JWV Activities Recent Volume on Parochial System Employs Hebrew School as Basis for Comparison OAK PARK POST and AUXIL- instructress; Rose Davidson, guard; A Review of Mary P. Ryans' brew day school emerging all over the Jewish community of today. IARY will hold their sixth installa- and Lillian Tulupman, Yetta Although we share some of the "Are Parochial Schools the Ans- the country, wisdom as well as Sterns and Belle Berkowitz, trus- tion 6:30 p.m. Sunday at the Capis- reasoned analysis demands that we superficial problems such as the wer?" trano Restaurant and Cocktail tees. * * * resist the temptation. There is no tendency by parents to consider Lounge. The event will honor out- comparison at all as the basic prob- confirmation as a kind of terminus BY RABBI HAYIM DONIN going commander Henry Cahn and lems facing the perpetuation of for their children's religious edu- The book "Are Parochial Schools outgoing president Mrs. Max Stall- Judaism in a Christian society are cation, the very differences in the the Answer?" (Holt, Rinehart, meyer. Auxiliary officers being in- far different than those facing nature of Jewish faith vis-a-vis Winston) provides an insight into stalled are Mesdames Henry Cahn, Catholicism in a country where they Catholic faith demands independent many of the problems confronting president; Norman Moss and Her- solutions in the light of the dif- the Catholic faith and into the dif- constitute a goodly percentage of ferences bert Liner, vice presidents; Harold that do exist in the specific the population, and the largest ferences of opinion that exist Greenspan, treasurer; I. J. Field "No Truce With Tuberculosis" within the Church community con- single religious faith. The entire objectives of our respective religi- and Harry Sklar, secretaries; Wil- role that education has played in ous educational programs. liam Steckelis, chaplain; Maurice —this slogan for the recent World cerning questions of their own Judaism throughout the ages has faith. Noble, historian; Jerry Eisner, pa- Health Day, marking the anni- In the spirit fostered by the Sec- been a far different one than that triotic instructress; Jerry Levitt, versary of the World Health Or- ond Vatican Ecumenical Council, experienced by the Catholic peo- guard; Jack Kagan, conductress; ganization of the United Nations, the author of the book is concern- ples. Max Strumeyer, Isadore Binder, As a matter of fact, the "state of ed with the inner revitalization of also symbolized Israel's continu- and Eli Shusterman, trustees. Post siege" that was the justification Christians living among Catholic officers being installed are Morry ing struggle against the lung di- for the parochial school system in Smith, commander; William Steck- sease. Although the incidence of laymen, one that will carry much the first place could very well grip greater depth and meaning for the elis and David Gildenberg, vice tuberculosis in Israel had been laity by promoting a greater parti- commanders; Sam Fisher, adju- drastically reduced in the past ten cipation by them in those rituals Ballroom Dancing by tant; Murray Greenwald, quarter- years, the Health Ministry still till now reserved exclusively for master; Henry Cahn, Charles Is- records some 1,000 new cases each the priest. ackson, Isadore Binder and Mau- year plus another 1,000 who re- It is with this over-all aim in COOLIDGE AT 9 MILE rice Noble, trustees. Serving as in- quire frequent check-ups in the mind, namely, the religious forma- Oak Park — LI 7-4470 stalling officers will be Mrs. Sam chest clinics. Max Schrut tion of all Catholics and the "great W. MAPLE AT CRANBROOK Skupsky, president of the Michi- For Good Photographs Before Israel gained its state- missionary vocation and responsi- Birmingham — MI 7-1262 gan JWVA, and Harry Friedman, hood, tuberculosis posed no seri- and Prompt Service Call me at JWV department commander. For ous problems. However, with the bility of the Church," that she ques- ***********************i- * information, call Mrs. Noble, LI onset of mass immigration in the tions the great emphasis placed 4( upon the maintenance of a Catholic 4-9517. 1940's and 1950's, a large number school system. * * * I C M. of refugees arrived suffering from "In actual fact," the author says, Weddings - Bar Mitzvahs SOL YETZ - MORRIS COHEN the disease. Many of them were MIKE GREEN'S ' "providing a general education for We Come to Your Home AUXILIARY will meet 8 p.m. Mon- With Samples MUSIC among the weakened and ema- its children is an auxiliary serv- * * day at the home of Sarah Kamin- UN 4.6845 TY 5-8805 ciated survivors of the concentra- ice, not part of the essential mis- 4( LI 8-4432 * sky, 23431 Harriet Ct., Oak Park. tion camps and DP camps. There sion of the church. Whether such Plans are now being completed were also many who came from a service is required for the wel- for a Mother and Daughter party the disease-ridden mellahs of the fare of the church in a given era to be held in mid-May. Moslem countries. There were not is a question of policy, not of * * * enough hospital space for all the faith." LT. RAYMOND Z US S MAN sufferers and while the patients She feels that the Church—in AUXILIARY will meet 8 p.m. Mon- waited for beds — often for view of its primary objectives as FOR day at the home of Mrs. Beverly months — they remained danger- enunciated in recent papal encycli- Silver, 21940 Marlow, Oak Park. ous disease carriers. SPORTING EQUIPMENT cals—could achieve its religious The annual mother-daughter din- aims far better by concentrating To meet this challenge, Malben, ner will be held at Raleigh House MAKE THE FINEST GIFTS! in other areas. May 13. For reservations and in- the Joint Distribution Committee Crucial to her position are the medical and welfare program Finest Selection of Sporting formation call Mrs. Florence Weber, results of surveys which indicate maintained in Israel, with United "that Catholic schooling does not UN 4-0243. Goods in the City Jewish Appeal funds, on behalf seem to make the great difference * * of aged, ill and handicapped im- LT. ROY F. GREEN AUXIL- that might have been expected. OLYMPIC SPORTING GOODS CO. IARY will meet 8 p.m. Tuesday at migrants. launched a comprehen- Regularity of Catholic practice is sive control program. This in- the home of Mrs. John Nemon, only slightly higher among them Sid Fishman — Lou Fishman 24808 Pierce, Southfield. Newly cluded a 500-bed hospital at Beer than among those who have not, DI 1-8489 19129 LIVERNOIS at 7 MILE Ya'acov, at one time the largest and this may well be due as much installed officers under Mrs. Har- Open Thursday to 9 P.M. hospital of its kind in the Middle school." to home influence as to the old Weiss, president, are Mesdames She is quite blunt in her criticism Herman Silver and Carl Zide, vice East, a sanitorium for tubercu- presidents; Bernard O s t r ow e, lous children, and a home for of the quality of the religious edu- treasurer; David Segal, patriotic aged TB patients. At its peak the cation that is being provided in instructress; Harold Weisler, con- number of beds rose as high as the parochial schools. There is ductress; Jean Heller, historian; 2,000. This figure is now down to much more progress and better David Levitt, chaplain; and Joseph 450, sufficient to care for the cur- methods employed in the general rent caseload. courses than in the religious Conn, guard. * * * The incidence of tuberculosis in courses. She is on weak ground when DETROIT AUXILIARY w ill Israel at the present time is the she presents the afternoon He- third lowest in the world (after meet 8:30 p.m. May 14 at the Labor brew school system that exists Zionist Institute. Refreshments Holland and Denmark). This is will be served. Recently elected due largery to the close coopera- among the Jews as an example of how the religious and cultural of f i c e r s are Louba Luppiloff, tion of the Israel medical author- formation of young people can president; Bertha Schaaf and Mary ities with Malben, Hadassah and Nadek, vice presidents; Vera the Anti-Tuberculosis League. To- succeed outside of regular school hours. She is obviously Zendel, treasurer; Florence Wit- gether they established and main- unfamiliar with the widespread tenberg, secretary; Minnie Hart, tain a network of 18 chest clinics criticism by Jewish educators chaplain; Nellie Berger, conduc- throughout the country for both about the ineffectiveness and tress; Hannah Seinwel, patriotic treatment and prevention. superficiality of the very sort of program she now espouses for imp. ■ ••, the Catholics to follow. BY HENRY LEONARD Although her analogy is no good, it may be that for purposes of Christian "formation" in a Christ- f I DE ian society the author is correct in JEWISH MEN'S Ci.UR her analysis and in her bold sug- k 1 l 0, 1 gestions. However, there will be many of her faith who will heartily reject her analysis and disagree with her proposals. Although there is a temptation to draw some parallels to the He- TB Third Lowest in Israel Due to Agencies' Efforts JACK BARNES G. M. : BLAIR STUDIO GIFT CERTIFICATES SAM KOPPELMAN SAYS: WE REPAIR DO IT YOURSELF MECHANICAL MISTAKES AT REASONABLE PRICES! "DOM SPECIAL [LODGE gAST5 MOTOR TUNE UP 1 1)" Hebrew U. Receives Statues of Moses, Jesus and Mohammed "Lapidus always brings his own. " Copr. 1964, Doyenu Productions JERUSALEM.—As a gesture to- ward interreligious understanding, the Hebrew University has placed in one of its buildings life-sized wood statues of Moses, Jesus and Mohammed, carved by a noted Jewish sculptor. The works of the late Siegfried Wagner were offered to the uni- versity as a gift by his daughter, saying it was her father's wish that the statues be given to the uni- versity in a city sacred to Judaism, Christianity and Mohamedanism. THE DETROIT JIEWISII NEWS 29 Friday, May 1, 1964 Only $ 6 95 Most American Cars DON'T FUSS — DON'T CUSS — CALL US 1 Mile-Lauder 1 Mile-Mendota UN. 2-9558 DEALER IN 111/11111 PRODUCT'S 342-9777 FREE PICK-UP and DELIVERY