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April 10, 1964 - Image 30

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1964-04-10

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Beersheba Independence Road
Built with Aid of Israel Bonds

Companion for elderly woman
in nice quiet home in Ann
Arbor. Own studio apartment
upstairs. Write in detail (Yid-
dish or English) to P.O. Box
1405, Ann Arbor.

Real Estate

Sales are booming. Large experi-
ence Northwest office will take on
2 new Salesmen. Profit sharing &
direct investment even to new men.

Gross Realty

DI 2-1300

WOWAN TO CARE for invalid.
Live-in. Good pay. KE 4-8238.

Real Estate
Male or Female

Benj. Rich


12545 Linwood

TU 3-4000


TAKE CARE of children for work-
ing mothers. Also baby-sitting.
Phone DI 1-6935, 19484 Schaefer.

On Israel's 16th anniversary, which will be celebrated on
April 16, the Independence Day parade will be held on this
main street of Beersheba, capital of the Negev. A sleepy
desert town at the time when Israel became a state Beersheba
has grown with the aid of Israel Bonds to a bustling city of
more than 50,000 persons. With Beersheba as the focus of
Israel's Independence Day celebration for the first time, the
entire nation will be reminded in dramatic fashion of the
central importance of the development and settlement of the
Negev for the future growth of Israel.

MIDDLE-AGED woman will baby sit
for working mothers. UN. 3-0806.

Disney Salutes UNICEF at Fair


the world's children, their songs,
dances, games and laughter—
and also their need s, and
UNICEF's role in helping to
meet these needs—are vividly
dramatized for New York
World's Fair visitors in a spec-
tacular attraction presented by
the Pepsi-Cola Company and
created by Walt Disney.
From the Eiffel Tower to the
Taj Mahal, from the South
American pampas to Victoria
the boundaries of age and
dresses up reality in its own
brand of fantasy and magic. A
universal realm of splendid


Liquor, Beer and Wine

Epworth-Tireman area, does a
$150,000 yr. business. Owner. 5100
"Get Rich Quick"—TU 3-4000



Licensed Movers
TY 4-4587


Courteous and efficient service.
Free estimates.

UN 4-0708

I. SCHWARTZ. All kinds of carpenter
work, no job too big or small. BR
3-4826, LI 5-4035.

A-1 PAINTING, paperhanging, inte-
rior, wallwashing. Immediate service.
Guaranteed. Reasonable. GR 6-1066,
UN 4-0326 after 5 p.m.


We also clean upholstered fur-
niture. All work guaranteed. 42
years experience. 35 yards of
carpeting, $15.

LI 2-4735

Call after 4 p.m.

By Hour or Flat Rate

Local and Long Distance Pack-
ing, storage, pianos, appliances
household furnishings.
8700 West McNichols Rd.

UN. 2-6047

FOR BETTER wall washing, call
James Russell. One day service. TO
6-4005. 526 Belmont.

REPAIR and remodeling. Have
your fur coat or jacket made into
the lastest 1964 style. H. Waldhorn,
DI 1-4539, UN 1-5932.

DRESSMAKING and alterations.
Prompt service. Reasonable prices.
UN 3-9517.

PAINTING, decorating. Interior,
exterior. Free estimates. Reason-
able. LI. 7-5639, K.E. 8-1047.

LOUIE'S Re-upholstering, Repairing
Satisfaction guaranteed. Reasonable.
Free estimates. UN 4-3339, VE 5-7453.

FURNITURE repairs and refinish-
ing. Free estimates. Call UN 4-3547.


TURN YOUR old suits, shoes into
cash. DI 2-3717.

The University of Michigan
was the first institution of high-
er learning in this country to
establish a professorship
in transportation engineering,

JERUSALEM, (JTA) — Mrs. mitteeof the American Friends
Frances Gunther, a writer and of a Jewish Palestine. During
long-time Zionist, died here the immediate postwar years,
Monday at age 67. She was the she was a leading American
former wife of author John supporter of Irgun Zvai Leumi.
At the time of her death she
Born Frances Fineman in had been writing a book on the
New York, Mrs. Gunther was a impact of Judaism, Christianity
member of the executive corn- and Islam on politics and his-
tory. She had named the He-
brew University Medical School
as legatee of her estate and also
had willed her body to the
In addition to her writings on
Palestine and Zionism and her
Benjamin E. Jaffe, of 28680 work as a foreign correspond-
Streamwood, Southfield, for a ent, Mrs. Gunther was the au-
number of years one of De- thor of a book, "Revolution in
troit's leading communal fig- India." She had been the author
ures, died last Friday at the also of many magazine articles.
age of 67. Funeral services
were held Sunday afternoon at Boris Gourevitch,
Kaufman Chapel.
He is survived by his wife, Nominee for Nobel
Sylvia; son, Miles; daughter,
Mrs. Oscar Katov; brother, Max; Peace Prize, Dead
Boris Gourevitch, president
of the Union for the Protection
of the Human Person, and twice
a nominee for the Nobel Peace
Prize, died April 4 in New
Mr. Gourevitch, 74, was an
author in pre-Soviet Russia. He
was nominated for the prize
in 1957 and again in 1959 for
his two-volume work, "The
Road to Peace and to Moral
The union, of which he was
president, had been active be-
fore and during World War II
in efforts for refugees and
concentration camp prisoners
and their resettlement, but
in recent years had become
primarily a private crusade
by Mr, Gourevitch.
Born in Umanj, Kiev pro-
he began is education at
St. Vladimir University in Kiev
sisters, Mrs. Esther Slutnik and but was arrested in 1908 for
Mrs. Herman ' Nudelman, and political activities. He eventu-
ally was graduated from the
three grandchildren.
One of the state's best known faculty of law.
He fled to France when the
patent attorneys, Mr. Jaffe also
headed a number of community Soviets took over Russia. With
projects. He was a former presi- the Nazi rise to power, Mr.
dent of the Jewish Family and Gourevitch formed a committee
Children's Service, was a trus- for the emancipation of Jews
tee of Sinai Hospital, served on and later the Union for Protec-
the board of governors of the tion. He came to the United
Jewish Welfare Federation and States in 1939 to set up Ameri-
served on the boards of a num- can branches. He leaves a son,
George Gourevitch.
ber of social service agencies.
He was a member of Temple
Emanuel and Franklin Hills S. African Rabbi, Zionist
Country Club and of numerous
Michel Kossowsky, Dies
local, state and national organi-
(Direct JTA Teletype Wire
to The Jewish News)
Born in Russia, Mr. Jaffe
came to this country with his Michel Kossowsky, one of South
parents in his childhood. He Africa's leading Rabbis and a
came to Detroit after graduat- prominent Zionist and com-
ing from the University of Chi- munal leader, died here Wed-
cago Law School in 1921 and nesday at 56. He was spiritual
leader of Hamedrash Hagodel
practiced law here since.
Congregation in Johannesburg.
Born in Poland, Rabbi Kos-
Yugoslavian Leader, sowsky came to South Africa in
1941. He was president of the
Dr. Albert Vajs, Dies South
African Mizrachi, a foun-
Yugoslavian Jewish leader Dr. der and head of the Johannes-
Albert Vajs died in Belgrade burg Yeshiva College and vice
Sunday at age 59. Chairman of president of the South African
the Union of Jewish communi- Zionist Federation. He also was
ties in Yugoslavia, he also was a member of the executive of
a member of the European the South African Jewish Board
executive of the World Jewish of Deputies and of the Johan-
nesburg Beth Din.
Dr. Vajs. professor of law and
political science at the Univers-
ity of Belgrade, was Yugoslav Harold Brown Dead;
delegate to the international Sealy Vice President
military tribunal during the Nur-
Harold King Brown, vice presi-
emberg trial of Nazi criminals.
His activity in revealing Nazi dent of Sealy Mattress Co., died
crimes recently had subjected April 4 at age 46. A native De-
him to attacks by neo-Nazis in troiter, Mr. Brown lived at 19234
Warrington. He also was an
West Germany.
officer in Brown Reliable Bed-
ding Co.
Yiddish Actress Dies
He was a member of Cong.
NEW YORK, (JTA) — Glicka Shaarey Zedek, Jewish Welfare
Belaysky, Yiddish actress, died Federation, Standard Club and
April 5 at age 80. She was the Furniture Club of Detroit.
Mr. Brown leaves his wife,
widow of a Yiddish actor, the
late Morris Belaysky, and a niece Diana; a daughter, Joanne; a
of the late famous Zionist lead- son, Robert; parents, Mr. and
er, Nahum Sokolow. For the past Mrs. Samuel Brown; grand-
20 years, Mrs. Belaysky was mother, Mrs. Leah Shlaine; a
active in the work of the Miz- brother, Peter; and a sister, Mrs.
Gertrude Harwin.
rachi Women's Organization.

B. E. Jaffe Dies;
Patent Attorney
Headed_ JFCS

17350 Livernois

Opportunity of a lifetime. Be
connected with the fastest sell-
ing and best advertised Organ-
ization in Detroit. Top com-
missions paid. Earn $20,000 a
yr. or more. Call Mr. Benad-

Frances Gunther Is Dead;
Long-Time Zionist Was Age 68

ORT Project Lauded

by Mali's President

Inauguration of a Science
Center in the capital of the
West African Republic of Mali,
operated by ORT under con-
tract to the U.S. Government,
has been hailed as a major con-
tribution to the human and
technical development of this
new nation.
The Science Center was for-
mally opened last month in
Bamako in the presence of the
President of Mali, Modibo
Keita; the American Ambassa-
dor, S. E. Handly; American
ORT representative, Dr. Charles
Levinson; and ministers of the
Malian government.
President Keita described the
Science Center as a "nursery
for young technicians."
The ORT team is headed by
Adam Scherer, a graduate of
the Central ORT Institute in
Switzerland, and formerly a
specialist at the ORT vocational
school in Tunis. - Other ORT
personnel have been recruited
from ORT schools in Israel,
France, Morocco, Switzerland
and other areas. Each is a care-
fully chosen specialist in a tech-
nical or scientific field.
The Science Center in Bama-
ko, a large, one-story building
consisting of six sections, is
providing instruction in auto-
motive diesel engines, struc-
tural design, civil engineering,
secretarial skills and electron-
ics. Special courses have been
given to employees of the Bank
of Mali, senior civil servants,
and foremen and technicians of
the Ministry of Public Works.
A similar program of techni-
cal and teacher training is con-
ducted by ORT in the West
African state of Guinea, like-
wise under contract to the U.S.
Agency for International Devel-

vistas, a pleasantly mysterious
domain, a world with its own
special flavor and color, it crys-
tallizes the freshness, excitement
and surprises by which present
and former citizens of Childhood
can best be delighted and
Besides the happiest "globe-
girdling" cruise that ever sailed,
the U.S. Committee for UNICEF
displays its books, records, maps,
riosters, games and other intro-
ductions to a very different
world—one in which millions
upon millions of youngsters owe
much of their health and hope
to the United Nations Children's
Fund. Nearby, a dramatic photo-
graphic exhibit vividly illustrates
their needs and the work being
done on their behalf in more
than 100 developing countries.
Serving as a 120-foot high ex-
clamation point to the pavilion's
entrance, the dynamic "Tower
of the Four Winds" is one, of
the most striking creations to
come from Walt Disney and his
staff of "imagineers" at WED
Enterprises, Inc., of Glendale,

Wonder Why,'
Genuine Appeal
to Race Justice

In pictures, with a very few
words of text, the story "I Won-
der Why . . ." by Shirley Bur-
den, published by Doubleday,
tells the story of race preju-
dice, exposing the injustice of
hate for the colored, most im-
Toby Holtzamn, who is asso-
ciated with Boesen Books, 5480
Cass, states that this little
classic is leaving its impact and
is making it a best seller.
The brief text, to be read in
a few minutes, lists so many
things in life that are loved and
enjoyed and concludes with a
photograph of a colored girl
and an accompanying caption:
"I wonder why some people
don't like me." It is a great work
of art and a genuine appeal to

1,200 Guatemala Jews
The Jewish Community of
Guatemala, which dates back to•
the middle of the 19th century,
now numbers some 1,200 per-
sons, most of whom live in the
capital, Guatemala City.

Eighty-three members of the
University of Michigan Medical
School's class of 1964 will take
internship training in Michi-
gan hospitals.

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