N ■••■ II *AMMO 4••11-0 411111M.14111 ■ 0 411110.41111**411 ■ 0 41=1114E11M 41•1* 0 ••■■ 0 ■ 1 •1111• 4•111111114$ 0111.0 411=11 0,11101. AIM* 4 41111•11.111•11111. 0 Latin America Comes to Yeshiva U. Women's College she also studied privately for vate tutor, lives with her uncle, Two Jewish senoritas have only three months. Rabbi Fabian Schoenfeld, spir- brought a South American fla- itual leader of the Young Israel vor to Yeshiva University's Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. of Kew Garden Hills. Stern College for Women, the Abraham -Gedallovich — he is nation's first liberal arts and connected with textiles — 18- Visiting New York is nothing sciences college for women un- year-old Hedy is a native Colom- new to Debra. She has been bian. She plans to become a der Jewish auspices. here several times on vacations. (Copyright, 1964, Jewish psychologist. The two freshmen, Debra Hedy, although she has Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) Hedy's present stay in New Shapiro of Buenos Aires, Argen- some relatives in New York, Washington Echoes tina, and Hedy Gedallovich of York is also not a first. She finds the going a bit more dif- The State Department displayed justified caution in refusing to Bogota, Colombia, both decided was an exchange student at ficult since she has limited meet with leaders of the anti-Zionist American Council for Judaism to forsake their summer climes Bronxville High School in 1962. knowledge of Hebrew, which on the question of definition of the concept "Jewish People".... How- for awhile to study in New ever, the department was nevertheless trapped by the Council in York City for pretty much the writing a letter on this subject to the annual meeting of the anti-Zionist same reasons—to expand their group.... Which shows that, in the future, the State Department IMMEDIATE RESERVATIONS & CONFIRMATIONS Jewish education. should be even more cautious when dealing with the Council for TO Debra, 18, daughter of Rab- Judaism leaders.... It is true that the letter which Assistant Secretary THE CONCORD — GROSSINGER'S bi and Mrs. Meyer Shapiro— of State Phillips Talbot wrote to the Council is not the kind the leaders he's the chief rabbi of Buenos NEVELE COUNTRY CLUB of the anti-Zionist group expected and this is probably the reason Aires—was born in New York And many other fine hotels . . . from Maine to Florida . . . why they sought also a personal discussion in the State Department. City, but moved to Caracas, from the east coast to the west coast. ... In fact, the Council did not make public the full text of the letter Venezuela, when she was 3 and chose to present it only in part, concealing the fact that it was and stayed there 10 years. A rebuffed by the State Department. ... Nevertheless, the State Depart- language major at Stern Col- ment unwittingly permitted itself to be dragged into correspondence lege, she also attends the on such a delicate subject as peoplehood which, in the Jewish case, Phoenix School of Design, has various definitions.... To the great majority of the Jews, Jewish UN 4-4464 19437 LIVERNOIS Manhattan, since she aspires peoplehood means helping each other when in need of aid, even if Just North of Outer Drive to be a_ commercial artist. they live in different countries.... The American Jews are helping not only Israel but also Jewish communities in other countries.... Winner of several medals in And this is true not only with regard to the United Jewish Appeal high school for high scholastic and the Joint Distribution Committee. whose aid is of a philanthropic average, Debra decided on nature, but also with organizations like the American Jewish Committee Stern College "because there are no schools in South Amer- and Bnai Brith which maintain offices abroad for the purpose of protecting Jewish rights everywhere.... This is especially true now ica with a real Jewish atmo- in the case of the united front which American Jewry has established sphere." to fight for Jewish cultural and religious rights in the Soviet Union— Debra, who learned whatever a fight which the State Department understands and endorses.... Hebrew she knows from a pri- VACATIONING Under such circumstances, it is questionable whether the State De- partment acted wisely by permitting itself to be provoked by the Takes on a NEW MAGIC, Council of Judaism into an attempt to discuss the "Jewish people" a gay pulsating beat concept.... It should have been obvious to the State Department at this that, no matter what it may say, its letter would be utilized by the great Resort Hotel Council for Judaism for propaganda purposes.... On the other hand, credit should be given to the State Department for not depending NEW FOR '64 on the Council for Judaism and itself issuing the full text of its ALL SPORTS INDOOR POOL letter to the Council, from which it could he seen. that the Council FREE GOLF PRIVATE LAKE NEW YORK — An ancient city leaders are not welcomed in the State Department for such discussions. & HEALTH CLUB Fishing, boating, great Broadway in Turkey, whose discovery has THEATRE NIGHT CLUB Shows, Dancing nightly to 3 famed enabled archaeologists to push Bands. Magnificent Main Bldg. (2 PRESIDENTIAL WING back estimates of the beginnings of elevators) De Luxe Air Conditioned & EXECUTIVE HOUSE civilization by at least 1,000 years, accommodations. BUDGET SPRING RATES provides a major attraction in the New Teen Club with socials, barbecues, Twist & Splash Parties, Hay Rides, etc. SPECIAL MIDWEEK RATES Jewish Museum's archaeological Supervised Day Camp (Night Patrol) UNEXCELLED DIETARY CUISINE In the course of the sponsor- Trude Weiss - Rosmarin. Rabbi exhibition, "Thou Shalt Have No LAKE HOTEL ship of the adult education pro- Berkowitz defended the ZOA Other Gods Before Me," which SWAN LAKE, N. Y gram by Congregation Bnai Jesh- against the attacks by Dr. Weiss- opened Sunday, to continue urun of New York, many vital Rosmarin. OR SEE YOUR Dr. May E. Mamkewich and through Sept. 6. WRITE FOR COLOR BROCHURE problems were discussed. Under TRAVEL AGENT OR PHONE HOTEL DIRECT Prior to diggings at Catal Huyuk the leadership of Rabbi William Rabbi Jerome D. Folkman spoke NOW BOOKING Midweek & Week End CONVENTIONS thru '65 Berkowitz, eminent leaders took on "One Marriage, Two Faiths." in Anatolia, archaeologists had Your Hoe: Harry Dinnersitin There was a sharp difference of parts in symposia, and questions dated . the earliest village cultures opinion and the view of Rabbi on Jewish education, mixed mar- civilization's crude beginnings riages, interfaith projects, Zion- Berkowitz was that "youngsters — ism, the future of American who have been positively identi- — at 5000-6000 B.C.E., with the Jewry, Jews behind the Iron Cur- fied with Judaism and Jewish village of Jericho as the oldest tain, and other issues were aired. education will invariably marry known town. At Catal Huyuk, These symposia form the text within our own faith." Rabbi Folk- which is not yet fully excavated, of an important volume edited by man urged caution in making de- Rabbi Berkowitz which has been cisions not to drive those plan- the eminent British archaeologist, issued by Thomas Yoseloff (11 E. ning to intermarry further away James Mellaart, has uncovered an elaborate city dating back to at 36th, N.Y. 16) under the title from Jewry and into despair. Other subjects and their partici- least 7000 B.C.E. "Ten Vital Issues." Commencing with a convocation pants were: "Shall We Have Jew- Speaking of the excavations now address by Dr. Israel Goldstein, ish Missionaries?", Rabbis David in progress, Dr. Mellaart, in New Max Eichhorn and Immanuel rabbi emeritus of Bnai Jeshurun; The 1964 Mobil Travel York for the opening of the ex- an introduction by Rabbi Berko- Jakobovitz; "Brotherhood — Fact hibition, said, "The real importance Guide, recently published witz and a foreword by the syna- or Fiction?", Dr. Alfred J. Mar- of these findings is that up till by Simon and Schuster, gogue's president, Charles H. Sil- roe and Rabbi Morris N. Kertzer; now Neolithic cultures were gives reports on more than ver, this volume is devoted to "Can the American Jewish Com- thought to be mainly those of peas- 15,000 hotels, restaurants, munity Be United?," Dr. Ira Eisen- these issues, reviewed by the fol- ant farmers. But what we have resorts, and other similar stein and Dr. Judah L. Shapiro; lowing: establishments through- "American Judaism in the Year found at Catal Huyuk is a full- "The Judaism of Tomorrow"— 2060." Dr. Sol Liptzin and C. blown civilization with a fairly ad- out the country. For the a review of the objectives of Con- Bezalel Sherman; "Jewish Educa- vanced technology and the leisure second consecutive year, servative, Reform and Orthodox tion in America and Israel," Israel to produce art of a high order. In- Grossinger's has been Jewries — by Rabbis David I. Toubin and Dr. Moshe Levin; stead of the remains of a mass of given the top rating. Of Golovensky and Edward E. Klein "Jews Behind the Iron Curtain," country bumpkins at 7000 B.C.E., the thousands of resorts and with a summary by Rabbi B. . Goldberg and Dr. Abraham I. we find a remarkable civilization. carefully inspected, Berkowitz, who contended: "There This means that the beginnings of Katsh. Grossinger's is the onlj can be and always should be civilizations and of agriculture, one in the Northeastern unity in diversity . . . We have to too, go back much farther than we United States and one of N.Y. Yeshiva Building empti- prevent the blindness and had ever before imagined." only five in the nation, to be ness of Jewish life." He advocated Gutted ; Police Probe A large photographic display at rated five stars, which communication among all ele- Possibility of Arson the museum, the first in the United means "best in the coup- ments through understanding. NEW YORK (JTA) — Police States of the British excavations, try." So, for the BEST A discussion on Zionism be- began an investigation of a fire in reveals the rich finds at various vacation of your lifetime, tween Dr. Sidney Marks, execu- a building belonging to the Yes- levels of this Neolithic. metropolis. emon to Grossinger'sl tive secretary of the Zionist Or- hiva Rabbi Chaim Berlin in Brook- To date, more than 45 clay and ganization of America, and Dr. lyn which firemen listed as "suspi- stone statuettes bearing witness to cious." The building, which was a fertility cult centered on the gutted, formerly housed the school, female as well as forty shrines or TOO MANY PEOPLE enter the storm of ill health — plod and has been vacant for a year. It sanctuaries, many with wall paint- along a prescribed path — never contains a large number of books, ings, have been unearthed. knowing that there MAY BE A school records and furniture. CHOICE of paths to take. 7,000 Jews in Bulgaria Rabbi Meyer Ziegler, director of GREENFIELD the yeshiva, now located a mile The Jewish Community of Bul- CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC from the original site, said the garia, which is believed to date 15945 W. 7 Mile Rd. school had been "compelled" • to back to the second century of West of Greenfield move out of the old building be- the Common Era, today numbers New in Detroit cause its pupils were repeatedly at- some 7,000 persons, about two- 837-4414 tacked and blackmailed for small thirds of whom live in the capital Not yet in yellow pages sums of money by youths in the city of Sofia. SPECIALIZING IN PROBLEMS Brownsville neighborhood. Rabbi Inquiries Invited OR YOUR TRAVEL AGENT Chiropractic care — a BETTER an- THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Ziegler blamed the blaze on neigh- swer to SOME health problems. Friday, May 22, 1964 10 borhood "vandals." Boris Smolar's 'Between You ... and Me' ELKIN HOTEL & TRAVEL SERVICE f/vi N 6s! Ancient Turkish City in Exhibit at N.Y. Museum Problems Facing Jewry Probed in 'Ten Vital Jewish Issues' LIBERTY (N. Y.) 975 GROSSINGER'S HAS EVERYTHING ...the BEST for each GUEST! oSgC l:R=1M 1TA-s a GROSSINGER, NEW YORK