ma- countries represented, concluded lomatic relations with Israel. * * ti: Foreign Minister, at the Hague, search with Israel and planned to - its two-day session by voting unan nor. where the three diplomats are at- open negotiations with its partners The dinner is imous support for the West Ger- Switzerland Sentences 2 tending the current NATO Minis- in the European Economic Co . __, sponsored by the man Socialist Democratic Party's on Charges of Spying ZURICH (JTA) — Two Swiss terial Conference. The American munity for possible collaboratio -\ c o n g r e g a - efforts to adopt legislation at I 1 in such research in the future. tional and High Bonn, preventing German scien- nationals, who admitted stealing and British diplomats asked the Holy Day Coun- tists in Egypt from helping Egypt secret documents from their ern- - French official to begin negotia - 61 and the De- build a war machine aimed at ployer, were sentenced on charges tions on the matter. Like of spying for Israel against Egypt. •-• French sources here told the roit Israel Bond Israel. The Zurich District Court con Jewish Telegraphic Agency that, Under the chairmanship of Har- Committee. c a ak Cocktail's got it! Spiritual a n d I old Wilson, leader of the British victed Wilhelm Naef, 33, a me- despite strong Anglo-American lay leaders of all Labor Party, the Socialist leaderschanic, and Johann Neeser, 38, a pressure, France has not yielded. CODE NO. 42 PROOF $11 6688 Detroit area con- , adopted a resolution stating: "Theclerk, who were employed by the According to those sources, the 4/5 QUART - French Minister told his Western gregations a n d bureau of the Socialist Interna - Egyptian - controlled Motoren Tur- UNITED BRANDS • DETROIT • U.S.A. one was ) members of the tional expressed deep concern at binen Pumpen A. G. of Zurich, of colleagues that the matter srael Bond Coin- disclosures showing that numer- copying the documents and turning $.. Biran mittee will par- ous scientists still holding German them over to Israel. They were You Are Cordially Invited to Attend a ticipate in the dinner, which will Federal citizenship are actively also convicted of economic espion- plan the synagogue-centered and engaged in the manufacture of age. High Holy Day Israel Bond ac- weapons and other operations - in Naef received a three-month tivities. Egypt, designed to bring destruc- jail sentence and Neeser five Honoring Phillip Stollman is chairman of tion to the State of Israel, thus months. The sentences were sus- the Congregational and High Holy endangering peace in the Middle pended for four years and neither Day Council. East. It welcomes the initiative defendant will have to serve his which the Socialist Democratic term if he is not convicted of an- Party of Germany has taken in the other crime. Each was also fined Dean of advanced Talmudical Bundestag, West Germany's lower $70. Studies at Yeshivah University in * * * house of Parliament, to bring New York, and Head of the these operations to an end." U. S. Requests France American Committee for MIFAL The German Socialists had re- Not to Share Nuclear HATORAH IN ISRAEL. ported to the conference that they Secrets; Israel Affected on TORONTO (JTA)—Mixed mar- are dissatisfied with legislation riages by Canadian Jews are on the scientists in Egypt presented PARIS (JTA) — Secretary of the rise, having increased from 4.7 to the Bundestag by the German State Dean Rusk and British For- per cent in 1921 to 16.4 per cent Interior Ministry, on the grounds eign Secretary R.. A. Butler asked in 1962, according to figures corn- that such proposals would be in- France to stop sharing nuclear piled by Louis Rosenberg, research effective. They said they preferred secrets with non-atomic powers. director for the Canadian Jewish a law that would outlaw such ac- France and Israel have a 10-year Congress. tivities under a clause in the West old agreement for cooperation in Among Jewish men, he reported, German Constitution forbidding nuclear research. The two coup intermarriage had reached 12.1 all Germans to aid aggressive war- tries have collaborated closely in per cent in 1962. compared with 3.1 per cent in 1921. Among Jew- ash women, - intermarriage had • • • • grown from L4 per cent to 5.7 per • 17376 Wyoming Avenue cent. The statistics showed that the FRANKFURT—Joel Brand, who of the Jewish Agency in the number of marriages in Canada in was one of the chief actors in the Turkish city. You will hear an interesting message from a renowned Scholar and which both bride and bridegroom tragic drama of the war when a famous Orator. But neither British nor Jewish were Jewish had reached a peak Heinrich Himmler proposed a deal Agency officials trusted Himmler Refreshments will be served—Come and bring your friends—No of 2,199 in 1942, decreasing to of trucks-for-lives — a thousand or his plan. Brand was detained in solicitation. 1,266 in 1962. But mixed marriages trucks for the German army in ex- Aleppo several months and then Sponsored by the Mizrachi-Hapoel Hamizrachi of Detroit among Canadian Jews, he said, had change for a million Hungarian was shipped by the British to increased from 50 in 1922 to 226 Jews who were to be saved from Egypt, where he was held till the in 1942. and to 251 in 1962. the gas chamber—came to Frank- end of the war. * * * In the latter year, '77 of the furt from Israel on Wednesday to In other testimony here, a Polish mixed marriages were between testify against two of - Eichmann's doctor who served as a clerk at Jews and Roman Catholics; 58 aides. Facing the pair, Otto Hunsche Auschwitz told of keeping the rec- with members of the United Church; 40 with Anglicans; 16 and Hermann Krumey, who al- ords of 130,000 male inmates with Presbyterians; and six or legedly helped kill 437,000 Jews killed. And, it was related, special less with Greek Orthodox, Uni- Brand tried to save, the Israeli rations of liquor and cigarets were tarians, Free Methodists, mem- testified that Eichmann's 1944 of- offered to Nazis who performed bers of the Reformed Church, fer was part of a Nazi attempt to extra work in killing Jewish pris- Buddhists or Confucians, Jeho- get the Western powers to desert oners. (Related story Page 9) vah's Witnesses and the Salva- their Soviet allies and join in the tion Army. war against Russia. The highest intermarriage rates, Brand figured prominently in If the tradition of including the Jewish said the CJC report, occurred in the case of Rudolf Kastner, a Jew the Atlantic provinces, where the who was accused of having given National Fund in the Will of every Jew were Jewish populations are the small- preference to members of his fam- est, numbering only about 3,000 of ily in the selection of camp in- invariably followed, sufficient resources would the Dominion's 250,000 Jews. mates to be saved. Thirty-one Jews will receive of- be accumulated to ensure the future of the Eighty per cent of Canada's Jews Hunsche admits taking extor- ficers' commissions at the 1964 live in the provinces of Ontario tion money from Brand in the young Jewish State on a sound basis of land four and Quebec, where intermarriage vain Jewish attempt to thwart commencement exercises of June national service academies in development, social welfare, and justice. is lowest. Nazi gas chambers. The two are A breakdown of the data, all of charged with playing leading roles and July, it was announced by N it derived from official government in the deportation of Hungarian Rabbi Israel Miller, chairman of A bequest to the Jewish National Fund Jews to Auschwitz. the Nationa Jewish Welfare Board census figures, shows that 50 per Brand said the Nazi plan also commission of Jewish chaplaincy. cent of the Jewish marriages in should be as traditional as having a Blue Box the Province of Nova Scotia and called for SS Gen. Heinrich Himm- Twelve new Jewish second lieu- in one's home. New Brunswick were "mixed" in ler to wrest power from Hitler and tenants will be graduated by the 1962; 38 per cent in Saskatchewan; place himself at the head of Nazi U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado Germany. Springs, Colo., on June 3. That 31 per cent in British Columbia. You may want your bequest to be dedi- In Ontario and Quebec pro- He said he never really believed same day the U.S. Military Aca- vinces, where much of the Jewish the Nazis would keep their word decoy, West Point, N.Y., will corn- cated to afforestation, to a village, a hachlah, population is concentrated, the of the bargain if the deal materi- mission five Jewish cadets as sec- "mixed" marriage rates for 1962 alized. But, he testified, he made and lieutenants; the U.S. Naval to a children's play area, to perpetual yahrzeit were, respectively, 21 per cent a terrible mistake in later talks Academy, Annapolis, Md., will or kaddish, or to some form of permanent and nine per cent. with the British when he passed commission nine Jewish graduates tribute in the names of persons dear to you on Himmler's promise that the as ensigns, and the U.S. Merchant trucks would be used only on the Marine Academy, Kings Point, L. Dallas Campaign Closes DALLAS (JTA) — With every Russian front. I., N.Y., will graduate four new "The Western Allies immedi- Jewish ensigns. There are no Jews Consult the Foundation for Jewish division reporting sizable increases, the 1964 campaign of the Jewish ately saw this as a clumsy Ger in the 1964 class of the U.S. class National Fund, 18414 Wyoming, UN 4-2767. Welfare Federation here reached man attempt to split them from of the U.S. Coast Guard Academy. the Russians and quite naturally They will gladly co-operate with you in work- The 31 new Jewish officers will a total of $739,200 by the drive's the plan fell through," Brand said. closing dinner, and there were anti- On May 17 1944, Krumey drove receive inscribed copies of the ing out plans to meet your special require- cipations that contributions of ap- Brand from Budapest to Vienna, Bible from JWB's commission on ments, in strict privacy without obligation or proximately $20,000 more may still where he placed Brand on a Ger- Jewish chaplaincy a Jewish bac- be recorded before the drive is of- man airlines plane that flew him calaureate services to be con- expense to you, legal or otherwise. ficially ended. to Istanbul. Brand had orders to ducted by the Jewish chaplains THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS deliver Himmler's proposition to at the four academies prior to corn- British agents and representatives mencement exercises. Friday, May 22, 1964 8 BRANDY? . 49 RECEPTION z RABBI AVIGDOR CYPERSTEIN Mixed Marriages Rise to 16.4 Pct. for Canadian Jews ( Trucks-For-Lives Deal Is Related in Auschwitz Testimony Against Pair YOUNG ISRAEL OF NORTHWEST DETROIT SMALL BEQUESTS BUILD A STRONG ISRAEL 31 Jews to Get Commissions at U. S. Academies