THE JEWISH NEWS Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with issue Uncle Sam Knows Better of July 20, 1951 Member American Association of English—Jewish Newspapers, Michigan Press Association, National Editorial Association. Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co., 17100 West Seven Mile Road, Detroit 48235 Mich., VE 8-9364. Subscription $6 a year. Foreign $7. Second Class Postage Paid at Detroit, Michigan PHILIP SLOMOVITZ CARMI M. SLOMOVITZ Editor and Publisher SIDNEY SHMARAK Business Manager Advertising Manager CHARLOTTE I-LYAMS City Editor Sabbath Scriptural Selections This Sabbath., the twentieth day of Iyar, the following Scriptural selections will be read in our synagogues. Pentateuchal portion: Levit. 21:1-24:23. Prophet ical portion: Ezekiel 44:15-31. Licht Benshen, Friday, May 1, 7:13 p.m. VOL. XLV., No. 10 Page Four May 1, 1964 Intermarriage and theValues of Jewish Family Life In an evaluation of Jewry's responsibili- ties in efforts for dignified survival, our Com- mentary last Hanukah emphasized that "we need a new rededication — and in our day the home must again become the temple and the stnctity of family life must be elevated above all else." Intermarriage is now being studied as one of the most serious problems facing our people, and the most impressive work of research on the subject, to be issued during the coming few days by Beacon Press, points to the dangers in the growing number of mixed marriages and calls for action to stem its tide. It is the impressive study, "Inter- marriage — Interfaith, Interracial, Inter- ethnic," by Rabbi Albert I. Gordon. In this survey, there is a warning of the spread of "secularization of marriage and of family life" resulting from "removal of sacred sanctions from behavior," and Rabbi Gordon declares that "the traditional association of the family with such sacred sanctions is breaking down or, at the very least, weaken- ing." * While considering the problems that emerge from the growing number of inter- marriages, it is important that we take into consideration again the danger that lies in a breakdown of family life and its sanctity. The weakening of religious ties, the fact that one-fourth of all marriages in this country are now performed by civil ceremonies, point, as Rabbi Gordon states, to "an increasing degree of indifference to all organized re- ligions." While the problem is not Jewry's alone but that of other faiths and ethnic groups, the manner in which family life is endangered in our ranks must be viewed with the utmost seriousness. Rabbi Gordon qualified his warnings with an explanation that "intermarriage is not always an act of rebellion against parents or their values"; that they "are not the result of defiance, revolt, rebellion, hostility. They are rather the product of urbanization, mo- bility, propinquity and other such factors that play so significant a role in our society." Yet, the author of the study of intermarriage conditions and problems does indicate that there is a measure of rebellion. He states in his very important book: "We live in an 'Age of Rebellion' when the con- servative values of parents, Church and Syna- gogues are often opposed with great vigor by our young people. We are witnesses to something more than the age-old conflict between the generations. The spirit of rebellion has never gone quite so far or manifsted itself so strongly as it has since World War IL The reasons therefore go beyond the matter of emancipation of young people from parental and family controls. They seem to have some direct relationship to the kind of world. youth feels it has inherited." And the author quotes this statement by one of the youth he had interviewed to illustrate the psychology of the youth of today: "Why should I listen to the advice my folks give me? What have they done to make me feel that their advice is any good? All I have inherited from them is a world filled with anxiety and fear, a world of A-bombs and H-bombs--a world of fall-out and bomb shelters, a world either at war or on the brink of war. I can't do any worse by following my own ideas than my parents have done." Such views can not be taken lightly. If the family's observances are limited to a three-day-a-year religious observance that is now being reduced to a two- or one-day-a-year of sanctity; if the Sabbath Eve has lost its significance and the Sabbath itself is not properly sanctified, what hope is there for parents who demand more from their chil- dren than they have :themselves set as an example as members of a religious commu- nity? * * * In his discussion of the issue last Ha- nukah, The Jewish News Commentator quoted this incident: More than 25 years ago, the brilliant short story writer and poet, the eminent Hebrew educator, A. H. (Hes Aleph) Friedland, of Cleve- land, wrote a Hebrew short story in which he described a stroll through a Jewish neighborhood on a Friday night. But for a very few exceptions which showed families gathered around festive tables, with candles lit, books open, tunes of tra- ditional songs echoing the Sabbath — except for a very few such isolated instances, all he saw in home after home through unshuttered windows, were men and women at card tables, fortified by cocktails. This has gone on for a long time. The playing cards have replaced the Torah. The Friday night and the Sabbath spirit have been abandoned. This admonition remains a valid warning against the breakdown of family observances, and it is part of the clarion call to our people that if we wish to preserve our existence we must do it by remaining active participants in Jewish traditional life. * * Fortune Magazine published an article in 1954 in which it was pointed out that 29 per cent of the most distinguished American scientists were Jews, although Jews are only 3 per cent of the population of this country; that Catholics, who are 16 per cent of the population, contributed only 5 per cent to scientific leaders, and the comment was that "they had all lost their faith." While the Fortune writer may have gen- eralized a bit off the mark in the assertion regarding loss of faith, that article may have accounted for an editorial that appeared nearly 10 years later in the Catholic Weekly America, in which the lack of Einsteins and Salks among Catholics was discussed and in which the following views were expressed: The question "where are our Catholic Einsteins, Oppenheimers and Salks?" is a legiti- mate one. But more basic is the question, "Where are the Catholic parents who feel it is important — for the church, for our country and for man- kind itself — to have Catholic Einsteins, Oppen- heimers and Salks?" The rate of outstanding scientists with Jewish background might be explained by the scholarly tradition frequently observed among Jews. The absence of an equivalent scholarly tradition in a high percentage of American Catholic families might also explain, to a degree, the near absence, of Catholic-born scientists in the survey group. The example of the Jewish people clearly shows the importance of the home in the produc- tion of scholars. In the great universities of the United States, larger and larger numbers of Jew- ish scholars are to be found each year among the professors, and these not merely in mathematics and the natural sciences, but in the humanities and social sciences as well. In music and litera- ture their contributions have also been enormous. The new universities of Israel — the Hebrew University. the Haifa Technion and the Weizmann Institute . . . already have outstanding reputa- tions. In this country, Brandeis University and Yeshiva University have attained considerable academic prestige in the past few years. The reason for the Jewish group's success is rooted primarily in the favorable home environ- ment of the Jew. If the success of the Jewish people in producing outstanding scholars and scientists depends so clearly on attitudes and enthusiasm developed in the family at a very early age,our lack — until recently — of any corresponding success would argue a failure in Catholic family life. It is difficult to accept the conclusions reached in the America editorial, but we should willingly accept the challenge implied in it that we have had traditionally a "favor- able home environment" and that the validity of family life based on a great ethical inherit- ance must be preserved. Rabbi Gordon's "Intermarriage" renders a distinct service to all Americans by its revealing facts regarding the moral status of our numerous religious communities and the values of endogamy. It is equally important to Jews as an evaluation of our current status as a religious entity and as, a group whose family life was so vital to our very existence. Dr. Patai's and Robert Graves' Hebrew Myths' in Genesis ' A noted Jewish scholar was joined by an eminent Protestant and their splendid book, "Hebrew Myths—The Book of Genesis," published by Doubleday, becomes an important addendum to Prof. Louis Ginzberg's "Legends of the Jews" for students of mythol- ogy. In this work are incorporated the efforts of two men— Raphael Patai and Robert Graves—who have specialized in an- thropology, mythology, folklore and Biblical scholarship. In their introduction, the authors indicate that the study of mythology is based on Greek concepts, but they concede that "literalists who deny that the Bible contains any myths at all are, in a sense, justified," because most myths deal with gods who take sides in human affairs, "whereas the Bible acknowledges only a single universal God." They show that pre-Biblical documents have vanished but that post-Biblical documents are abundant; that although canoni- cal books are regarded as divinely written, apocryphal works are treated leniently, allowing many suppressed myths to reemerge in midrashim. Among the Hebrews, we are informed by the two authors, "myths became monolithic and centered almost exclusively on Jerusalem." There was a matriarchal culture, and goddess-wor- ship was replaced by monotheism. The authors state: "Just how powerful goddesses were under the Jewish mon- archy can be seen from Jeremiah's enunciation of his coreligion- ists who attributed Judea's downfall to their breach of faith with Anath and cried: "Let us once more worship the Queen Heaven, as our fathers did before us!" Patai and Graves draw upon legends relating to the Creation, to the Book of Genesis and the Patriarchs. They include legends about Ishmael, Lot at Sodom, the era of the ancient Hebrew's residence in Egypt. In addition to the legends, their work is richly annotated. The Abrahamic stories, myths about Jacob and his brothers and numerous other legends implement this important work. of Dr. Gerber's 'Immortal Rebels,' Revolutionary Biblical Thesis Dr. Israel J. Gerber, psychologist, now rabbi of Temple Beth El, Charlotte, N. C., has made a deep study of "freedom for the individual in the Bible" and he proves, in "Immortal Rebels," published by Jonathan David Co. (131 E. 23rd, NY 10) that "the process of rebellion never ceased." In this analytical work, Dr. Gerber describes many of the conflicts among Biblical characters, the struggle for freedom from primogeniture, and the many imperfections in personalities we have learned to glorify. Moses emerges as the social genius who rose to great leadership because he understood the human failings in man. There is a great tribute to Moses in this evaluation by Dr. Gerber: "Moses knew that many people never outgrow the need for someone to serve in the role of father or hero, that they find following a leader a profoundly satisfying experience. But he could not allow them to find this comfort in a dead leader. He feared they would so venerate him in death that they would vitiate the effectiveness of their new leader and discard the high purpose of becoming 'a holy nation' consecrated to God. Even in death Moses inspired his people to reach beyond the meanings they could grasp. He shed all personal glory, therefore, in a unmarked sepulchre (Deut. 34:6) and left his people free." Dr. Gerber decribes the manner in which Abraham and Sarah, based on legends, had their personal squabbles due to Sarah's childlessness, how Sarah abused him, the birth of Ishmael, the eventual jealousies between Isaac and Ishmael; how Sarah, before she had given birth, blaming Abraham for her barrenness, scratched his face. These and scores of other Biblical incidents are offered to show imperfections in men in ancient times, the striving for free- dom. the rebellions that were constant. Many tales are related about Biblical characters, and "Im- mortal Rebels" is as much a sociological presentation of Bible times as it is a compilation of legends, an expose of false views often presented in Biblical interpretations. It is a revolutionary thesis. K K N K ,7‹ N