School Prayer Battle Here and in D.C. (From JTA and UPI Wire Services to The Jewish News) Action in the school prayer fight was taken on several fronts this week. And in Lansing, a bill to allow Michigan public school children two-hours-a-week excused absence from school for religious instruction has been sent to Gov. Romney for his signature. Locally, American Jewish Congress women have launch- ed a "Preserve Our Rights Writing Campaign" to oppose "assault upon the dignity and in- the proposed Becker Amend- tegrity of religion which could re- ment, and the Michigan Fed- sult from the passage of any such eration of Temple Sisterhoods amendment." Members pledged to adopted a resolution opposing seek the aid of their congress- the amendment at its recent men. The House Judiciary Commit- convention here. 'In - Washington, the House Judi- eiary Committee's hearing's on the tee's hearings, being conducted under the chairmanship of Rep. Emanuel Celler, New York Dem- ocrat, originally were scheduled to last two weeks. The hearings are in their second week, but there is a very long list of wit- nesses to be heard. Last weekend, opponents and proponents of constitutional amendments clashed repeatedly before the committee. Rabbi Irwin M. Blank, of -Tenafly, N.J., repre- senting the Synagogue Council of Ainerica, told the body that any public school prayer of the type advocated by those who favor an amendment "would necessarily be so devoid of• any real spiritual content - that it would come dan- gerously close to irreverence and blasphemy." He said that voluntary participa- tion in classroom religious exer- cises by children was 'an illusory concept." _ _(An alternate proposal to the Becker Amendment that would permit voluntary school prayers Was suggested Wednesday by Rep. , Celler.) The Rev. Fulton Sheen, auxiliary • Catholic bishop of New York, told] the Judiciary Committee that he was 'not supporting any specific amendment to the Constitution onl the issue of permitting prayers and Bible reading in the public schools. But, he said,,he was interested in obtaining "an" . amendment. proposed constitutional amedments, which would remove the Supreme Court's ban against prayers and Bible•reading in the public schools, were seen as likely to be stretched out into six weeks.. The Lansing bill would re- quire parents of the students to request the released time. The student would not attend reli- gious instruction in public school guildings. The State Senate approved a compromise bill Tuesday by a 28-3 vote. The House passed the bill Monday night 58-34. 0 Fearing the proposed Becker Amendment permitting religious practices in the public • schools "would seriously challenge the in- tegrity of the Bill of Rights and weaken the valued principle of separation of church and state," American Jewish Congress Women have embarked an active cam- paign to alert the community to "the serious implications if the Becker amendment, or a similar amendment were to pass. "We urge all citizens to write their Congressmen now. to voice opposition to the passage of 'the Becker bill or any similar one that can make inroads threatening our religious freedoms," the appeal read. The Michigan Federation of Temple Sisterhoods, at its recent I convention in Temple_ Israel, voted . Bishop Sheen said at one point, a resolution against - thethreatened; under questioning, that •-he was not . . Feud with Chief Rabbi. Brodie Leads London Jews to Form New Synagogue LONDON_ (JTA) About half of the 7000lmembers of the New West End Synagogue decided at a meet- ing here Sunday night to establish a new: congregation with Dr. Louis Jacobs as spiritual leader. The synagogue's officers and board of management were dis- charged by the United Synagogue, Britain's governing synagogue body, in a dispute over the earlier appointment of Dr. Jacobs as min- ister of the congregation. Chief Rabbi Israel Brodie, spirit- ual head of the United Synagogue, had declined to approve Dr. Jacobs' appointment as minister of the New West End Synagogue on the grounds that his views are not in line with Orthodox Judaism. The United Synagogue Council then deposed the congregation's officers when the latter proceeded to appoint Dr. Jacobs to the post over the chief rabbi's objections. Since the property of the New West End Synagogue belong to the United Synagogue, the new congre- gation will have to find a new place of worship which, according to Sunday night's decision, will be called the "New London Syna- gogue." Chief Rabbi Brodie publicly stated for the first time — at a specially assembled convocation THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, May 8, 1964 7 of 134 rabbis of the United Syna- gogue and other synagOgues—his stand in the debate over his re- fusal to reappoint the controversial , rabbi to one of London's leading synagogues.. The attending rabbis included many from provincial centers. Rabbi Brodie told the rabbis that Dr. Jacobs "has traveled far from the accepted norms of Juda- ism." Dr. Jacobs' writings and utterances, he added, "make it abundantly clear that his views cannot be accepted as in accord- ance with the position of Orthodox Judaism. "Dr. Jacobs went so far as to say that in modern times, the Jew no longer asks why did God tell us to keep certain commandments but did God tell us to keep certain commandments," the chief rabbi asserted. Rabbi Brodie said he was "sad- dened by the thought that a group of individuals are contemplating a new synagogue outside the frame- work of the United Synagogue." The chief rabbi added he hoped that "under the impulsion of faith- fulness to our sacred heritage and loyalty to our communal solidarity, no action will be taken that may tend to create a schism in our old and all-embracing religious com- munity." sure a constitutional amendment was really needed. After the hear- ing, he told reporters that it might be adequate it Congress simply passed a law permitting school prayers. He also conceded a speci- fic amendment introduced in the House might be a violation of the First Amendment. Leo Pfeffer, American Jewish Congress general counsel, told the committee that many of the argu- ments for an amendment were us- ing "myths" and "fictions." One such fiction, he said, was that such religious practices have been go- ing on for -150 years without objec- tion. Others. he said, were that there is only one Bible and that all pray- ers are addressed to the same God; that if a child can he excused, there can be no valid objection to such practices; that only "atheists" and "secularists" oppose the pro- posed Constitutional amendment, and that the Supreme Court had forbidden the mention of God, the Bible and religion in the public schoolss. All of these, he declared, "are untrue." Dr. Edwin Tuller, general sec- retary of the American Baptist Convention, appeared as a rep- resentative of his church and on behalf of the National Council of Churches, an organization of 31 denominations with 40 mil- lion Members. He declared that permitting pray- ers in public schools would be a clear case of tampering with the First Amendment's guarantee of religious freedom. He told the com- mittee that public institutions "be- long to all citizens, whatever their faith or lack of it and neither the church nor the state should use the' public school to compel accept- ance of any creed or conformity to any specific religious practice." He expressed strong doubts about the value of prayers for religious education, asserting that daily school. prayers were "more rote than religious" and that daily re- quired Bible readings were "neith- er true religion nor good educa- tion." Rep: Frank Becker, New York Republican, testified in behalf of his proposed amendment. He said his goal was a return to "nonde- nominational" prayers. He„ was asked who would be responsible, under his amendment, for, deciding the type of prayer. Rep. Becker said the matter of the wording could be left to "local au- thorities." He was questioned on what he meant by "nondenomina- tional" and was asked whether he could accept the use of the word "Alylah" as equally suitable with the word "God." He said he considered such ques- tions irrelevant, but Rep. Jacob Gilbert, New York Democrat, cited his reply as dramatizing the con- tent of nondenominational prayers. In New York, religious leaders throughout the United States were called upon to support "a positive program aimed at instilling deep religious conviction in the minds and hearts of American schoolchil- dren which would render unneces- sary the current attempts at secur- ing a constitutional amendment permitting prayers in the public schools." Moses I. Feuerstein, national president of the Union of Ortho- dox Jewish Congregations of America, proposed that "a mo- ment of silent devotion at the start of each school day be instituted in public schools throughout the nation in accordance with the sin- cere desire on the part of the vast majority of Americans for some form of religious orientation in the schools." He made the proposal at the an- nual national dinner of the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America, the organization serv- ing 3,100 synagogues throughout the United States and Canada. GOING TO A WEDDING? Surwin's have the largest selec- tion of Bridal Gowns, Mother-of- Bride, Bridesmaids, Guests of the wedding. • SURWIN'S Lot G, Northland Center 1964 A Phone Call Will SAVE You Money ! SHORE CHEVROLET CO. TW 1-0600 12240 Jos. Convoy Res. Li 8-4119 C onoecration. 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