AIIMBL -1111•111118_ George Eliot's Essays: Comments on Scriptures, the Jews, Heine George Eliot has written one of the most powerful appeals for Zionism—even before there was a world Zionist movement in the political sense—in "Daniel De- ronda." That was not the limit of her interest in Jewish history and literature. Columbia cniversity Press has issued a most im- port ant col lection. "Essays of George Eliot." edited by Prof Thomas Pinney of Pomona Col- lege, Claremont. Calif., in which we find evi- dences of the em inent author's ac- quaintance with t h e Scriptures and her deep in- trest in the ma- jor issues con- fronting man kind. The selections for this volume essays written George Eliot between 1851 and 1857, include impressions of her travels through Germany, crit- ical views on many distinguished English and German authors, an essay on Heinrich Heine and Ger- man wit and especially interest- ing articles on "Silly Novels by Lady Novelists" and "Introduc- tion to Genesis." With reference t Heine, George Eliot wrote: "True, this unique German wit is half a Hebrew, but he and his ancestors spent their youth in German air . . . so that he is as much a German as a pheasant is an English bird, or a potato an Irish vegetable. But whatever else he may be, Heine is one of the most remark- able men of this age: no echo, but a real voice, and therefore, like all genuine things in this world, worth studying; a surpassing lyric poet, who has uttered our feelings for us in delicious song; a humorist, who touches leaden folly with the magic hand of his fancy ... " There is a satirical quotation from Heine: He referred, speak- ing of his studies, to Greek as "an invention of the devil," and then said: "With Hebrew it went some- what better, for I had always a great liking for the Jews, though to this very hour they crucify my good name; but I could never go on so far in Hebrew as my watch, which had much familiar inter- course with pawnbrokers, and in this way contracted many Jewish habits—for example, it wouldn't go on Saturdays." In "The Progress of the Intel- lect," an essay in which George Eliot thoroughly analyzed Robert William Mackay's studies of Greek and Hebrew religious develop- ments, she made this interesting comment: "The judicious reader of the Hebrew Scriptures, however or- thodox his faith, cannot fail to perceive that they exhibit a prog- ress from degrading to en- lightened views of Divine nature and government. The writings of the prophets are full of protests against the conceptions of pop- ular ignorance, and by continual. ly expanding, purifying the Jew- ish ideas of Diety, prepared the way for the reception of the teachings of Christ." She referred to the Septuagint: "The Seventy who translated the Hebrew Scriptures into Greek are said to have been placed in sep- arate confinement that each might produce his independent version, and their versions, when after- ward compared, were found to be identical. This agreement as to the meaning of a text was highly satisfactory, and some inconveni- ence might have been saved if subsequent interpretations h a d been equally harmonious." Noteworthy legends were THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, May 22, 1964 16 quoted by the eminent novelist and essayist in her article on Genesis. Luther's lack of mercy for the Jews was mentioned in her essay "The Influence of Rationalism." Misconceptions about Jews and the crucifixion were dealt with in her essay on Dr. John Cumming's "Evangelical Teachings." There is this charming evalua- tion in her essay "Silly Novels by Lady Novelists": "Admitting that genius which has familiarized itself with all the relics of an ancient period can sometimes, by the force of its sympathetic divination, re- store the missing notes in the sic of humanity, and recon- struct. the fragments into a whole which will really bring the re- mote past nearer to us, and in- terpret it to our duller appre- hension,—this form of imagina- tive power must always be among the very rarest, because it de- mands as much accurate and min- ute knowledge as creative vigour. Yet we find ladies constantly choosing to make their mental mediocrity more conspicious, by clothing it in a masquerade of ancient names; by putting their feeble sentimentality into the Roman vestals or Egyptian prin- cesses, and attributing their rhe- torical arguments to Jewish high- priests and Greek philosophers. A recent example of this heavy imbecility is, 'Adonijah, a Tale of the Jewish Dispersion', which forms part of a series, 'uniting,' we are told, 'taste, Humour, and sound principles."Adonijah, we presume, exemplifies the tale of `souni principles;' the taste and humour are to be found in other members of the series. We are told on the cover, that the inci- dents of this tale are 'fraught with unusual interest,' and the preface winds up thus: 'To those who feel interested in the di- spersed of Israel and Judea, these pages may afford, perhaps, information on an important subject, as well as amusement.' Since the 'important subject' on which this book is to afford in- formation is not specified, it may possibly lie in some esoteric meaning to which we have no key; but if it has relation to the dispersed of Israel and Judea at any period of their history, we believe a tolerably well-informed school-girl already knows much more of it than she will find in this 'Tale of the Jewish Disper- sion.' Adonijah' is simply the feeblest kind of love story, sup- posed to be instructive, we pre- sume, because the hero is a Jew- ish captive and the heroine a Roman vestal; because they and their friends are converted to Christianity after the shortest and easiest method approved by the 'Society for Promoting the Conversion of the Jews;' and be- cause, instead of being written in plain language, it is adorned with that peculiar style of grand- iloquence which is held by some lady novelists to give an antique coloring . . . " There is remarkable skill in the writings of George Eliot who, a century after her works first ap- peared, continues to emerge as one of the literary giants of all time. Her essays now available in the Columbia University Press volume are convincing proof of it. —P. S. Pro-Hitler Historian Has Ups, Downs on Tour LONDON — American historian David Hoggan, who defended Hit- ler's role, has received both praise and brickbats during his Germany- Austria lecture tours. He has been banned from lectur- ing on his book "The Enforced War," in Vienna, Graz and Linz but received a 450-pound prize from the neo-Nazi Society for Public Relations. The California University pro- fessor was debarred from receiving another prize from the Society of Free Journalism at Heidelberg. Dr. Stephen S. Wise's Genius Linked in Friendship with Rev. Holmes in Carl Voss' Double Biography, 'Rabbi and Minister' An epic story about two dis- tinguished ministers of religion, both of whom worked together for the advancement of human needs and for the elimination of evils in political q u a r- ters, is told by Dr. Carl Her- mann Voss, an eminent theolo- gian who had been active in Christian ranks of friends of the Zionist m o V e- ment. In his "Rabbi and Minister — t h e Friendship of Stephen S Wise and John Haynes Holmes," published b y World, he links the two, describes -1r. Wise their career s, traces their activities and tells how they had acted together when calls for service linked them in common causes. Wise and Holmes commenced their friendship and their life- time collaboration in scores of causes in January 1907. when both came to New York. Dr. Wise died in 1949—having been blessed to live to see Israel an autonomous state. Dr. Holmes did not live to see the book about him and his Jewish friend come off the press —unless he had seen galley proofs before he passed away. He died the first week of April of this year. In the main, Dr. Voss links their activities very ably. In their efforts, in support of the labor movement, in their oppo- sition to Tammany Hall, in their opposition to desegregation and their battle for just rights for the Negroes, and in a score of other causes, they labored well together. Separately, they had their own deep interests and their personal stories are well related. It is questionable whe- ther the story of two such giants in the religious spheres can be told as one. Each deserves a full length biography. But insofar as Dr. Voss aimed at showing a close friendship between one of the world's most distinguished Jews and a noted Unitarian min- ister, he has succeeded. Dr. Wise's story is replete with incidents about the eminent lead- er's courageous position on many matters—on Zionism, on the free- dom he insisted upon in his pul- pit, on political issues. The family background, Stephen Wise's fath- er's ministry in New York, the young Rabbi Stephen Wise's call to Portland and the commence- ment of his distinguished career as the founding rabbi of the Free Synagogue, in 1907, are part of an introductory story that be- comes inseparable from a lifetime of fearless activities among Jews and non-Jews. Having attended the Second World Zionist Congress where he had met Theodor Herzl, Wise was among the pioneers in the Jewish national movement. He was the co- founder the American Zionist Federation with Prof. Richard Gottheil, who was the first Ameri- can Zionist president. He was in the thick of battles in defense of the movement and he never wavered. Wise's friendship with Wood- row Wilson whom he supported for the Presidency, the negotia- tions he conducted to secure Wilson's endorsement of the Bal- four Declaration, his subsequent efforts, his activities in every facet of Zionism, make the "Rab- bi and Minister" story a vital part of Zionist history. Likes and dislikes are recorded. There are the echoes of differ- ences with Franklin D. Roosevelt. which later were patched up; of enmities with fellow Jews, Abba Hillel Silver among them; of struggles to gain favor for Zion- ism among Christians. And while he was battling for Zion he also continued his efforts in behalf of the NAACP, for civil liberties and liberal religious thinking. He had the backing of Holmes in many of his activities—in be- half of the cause of labor as well as in defense of Zionism; and both knew that there were missionary forces among Christians who "were of no disposition to let Palestine be granted to the Jews as a Jewish state." Dr. Voss indi- cates that the missionaries' "friend- ship with the Arabs, their stake in the missionary enterprise in Arab lands, and a subtle, well-hidden anti-Jewish feeling led most mis- sionaries to seek the destruction of Zionist hopes. The influence of this group within the ranks of Pro- testantism was not inconsiderable." The Hitler terror added to the burdens of the two clergymen. In the chapter "Haman Redivi- vus" are told some of the diffi- culties that faced the men of action. Then there is the chap- ter "Perfidious Albion" which reveals the struggles with Great Britain over the Zionist issue and the manner in which the British tried to undermine the Jewish position in Palestine. In like manner, the challenges that faced Dr. Holmes are review- ed in detail in this volume. Being a combined biography of two men, it is, perhaps, under- LOW SUMMER PRICES ; t Rabbinical Supervision Detroit off: UN 4-3190 standable why so many details are missing from the Wise story—his role in the Cleveland Zionist Con- vention in 1920, his relationship with many leaders. including Na- hum Goldmann, and many other matters that are vital in the life of the man who was in the center of so many controversies. The in- dex is this volume is faulty. But the author's style is good. He has written a work that serves to re- vive interest in two great men of the century. —P. S. Harman, Harriman Talk About Eshk-l's Visit WASHINGTON (JTA) — Israel Ambassador Avraham Harman con- ferred with Undersecretaay of State Averell Harriman on plans for the forthcoming visit of Prime Minister Levi Eshkol in Washing- ton. Harman returned last week from Israel, where he participated in top-level consultations toward finalizing the agenda of E,shkol's conferences here. Visit Israel, round trip jet air ticket New York to Tel Aviv. Costs $535. Zim Israel line has the new steamer Shalom, sailing June 11, July 10 Aug. 10, Sept. 10, Oct. 9, to Haifa, also the SS Zion and SS Israel sail- ing frequently to Haifa. A conducted tour to Tel Aviv makes it possible to remain 10 days in Israel visiting many interesting places„ includes meals and in con- nection a tour of Spain may be ar- ranged of 12 days, 22 days costing $799. Hotels, meals, included. Resort hotels in Miami Beach at rates of $4.50 up, and resort hotels. Grossinger at Grossinger, N. Y. and the Concord at Kiamesha Lake, N.Y. may be arranged at this office. We arrange trips to Mexico, Aca- pulco and at SPAS in Europe and to West Indies and Caribbeans. UNIVERSAL TOURS Hirschfeld Travel Agency 2011 Pork Ave. - Room 811 On The OCEAN at 17th ST., MIAMI BEACH, FLA. NOW OPEN 4,4664/ 4 .0 Mid-America's Fabulous Resort ! 9 Linden Non Come TKO Acres of Happiness. Moderate Rotes. Heated Swimming Pool. 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