THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, April 24, 1964 30 Our Film Folk Kennedy Forest Certificate to Eshkol Rose Grosberg Dies; Was Jewish Leader By HERBERT G. LUFT Philanthropist a n d communal HOLLYWOOD — Peter Sellers, leader Mrs. Charles (Rose) Gros- an illustrious descendant of a berg, died April 17 in Miami Jewish threatrical family of South- Beach at age 65. sea, England, who is recuperating Mrs. Grosberg, 19120 Burlington, from a recent heart attack, is star was born in Russia but lived in of 'Kiss Me, Stupid," the Billy A special exhibit of Hebraic Detroit over 60 years. She was a Wilder production for the Mirisch Symbolism is being shown at graduate of Old Central High Bros., in which the multi-faceted Columbia University's Religious School. actor plays only one part. Arts Festival through Wednesday. A member of Hadassah, United As always, Sellers gives an off- The works of R. Raymond Katz, Hebrew Schools Auxiliary, Jewish known internationally for his re- beat protrayal this time of a Home for the Aged and Brandeis _ ligious drawings and paintings, bumbling amateur composer in a University Wo- small Nevada town who is ap- men, Mrs. Gros- parently destined to remain there berg belonged to until Dean Martin, portraying Congregations himself, is stalled there over- Shaarey Zedek, night. Adas Shalom and This is the first of two pictures Bnai Moshe and Sellers is making for Wilder under was a member of the Mirisch banner. Later this the Jewish Wel- year, or early in 1965, Sellers will fare Federation. play Dr. Watson to Peter O'Toole's Max Bressler (center), president of the Jewish National Fund of She and her Sherlock Holmes in "The Private America, presents a new Kennedy Peace Forest Certificate to Israel Life of Sherlock Holmes," again Prime Minister Levi Eshkol as Ambassador Jacob Tsur (left), world husband were hosts to the late Mrs. Eleanor from a screenplay by Wilder and JNF chairman, looks on. Bressler was in Jerusalem recently for Roosevelt on her last visit to De- his long-time associate I. A. L. consultations concerning the forest, to be inaugurated Nov. 22, first troit. The Grosbergs for several Diamond. anniversary of the death of President Kennedy. A monument to be years hosted a reception for De- Elke Sommer, who costarred dedicated on the Fourth of July, 1965, will include a subterranean troiters in Miami Beach, in ad- with Sellers in the British-made chamber built into the mountain and containing a bust of the late vance of the National Israel Bond Mirisch film, "A Shot in the Dark," President. Inaugural Conference. Mrs. Gros- was in town for an interview with berg was the first Israel Bond the international film press. This Trustee in Michigan last They're Off to Israel Golden week, Miss Sommer left for Nor- year. way and a costarring role in Surviving besides her husband, Anthony Mann's "High Adventure" KATZ' IDEA OF `RESH' Charles, are two sons, Melvin Da- (formerly titled "Unknown Bat- vidson and Merwin; four daugh- will be featured together with tle,") a true story of the destruc- ters, Mrs. Leonard (Geraldine) Hy- tion of a German heavy water '..hose of sculptor Don Benaron. A plan to enable 400 American man; Mrs. Milton (Elaine) Sorock; This exhibit is believed to be plant by the underground in World Jews to retire in Israel has been Mrs. Samuel (Jeanne) Frankel and War II. first one of its kind featured the announced by Mishan, the social Mrs. Joseph (Norma) Grant; 17 Miss Sommer admitted under welfare department of Histadrut, at a major university's religious grandchildren; her mother, Mrs. questioning that the Norwegian the Israel labor federation. arts festival. Celia Frumin; a brother, Albert; government was at first reluct- Among Katz' work to be shown Zev Weiner, director of Mishan, two sisters, Mrs. Harry (Reva) lend the motion picture ant to are a series of drawings, "The now on a tour of key cities in the Taub; and 17 grandchildren. An- company 20,000 soldiers for the United States and Canada, as guest Seven Names," woodcuts from other brother was the late Israel mass scenes upon hearing that of the National Committee for his Mishnah portfolio and such Davidson of Federal Dept. Stores. a German actress was playing Labor Israel, reported that Hista- paintings as "Creation," "Pro- the starring role of the under- drut plans to treble the capacity phets" and the "letter paintings": Playwright Ben Hecht ground fighter. Samech, Shin, Tof, Echod and of its network of "Homes for Par- others. However, things were straighten- ents," where 800 elderly men and Succumbs at Age 70 Katz' murals can be seen in ed out and, according to Miss women, including scores of re- NEW YORK (JTA)—Ben Hecht, houses of worship in almost every Sommer, the Norwegians finally tired Americans, presently live. American-Jewish author, journal- section of the country and he has agreed to make her one of them The new accommodations, in nine ist, playwright and stormy petrel exhibited in major museums in for the screen appearance. centers, will have room for 4,600 in the Zionist movement, died sud- the U.S. and abroad. Asked whether the Germans persons, and it is expected that denly here April 18, at age 70. Drawings and woodcuts based liked her to appear in roles such one fourth of these places will be on Jewish historical themes by as the one she is portraying now reserved for American Jews who In addition to a vast output of Ilan, 5, and Nieli Laufer, 2, of Benaron also will be shown. His and her rather unpleasant one in have long dreamed of settling in journalistic writ- Baltimore, Md., are excited on sculpture has been shown in syna- the British-made "The Victors," Israel. ings going back the Zim liner Israel as they sail gogues throughout the U.S. and he Miss Sommer replied that the Ger- to 1910, Hecht Histadrut began its "Homes for has exhibited extensively, includ- mans have no objections to seeing Parents" program in 1952, to care from New York. They are going was the author to Israel. Their father had been ing a showing in Birmingham, her in anti-Nazi films of their own. for pioneer w or k e r s who had of 26 books, 20 studying engineering at the Uni- Mich. He was commissioned by plays for the However, she will be criticized reached retirement age, or for versity of Maryland for the past the Society for Enduring Peace to for performing in a picture of this parents of active Histadrut mem- stage, 70 motion design the Ghandi award sculpture kind produced in England or the bers. The success of the program nine years. picture plays which was .presented to the late United States, because the Ger- has impelled Histadrut to promul- and hundreds of Brooklyn Jewish Judge, Eleanor Roosevelt. short stories. mans see this as a sell-out. Elke gate a three-year building sched- In 1940, Hecht Sommer went to great lengths to ule at a cost of 19 million Israeli Communal Leader Dies had helped found Syria Shows Off Jets, explain to the Hollywood press pounds. NEW YORK (JTA) — Kings Known in Hebrew as Batei Avot, t h e Emergency that "High Adventure" is not an Artillery Made in Russia County Surrogate Maximilian Moss C om mittee to anti-German film, but simply a these homes are of two types— a prominent leader of the Brook- LONDON, (JTA) — Heavy jet the "individual" type, providing Save the Jews of bombers. new units of long-range movie of an episode from the war, accommodations and various serv- lyn Jewish community, died here Europe. During like any other adventure story. artillery and a squadron of Soviet- ices, but without board; and the April 19, at age 67. He was a for- Hecht the war years She made the same point last year made MIG-21 planes highlighted a "collective" type, with full board. mer president of the New York and after that era, he worked spectacular military parade held by when discussing with us her role Admission age for men is 65 and City Board of Education. closely in this country with the in "The Victors." Romy Schneider, the Syrian government this week Born in Brooklyn, Judge Moss Irgun Zvai Leumi forces. Only a women, 60. in Damascus, according to dispatch- while appearing before the inter- Because of the nonprofit and spent his early childhood in Chat- year ago, he published a book, national film press of Hollywood es received here. several months ago, was equally cooperative character of these tanooga, but returned to New York "Perfidy," which assailed the The Soviet MIGs were shown off careful not to offend her German homes, costs are the lowest in City where he attended New York world Zionist leadership, includ- above the skies of Damascus for the or Austrian compatriots. Israel. For the individual type ac- University Law School at night ing the late Israeli president, Dr. first time, the report stated, and commodation, the applicant pays while working as a railroad freight Chaim Weizmann. * some of the planes were so fast He continued until his death to Joseph E. Levine announced he a one-time entrance fee of $2,500 clerk and practiced law until they broke the sound barrier. blame the late President Franklin will make another movie in Rome for a single person or $3,500 for named to the bench. Token forces of Syria's ground a married couple. Monthly mainte- At the time of his death, Judge D. Roosevelt for alleged failure to troops and naval personnel also with Sophia Loren, before the star nance is $25 for a single person Moss was president of the Jewish help save European Jewry from goes to Israel to film the Biblical participated in the parade. epic "Judith." On April 1 began and $35 for a couple. This includes Culture Foundation of New York the Hitlerian holocaust. the filming in Italy of the screen medical care, cultural activities University. He was a founder and Hecht was buried in Oak Hills 100 Sephardic Leaders comedy "Marriage — Italian Style" and other services. For the col- past president of the Brooklyn Cemetery, Nyack, N. Y., near his lective - type home. the one - time at 1st U.S. Conference Jewish Community Council, which old collaborator, Charles Mac-Ar- — a follow-up of "Yesterday, To- NEW YORK, (JTA)—More than day and Tomorrow," which netted admision charge is $1.000 per per- coordinates the activities of 850 thur, actress Helen Hayes' late son, double occupancy, or $2,000 organizations in that borough. 100 Sephardic rabbis and lay lead- Levine the Samuel Goldwyn In- husband. The two men had col- per p e r so n, single occupancy. ers from all over the United States ternational Film Award. He was chairman of the execu- laborated on such plays as "The Monthly maintenance charge is $85 and Canada participated in the first tive committee of the Jewish Hos- Front Page" and "Twentieth Cen- Once more Sophia Loren will be Sephardic Synagogue Leadership teamed with Marcello Mastroianni, for a single person and $160 for pital in Brooklyn, and a member tury." a couple. Conference sponsored by and held with Carlo Ponti (her husband) as Eulogies by George Jesse' and of the board of directors of the at Yeshivah University. Hospital Council of Greater New Herut leader Menachem Begin the coproducer. The conference was convened by Rare Violin Disappears; York. In 1961, he served as city- were among the many delivered In Hollywood, Levine is produc- Dr. Solomon Gaon, chief rabbi Found in Pawn Shop wide chairman of the State .of Is- by notable friends of Hecht. ing at Paramount "A House is not (Haham) of the Sephardic Jews in rael Bond Drive. a Home," the Polly Adler yarn, Itshak Periman, an 18-year-old the British Commonwealth, who is Monarchy Isle now serving as director of the starring Shelley Winters and Israeli violinist, studying at Jull- Remnants of the only monarchy Growing Herd iard, won a major music competi- Sephardic studies program at Robert Taylor. Michigan's elk herd, concentrated established in the continental tion at Carnegie Hall. As he was Yeshiva University. Siphon Bridge receiving congratulations, the 250- in Charlevoix, Cheboygan, Otsego United States may still be seen on year-old Guarnerius violin he had and Montmorency counties n o w Beaver Island in Lake Michigan, Melbourne Jewish Mayor The Manistique River helps sup- numbers between 2,000 and 3,500 according to the Michigan Tourist Edward Cohen, a prominent 19•h port the world's largest siphon used, disappeared. The rare instrument, valued at animals, according to the Michigan Council. century Australian businessman, bridge at Manistique, according to A museum containing relics from became the first Jew to serve as the Michigan Tourist Council. The $25,000 to $50,000, was loaned to Tourist Council. A tourist attraction, the herd the reign of self-proclaimed Mor- mayor of Melbourne when he was floor of the bridge is lower than him from the school collection. It named to that office in 1872. He the water, making the bridge one was recovered after an unidenti- was started in 1918 when eight mon leader, King James Jesse was also a member of the Austra- of the Upper Peninsula's strangest fied person pawned the instrument animals were released in Che- Strang, is located in Strang's for- mer print shop on the island. boygan county. for $15. man-made tourist attractions. lian Parliament. Columbia Shows Hebraic Symbols at Arts Festival K Histadrut Plans New Retirement Homes for Aged N / cN N