Fiery Finish for Synagogue Mortgage •c■ MUMFORD I S N G S By JAY MASSERMAN Detroiter Ezriel Weissman Receives National Lubavitch Education Award Detroit builder Ezriel Weissman riage campaign to which Weissman was honored Sunday as "Man of is giving substantial financial and the Year" by the National Commit- personal support. tee for Furtherance of Jewish Education, part of the Lubavitch Israel's Cotton Crop international education al and philanthropic movement. Israel's cotton production last Other award winners who have year totaled 16,000 tons resulting received silver cups in previous from the cultivation of about years, are S'enators Kenneth Keat- 38,000 acres of cotton. ing and Harris Williams, Judge Louis Lefkowitz and former New York Gov. Averell Harriman. Weissman, '78, was selected for For Some "his dedication to the principles of our faith and for his actions for of the the preservation of Judaism." best buys In his honor, the committee established the Ezriel Weissman on new Fund to help disseminate know- Pontiacs ledge of Jewish ideals to American youth. and The committee currently is con- Tempest ducting a strong anti-intermar- Nearly 400 Mumford seniors will participate in the annual trip to Washington May 21-24. They will fly there and stay at the Mariott Hotel. The trip will in- clude visits to many of the Capi- tal's famous sights, a meeting with Senator Philip A. Hart, a visit to the Russian Embassy, to the White House and to Congress, and a Putting the match to the mortgage at Adas Shalom Synagogue wreath-laying ceremony at the ceremonies Lag b'Omer Eve, are (from left) Norman Allan, presi- grave of President Kennedy at dent; Rabbi Jacob E. Segal; and Probate Court Judge Ira G. Kauf- Arlington Cemetery. Entertain- man, chairman of the mortgage redemption celebration. Participants, ment will include swimming, a visit including the original building committee, past presidents and to the performance of 'Camelot" synagogue leaders, are (from left) Gerald Rosenbloom, David and a dinner dance at the Shore- Safran, Alfred A. Helfgott, Saul Kling, Samuel Katkin, Manny Lax, ham Hotel. Mrs. Allen Waller, Morris Sukenic, J. Maurice Karo, Phillip Helf- In 5 Days Other senior class activities will man and Max H. Goldsmith. Leaders not pictured are Charles H. include the senior variety show, TO 9-7600 Charlip, Irwin I. Cohn, David Desow, Nathan R. Epstein, Dan M. presenting talented musicians, SAFEWAY DRIVER TRAINING LeVine, Saul LeVine, Alexander Moss, Samuel S. Simmer and George dancers and singers, the senior pic- Spoon. Mrs. Waller represented her late father, David M. LeVine, nic to be held early in June, the a synagogue founder. prom, "Some Enchanted Evening," at Masonic Temple and corn- Michigan's Newest & Most Luxurious Motel mencement, both on June 17. "The Lively Arts", a new type A HOME AWAY FROM HOME FOR YOUR _AAA., of spring festival, presented by BAR MITZVAH & WEDDING GUESTS . . . the Fine Arts Department, will Rabbi David B. Hollander. spiri- Hungary. Romania and Egypt to take place tonight at 8 p.m. in the Mumford Auditorium. There will 14380 WEST 8 MILE ROAD tual leader of Mt. Eden Center, new homes in Israel. be an art and photo exhibit in Bet. Schaefer and Northwestern Hwy. the Bronx, will deliver an address Rabbi Hollander has lectured the lobby and the Muse, Mum- at dedication ceremonies for the Conference Room • Suites • Banquet Room in Europe, Australia, Asia, Bri- ford's literary magazine, will be LI 8-1822 new Hebrew Memorial Chapel 1 tain, Israel and the Americas. He published for this occasion. The JO 4-5450 -- p.m. May 24. The public is invited. has been a delegate to the World concert will include selections by HARVEST HOUSE RESTAURANT ON PREMISES Transfer of facilities to the cha- iZonist Congress in Jerusalme and pel. 26640 Greenfield near 11 Mile, represneted U.S. Orthodox Jewry the Concert Band, Girls Glee Club, 0 Oak Park, will follow the dedica- at the Chief Rabbis' Conference, Boys Ensemble and Choir, along with solos by Matthey Mischakoff. tion. London. violin and John Harvith, piano. Rabbi Hollander is former presi- Ordained at Yeshiva University, The second part of the perform- • invites all who are interested in • dent of the Rabbinical Council of Rabbi Hollander also is a graduate ance will feature Mumford's top • • :•.• • America and of Brooklyn Law School and Drop- talent including folk singing, in- r-r-- • president of the sie College. • terpretive dances, spirituals, popu- • to contact its DETROIT OFFICE • • Metropolitan Rabbi Israel I. Rockove is exe- lar songs and selections by the • • Board of Ortho- cutive director of the Hebrew Stage Band. Tickets may be pur- • Over 100 Tours This Year • • • dox Rabbis, New Benevolent Society, the organiza- chased at the door. • York. He headed tion responsible for the building • SPRING — SHOVOUTH — SUMMER — ROSH HASHANAH Plans have been completed for • • Round Group Price Only $535 (from New York) the first delega- of the new Hebrew Memorial the mock Republican national con- • • tion of rabbis to Chapel. CALL vention to be held at Mumford • OR WRITE • • reestablish r e - under auspices of the Current • MIZRACHI — Diamond 1-0708 • ligiou s con- • Affairs Club, May 15. The purpose • 17596 Wyoming Ave. Detroit 21 • tact with Russian Spiegel to Address is to create an interest in the 1964 Alemobeessmmeetbee*e.••••: •••........oseeimee Hollander Jewry since 1917, Beth El Men's Club political campaign among Mum- with official authorization of the ford students. Several hundred Russian Embassy. students will participate as dele- One of the most widely-traveled gates, with classes being invited Jewish leaders, he accompanied to observe the proceedings. Nomi- a thousand refugees from Poland, nees for president and vice-presi- dent will be selected and a plat- form adopted. Russell Linden, the club's president, is over-all chairman. Daniel Piesko of the social studies department is the sponsor. Mumford's track team defeated Osborn to increase its won-lost Marilyn Glaser, daughter of Mr. record to 2-1 for the season. Clar- and Mrs. Menahem Glaser, won ence Ray is unofficially tied for first prize in the Bible quiz con- first place in the state in the 100- ducted by the United Hebrew yard dash. The baseball team be- Schools and will compete in the gan its season by defeating Fin- finals of the fifth annual Bible ney, 2-0 on a triple by second Contest of the Department of IRVING SPIEGEL baseman Norman Levin. Education and Culture of the The 45th annual election dinner Jewish Agency for Israel, to be held in New York Sunday at meeting of the Men's Club of Louis Bassin to Receive the Jewish Agency building, 515 Temple Beth El will be held on Histadrut Award at Tuesday, 7 p.m., in the Franklin Park Ave. Landsmanshaft Meeting The 54 competitors in the three Social Hall of the Temple. • Irving Louis Bassin will receive a Spiegel, veteran New York Times divisions of the finals are the final- Histadrut award reporter, will be the guest speaker. ists of the more than 15,000 chil- at a meeting of dren who competed earlier in the Charles L. Goldstein, a member the Berditchever year in the district and regional of the executive board of the Na- Kishinever Fa- tional Federation of Temple Gift packed for Mother's Day: Barton's eompetitions in 30 cities. rein 8 p.m. Mon- Marilyn was one of eight final- Brotherhoods, will install the new- famous Bartonette Chocolate Miniature day at Cong. ists in the Detroit contest held ly elected officers and directors. assortment. 1 lb., $2. 1 9. One of many Awards to the Men's Club Bowl- Beth Yehudah. Sunday. There were 300 in the individual gifts by Bassin, past audience that heard Michael Mich- ing League will be presented by president of the lin, Dr. Sylvan Ginsburgh and Al- Philip Fisher, president. Kishinever Fa- bert Elazar conduct the quiz. The rein, is vice pres- judges were Rabbi Milton Arm Student Zionist Group ident of the Ber- and Louis LaMed. NEW YORK . LUGANO, ER to Host WSU Lecture ditchever organi- The first prize—the round trip The Student Zionist Organiza- zation and has to New York to participate in Sun- tion at Wayne State University been active in day's national finals—was present- will hold a discussion on "Israel the landsman- 1 Block North of Curtis ed by LaMed. and Its Zionist Heritage" 8 p.m. shaften for over Second- and third-prize win- Sunday in the Mart Room, Mac- 30 years, doing ners, Sandra Gross and Sanford kenzie Hall. work for Hista- Olshansky, received a set of the Guest speaker will be Lawrence Bassin drut. literary works of Hayim Nahman Crohn, an authority on Israel. Re- at 10 MILE, next door to Dexter Davison Market Bialik and a Jewish encyclopedia, freshments and Israeli dancing THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS respectively. will follow. Friday, May 8, 1964 13 { LEARN TO DRIVE Packer Pontiac National Orthodox Leader Hollander Due at Dedication of New Chapel EMBASSY MOTEL ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••a MIZRACHI TOURIST DEPARTMENT • • TOURS TO ISRAEL • • • A personal gift Marilyn Glaser Wins Bible Quiz; to Compete in N.Y. with taste. ARTONrS® 18309 WYOMING 24790 COOLIDGE OPEN EVENINGS and SUNDAY