`The Shooting Priest of Denmark', Karen Lee Rogers Pastor Bo•chsenins, to Speak Here; Weds Californian Bnai Brill]. Lecturer Was Nazi Foe Yiddish Theater to Do Comedy at Zionist Institute &nga gements The engagement of Taissa Louise Silvers to Robert Mason Hauser is announced by her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harris D. Silvers of Strathmoor Ave. The bride-elect is a graduate of Wayne State University. Her fiance is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Julius . Hauser of Silver Spring, Md. He is a graduate of the University of Chicago and at- tended graduate school at the University of Michigan. A May 24 wedding is planned. The MetropOlitan Detroit Bnai derground activities on behalf The Travels of Benjamin the Brith Men's and Women's coon- of the Jews, he was forced to Third," a new musical comedy cils . and Pisgah Lodge and escape to Sweden, where he from the World of Mendele Chapter will sponsor jointly an served as pastor of the Danish Mocher Sforim adapted for the evening with Pastor Poul Borch- refugees, as well as army chap- stage by David Licht, will be senius, April 20, 8:30 p•m. at lain to Danish volunteers. He presented 8 p.m. April 24 at the also lectured extensively on the LabOr Zionist Institute. Labor Zionist Institute. Bernard Panush, chairman of Anti-Semetism and related The production is by the Thea- the Bnai Brith adult Jewish topics. ter Ensemble of Yiddish Actors education committee, advises In 1950, thepastor published from New York, under the direc- that Pastor Borchsenius will his first book, "The Sun Stood .ion of Ben Bonus. The cast in- Still", dealing with the estab- talk on "a Lib- eludes Max and Reizel Bozyk, "Where two or three are truly lishment of the State of Israel. oral Chris- Bonus, Miriam Kresyn and Sey- It sold 20,000 copies in Norway, tian's View of snot Reichtzeit. Pola dad son together, they art together in and did equally as well in Judaism". The is musical director andpianist. the name of God." — Martin Buber. Sweden and Denmark. He has pastor will be The company, which has been since written two other works introduced by acclaimed in the press as an on Israel, two biographies on Rabbi Morris outstanding achievement in Yid- Want The Best? Ben-Gurion, and a history of Adler, nation- dish Theater, is touring the MRS. MARVIN TARNOL Ask the Folks Who've Had anti-Semitism. al chairman of United States under the aus- the Bnai Brith SAM BARNETT Karen Lee Rogers became the pices of the Farband Labor His major work is a five Borchsenius Adult Jewish and His Orchestra volume history of the Jews, bride of Marvin Tarnol at a Zionist Organization, and arrang- Education Commission. from the destruction of the double-ring c e r e mony per- ed in Detroit by the City Corn- LI 1-2563 Pastor Borchsenius, eminent Temple to the present, under I formed Jan. 25 in Los Angeles. mittee. Lutheran minister, is the author the over-all title of, "The The couple are the children The play will be followed by of books on the Jewish people, L o n g Wandering." These of Mrs. Irwin A. Rogers of 1 trilingual musical revue by the their history and heroes. He works have been translated Bloomfield Hills and the late entire ensemble. ranks as one of the most pro- into Norwegian, Swedish, Mr. Rogers, and Mr. and Mrs. minent writers and most sought- German and Dutch. Irving Tarnol of Los Angeles. after speakers on Jewish topics Pastor Borchsenius is a found The bride wore a gown of ARE YOU LOOKING in all of Scandinavia. er of the Danish-Israeli Associa- ivory silk taffeta fashioned with The' exploits of the pastor, tion and a member of its ex- an open neckline. The bodice FOR THE ORIGINAL called by the Nazis "The ecutive committee. Through its of the gown was of hand-run Shooting Priest," on behalf of sponsorship of the pastor's lec- Alencon lace over layers of rescuing Jews during the Ger- tore for 1964, Bnai Brith Adult ivory silk taffeta. She wore a 1 man occupation of his native Jewish Education Commission princess-style veil heavily em- ' Denmark, have been describ- continues a project started three broidered with pearls. She car- ed in Harold Flender's "Res- years ago. The Bnai Brith visit- ried a Bible covered with Phae- With Deep Cushioning Action? Max Schrut cue In Denmark" and "Philip ing lecturer is recognized as lanopsis orchids and Stephan- Look no further, we have it For Good Photographs Illustrated catalogue available Friedman's "Our Brother's part of the United States' ex- otis. and Prompt Service Keepers." Pastor Borchsenius change program. Call me at Matrons of honor were Mrs. has visited Israel for periods The committee on arrange- S. Dennis Rogers and Mrs. Ron- of several months on five dif- ments includes Bernard Panush, ald Roger's, of Oak Park, sisters- FOUR STORES TO SERVE YOU ferent occasions. adult Jewish education chair- in-law of the bride. 5th Floor Mutual Bldg., Weddings - Bar Mitzvahs During the Nazi occupation of man of the Men's Council; Rose at 28 W. Adams Aaron Kleinman of Los An- We Come to Your Home Denmark, because of his un- Fox, chairman of the Women's 19360 Livernois, 16633 E. Warren With Samples geles was best man. Council; Alfred Bounin, Pisgah 235 Pierce, Birmingham TY 5-8805 UN 4-6845 _ Following a honeymoon in Lodge, program chairman; Dor- Acapulco, the couple will re- othy Bodzin, Women's Council president; Julius Kahn, Men's side in Los Angeles. Leave Everything to Us Council president; Dora Ham- burger, president of Pisgah Chapter; Burton Gutman, presi- dent of Pisgah Lodge; James Proprietors of Laker Council publicity di- rector; Rudolph Meyersohn, editor, Pisgah Broadcaster; and Hyman Crystal, Council execu- . For those who made inquiries tive director. about the using of baking KOSHER MEAT & POULTRY MARKET The public is invited. Refresh- powder on Passover, the puzzle ments will be served by Pisgah has been solved. Last week we published a cor- Chapter after the lecture. Pastor Borchsenius will speak rection and stated that baking WE WRAP MEAT FOR FREEZER FREE! the following day at the Uni- powder is not kosher for Pass- over. We have been corrected versity of Michigan. Coolidge at 10 Mile — Oak Park in the following letter received from Rabbi Max Kapustin, di- WYN and HAROLD LANDIS Branch 2 Will Gather WE DELIVER rector of the Wayne State Uni- Branch Two, Labor Zionist CALL Organization, will meet 7:30 versity's Hillel Foundation: My attention has been called SATISFACTION GUARANTEED . Correction" in your p.m. Sunday at the home of J. to a "Recipe L. Stone 18643 Greenlawn. issue of March 27. In it you Phone Hosts will be Stone and Mr. state categorically that "Baking • STYLE and Mrs. Aaron Bornstein. • m•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••e•e , Powder is not kosher for Pass- • Mrs. Harry Mondry will re- • ELEGANCE " view the book, "The Fanatic," over. • BEAUTY I have before me an envelope • AMERICA'S No. I by Meyer Levin. Refreshments of Baking Powder manufactured • WYN-HAROLD CATERING • MO% PURE will be served. • under the supervision of Rabbi • BEEF PRODUCTS Dr. Josef Breuer of K'hal Adass • Yeshurun in New York City for • • Passover use. I think you and • your readers should know about • • . . . only the finest in toste and this, particularly since in your • quality from Kosher Zion . . . • contact the responsibility of pre- • made fresh daily in our new, scribing a prohibited ingredient • modern, clean, stainless steel • ALL SPECIALS GOOD WHILE QUANTITIES LAST for Passover was attributed to • kitchens, under strict U. S. SUNDAY ONLY • Government inspection and Or- Alfred Parker, director of food • thodox Rabbinical Supervision. service at Yeshiva University. • The Erba Kosher for Pass- lb. over Baking Powder referred to INSIL PETED AND PASSED BY by Rabbi Kapustin contains • • DEPARTMENT OF CULTURE these ingredients: sodium bicar- • lb. 109 E ST. I bonate, sodium pyrophosphate. • K • • • • potato starch. e a Hack Shoe Co. BLAIR STUDIO I I WHY WORRY I I COHEN, ZAGER b REZNICK Puzzle Solved. • There's Passover Baking Powder DE TERDAVISON PRIME and CHOICE BEEF LI 8-6800 HOME CATERING EL 6-8411 • BRAVERMAN'S KOSHER MEATS !CHUCK ROAST 49` SHOULDER STEAK VEAL BREAST ist CUT LAMB CHOPS . HOLLYWOOD ROAST FRESH or PICKLED TONGUE BREAST OF BEEF, 29` lb. 79c lb. 9 lb. 49c lb. Trimmed lb. 13500 WEST SEVEN MILE RD. $9` DI 1-2345 !KOSHER ZION Want ads get quick results! :SAUSAGE COMPANY OF CHICAGO CHICAGO 8, nia: See••••eee•e•es•e••••e•osioseee•••••e RECOMMENDS. BY BETTER INTERIOR DECORATORS • WE CLNAN ORAPsa lvies ig y,O 4 V 9IVE" FINE DRAPERY CLEANING • DRAPERIES • WINDOW SHADES • SLIP COVERS LAMP SHADES • BED SPREADS WE DO ALL THE WORK REMOVING AND INSTALLING (WITH PINS IN) Phone us for Free Estimate—NO OBLIGATION/ CITY WIDE and SUBURBAN SERVICE TW 1-1818 • SUBURBAN PHONE: ENTERPRISE 7818