The Miracle of Passover Is Retold Julius Horwitz's `Can I Get There By Candlelight?' Pockets Are to Blame married her. It was a beautiful By DAVID SCHWARTZ (Copyright, 1964, Jewish practice and showed the human- Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) ity of the Jews. If you were The newspapers are full of hungry, you did not have to the story of an ex-employee of Julius Horwitz, whose short hold up a man with a pistol. stories in "The City" and his the Senate who is charged with THE ANSWER MAN first novel "The Inhabitants" having lined his pockets while Near Columbus Circle in New in the government employ. already have won the endorse- The ancient Jews had a better York, in an office with the sign ments of reviewers and readers, "Jewish Information Bureau", gains special attention with his way of dealing with this. They sits a man answering questions newest novel, "Can I Get There went to the root. They worked all day long. He is Bernard G. By Candlelight?" published by by prevention. According to .7=v1 Richards, well- Atheneum (162 E. 38th, N.Y. the Midrash, when Moses en- writer, the tered the tabernacle, he wore a 16). known Jewish It is his most powerful work coat without any pockets, so communal and it is a revealing study of that not even the suspicion that worker, w el 1- he had taken anything could be I military and civilians in Lon- known Jewish don, during World War II, as imputed to him. man who help- It is all a matter of tailoring. they groped their way in the 4ed make Bran- blackout, finding their loves. It It will do no• good to try one deis a Zionist, man and send him to jail. ;etc., etc. Over 150 patients of Ypsilanti and Northville state mental is the story of the women who Another will repeat the offense. became available to the Ameri- Many auth- hospitals, together with • residents of the House of Shelter, cans who were in England dur- The real evil is in the tailoring. ors on Jewish take part in the recent Passover luncheon at Imperial Cater- ing the war, the meetings in Public officials should not have subjects apply ers. The kosher meal, planned and executed by Rabbi Solomon the pubs, their search for iden- pockets in their pants. The '. to the Jewish Gruskin, chaplain, was made possible through a number of tity, the links that continued temptation is too great. Information women's service organizations affiliated with the Cooperative There is the story of Sholom with those at home — experi- Bureau for as- Council. Rabbi Gruskin reported that as a result of the lunch- ences being related in corres- Aleichem and his lawyer. When sistance. In eon, a young patient spoke for the first time in a year. "Up to pondence across the sea. the Yiddish writer was intro- G. Richards fact. he can now, I hadn't been able to reach him," the rabbi said. duced to him, the lawyer stood Horwitz is a master stylist tell you in advance what new and his theme in "Can I Get for long looking on, saying books on Jewish subjects will nothing, with his hands in his There By Candlelight?" runs shortly appear. Thus, I learn smoothly, holding the reader's pockets. from Mr. Richards that, among It annoyed Sholom Aleichem. attention, keeping the reading I the new books soon to appear, Finally, he said to the lawyer: audience glued to the develop- David M. Miro was reelected ments of a perfectly motivated "I must congratulate you. You are biographies of Judge Julian W. Mack, Samual Untermeyer are the first lawyer I ever saw, president of Congregation theme. and Dr. Schmarya:h Levin, and Shaarey Zedek at the annual There is something James- standing with his hands in his also a book about Jewish judges meeting held at the synagogue sian in Horwitz's story — the own pockets." in Southfield savage acquisition from the sav- In ancient Israel, a hungry on the Supreme Court. Lost Week's Winner of the on Monday age master of so many modern person could go into the - corner Ballroom Dancing by night. "RASKIN writers. Horwitz is the genius of any field and eat of the fruit Others who in his own rights and his new and grain. It was no crime, as BIG BABY BONUS" were re-elect- novel, with all its passion, will long as the person put the food COOLIDGE AT 9 MILE MRS. MELVIN SEFFINGER ed are: Louis get very wide attention. in his mouth, not in his pockets. /2 oz.) (9 lbs., 31 Oak Park — LI 7-4470 Berry, vice- Ruth was doing that very thing Congratulations on the birth of W. MAPLE AT CRANBROOK president; when she met Boaz, who later your son and we hope the Birmingham — MI 7-1262 RASKIN PRODUCTS you re- Samual C. Ko- Israeli Children's ceived helped make your first van, treasurer; week at home easier. 3\rt- Dr. Samuel Paintings on Display Toronto Employment RASKIN FOOD CO. FOR AN Krohn, secre- at Embassy in D.C. Agencies to Ignore OUTSTANDING AFFAIR . . . tary. Miro Biased Queries on Jobs A selection of paintings by April 3 — To Mr. and Mrs. CALL Charles Agree, Abraham Bor- gifted Israeli children is being TORONTO, (JTA) — Fifteen Robert S. Dunsky (Harriet R. man, Edward Fleischman, I. Meyers), 13148 Borgman, Hunt- Murray Jacobs and Harvey L. exhibited during "Independence p r i v at e employment agencies ington Woods, a son, Daniel Weisberg were reelected mem- Month" at the Embassy of pledged to ignore biased in- Pantomime Artist and M.C. Israel in Washington. Israel's quiries among clients seeking Gerald. bers of the board of trustees for And His Orchestra * * * Independence Day this year workers. a second three-year term. Dr. falls on April 16. Dr. Dan Hill, Ontario Human March 31—To Mr. and Mrs. Max Lichter was elected for a More than a thousand Wash- Rights Commission director, Alan I. Rothenberg (Georgiana three-year term to succeed ington school children will be said the pledge would set a new Silverman, formerly of Detroit), Louis Luckoff who had com- the Embassy during tone in employers' relations visiting 13843 Oxnard, Van Nuys, Calif., pleted two terms in office and April to see the artistic crea- with employment agencies. a son, Bradford David. became ineligible for reelec- "It may not completely elim- tions of Israeli children, as well * * * tion. inate discrimination but it will as to participate in group sing- be a big step," Dr. Hill said. March 31—To Mr. and Mrs. ing of Israeli folk music. Myrton Rosenberg (Ilene Solo- U.S. Hebrew Magazine The visitors will see a new "No employer will be able to mon), 19790 Dorset, Southfield, for Children Reported Israeli film based on colorful call up and say: 'Don't send me a daughter, Randi Sue. cartoons representing various any Negroes or Jews.' " Reaching 50,000 Youths aspects of national life. Mrs. The pledge provides for the * * * NEW YORK, (JTA) — The promulgation of a clear policy March 25 — To Mr. and Mrs. Zena Harman, wife of Ambas- Hebrew language publication Mark Saidman (Mary August), Olam Hadash (New World) for sador Avraham Harman, will of non-discrimination to a 11 24381 Rensselaer, Oak Park, a children enters its third year be hostess to the visitors on supervisors a n d interviewers April 19. The children of mem- and for acceptance and classifi- son, John David. of publication this week, it was bers of the Israel Embassy will cation of job orders from em- * * * announced here by Asher Wolk, ployers based on specifications Max Schrut March 28—To Mr. and Mrs. managing editor. He reported be hosts during all the other of fitness, not on race, color or For Good Photographs visits. Nathan Manela (Eunice Hart), that the publication reaches and Prompt Service creed. 32139 Barkley, Livonia, a daugh- 50,000 children and youth every Call me at Israel Starts 3rd Round ghter, Marla Dawn. month. It has subscribers in the Herzl Camp Registration * * United States, Canada, Latin of Euromart Discussion Registration for Herzl sum- March 19 — To Mr. and Mrs. American countries, and a spe- The mer camp at Devil's Lake, Wis., BRUSSELS ( J T A ) Weddings - Bar Mitzvahs 'Lawrence • Saidman (Arlene cial edition for South Africa. is now open. For applications We Come to Your Home The magazine is designed third round of Israel's negotia- and information, call Detroit Lupovitch), 7 Behr Ave., San With Samples tions for a satisfactory trade Francisco, Calif., a son, Steven primarily for youngsters in the agreement with the European representatitve Jerry Waldman, UN 4-6845 TY 5-8805 8-16 age bracket It is read in Neil. 831-2337. Economic Community got un- Hebrew Day Schools and used * * derway Wednesday. The Is- To Dr. and Mrs. Milton J. for study in the high schools raeli delegation, headed by Is- For the Ultimate in Music Siegel (Gloria Manela), former in the Hebrew curriculum. At rael's ambassador to Brussels the bottom of each page the Detroiters now of Flint, a son, newspaper features the Hebrew Amiel Najar, began talks with David Michael. words in English translation a delegation representing the KE 4-5980 European Common Market as Call Maury Little used in the stories on that page. well as with representatives of Recommended by Physicians the six member nations. JWV Leader Opposes In the current round of talks, Enrollments are now being accepted at Amendment on Prayers the Israeli delegation will pre- Daniel Neal Heller, national sent the Israel Government's Expert Mohel commander of the Jewish War reply to the latest proposals Boys and girls 4 to 11 years old will again be offered the Serving Hospitals and Homes unique experience of day camping as a feature of Congrega- Veterans, decried the Becker which were put forward by the LI 1-9769 LI 2-4444 tion Shaarey Zedek's outstanding education program. Your amendment and warned against EEC last month. child will participate in: tampering with the Bill of The proposals consisted of a • Games • Singing • Arts suspension of the EEC regula- Rights of the Constitution. CERTIFIED EXPERT MOHEL • Experience • Music "Proposed prayer amend- tion providing for a common Overnights • RABBI • with Jewish ments to the Constitution," external tariff of 20 per cent • Swimming content Commander Heller stated, and the reduction in tariffs • Dramatics • Crafts "would be an unprecedented on some 20 items from a list The Day Camp meets at the new and spacious Shaarey Zedek building — Northwestern Highway at 11 Mile Road— first-time-in-American - history, of 37 previously presented by FE 4-8266 FE 4-4149 providing the utmost in indoor facilities and 40 acres of alteration of the basic document Israel. Serving in Hospitals and Homes outdoor fun. on 'which American freedom is Session One — (4 weeks) — June 29 — July 24 Israel's Shoe Industry founded and under which our Session Two — (3 weeks) — July 27 — August 14 industry turns Israel's leather democracy has flourished so . REY. Weekdays — 9:30 A.M. to 3:30 P.M. successfully for almost two cen- out 5,000,000 pairs of shoes a Transportation is available in most areas. year, most of which is for do- turies." For information, you are cordially invited to call immediately Commander Heller urged mestic consumption. Of the total MOHEL the Shaarey Zedek Day Camp Office at strongest opposition to the so- produced, 45 per cent are for Serving at Homes and Hospitals 375-5544 called Becker amendment and women, 40 per cent for children DI 1-9909 and 15 per cent for men. similar legislative proposals. 13irth nnouncements Miro Reelected at Shaarey Zedek A .111117121N. ” JACK BARNES HY PRITZ KE 7-4755 BLAIR STUDIO RABBI LEO GOLDMAN Israel Goodman Marshall L. Goldman THE SHAAREY ZEDEK DAY CAMP O