News Brevities The ADULT EDUCATION DIVISION of the Detroit Board of Education announces that the spring term real estate class will commence 7 p.m. Monday at Ford High School. An advanced real estate course will be con- ducted on Wednesday evenings. * * • "PROBLEMS FACING YOUTH: THE CHALLENGE OF OUR 'MMES" is the theme of a symposium to be held 2 p.m. Sunday at the Jewish Music Cen- ter. Discussion will focus on jobs, education, integration and peace. * * JOAN BAEZ will appear in concert at the Masonic Auditor- ium Sunday, April 12, 8 p.m. * * * Pollstins Celebrate Shapiro to Open Midrasha Series Golden Anniversary With 'Changing Concepts of Jewish Values—an Historical Analysis' The paintings of CAROL WALD will be on display at Garelick's G a 11 e r y Sunday through April 18. * * * Famed as the greatest of all exponents of light classical music, Arthur Fiedler and his BOSTON "POPS" ORCHESTRA play a return performance at Masonic Auditorium April 11. Fiedler, "the serious musician with a smile," brings both schol- arship and that certain spark of humor to his music-making that only the best grounded musi- cians can achieve—or afford. "The Changing Concepts of Jewish Values — an Historical Analysis" will be the opening lecture in the eighth annual Midrasha Institute series 8:15 p.m. Wednesday in the Esther Berman Branch auditorium of the United Hebrew Schools. Dr. Judah Shapiro, secretary of the National Foundation for Jewish Culture, will speak. Gen- eral theme of the four lectures is "Jewish Commitments and Values for the American Jew." MR. AND MRS. POLLSTIN Former national director of Former Detroiters Mr. and the Bnai Brith Hillel Founda- * 4: 4: Mrs. Simon Pollstin of Los The MICHIGAN ACADEMY Angeles celebrated their golden tions, Dr. Shapiro was director of cultural and educational re- OF PHARMACY will hold its wedding anniversary recently at 21st Spring Conference next a dinner party given in their construction of the Joint Distri- bution Committee from 1948-54, Thursday at the McGregor Me- honor. serving in Paris to aid Jewish morial Conference Center on DR. JUDAH SHAPIRO Their children are Mrs. communal reconstruction after cn the Wayne State University A SYMPOSIUM ON BIRTH George Konicov, Mrs. Mac Wald- the war. His responsibilities DEFECTS sponsored by the campus. Theme for the after- man, Mrs. Leonard Franklin of carried Dr. Shapiro to Europe, SAM ROSENBLAT Wayne County Chapter of the noon-evening conference is "Re- Los Angeles and Oscar Pollstin. North Africa and Israel. Master of Ceremonies National Foundation-March of search in Mental Health." Main They have nine grandchildren. Following this assignment, And His speaker will be DR. RALPH Dimes will be held April 15 at Dr. Shapiro was asked to de- Dance and Entertainment the Sheraton - Cadillac Hotel. D. RABINOVITCH, director of velop the cultural program of Band Chairman of the steering com- the Hawthorn Center, North- the Conference on Jewish Mate- Party Arrangement Specialist mittee MRS. SYLVIA DANTO ville, a noted authority on emo- rial Claims Against Germany. UN 4-0237 KE 8-1291 is assisted by Mickey Grossberg tionally disturbed children, who He has lectured widely through- will discuss "Challenges in and Mesdames Bruce Danto, out the world and visited Israel Planning for Our Disturbed Louis Fried Arthur Gilbert, Earl repeatedly since 1948. He has Children," at 8:15 p.m. Ballroom Dancing by Hordes, Sol Q. Kesler, William * * * Probate Judge James H. Lin- appeared several times in De- Kranich, Paul Milgrim, Ben troit. The spring term of Henry coln on Wednesday named John Morganroth and John Schneider. Author of many articles in Registration for luncheon and Ford High EVENING CLASSES Kurland register of Wayne COOLIDGE AT 9 MILE Oak Park — LI 7-4470 begin Monday. Classes include County Juvenile Court and De- Yiddish, Hebrew and English, sessions will be 9 a.m. tention Home. Dr. Shapiro has won awards for W. MAPLE AT CRANBROOK * * * sewing, tailoring, upholstery, Birmingham — MI 7-1262 For five years a referee in the best papers on Jewish Com- landscaping, real estate, short- MUSIC HISTORICAL CON- hand, typing, bridge, ballroom the Juvenile Court, Kurland, an munal Service in 1957 and 1961. CERT, presented by Marguerite attorney who joined the Juvenile He obtained his academic Chajes, will be given 8:30 p.m. dancing, golf, oil painting, life Court staff in 1935. In his post For the HY Spot drawing, piano, voice, German training at Yeshiva College, Col- April 18 at the Community Arts as register he will be chief ad- lege of the City of New York Of Your Affair and Spanish. All the required Auditorium, Wayne State Uni- courses for a high school ministrative officer of the court and Columbia University and Music by versity. Music • for the concert, and will have charge of 350 featuring works by Salzburgian diploma are also offered. employees at the Juvenile Home, received his doctorate from Har- Courses in new math will begin vard University. composers from the 14th to 18th Wednesday. For information and in the probation department, its And His Orchestra Among his memberships in centuries, was photocopied from clinic and other departments. (Hy Utchenik) original manuscripts of the na- schedules, call Miss E. Wolff, scholarly societies, Dr. Shapiro Mr. and Mrs. Kurland reside principal, 535-8200. tional libraries of Vienna and is past president of the National 342-9424 at 18967 Roselawn. They have * * Salzburg. Conference of Jewish Commu- • Distinctive Ceremonies * * * CHAMBER MUSIC WORK- two children. a Specialty! nal Service. When the LITTLE SINGERS SHOP will present its final con- The Midrasha Institute series, OF TOKYO appear at Masonic cert of the season 8 p.m. Sun- U.S. Foreign Aid otherwise known as the Theo- Temple's Scottish Rite Cathe- day at the Detroit Institute of Director Cites Israel dore Bargman Memorial Lec- dral Sunday, April 12, local Musical Arts. tures, is made possible through Success as Example music fans will hear a choral the contribution of Mrs. Barg- group that is among the most Lawyers of 2 Faiths HOUSTON, Tex., (JTA)—"Is- man, in memory of her late carefully chosen performing rael illustrates what can be husband. As in previous years, Merge Club in Toronto REMEMBER . . . done with a most unpromising aggregation in the world. The TORONTO, (JTA)—The 960- base of natural resources, by in- buzz sessions will follow the 35 gifted youngsters were se- lecture. lected from the 200 membership member Lawyers' Club of Tor- telligence, hard work, sound Other speakers slated for con- of the Little Singers school and onto has unanimously decided to policies and sensible applica- SAVES THE DAY! workshop which represents invite the total male member- tion of modern scientific and secutive Wednesday evenings some 15 different elementary ship of the Reading Law Club, technological knowledge," are Rabbi David Polish, Dr. For Fine a Jewish fraternity, to merge American Foreign Aid Director Abraham Kaplan and Dr. Eman- schools throughout Japan. Color Movies Call uel Rackman. with it. The Reading Law Club David Bell declared in a speech * * has accepted the offer and all "There are so many great its male members will now auto- at the University of Houston. Want ads get quick results! Reviewing problems of as- pianists in the world," says matically belong to the Lawyers' VICTOR BORGE, "that it is Club, it was announced here. sistance t o underdeveloped countries, Bell held out Is- Only GOOD PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHS best to leave the serious work pt PH The Lawyers' Club, until rael as an example of suc- to them." The master of the 1951, had a clause restricting cess, and said: "Israel has CAN KEEP YOUR JOY . . . FOREVER ! LT̀"; comma, semi-colon, exclamation point and period, as made fa- membership to male attorneys, had extensive help from the mous by sales of millions of his Christian and white. After this United States and Europe; Call Today For records interpreting them, clause was removed, only a few but, above all, it has had the An Appointment brings his "Comedy in Music" Jewish lawyers joined. However, kind of strong and sensible q STUDIO OF both clubs had excellent rela- leadership which has been to the stage of Masonic Audi- PHOTOGRAPHY UN 2-0200 tions and frequently held joint able to make most of its own Hours: torium at 8:20 p.m., Saturday. meetings. Daily 'til 5:30 UN 2-0660 19492 LIVERNOIS AVE. resources plus those obtained Closed Mon. * * * North of Outer Drive For the coming season 1964- from outside." SOUTH OAKLAND SYM- 1965, the dues of the 330 mem- "Israel was just recently es- PHONY SOCIETY is presenting bers of the Reading Law Club tablished as an independent na- the Oakland University Chorus will be applied to the Lawyers' tion whose future was very Michigan's Newest & Most Luxurious Motel and South Oakland Symphony Club and for the first year they much in doubt. Today the Is- Orchestra in a production of will have two places on the A HOME AWAY FROM HOME FOR YOUR raelis have achieved a remark- Verdi's "Requiem," 8:15 p.m. board of trustees. BAR MITZVAH & WEDDING GUESTS . . able economic growth, with an Tuesday at Oak Park High annual growth rate for the last School. Marilyn Cotlow, mezzo- five years of around 10 per soprano, will be featured artist. Senator Javitz Calls i"--------7 14380 WEST 8 MILE ROAD cent—one of the highest in the Miss Cotlow, whose began her for Prompt Steps to Bet. Schaefer and Northwestern Hwy. world. U.S. soft loans and grants career with the Metropolitan have helped in the process; they Conference Room • Suites • Banquet Room Opera in 1948, is the wife of Eu- Assure Israel Security have done their work and have LI 8-1822 JO 4-5450 NEW YORK (JTA) — Ad- gene Altschuler and lives at been successful; and the need HARVEST HOUSE RESTAURANT ON PREMISES 2688 York, Huntington Woods. dressing 2,000 guests at the His- for such aid will soon end," Bell Tickets will be available at the tadrut third seder at the Wal- declared. door. dorf-Astoria, Sen. Jacob K. Javits called for "prompt and * * * Fourteen social clubs of all decisive steps, now, while there Massachusetts Sabbath faiths have joined the "ADJU- is still time, to assure the se- Bill Signed Into Law For A Study Home, Handling 4 to 6 Youngsters VARE" movement, formed to as- curity of Israel and the entire BOSTON (JTA)—A bill per- sist the mentally retarded girls Middle East region." mitting limited exemption for under care of a social agency. Desire flexible, adaptable adults at Our Lady of Providence The third seder, which is a Seventh Day Sabbatarians from with understanding and skill in caring for children. Will consider School, Northville. Some ten supplementary Passover func- the state Sunday closing law a competent unattached woman. Good Salary, living quarters, girls of the Jewish faith attend tion inaugurated 32 years ago was signed into law by Gover- and maintenance. Husband can continue outside employment. the school. The "Adjuvare ("to as a tribute to the present-day nor Endicott Peabody. It per- Wife to take charge of family residence and work closely with help" in Latin) Club" raises pioneers of Israel by the Na- mits a person who is solely in agency social workers. funds for needed equipment at tional Committee for Labor control of a business to do busi- the school. An open house at Israel, also marked the 40th an- ness on Sunday if he cannot Contact: DAVID GOLDBERG, Supervisor, Jewish Family and Providence is set for April 12 niversary of the Israel Hista- perform any labor on Saturday Children's Service, 10801 Curtis, Detroit 21, Mich. DI 1-5959. from 2 to 4 p.m. drut campaign. because of his reigilon. John Kurland Named Juvenile Court Register JACK BARNES Hy Herman PLANNING A WEDDING? A BAR MITZVAH? SID SIEGEL DI 1-6990 sack EMBASSY MOTEL - WANTED: HOUSE PARENTS 1111111111.11111.11111111111 ■