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April 03, 1964 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1964-04-03

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Friday, April 3, 1964


Israel's 16th
Event Aril I9

The celebration of the 16th
anniversary of Israel's inde-
pendence will be held Sunday,
April 19, 8 p.m., in the Adas
Shalom social hall, it was an-
nounced by Sidney M. Shevitz,
president of the Jewish Corn-
munity Council, and Rabbi Leon
Fram, chairman, Detroit Zionist
Council, under whose auspices
the celebration has been pre-
sented in Detroit since the re-
establishment of the State of
The Detroit community will
join with other communities
throughout the world to cele-
brate Israel's re-emergence as
a sovereign state, against a back-
ground of heightened tensions
in the Middle East, brought
about by the build up of mis-
siles, planes, and other conven-
tional and non - conventional
weapons, by Egypt with the as-
sistance of German scientists
and technicians.
A prominent military figure
in high command of the army
of Israel will deliver the key-
note address.
In addition, there will be
pageantry, and an artistic pro-
gram in which Sabra (native-
born Israeli) artists will be fea-
Members of the committee
planning the program, in addi-
tion to Shevitz and Rabbi Fram,

Harold S. Berke, Lawrence Crohn,
Dr. Arthur Feuer, Mrs. Sam Fish-
man, Mrs. Max Frank, Mrs. Samuel
Gold. Mrs. Morris Goldberg, Steven
Goldin, Mrs. Jacob Goldman, Movsas
Goldoftas, Mrs. Irving Greenberg,
Mrs. William Isenberg, Rabbi Max
Kapustin, Judge Ira Kaufman, Ben-
jamin Laikin, Mrs. Norman Leemon,
Mrs. Max Lichter, Morris Lieberman,
Morris Lifshay, Asher Livne, Eman-
ual Mark, Mrs. Michael Michlin,
Jacob Nosanchuk, Mrs. David Nov-
etsky, Irving Pokempner, Mrs. Moe
Saslove, Ishai Sataty, Mrs. David
Shachter, Mrs. Carl Schiller, Irving
Schlussel, Miss Marcia Segal, Mrs.
Mitchell Shaw. Isadore Shrodeck,
Mrs. I. Walter Silver, David Sislin,
Philip Slomovitz, Morris Snow, Miss
Lois Steinberg, Mrs. Devera Stocker,
Philip Stollman, Mrs. Julian Tobias,
Zvi Tomkiewicz, Mrs. Irving Turner,
Mrs. Milton Weiss, Dr. Bernard Wes-
ton, Dr. Ted Winshall, Mrs. Milton
Winston, Mrs. Joseph Wyzan, Moe

Tickets may be obtained from
from the Jewish Community
Council, 163 Madison, WO. 2-

Seminary Gets
Rare Haggadah

A unique 600-year-old manu-
script Haggadah has been pre-
sented to The Jewish Theo-
logical Seminary of America by
anonymous donors who are re-
ported to have paid a sum in
excess of $10,000 for the vol-
ume. One of only 15 such manu-
scripts known to be extant, this
Haggadah is considered to be a
most important example of the
work of the medieval book illus-
trator in Spain. In addition to
many superb finished illustra-
tions it includes, significantly,
a number of partially-completed
sketches at different stages of
progress from which much can
be learned of the working meth-
ods and techniques of the an-
cient craftsmen.
The manuscript also bears
witness to the degree to which
Spanish Jews in the Middle
Ages participated in the cul-
tural life of the general com-
The news of the acquision of
this rare Hebrew manuscript,
a Haggadah written in Cata-
lonia in Spain at the end of the
13th century, was contained in
an announcement released by
the Seminary Chancellor, Dr.
Louis Finkelstein, on the eve
of Passover. The Haggadah
(which in Hebrew means discus-
sion) is the book that tells the
story of the Exodus, the events
celebrated during this eight-day

Israel Discount Bank
to Offer Shares in U. S.

NEW YORK, (JTA) — Israel
Discount Bank Limited, the sec-
ond largest commercial bank
in Israel, filed with the Securi-
ties and Exchange Commission
a registration statement cover-
ing a proposed public offering
of 300,000 "A" ordinary shares.
The shares will be offered by an
underwriting group headed by
Kuhn, Loeb & Co. Inc.
* * *

World Church Leader Puts Blame
for `Silence' on Protestants, Too

NEW YORK (JTA)—Protes-
tants as well as Catholics were
guilty of an un-Christian silence
during the Nazi holocaust
against the Jews of Europe, said
a German Protestant pastor who
spent seven years in a concen-
tration camp for defying Hitler.

Rev. Martin Niemoeller, one
of six copresidents of the World
Council of Churches, made the
Bank Leumi Declares
assertion in an article in Chris-
10 Pct. Stock Dividend tianity and Crisis, the intellec-
NEW YORK, (JTA) — The tual journal of the Protestant
board of directors of Bank movement.
Leumi le-Israel has authorized
Discussing the controversy
the distribution of -a 10 per cent
stock dividend and the payment over "The Deputy," the play
from 1963 earnings of a final which accuses the late Pope
cash dividend of 6 1/2 per cent of Pius XII of failing to speak
par. This brings the total divi- out against the Nazi genoide,
dend for 1963 to 12 1/2 per cent, Rev. Niemoeller asserted that
which the bank has been pay- Protestant churches had no
ing since 1953, it was an- right "to excuse and to acquit
nounced by Gideon Strauss, ex- themselves" of the charge
ecutive vice president in charge made by West German play-
of American operations of the wright Rolf Hochhuth in his
play. Leading Catholics have

Radomer Aid to Meet

Radomer Aid and Ladies Socie-
ty will meet 8:30 p.m. Monday
called the play and its charge at the Workmen's Circle Center.
unfair and slanderous.
Discussion will center on a
Rev. Niemoeller declared that games party and rummage sale.
all of Christianity was guilty of Refreshments will be served.
having "refused to follow its
master" in the European situa-
tion. He added that "if Chris-
tian churches were to become
For Some
aware of self-centeredness and
of the
recognize their fundamental
duty both to identify themselves
best buys
with and to love all fellow-
on new
beings for whom their Lord and
Savior died, then the wide at-
tention given to "The Deputy'
would have borne ample and
blessed fruit."

Israeli-born Eitan Stern of
Freeport, Long Island, has been
named to the Junior College
All-America Soccer team for
the second year in a row. Stern
is co-captain of the Nassau
Community College squad and
has been offered several schol-
arships by four year schools.



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