Toronto Jews Urged to Croivd Observance of Revolt Argentina Gov't. Vows to Act TORONTO, (JTA)—An urg- of anti-Semitic literature here tion also urged members to ig- nore the argument that "the ent call to the Jewish commun- and elsewhere in Canada. Against Anti-Jew Tacuara Group ity here time is not yet ripe for reform" * * to turn out enmasse for and to work for the immediate BUENOS AIRES, (JTA) — ducted by the military forces the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising Canadian Protestants removal of discrimination. Vice-President Carlos Humber- of this country. Memorial, to be conducted La Raozn, the largest 'circu- Thursday night was issued by Told to Fight Bigotry to Paerette received a delega- The action was taken at a tion of the DAIA, the central lation daily newspaper in Ar- the Canadian Jewish Congress. TORONTO, (JTA)—The Unit- meeting of the denomination's representative body of Argen- gentina, charged that members The rally, said Meyer Gasner, ed Church of Canada, the larg- Board of Evangelism and Social tine Jews, and reiterated to the of Tacuara "enjoyed protection" chairman of the CJC's central est Protestant denomination in Service which also condemned and added that in several cases delegation his government's "in- region here, will not only com- that country, called upon its the federal and provincial gov- variable position in defense of involving attacks on Jewish memorate the death of the 6 members to condemn anti-Semi- ernments which have passed human rights. Similar assur- youth—including such outrages million Jews murdered by the tism in all its forms and to seek anti-bias laws and urged the ances were given yesterday by as branding swastikas on the Nazis, but will also act as a to develop understanding rela- other provinces to do so. Interior Undersecretary Jose faces of victims — the cases protest against the recent spread tions with their Jewish neigh- Luis Vesco to a DAIA delega- were never cleared up "and the bors. tion which called on him in authors of the attacks continued The appeal was part of a connection with new anti-Jew- enjoying immunity." La Razon American Legion Post comprehensive resolution on said that protection for such ish propaganda in Argentina. to racial and religi- to Go on Trial for Bias opposition The vice president told the acts came from those "who ous prejudice based on the such should have repressed delegation that the Argentine LOS ANGELES, (JTA) — Christian doctrine of the equ- Government condemned "any things." Charged with advocating anti- ality of all men in the sight The Egyptian embassy in Semitic and anti-Negro propa- discrimination based on race or - of God. com- religion and any totalitarianism Buenos Aires issued a ganda and the distribution of Members and congregations munique that Triki is not affi- and dictatorship." hate literature, the Signal Hill were urged to refrain from ridi- liated with Egypt's diplomatic He also indicated that the mission in this country. The Post of the American Legion culing other races or minority government will 'liquidate" any communique also disclaimed re- will go on trial Saturday before groups by falsely typing them activity causing friction be- sponsibility for the activities of an American Legion board. If or caricaturing them in public tween the Arab and Jewish Raul Hassen, who has been help- found guilty the accused post performances such as plays and may lose its charter. communities in Argentina. He ing Triki in his work. minstrel shows. The denomina- for said he was "disgusted" with the The Signal Hill post was or * * * activities of Hussein Triki, the dered to surrender its charter Boys 6-16 — Girls 7-14 GROSSINGER'S at Grossinger, representative of the Arab last Sept. 20, which the post re- New York, and the CONCORD at League in this country. fused to obey. The post continu- Kiamesha Lake, N.Y. are most outstanding Resorts. Reservations ed in its statements in its offi- may The Jewish leaders met with be placed at published rates cial bulletin that it was a "white Vesco after it was discovered at this office. Christian post—we are proud GROUP TRAVEL TO ISRAEL $535 that Joe Baxter, one of the Tac- Very frequent departures. of it." uara leaders, had visited Egypt 114 "GAN ■ sc- A most Interesting EUROPEAN RIO DE JANEIRO (JTA) — shortly before a group of Tac- The Legion charged that the Tour may be arranged with the trip to Israel at a very low Write or Call uara members was arrested for The executive of the Confedera- post advocated contributions to additional cost. bank robberies believed to have tion of Jewish Communities in "publications admittedly anti- For Free Brochure We can reserve Hotel Rooms in Miami Beach and all over Florida. been staged for the enrichment Brazil decided to request the Semitic and anti-Negro, and ad- 14000 W. 9 Mile Rd. We can arrange Trips to MEX- Government to prohibit the dis- vocating contributions to Ger- of the Tacuara coffers. ICO and Tours to Russia and all of a Portugese edition tribution Oak Park Communist Countries. When police authorities of the "Protocols of the Elders ald L. K. Smith's publications." HIRSCHFELD Travel Agency started detaining and question- of Zion," the notorious anti- 544-7168 Room 811 2911 Park Ave. Want ads get quick results! ing Tacuara members in con- Semetic forgery which has been nection with the robberies, it made available in this country Egr was disclosed, Baxter disappear- for a nominal price. The dis- ed. He was last seen here about tribution of the anti-Jewish 10 days ago when he appeared booklet was reported to be ex- on a television program. tensive throughout Brazil. Dr. Isaac Goldenberg, presi- Last year, the Brazilian Gov- dent of the DAIA, reiterated ernment, following the inter- that his organization will re- vention of the Jewish Confed- main "in permanent session," eration, banned the distribution awaiting "firm" action by the of a local edition of Hitler's government "before adopting "Mein Kampf." It is expected a more active defense atti- that the Government will act tude." similarly with regard to the One report, printed in the "Protocols." daily Pregon, pointed to the charges made frequently in this country that military authori- Five Cases of Stones ties stand in a close relation- From Solomon's Mines ship to Tacuara. The report Arrive at World's Fair stated that the interior ministry Five cases of rough stones had been requested to permit from King Solomon's Mines and reopening of the Tacuara the other objects to be exhibited at headquarters, closed by the the American-Israel Pavilion at government in April 1963. That request, which the min- the World's Fair have arrived istry rejected, had been made, from Israel aboard the SS Ex- according to the report, by Lt. port -Ambassador. The stones from the ancient Col. Pasquale Ulloa, chief of police intelligence. While other mine in the Negev at the south- police activities are under the ern tip of Israel were the source jurisdiction of the interior min- of copper used in constructing istry, police intelligence is con- King Solomon's Temple. They are the first to be shipped from * * * the Holy Land to any other part of the world. On the same ship were seven large stones of different shape and color, native to seven dif- MENDOZA, Argentina (JTA) ferent areas of Israel, including —The Mendoza provincial gov- the bank of the Red Sea, Naz- ernment took steps to prevent areth, Bersheeba, Mt. Carmel, further anti-Jewish activities of Jerusalem, Caesarea and Gali- the Guardia Restauradora Na- lee. Their assembly at the Fair cionalista after three members pavilion will also represent the of the extremist nationalist first time such an exhibit has group were arrested last week been shown outside the boun- on suspicion of having been im- daries of Israel, according to plicated in the bombing of the Emil Weitz, feneral manager of Mendoza Jewish Club. Last the America-Isael Pavilion. * * * week's bombing of the club was the second in a month. Special Hadassah Exhibit in Police here confirmed that N.Y. America-Israel Pavilion anti-Jewish violence is an in- The work of Hadassah will tegral part of the program of the extremist group. In April be part of the display covering If you wash your clothes or dishes one-year money-back guarantee of 4,000 years of Jewish history at satisfactory performance. In addition of last year, the Buenos Aires the America-Israel Pavilion at automatically, you should heat your Government had decreed a ban electrical repairs, if ever needed, are water electrically. Why? For best pos- on the GRN as well as the anti- the World's Fair. free from Edison. sible results, automatic washers and In the section devoted to the Semitic T a c u a r a organization An electric water heater—one more of dishwashers need 160° water and lots and closed down the headquar- State of Israel and its achieve- the electric appliances that help you of it. Only an electric water heater can ters of both organizations. The ments, Hadassah's special con- get more out of life. They regularly give you water that tribution to the growth and de- two groups, however, have con- become even more economi- be de- hot without burning out. velopment of Israel will tinued to act openly, even to cal to own as the cost of elec- A huge bas-relief of And remember, the electric picted. claiming credit for the extent of tricity continues to decrease. Hadassah's Medical Center will water heater you buy from their activities. See your dealer or any retailer in Southeastern Spokesmen for the GRN said be a main feature. Michigan carries Edison's that they constituted "a Roman Thanks to your United Fund Catholic apostolic group" to fight liberalism. "We are na- giving, the Michigan chapter of IT'S BACKED BY EDISON tionalists and attack Jews not the Arthritis Foundation is IF YOUR WATER HEATER IS ELECTRIC for being Jews but for being teaching sufferers how to live with arthritis. Communists," they declared. NOW ACCEPTING RESERVATIONS Jews in Brazil Are Seeking Ban on 'Protocols' • Province to Halt Anti-Sernitism FOR BEST RESULTS ADD 16O° WATER ...FOR WATER THAT HOT YOU NEED AN ELECTRIC WATER HEATER EDISON