News Brevities Farrer-Samuels Bethrothal Is Told Post-War Novel 'The Men' Fails to Relate Development of History Angelika Schrobsdorff was 5 . • . It is in a spirit of negation, The Philadelphia Orchestra, The comedy BERNADINE by when Hitler came to power. She in an oversexed novel, that we one of the world's most re- Mary Chase will be performed was in Bulgaria during the war are asked to view the new life nowned — and most traveled — at 2:10 p.m., Thursday, and 8 years and returned to Germany in Germany. It is not an instruc- symphonic organizations, makes p.m., April 17, at Mackenzie during the Allied occupation. In tive book. Well written, it its annual Detroit appearence at High School. BARRY V. LE- her novel, "The Men," published nevertheless fails to enlighten. 8:20 p.m., Wednesday, April 29, VINE is drama director. Tickets by G. P. Putnam's Sons (200 at Masonic Auditorium, under will be at the box office before Madison, N.Y.), the heroine, the direction of both performances. Eveline Clausen, mirrors her * Eugene Orman- * life. Her father was German, dy. From its first SHIRLEY BOOTH, TV's Hazel, her mother Jewish. Part of the concert on Nov. the nation's favorite Queen of story is enacted in Bulgaria. 16, 1900, at Phila- the Kitchen, will reign over the In a note about her book, An- delphia's A cad entertainment portion of De- emy of Music, troit's observance of LAW DAY, gelica Schrobsdorff states that Alfred A. May. prominent she did not want to give the the archestra has USA, Friday, May 1, in the Ma- community leader, was named facts in her life as much as "to been one of the sonic Temple Auditorium. show the effects that the events a member of the Wayne County world's leading * * * Board of Supervisors, on Wed- of recent history have had on all nesday. artistic institu- CAROUSEL, presented by of us." Then she explains: tions, credited the Berkeley Area PTA Coun- The appointment was made Ormandy with many `firsts' cil, will open 8 p.m. today at "My father was a German, my MISS CAROLE FARRER in the field of classical music. Norup Junior High School, Oak mother Jewish. Had Germany by Councilman Ed Connors. It was the first to make record- Park. Other performances will Mr. and Mrs. Stanley R. Far- remained a normal country I ings under its own name with be Saturday evening, April 17 rer of East Hills, Roslyn, Long would have probably benefitted its- own conductor (1917). Island, announce the engage- from this; as it was, it became and 18. Tickets at the door. * * * and his ment of their daughter Carole a curse which robbed me of all The Little Singers of Tokyo to Barry I. Samuels, son of Mr. my peace of mind, overwhelmed ORCHESTRA are making their initial Detroit and Mrs. Alex Samuels, 17299 my entire existence and filled "Music As You Like It" HOME: appearance on their first tour OFFICE: Westland, Southfield. me with so many suspicions that LI 7-0896 of America. They will appear U 5-2737 Miss Farrer is a senior at the I could never again regard the hear Sunday night at the Scot- University of Michigan. Her world the way millions of or- tish Rite Cathedral. fiance, a graduate of Wayne dinary people do. • • • "I returned to Germany after The Center Symphony Orch- State University, is attending • Candids • Formals Homer F. Long, executive-vice estra under the direction of World War II in the hope of the University of Michigan president and director of the Julius Chajesms;Ar • Movies School of Medicine, where he is finding solace in the land of my Collegiate Campus of the De- w i 11 perform ALL Your Photography father. I didn't succeed. I saw affiliated with Phi Beta Kappa troit Business Institute, an- Beethoven's Done in a Distinctive the generations broken by Hit- fraternity. nounces the change in name to Ninth Sym- Way For Those ler—broken the way I had been A June 20 wedding is plan- —uncertain, silent the DETROIT COLLEGE OF phony 8 p.m. Special Occasions twisted. ned. BUSINESS, which occupies the Tuesday at 0 By "My book is part of my life, building and grounds formerly the Jewish ti .0. not a mirror of it. The fate of occupied by the Henry Ford Eveline Clausen is intended to Community College at Oakman Center. It will' . suggest the confusion of our CALL MR. ROSEN 341-4141 mark the first . Boulevard and Michigan Avenue entire age. Whoever values the time that the in Dearborn. truth, and is able to come to • • • Center S y The True International Touch! The National Federation of terms with it, will, I hope, find Sales of new individual life phony has pre- something of himself here." LondoalUsgland. insurance by the DETROIT- sented th is Jewish Mens Clubs will hold its But while this claim is made 35th annual convention at Hotel GOLD AGENCY of the Massa- work in the Concord, Kiamesha Lake, N.Y., for a development in history, chusetts Mutual Life Insurance orchestra's 23 th Schrobsdorff novel fails to April 19 to 22. and his music. Company during the month of years. relate it. "The Men" is just what March amounted to $1,270,401 Participa t- I. Murray Jacobs and Abe the title implies: numerous rela- CAU.M3065 and ranked the local agency ing will be the Orbach Katzman of Congregation Sha- 19th among the company's 118 all professional Kenneth Jewell arey Zedek and Max Silverman tions with men, with an Amer- ican soldier, a German movie general agencies for the month Chorale; Car- of Beth Aaron synagogue are director, a journalist . . . and in production of individual life olyn Grimes, members of the national board. the impression given is that the insurance. The agency is headed soprano; An- Abraham Satovsky of Congrega- cycle is not completed. by Ruben Gold. nette Loring, tion Shaarey Zedek is a past • • • Instead of revealing what had mezzo sopra- president of the National Fed- happened to the German mind, Two residents of Northwest eration. no; Temple as the returnees found it, there Detroit have been appointed to Delegates and their wives who is the emphasis by Eveline: "I Israel Cantor key positions in a new rehabili- IN YOUR HOME PLAN Harold Or- also plan to attend are: From was in flight from everything tative center in Pontiac. MON- bach, tenor; Shaarey Zedek, Dr. Davis A. Ben- `Jewish.' I wanted a man who ROE M. TITLE, 20205 Mark a n d Conwell son, Leonard Baron, Allan Char- would help me in this flight." Twain, assistant administrator C a rrington, lip, Edward Fleischman, David And when she rejected one of of Brent General Hospital in Per Week Goldman, Samuel Harwith, Irv- the serious men who were woo- baritone. Detroit for the past ten years, Thepro- ing Kramer, George Parzen, Mau- ing her, Julian Whitman, who With Music has been appointed as admin- gram will rice Reistman, Frank Rosen- revealed to her that he, too, was istrator of -Woodside Medical. Lessons open with baum, Harvey Weisberg; from a Jew, she evinced from him the CONSTANCE DeCLERCQ, R.N. Chajes' 142nd Adas Shalom, Saul Waldman; comment: "You loved the Eng- of 10045 Archdale, director of Psalm for soli, from Bnai Moshe, Harry Guns- lishman in me, not the man. nurses at Martin Place West for mixed voices berg. When you found out I was a the past nine years, will be PHONE UN 3-6997 It is expected that 1000 dele- Jew, you were desperately dis- director nurses. WOODSIDE and orchestra by Chajes. Ask for Mr. Snyder gates will be present from the appointed . . ." MEDICAL, a 139 bed intensive 314 clubs in the various states It is in this fashion that we rehalibitation center and nurs- of United States, Canada and are introduced to the return to ing home is nearing completion Puerto Rico. 19400 LIVERNOIS Germany by an escapee who at 845 So. Woodward, Pontiac. It will accept temporary or per- also rejected her Jewish mother manent patients on a non-sec- LT. ROY F. GREEN AUX- State Sisterhoods tarian basis and aims to pro- BERNARD H. vide all facilities of the modern ILIARY will meet 8:30 p.m. Schedule Conclave Candid Photography Tuesday at the home of Mrs. general rehabilitative center. The Michigan Federation of • • • Carl Zide, 17593 Stoepel. Elec- KE 1-8196 WHEATON GALLERY will tion and installation of officers Temple Sisterhoods will hold Bar Mitzvahs — Weddings its 40th annual convention in hold an opening preview of its will be held. Temple Israel, April 27-29. Mrs. anniversary show 2 to 5 p.m. * * ASK ABOUT OUR COMBINATION SPECIAL Sunday featuring new work by SGT. MORTON A. SILVER- Arthur J. Hass, 1350 Strathcona, HOWARD H. gallery regulars and two guest MAN POST will hold a brunch is president of the State Federa- Motion Pictures artists, FREI) ICLINE, abstract meeting 10 a.m. Sunday in the tion, which is District No. 11 in painter, and NORMAN SCHUL- Labor Zionist Institute. There the National Federation. "Tomorrow's World—Today's MAN, potter, from the Toledo will be election of officers. An Museum of Art. The show will Israeli film, "The Wilderness of Challenge" will be the theme of continue through May 16. Zin," depicting the story of Dr. the three-day convention. The Nelson Glueck's archeological more than 150 delegates who Seagrams Announces explorations of ancient life in will particpate will represent approximately 3,000 members of the Negev, will be shown. Executive Promotions 14 Sisterhoods throughout Mich- Bernard Tabbat has been igan. Mrs. Maurice Weiner, `Bust the Filibuster' named executive vice president 30600 Lahser Road, Birming- The Jewish War Veterans of ham, Mich., is convention chair- of Seagram Distillers Co., suc- Emphasizing EXPERT INSTRUCTION by ceeding Francis M. Fitzmaurice. the United States announced it man. TALENTED, EXPERIENCED LEADERS For the past two years Mr. has summoned key officials of Rabbi Solomon B. Freehof, of Tabbat has been executive vice the organization to a summit president of Calvert Distillers meeting in Washington to in- Temple Rodeph Shalom, Pitts- Co., another sales company of tensify the JWV's on-going na- burgh, President of the Joseph E. Seagram & Sons, Inc. tional campaign for early pass- World Union for Progressive Judaism, will be the principal Murphy also has been elected age of the Civil Rights Bill. speaker at the Banquet, April a director of Seagram & Sons, According to National Com- the wholly owned U.S. subsidi- mander Daniel Neal Heller, the 28. Newly elected officers of the 4-WEEK or 8-WEEK ENROLLMENTS ary of Distillers Corp.-Segrams group, composed of many past Michigan Federation will be in- stalled by Mrs. William J. Ltd. of Canada. national commanders, are Leffler of Eastchester, N. Y., Stanley and Elsie Michaels, Directors Both Tabbat and Murphy were meeting in Washington to im- first vice president of the Na- 19647 Roslyn, Detroit 21, Michigan directly concerned with the plement a "state by state, all tional Federation of Temple Sis- planning and successful intro- posts" campaign of letter writ- terhoods. Phone UN 4-4220 duction last year of Calvert ing and visitations to every Member of American Camping Association Extra. Senator. Want ads get quick results! Al May Named to County Board of Supervisors Sheldon Rott Beethoven's 9th to Be Presented at Jewish Center , J. CLARKE List Delegates of Men's Chubs 1N4GIBERT GRINNELL'S NEW PIANO of GRINNELL'S JWV Activities PIER LI 2-7874 TRIEsT CAMP NAHELU Here's Camping At Its Best!