Israel Protests German Scientists' Work; Lobbyists Blamed New York Welcomes the SS Shalom (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News) JERUSALEM, Israel's Parla- ment adopted Monday a unanim- ous resolution demanding that the West German government take urgent measures for the immediate halting of the "Criminal Activity" of West German scientists working in Egypt on "weapons of destruc- tion endangering Israel's security and the region's peace," The Knesset reiterated its reso- lution of March 20, 1963, which denounced these activities and ex- pressed displeasure that no effec- tive measures had been taken on the problem since by West Ger- many. The resolution also called on world public opinion to exert its influence to bring about an end to the work in Egypt of the scien- tists. The debate was opened by Mrs. Golda Meir, Israel's Foreign Min- ster. She declared that the West German government could not re- rain indifferent to the fact that 19 years after the fall of the Hitler regime, which had caused the de- struction of millions of Jews, mem- bers of the same people were again engaged in actions aimed at helping President Nasser of Egypt to attack Israel where the survivors of the Nazi holocaust lived. Her statement followed motions on the issue by Herut and Mapam. Mrs. Meir recalled the 1963 Knesset resolution and asserted that the expanations for continued delay in Bonn in adopting appro- priate legislation were unaccept- able to Israel. She said: "We can- not accept the view that the choice facing the West German govern- ment is one between assuring the freedom of the individual and re- fraining from action to prevent its citizens in Egypt from aiding in preparations for Israel's liquida- tion. In a democratic regime, free- dom of the individual also does not mean freedom to commit crimes." "We expect the German govern- ment to undertake without delay measures necessary to stop the sci- entists' work in Egypt. "Any other course will not be understood or accepted by the people of Israel and of the world." After Mrs. Meir's statement, speakers of various parties voiced indignation over the inaction of the West German government. Moshe Kol of the Liberal Party said that the portion of Israeli public opinion which believed it possible to develop new relations with Germany was now "shaken to the core." Arieh Ben Eliezer of Herut asked whether the West German government had not sent the sci- entists to Egypt. David Hacohen of Mapai de- clared that if the work of the scientists was not halted, the entire German people would bear the re- sponsibility. Speaking in similar vein, other speakers also urged the government to act to arouse world opinion on the issue. * * BONN—Informed sources here on Tuesday attributed West Ger- many's hesitancy in drafting legis- lation to discourage German scien- tists from working in Egypt as due at least partly to a powerful Arab lobby in Bonn and elsewhere in West Germany. A large section of Chancellor Ludwig Erhard's Christian Demo- cratic Party also is a factor, it was indicated, because it opposes any action which might harm Bonn's relations with the Arab world. Another reported source listed was pro-Arab pressure provided by the West German heavy industry, in- eluding Krupp and Klockner, which have already carried out major undertakings for the Egyp- tian government. A West German government spokesman dismissed reports that Nasser had achieved a weapons breakthrough with the help of the scientists. He said that investiga- tions by both Germany and its al- lies have produced not the slight- est grounds to indicate that the scientists were engaged in the development of nuclear weapons in Egypt. It was also stated there was no cause to believe that radio- active materials have been trans- ported from West Germany to Egypt. Canadian Jews Object to Term 'Race' Used by Bilingualism Commission MONTREAL (JTA) — The Canadian Jewish Congress decided at an executive meeting here to present a brief to the Royal Com- mission on Bilingualism and Bi- culturalism asking that its terms of reference be altered. Representatives from Winnipeg, Toronto, Ottawa and Fredericton did not argue with the historical verity of the two-founding races concept, nor the wish to see Canada recognize both English and French as official and equal lan- guages. Saul Hayes, Congress executive vice president, pointed out the "danger" of English and French- Canadians becoming thought of as `first-class' citizens' to the exclu- sion of minority groups. The Congress further objected to the use of the word "race" in the commission's terms of refer- ence. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, May 8, 1964 9 on Her Maiden Voyage From Haifa NEW YORK (JTA) — Israel's new luxury liner, the 25,000-ton SS Shalom, leaves on the return trip to Haifa today after a tumultuous welcome was tendered by the City of New York upon completion of the ship's maiden voyage. The traditional gala harbor wel- come was the first given a major passenger ship in more than two years. The $20-million flagship of the Zim-Israel Navigation Co. com- pleted the voyage from Haifa in 14 days. Passing liners and tugs sa- luted the flag-bedecked Shalom as planes and helicopters circled overhead and New York City fireboats, spouting geysers of water, accompanied the vessel into port. On hand to welcome the new liner were a large party of civic personalities and Israeli officials who boarded the ship from pilot boats. They included Ambassador Katriel Katz, consul general of Israel; Leo Brown, New York City 1 commissioner of marine and avia- tion; and Bottlieb Hammer, presi- dent of the American Israeli Ship- ping Company. In an official greeting on behalf of the mayor and the City of New York, Brown said that "we are looking upon this ship not so much as a vessel but as a bridge between the United States and Israel for the passage of all amenities that create a world of peace, which is what "Shalom" symbolizes." Captain Avner Freudenberg, 53- year-old master of the liner, re- plied that the ship represented "not merely one of the finest trans- atlantic liners ever built, but epitomizes the spirit of peace which we in the Israel merchant fleet regard as our prime motiva- tions. We carry this message to the people of the world—Shalom." 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