Parley Asks U.S.Assure Israel on Defense Arms administrator for Near East and President's message was as follow WASHINGTON (JTA) — A bi- progress, Congressman Morgan de- boycott attempts in America, and South East Asia in the Agency for "Please extend to your member- called attention to the fact that, partisan call to the Administration clared: "Nor will we cut aid to Is- despite successive pledges by U.S. International Development (AID), ship and to members of Congress her existance or endangers rael if it . to consider the possibility of as- Administrations, the Suez Canal was extensively questioned on this present this evening my warm suring Israel of arms to defend encourages those who threaten subject by Congressman Leonard wishes on the tenth anniversary remains closed to Israeli shipping. herself against Arab aggression her." Farbstein during recent hearings of the American Israel Public Since Israel must divert much of In conclusion, the statement urged before the House Foreign Affairs Affairs Committee. Your work has was voiced here at the American American initiative for Israel-Arab Israel Public Affairs Committee's her resources for security because peace negotiations. "Our country Committee. Parts of the hearings helped in bringing about better of the concentration of Soviet two-day conference. were now released by the Corn- relationship in the world commun- weapons in the hand of her has the obligation to exercise ity. You have also been a force- The conference adopted a state- threatening neighbors, there are moral leadership in the attainment mitte. ful proponent of a worldwide of ment of policy which appealed to of an Arab-Israel peace," the state- Macomber was asked by Con- alternatives, he said--either to reach the roots of human President Johnson "for a review of two stressed. ment gressman Farbstein whether there to halt the arms race or "act firm- poverty and social unrest through American policy in the Near East— The leaders of the American is any possibility of envisaging a ly to prevent an arms imbalance." to meet the growing danger which He pointed out that Congress last Israel Public Affairs Conunittee date when the refugees will be ab- a sound program of foreign not only threatens a war of exter- year approved an amendement which is now observing its 10th sorbed and aid to them will not be assistance. These efforts, as well as mination against Israel, but also barring American assistance to any anniversary, declared that the necessary. Macomber replied: "I your role in achieving a better understanding between the United weakens the United States and un- Department of State underesti- think the problem will be with us States and Israel, deserve our dermines the security and peace country engaging in or preparing mates the danger of war and of for a generation.' for aggression against another re- gratitude and will surely bear of the free world." Later the top AID official indi- further fruit in the coming cipient of American aid. "That was Arab expansion in the Middle East. They called for a stronger Congressman Thomas Morgan, alternative one. If that alternative cated that the estimate of a whole decade." chairman of the House Foreign cannot be carried out then, mani- American policy to meet the generation's time for solution of Observers consider it another threat to Israel and other Demo- Affairs Committee, reviewed the festly, the Administration should the refugee problem was based on significant expression of President role Congress has played in sup- consider the second alternative — cratic outposts in the Middle the assumption that there will be Johnson's friendship toward Israel, East porting the establishment and make certain that Israel has the no agreement on the solution. "It (Related Story, Page 9) economic development of Israel, arms to defend herself," he de- Rabbi Philip Bernstein, chairman will be expensive and we should noting that very often Congres- clared. of the committee, paid tribute to get an agreement," he added. sional thinking was ahead of The call for American arms to the policies of the late President President Johnson expressed that of the professional diplo- Israel was spelled out even more Kennedy in the Middle East and - praise for the work of the mats. Rep. Morgan rejected the APPLICATIONS FOR specifically by Senator Hugh expressed confidence that Presi- American Israel Public Affairs theory professed by many Gov- Scott, Pennsylvania Republican, dent Johnson would continue to re- Committee. ernment officials in connection who expressed the hope that - fleet the essential good will of the More than 100 Senators and ARE NOW BEING TAKEN with American aid to Nasser President Johnson "will exam- American people toward the State Members of the House of Repre- On New or Existing Homes that economic aid and surplus of Israel. He recalled the recent ine the situation again in view sentatives were among the 500 food does not contribute to the QUICK SERVICE of recent clear evidence of Nas- visit of Jordan's King Hussein guests who attended the conclud- arms race. Phone Us Today ser's expansionist and imperial- here, and called on the Arab state ing dinner session. "There is no real difference be- istic drive that threatens not to engage in an "agonizing reap- FRANKLIN The message from President tween economic and military aid," only Israel but Western posi- praisal" of -their present "com- Johnson was directed to the com- MORTGAGE CORP. pletely negative, and destructive Approved FHA Mortgagee he said. "It is less than frank to tions of strength." program which can only lead to mittee's participants. Because of 915 First National Bldg., Bet. 26 pretend that our economic aid does "First, the United States must some error, it was recieved only WO 3-4890 not bolster the military prowess of stop all aid to Egypt. Secondly, I calamity and failure." I. L. Kenen, executive director after the conference was over. The the recipient country. Accordingly, urge President Johnson to consi- we have some misgivings about der the possibility of providing of the committee, analyzed recent economic aid to a nation which military defense equipment to State Department testimony be- shops in Moscow for arms." Noting Israel — as we did in 1962 — to fore the Foreign Affairs Com- Sale or Lease that aid to Israel has been declin- offset the dangerous advantage mittee of the House of Represent- ing as a result of her economic that both U.S. and Soviet aid has atives and declared that the De- "Service Is Important" given to Egypt," Sen. Scott de- partment was too optimistic in its Best Location in Area . . appraisal of the Cairo Conference clared. of Arab Heads of State and of the Best Deal All-Ways In its statement of policy, the Middle East. Since the Cario con- SEE committee warned of the growing ference Nasser predicted four danger created by Arab aggressive- times the inevitability of war with ness and expressed concern that Israel, called for the base in Libya AT "despite this growing threat to the and expulsion of the British from BR 2-2470 United States and the rest of the Hanley Dawson Chevrolet, inc. the port of Aden. If Nasser There is free world, the Arab states con- succeeds in carrying out his pro- 14501 W. 7 Mile Rd., 1 /2 block W. of James Couzens Still Time tinue to receive generous economic gram, it will be a great gain for the to Pay assistance from the United States." Soviets in the Near East, Kenen TRIBUTE TO Noting that the present Admini- warned. Leading Detroit Families Send Their Children to . stration reiterated President Ken- also was addressed The session nedy's commitments to intervene to prevent aggression on the Near by Mrs. L. Kramarsky, president of Shippan Pt., Stamford, Conn. East, the policy statement declar- Hadassah and by Joseph H. Myer- hoff, general chairman of the ed that such commitments "will have greater effect if they are re- United Jewish Appeal. inforced by concrete miiltary aid FULLY ACCREDITED U.S. Aid Official Sees to strengthen those whose security Arab Refugee Problem American-Jewish Culture ... Home Life is imperiled. Israel is in that cate- Lasting for a Generation Only 45 minutes from N.Y.C. The Arab refugee problem will gory." continue to exist for a whole gene- The policy statement commended Reservations Now Accepted for Fall Term President Johnson's support of Is ration, according to a top admini- Write Daniel Trotzky, director rael's water development pro- stration official here. William B. Macomber, assistant gram, and also declared that "the most feasible solution for the Arab refugees is settlement in Arab IN HER NAME lands, which have space and eco- nomic opportunity for them." A Growing Tree is a Living Tribute to Your Mother. The committee urged the Gov- ernment to resist vigorously Arab Let Trees in Israel Honor, MORTGAGES VA or FHA '64 CHEVROLETS M. LARRY STERN THE ROOSEVELT SCHOOL MOTHER HIGH and COLLEGE PREPARATORY SCHOOL PLANTING TREES IN IN ISRAEL or Memorialize Her. James Warburg's PHONE The Jewish National Fund AutobiographyDue Off Press May 15 UN 4-2767 FOR A TREE CERTIFICATE FOR YOUR MOTHER ISRAEL NEEDS TREES A TREE IS A SYMBOL OF LIFE Why not stop and pick up a certificate on Sunday, May 10. The office will be open from 10 a.m. is to 2 p.m. JEWISH NATIONAL FUND 18414 WYOMING AVENUE . ALL CONTRIBUTIONS TO JNF ARE. TAX DEDUCTIBLE . Next Friday, Doubleday will publish "The Long Road Home: The Autobiography of a Maverick," by James P. Warburg. It is an account of a most in- teresting career of one of the major policy-makers in several Presidential administrations. A chapter that is certain to arouse much interest, "What Is a Jew," offers the autobiographer's views on his Jewish background and his present Jewish attitudes. Warburg also descrbes his atti- tudes toward the UJA and he gives his reasons for having stop- ped contributing to the fund when he objected to political implica- tions. A review of the book will. ap- pear in the next issue of The Jewish News. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, May 8, 1964 8 Manufacturers offers complete banking services for all the fa rally. Savings Accounts, Checking we serve you? Accounts, Safe Deposit Boxes ® Travelers Checks, Loans and Financing. May Damn MANUFACTURERS HATBZNAL • BLOOMFIELD TWP. • CARLETON DETROIT DEARBORN •• HIGHLAND PARK • AVON TWP. FARMINGTON TWP. • GROSSE POINTE WOODS • MEL- DEARBORN HTS. • CLINTON TWP. VINDALE • NANKIN TWP. • NORTHVILLE • PLEASANT RIDGE • REDFORD TWP. • ROMULUS TWP. • SHELBY TWP. • SOUTHFIELD • STERLING TWP_ • WARREN •