Delegation From Conference on Soviet Jewry Presents Appeal to _President, St-Cite liPepartment (Direct JTA Teletype Wire and submitted the request for fairs, Edward Crankshaw, said USSR Racism to The Jewish News) Condemned by USSR Reported Impounding WASHINGTON — The re- the U.S. Governments good I that the Communist Commis- Belgian Minister of Justice Matzoth, Taking Other Steps quest that the United States offices to make known to Mos- sion's action "is an indication of (Direct JTA Teletype Wire Against Jewish Population to The Jewish News) Government use its good offices cow "the extent of our Govern- how sensitive the Soviet Gov- JERUSALEM, (JTA) — All BRUSSELS—Belgian Justice to make known to the Soviet ment's concern for the situation ern ment is to charges of anti- Minister Pierre Vermeylen de- shipments of matzoh to Jewish Government the extent of Amer- and status" of Soviet Jews. The Semitism." nounced racism in the Soviet individuals and communities in t t recalled that icon concern for the situation of formal statement (Further condemnations of Union Monday night at a meet- the Soviet Union were im- the U.S. Government: has "am " 3 million Jews in the th "Judaism "Judaism Without Embellish- ing commemorating the 21st pounded, according to press dis- precedent ment" in American his meat" Soviet Union was submitted were printed in the Eu- here to the White House and tory for appropriate actions to ropean press. In Paris, "France anniversary of the 'Warsaw patches here citing "unimpeach- the State Department at a series deal with persecutions and Observateur," a left-wing news- Ghetto Revolt. The minister able sources." According to the of conferences which included oppression of minority groups." paper, asserted that no one can cited as an example the publi- reports, Soviet Jewry was al- with President John- . After summarizing the resolu- deny now that anti-Semitism ex- cation of the anti-Semetic book most completely without mat- "Judaism Without Embellish- zoth this Passover, since the tion passed by the conference son and Secretary of State Dean ton ists in the USSR. The Jewish ment" published in Kiev. authorities declined to supply Rusk. and the 18th specific of action Resistance O r g a n i z ation in The meeting was organized wheat and the Jewish communi- adopted, the formal statement' t The appeal was made by France sent a protest against tar for f the th publication and dissemination by the Belgian Zionist Federa- ties were unable to bake mat- delegation from the American apealed to the Secr ey tion in cooperation with all zoth. State Department "to bear the b Jewish Conference on Soviet of the book, to the Soviet War other Belgain Jewish organiza- Touching on other develop- full weight of its influence" to Jewry which late Monday after- Veterans Organization. T w o tions and Jewish communities. ments affecting Soviet Jewry, oer- nf noon conferred with top White convey the views of the c ence and its deep concern for periodicals in Belgium, includ- Citing other anti-Jewish mani- the reports disclosed that the House aides, headed by Special ing one dominated by leftists, festations in Russia the Justice Soviet authorities recently dis- the full survival or religious Assistant for National Security also voiced their protests). minister stressed that the estab- missed the heads of most exist- Affairs McGeorge Bundy. In life " in the Soviet Union." Our action is not to be con- Moscow Broadcasts lishment of Israel was the best ing Jewish communities in the the latter part of this confer- USSR, replacing them with refutation of anti-Semitism. ence, President Johnson joined sidered as an exacerbation of Anti-Israeli Incitements political conflict between East Beamed to Arab World Nesanel Lefkowicz, president "more pliable" persons. In those the meeting and gave what West. This is not a political WASHINGTON, (JTA) — In of the Zionist Federation and synagogues still functioning, the described as symphathetic was re- and i another broadcast aimed at in- reports stated, congregation of- ception to a report on the re ssue. It is rather an issue of citing the Arabs against Israel, chairman of the meeting, also ficials have been instructed not the integral survival of the reli- assailed anti-Semitism in the solutions adopted by the con- aims and cultural life of mil- Moscow Radio told the Arab Soviet Union and also cited the to permit foreign tourists to be ference which concluded a few called to the Torah during the lions of members of the human world that the American De- Kiev book. hours earlier. fense Department and the "mil- holiday services. Some years family." Ambassador Emil Najar evok- Tuesday morning the nine- ago, Soviet synagogues were for- The delegation, which pre- itary" in West Germany wish to member delegation met with the sented the views of the confer- "make Israel an atomic rocket ed the memory of the millions bidden to accept any gifts from of martyrs to the Nazi holocaust Secretary of State and later ence to the Administration, was base for NATO." 11i its Arabic tourists, the ban including reli- with Assistant Secretaries of composed of Lewis H. Wein- broadcast, Moscow added that, and the uprising in the Warsaw gious articles. State William Tyler, European stein; Isaiah Minkoff, National while Israeli circles appreciate ghetto which he said must in- (During his visit in Detroit Affairs, and Harlan Cleveland, Community Relations Advisory the intention of the imperialists, spire the future development on Monday, USSR Ambassador of the Jewish people. International Organizations. Council; Label A. Katz, presi- they 'do not conceal the fact Mendel Mann , a Jewish Anatoly Dobrynin shunned After the meeting, Lewis H. dent, Bnai Brith; Mrs. Siegfried that they intend to use modern writer, described the Jewish questions about anti-Semitism, weapons in their adventures Weinstein, president of the Kramarsky, president of Hadas- war effort against Nazism in in the Soviet Union. Faced with Conference of Presidents of sah; Adolph Held, national against the Arab states." Eastern Europe, particularly in it at a press conference, he Major Jewish Organizations, who chairman, Jewish Labor Com- „ The broadcast asserted that the Russian army. He said all categorically denied that there acted as spokesman for the mittee; Harris Berlack, Amen research in the field of nuclear mention of that effort is sur- was anti-Semitism in his coun- - delegation, told correspondents can Jewish Committee; Rabbi bomb production is going on in pressed completely in the Soviet try). that their presentation gained Jay Kaufman, vice-president, Israel. Add to this the efforts Union and the Russian people being made to equip the Israeli "very sympathetic reception" Union of American Hebrew army with the means to deliver are fed instead such books as Weizmann Institute and that they were very pleased Congregations; Rabbi Joachim nuclear bombs to the desired the Kiev publication. with the mood of the "full dis- Prinz, president, American Jew- to Get $23 Million Mlon Predicts Improved cussion" which took place on ish Congress; Yehuda Hellman, target. In all these matters, the Israel-Soviet Relations in Loans From U.S. the subject. secretary, American Jewish Con- rulers of Israel receive help (Direct JTA Teletype Wire from certain U. S. circles." REHOVOT, (JTA) — The to The Jewish News) At the daily briefing for cor- ference on Soviet Jewry. Saying there was an "agree- JERUSALEM — Labor Weizmann Institute of Science respondents, State Department Anti-Semitic Book Criticized ment to sell a large number of ter Yigal Allan said Tuesday will receive loans from the spokesman Richard Phillips is- by Soviet Communist Party (American) rockets to Israel," sued a statement indicating that LONDON (JTA)—The Ideo- Moscow Radio indicated to its that there was no reason why United States totaling 70 mil- Israel-Soviet relations should lion pounds ($23 million) to be the Secretary of State is giving logical Commission of the Soviet consideration to the sugges- I Communist Party criticized the Arab listeners that these were not improve and that Premier allocated from counterpart Am- tions presented by the Jewish I publication by the Ukrainian the weapons that allegedly are Levi Eshkol's efforts for that erican funds accumulated in aimed to deliver nuclear war- goal should be welcomed by Israel, it was announced to the delegation. The group submitted I Academy of Sciences of the anti- heads. It was clear, however, Institute's board of governors to the State Department, as it I Semitic book, "Judaism Without that actually the Communist Speaking on the eye of his by Meyer Weisgal, chairman of did to the White House earlier, I Embellishment," it was reported broadcast was referring to a the resolutions adopted by the from Moscow. The book, which U. S. agreement, publicly an- departure for a speaking tour the board. The funds will be made 500 delegates representing the ! contains anti - Jewish carica- nounced, to sell to Israel the in the Far East and Australia, 24 Jewish organizations which tures reminiscent of Nazi pro- Hawk ground-to-air missiles, to he said that while Soviet Is- available to the institute at the rate of 10 million pounds participate in the conference paganda, has already been at- improve Israel's capability to raeli relations were character- ized by "lights and shadows," he ($3.3 million) per year over a on Soviet Jewry. tacked by Communist parties in defend herself against the in- hoped that the recent limited seven-year period. The Insti- The official State Department I various Western countries. creasing number of jet bomb- resumption of commercial re- statement declared: I The statement, which was ers supplied to Egypt by the lotions would provide another tute will repay the loan over a period of 20 to 30 years. "The Secretary of State met adopted at a special meeting of Soviets. "source of light." The 30th anniversary of the this morning with representa-! the Ideological Commission and Sieff Institute, from which the tives of the American Jewish' was published in Pravda, organ Weizmann Institute eventually Conference on Soviet Jewry of the USSR Communist Party, developed, was marked here and received with appreciatioa! said that the book contained with the dedication of a new the statements and resolutions statements and illustrations that organic chemistry wing opened adopted by the conference and "may insult the feelings of be- by Israel an d Rebecca Sieff , conveyed to him in the meeting lievers and be interpreted in a p this morning. ; spirit of anti-Semitism." B ritish philanthro- Fists. "Representatives of the con- I The party announcement PARIS, (JTA) — Soviet Pre- himself is an Ukrainian. ference also met with the Pres- added that the book "colitra- mier Khrushchev, after examin- Among those taking part in After studying the book at the ceremonies were Abba ident and the White House staff dieted the party's Leninist policy ing at length the anti-Semitic length, Khrushchev commented Eban, deputy prime minister of yesterday afternoon." I on religious and nationality "At the meeting this morning questions, and merely feeds book, "Judaism Without Em- "the idiots" at the author and Israel and president of the Secretary Rusk took occasion to anti-Soviet insinuations of our bellishment," expressed shock those responsible for its publi- Weizmann Institute; British reaffirm the concern expressed I ideological foes who are trying over its contents and called its cation. He also asked that it be Ambassador John Beith; Myer by Mrs. M. Tree, U. S. repre- • at all costs to create a so-called author and publishers "idiots," presented to the Soviet Corn- Feldman, chief legal counsel to sentative at the UN Human Jewish question." The statement his son-in-law, Alexis Adjubei, munist party's central commit- President Johnson; Nobel tau- Rights Commission, that anti- , reiterated, however, the official said here Tuesday. tee and its ideological commis- reate Robert Robinson; and Adjubei, editor of the official sion for examination and even- members of the Institute's board Semitism is used by some mem- ' assertions that the Jews in the hers of the United Nations to Soviet Union "are all respected organ of the Soviet government, tual condemnation. The ideo- of governors. turn groups against each other in the same situation as other Izvestia, conveyed this account logical commission criticized the to Andre Blumel, president of book last Sunday. and to deprive Jewish minoriti-, peoples." the France - USSR Friendship The Soviet editor also told Swastikas Smeared ties of religious and cultural Pravda indicated that, after heritage which makes this group the furor caused by the book Association and former presi- Blumel that the Soviet Premier on Paris Synagogue dent of the French Zionist Fed- was "the man most opposed to unique. abroad, the Ideological Commis- erotism. Blumel has been in anti-Semitism in the entire So- PARIS, (JTA) — Police here "He confirmed the proposal sion was specially convened to practically constant touch with viet Union" because he saw in are investigating an outbreak of made by Mrs. Tree that the UN review the entire question of the Izvestia editor, since the its continued existence "a last anti-Semitic vandalism in a part members pledged themselves to anti-religious literature. latter's arrival on a visit to vestigate of Stalinism which of Paris densely populated with eradicate anti-Semitism in ac- The Sunday Observer today France last week. Adjubei is must be erased at the earliest." hiloth Jews, Synagogue where the Agud w at h s Hake- cordance with their obligations hailed the action of the Soviet accompanied by his wife, the as meared under the UN Charter. The Sec- authorities in moving with "un- Soviet Premier's daughter. Adjubei also told the French with swastikas, while a number umbr e retary indicated that he would exampled speed" in reacting to Jewish leader that, in two of Jewish homes were daubed According to the account, months, the principle of "inter- ‘vith anti-Jewish slogans. consider further steps the U.S. the publication of the anti-Semi- might take to be helpful in this tic book. In an editorial corn- Adjubei told Blumel that, as nal passports," in which the synagogue building the protests in the Western holder's nationality is mention- only The recently designated by was the matter." menting on the statemnt con- world over the content of the ed, will be canceled and replac- I French Ministry of Culture, as In the formal statement by cerning the book by the Ideo- book, written by a Prof. T. ed by a work permit in which a historic shrine. the delegation to Mr. Rusk logical Commission of the So- Kitchko, and published by the nationality or religion will not which was released to cor- viet Communist Party, the Ob- At the intervention of the respondents, the Jewish leaders server expressed the hope that Ukrainian Academy of Science be mentioned. At present, So- League for Franco-Israeli Friend- in Kiev last year, became viet Jews must carry "identity ship, Interior Minister Roger described the subject of the the action would "serve as a known, the Soviet Premier -ask- cards" on which a conference as "an issue of ur- precedent" for the future. The ed to Russian let- Frey has personally ordered the be shown the book, which ter indicates that the holder is police to do all in its power to gent concern to all Americans" ,Observer's expert on Soviet af- is in Ukrainian. Khrushchev a Jew. bring the culprits to justice. Khrushchev Called Authors of Anti-Semitic Book 'Idiots'; Plan Told to End 'Internal Passports'