Chile Government Orders Fascist Party Dissolved Israeli Nazi Victims Leave Talks 'Very Disappointed' Egypt Provided BONN (JTA) — An Israeli dele- Jewish Material Claims Against ments have been sharply criticized Visa to Escaped gation of victims of Nazism re- Germany and Jewish refugee or- by the Claims Conference and the turned to Israel after a week of ganizations with several amend- other Jewish organizations, a num- Nazi During Trial fruitless talks with West German ments which have been held up ber of whose representatives ap- SANTIAGO (JTA)—The govern- ment of Chile issued an order to Frank Pfeifer, head of the Chilean Nazi party, to dissolve the move- HAMBURG (JTA)—Hans Wal- officials about improvements in ment by May 15. The order, trans- ter Zech-Nenntwich, the former compensation and restitution for mitted to the Nazi leader by Gestapo officer who escaped from various classes of such victims. Chilean police, warned that failure a Brunswick maximum security The meetings between the Is- to do so would open members , of prison after he was convicted of raelis, led by Supreme Court Jus- the party to charges of violations complicity in the murder of 5,200 tice A. Witkon, and the West of the Law of Internal Security Jews in Nazi-occupied Pinsk, fled German officials were reliably re- of the State. to Cairo with an Egyptian visa in ported as without result. The Is- The Nazi Movimiento National his passport which was issued raelis left for Israel "bitterly dis- Socialista was founded last Sep: while he was on trial for war appointed" after meeting with all tember. Its members have ap- crimes, according to the magazine, key members of the restitution and compensation committee of peared only on the streets in Der Stern. the Bundestag. groups dressed in brown uniforms The magazine said that Zech- and wearing swastika armbands. Nenntwich told its Cairo corres- They also talked with other in- A street appearance in Port pondent that the Egyptian embassy fluential leaders of Parliament, Calparaiso ended in an incident in Bonn put the visa in his pass- such as Ranier Barzel, the floor which led to denunciations and port. leader for Chancellor Ludwig Er- protests in the newspapers. Social Democrats planned to ask hard's Christian Democratic Un- * the government how it was pos- ion; and Gerhard Jahn, the legal Film Maker Reports sible for the former Nazi to have and military affairs expert of the had his passport with him in opposition, who was formerly the Germans Deny Horrors prison. They also sought to learn chairman of the restitution com- LONDON (JTA) — Paul Rotha, who owned the private airplane in mittee. the British film historian and docu- which the Nazi made his escape The delegation also met with mentary producer, in an open let- to Switzerland. Dr. Heinrich Krone, minister with- ter to the editor of a London The fugitiv e disappeared out portfolio and confidante of paper, referred to material re- from Cairo after he was spotted former Chancellor Konrad Aden- ceived from both West and East in a hotel there with a woman auer. They did not meet with Fi- Germany while making his "The companion. He had fled from nance Minister Rolf Dahlgren, who Life of Adolf Hitler." Most of his Germany to Switzerland and opposed any change of West Ger- German contacts rejected the idea many's restitution and compensa- then had proceeded to Egypt. that atrocities had been committed While the management of the tion laws on grounds of budgetary during the Nazi period and ex- Atlas Hotel in Cairo refused to considerations, because he was not claimed that it didn't happen. give any information on the es- in the country during the visit. Others stated that it did happen, caped Nazi, hotel employes said West Germany has responded but they didn't know at that time a man fitting Zech-Nenntwich's de- to demands for extension of about concentration camps and scription had spent several days benefits by the Conference on extermination camps. there. Only a small minority admitted A spokesman for the West Ger- IF YOU TURN THE that they were aware of mass man Embassy in Cairo said that murder and now felt ashamed. his mission had no knowledge of the fugitive's presence in Cairo but UPSIDE DOWN YOU WON'T The difference between comfort- that on instruction from Bonn, "we FIND A FINER WINE THAN able retirement and uncertainty in asked UAR officials for informa- later years depends upon the seeds tion." of security you plant right now. Save safely and surely with U.S. savings bonds—an investment in THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Milan Wineries, Detroit, Mich. 9 Friday, May 15, 1964 America's security and your own. • 3T•s•rit raa, w in the Parliament's budget and peared before the Bundestag on restitution committee since No- invitation, where they protested vember, 1963. the proposed extensions. Originally the amendments were to have had second and third read- ings by last Easter. This schedule has been extended to summer, and APPLICATIONS FOR it was considered unlikely that there would be floor action even by then. ARE NOW BEING TAKEN Delayed as they are, the amend- On New or Existing Homes MORTGAGES VA or FHA GOING TO A CONFIRMATION? Surwin's have the largest selection of elegant dresses for the Confirm- ant, guests of the Confirmation. Priced from $20 to $100 SURWIN'S Lot G, Northland Center QUICK SERVICE Phone Us Today FRANKLIN MORTGAGE CORP. 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