Friday, March 27, 1964 — THE DETROIT JEWISH N EWS -34 Zionist Actions Committee Closes Week-Long Session With Appeal to Moscow, Goldmann Warning JERUSALEM, (JTA) — The Zionist Actions Committee adopted a resolution calling upon the Soviet Government to respect the "sacred right of every Jew in every country to emigrate to Israel," especially those members of Jewish fami- lies who have been separated as a result of the Nazi holo- caust. The resolution, which was adopted at the final session of the week-long meeting of the Actions Committee, asserted that no Jew will ever accept the Soviet authorities' system- atic attempts to cut off millions of Jews from the sources of their cultural past. It noted with anxiety "the manifestations of anti-Semitic calumnies and in- citement" expressed in the So- viet press and literature, and in the general Soviet attack against religion. The resolution expressed "profound appreciation" over the moral support rendered "by all seeking freedom and peace in the struggle for the rights of the Soviet Jews." Another resolution appeal- ed to the authorities and en- lightened public opinion in Latin American countries "where Arab agents dare to promote incitement aimed at promoting antagonism be- tween the Jewish and non- Jewish populations." The Actions Committee ex- pressed confidence that the "Jews in these countries will continue to stand up against anti-Semitic attacks and defend their rights." The resolution repeated the warning against the danger of neo-Nazi move- ments, and expressed the con- viction that the Latin American people would recognize the Nazi anti-Semitic manifestations as a threat to their own way of life. Dr. Nahum Goldmann told the Actions Committee that the Jewish religion—which, he said, reposes on great ethnical hu- man ideals—must become more flexible. He warned that the mainte- nance of a rigid conservative position by religious leaders carried the danger of a separa- tion split. Dr. Goldmann also said that the time had come to start a "dialogue of historical dimensions" between the lead- ers of orthodoxy and repre- sentatives of other Jewish groups to bring the two parts closer together. Obviously referring to the cable sent recently to Premier Levi Eshkol by seven American non-Orthodox organizations urg- ing him not to give in to pres- sure of extremist Orthodox or- ganizations, Dr. Goldmann said that the interest of non-Israeli Jewish communities outside of Israel in developments in Is- rael was "fully legitimate" and that no religious leader should complain about "interference" in Israel's internal affairs. He hailed the current session of the actions committee, de- claring it had gone beyond ful- filling routine tasks. He also cautioned against the "errone- ous idea" that increased efforts of Jewish communities in coun- tries outside of Israel could be at the expense of weakening en- deavors for Israel. Prime Minister Levi Eshkol earlier called for increased "voluntary immigration" of Jewish youth from the free lands of the world. "We have almost reached the peak of our efforts in the ab- sorption of immigrants from the countries of stress," he said. "A way must he found to the I Danny Raskin's LISTENING p hearts of the Jewish youth to- ward the establishment of a pioneer movement." With President Zalman Sha- zar on the platform, the pre- mier, citing the success of the U. S. Peace Corps, told the world Zionist leaders at the ses- sion: "Let the Jewish reserve come to help develop our so- ciety and our economy and our science, and help expand our WHILE LUMBER MAN Joe cooperation with the develop- ing countries." Braver was at Sinai Hospital re- Stressing the threats against cently, for a throat operation, Israel by Egypt's President he tried to overcome part of his Gamal Abdel Nasser and Nas- temporary handicap of not being ser's intentions to destroy able to talk by having signs Israel, the prime minister made for visitors . . . "How's said: "Should this hour of the family?" "How's business?" trial arrive—and perhaps in etc. . . . While Joe's mouth hung order that it should not even- in utter silence, brother-in-law tuate — Israel in u s t show Marvin Hyman told Joe's wife, growth, not merely quantita- Fay, "Now you can enjoy two tively but also qualitatively. weeks of blissful silence" . . . We must preserve our spir- and then added, "In fact, come itual and moral superiority to think of it, this is the first . and our economic strength." time in 12 years I've been able to get in a word edgewise!" Turning to the Zionist move- * * * ment, Eshkol said that, while BEST BET OF THE WEEK there has been criticism against the movement, "we have no . . . Passover Seder Celebration other. Together, "we must think by Knights of Pythias, Detroit of ways and means to raise 55, March 31, at Castle Hall, Zionism toward meeting the 15787 Wyoming . . . Rabbi Jos- new challenge." He added: hua Sperka, Max Charness and "There can be no Zionism with- Cantor Shabtai Ackerman . . . Pythians and guests invited . . . out Jews for Israel." Stressing the task of com- No charge. * * * bating the threat of assimila- tion, he told the delegates that HAWTHORN - NORTHVILLE all must work together for the Chapter, Michigan Association preservation of the Jewish peo- for Emotionally Disturbed Chil- ple's existence and unity. He dren, will bring to the Detroit said the situation also faces Is- area, April 8, the premier per- raeli youth with a challenge, formance of the smash British requiring that Israeli youth go comedy "Billy Liar" . . Two to the Diaspora "to enrich Jew- performances are scheduled, ish life there and draw suste- 7:45 p.m. and 9:45 p.m. at Stu- nance for the State of Israel." dio Norh, Nine Mile and Wood- The Actions Committee un- ward . . . Proceeds to the Chap- derscored the growing assimi- ter Placement Scholarship Fund lation among Jews which is for children well and able to "endangering the continuity leave the state hospitals . . . It of the nation's existence" and has already placed seven young stressed the enhancement of people in college for four years -Jewish unity as one of the and many younger children in principal tasks of the Zionist suitable schools . . . For ad- movement in the coming vance ticket orders, call chapter president, Chester Popp, EL period. 6-8126 or write to Benefit Chair- The Committee welcomed the man Mrs. E. L. Bennish, 18656 decision of the Israel Govern- Parkside. * * * ment approving the reinterment in Israel of the remains of HAROLD BLUMENO had to Vladimir Jabotinsky, Revisionist get out early last week for leader. Champagne, Ill. and booked the It greeted "with deep appre- first flight passage he could ciation" the joint Israel Gov- get . . . Wife Cheryl, is still ernment-World Zionist Organi- scratching her head after ask- zation executive declaration and ing him what plane he was tak the reiteration by Eshkol of his ing . . . Harold said he was promise to accord the Zionist going via Ozark Airlines . . . movement all possible support. Cheryl thought he was joking Other resolutions called for in- until she checked with Amer- tensification of Zionist work in ican . . . There actually is an the field of education. Ozark Airlines! Local Optometrist Dr. Leon Firestone Author of a Novel to Be Out April 10 Exposition Press, 386 S. Park, New York 16, this week an- nounced that a Detroit optome- trist is the author of a novel which it will release on April 10. Dr. Leon E. Firestone is the author of "Strength Thy Weak- ness," the novel in which he poses the questions: "Is there a point where ideals, when rigidly adhered to, become failings? Do the sturdy qualities and aspira- tions which guide conventional society sometimes boomerang, wreaking havoc on those who were most steadfast?" Dr. Firestone, who has special- ized in the development of con- tact lenses, brings the knowl- edge of his profession to his novel. He was born in Los An- geles in 1919 and came to De- troit with his family after his father's death. He is a graduate Albert Neisser, a 19th century German Jewish physician, dis- covered' the causes of gonorrhea and leprosy and, together with Wasserman, developed the blood test for the detection of syphilis. Dinner at DARBY'S is a real treat • Visit Our New SKYLIGHT ROOM, Cocktail Lounge and Bari • AFTER T HEATRE Snacks . . . Delight LUNCHEON Magnificent Mencates A Pleasure 7113 PURITAN 2 Blocks West of Livernois 862-2882 For Res. Ample Parking Res. UN 2-7642 SEVEN MILE at WYOMING go our griends and gatrons Very Wappy and oyous gassover irofTl la 'fruigsleg Inn Woodward S. of Long Lake Rd. Bloomfield, Mich. Sunday Brunch Served 10 A.M. thru 2:00 P.M. A Bountiful Selection of Gourmet Tr eats beauti- ; fully displayed. Served Daily .. . YOUR SELECTION OF Roast Prime Ribs of Beef Au Jus or Broiled Choice Sirloin Steak • • Sunday Dinners Noon to 11 P.M. Luncheon Served Daily 11:00 A.M. through 2:30 P.M. .0jPEN !SEVEN ,DAY S A WiEtEK ! Phone MI 4-1400 UNIVERSAL CITY STUDIOS JO 4-5916 See Tony Curtis, alias Bernie Schwartz, play the part of Corp. Lai- bowitz like only a 1•• ••• E. Germans to Release Their Son of Northern Illinois College of Optometry, served in the Navy during World War II, has writ- ten technical articles on optom- etry for professional magazines, is affiliated with professional movements and is active in com- munity affairs. He is married and has a son, 18, and a daugh- ter, 14. •• • guy from the "Bronx" ics ••• :::• GREGORY TONY PECK CURTIS ••• •••• •• • • is •••• •• • • ••• • • ••• in the hilarious, heartwarming adventures of xx Captain Newman ,n Eastman m fy e e o WiLna c r l Award 3 c"TARRING , Nominations ! COLOR ANGIE DICKINSON EDDIE ALBERT • JAMES GREGORY • BETHEL LESLIE and Co-Starring ROBERT DUVALL - DICK SARGENT • LARRYSTORC BOBBY DARIN Nominated for Best Supporting Actor Adults $1 to 6 p.m. (Exc. Sun. & Hols.) Matinees Wed., Sat., Sun. NOW SHOWING Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Kessler express their happiness in Philadelphia on hearing from Secretary of State Dean Rusk in Washington that their son, Air Force Capt. Abraham Kessler, will be released by the Soviet Union "in the very near future." Capt. Kessler had been shot down with two other pilots in their RB-66 plane over East Germany. Schaefer at.. Detroit's Most Modern; Comfortable Thecitre W.McNichols . Detroit 35 UN 2-8100 i