Friday, March 2 7, 1964 — THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Purely Commentary There will be much joy in many homes tonight, as the Jewish families re- gather for the first Seder night to welcome the Passover and to acclaim our traditional dedication to the cause of liberty and justice for all peoples. Passover and the traditional Seder have been abused in some literary quarters. Perhaps the Jewish novelists who, we believe, were straying from our ranks, really were describing the abusive manner in which the Seder ceremony had been observed in many homes where ignorance dwelt more securely than knowledge upon which our customs are based. Hopefully, there are evidences of improvements and of as much interest in the Haggadah as in the matzoh balls. Nevertheless, Passover does raise the issue of freedom—whether Jews are able and willing to survive under freedom, having proven through the centuries that they can defy bigotry and conquer over anti- Semites. It is in our generation that this question may have to be answered. Other questions arise at this time. There is the challenge to us from many quarters where Jews are referred to abusively as having failed to resist tyranny under the Nazis. One of the answers to this taunt is the spiritual aspect of Jewish life: our abhorrence of bloodshed, our revulsion over the very thought of rendering harm anywhere to anyone. In their classic "Rabbinic Anthology" (now available as a Jewish Publication Society-Meridian World Publishing Co. paperback), C. G. Montefiore and H. Loewe dealt with an interesting subject in relation to Passover. Referring to the blood-theme and the emphasis upon it in Christianity, the two authors state: "Owing to the fact that Jewish sentiment bans pictorial representations in worship, while Christian sentiment regards them as devotional aids, it has come about that the Christian worshipper, by means of pictures and reliefs, is made familiar with the suffering, death and blood of the crucifixion story in forms that are sometimes exceedingly realistic. There is absolutely nothing to cor- respond to this on the Jewish side, and the connection of blood with worship is utterly inconceivable to a Jew. "True, on Passover night we repeat the words of Akiba the Martyr, who, praying for the Messianic advent, besought God that our eyes might behold the blood of animals dripping at the rebuilt altar. The prayer is too old, too deeply fraught with meaning, to be dropped as the Liberals do. But we say it in a different sense, giving the words the main, the wider meaning which their author intended. In this there is no intellectual dishonesty .. ." The two scholars elaborate on the theme further by stating: "We must remember that when we are considering martyrdom, be it Jewish or Christian, the blood-theme may 'be used as a vivid expression of the ultimate truth of a consecration of a life to God even at the cost of death.' These words, cited already previously, are those of Canon Knox, who has kindly discussed this point with me. He goes on to say, 'In Christian devotion it would be easy to find expressions in art or language which might suggest a morbid concentration on the horror of blood. Actually, these are no more than conventional expressions.' This view of Canon Knox seems, if one may say so, eminently sound. It is akin, on the Jewish side, to what some may hold today, who take Akiba's words in the Passover Service in their literal sense. But it is not the only view. Several of my Christian friends feel that such representations as that in Walsingham do imply an undue emphasis on blood. It is noteworthy that Jewish art—which is, in the main, verbal—eschews blood. The poetical dirges recounting the deaths of martyrs narrate them without elaboration. The iron combs that tore Akiba's flesh from him are mentioned in the `Eleh' Ezkerah but details are left to the imagination. Pictures or reliefs of them would be unthinkable. Even when the sentence on criminals—such as Haman's ten sons are assumed to be—is Leivick's 'Jews, You Must Not Despair' The Warsaw ghetto revolt was one of the most notable demon- strations of resistance by Jews against the Nazi terror. There was despair then, and there often undoubtedly creeps in a feeling of anxiety over our existence in the struggle against the antagonisms that had embittered the lives of millions of Jews. The late H. Leivick, one of the great Yiddish poets of our generation, pleaded that there should not be a loss of faith, in a poem he entitled "Gvald, Yiddn, Zait Zich Nit Meyaesh"— "Gvald, Jews, Do Not Despair." It speaks for itself and we offer it here, in a translation by E. S. Goldsmith, as a bolsterer to faith, without comment: Gvald, Jews, You must not des-pair! Thus proclaimed the Jews of Warsaw In their unheard of uprising. They proclaimed, They wrote the words, They hung the inscription In houses, in yards, In places of learning— To the Ten Commandments an Eleventh Commandment: Gvald, Jews, You must not despair! What is its meaning, this word Gvald? The word Gvald here means: Forever. Not once Forever, But seven times seven Forever. They had rifles, too— The Jews of Warsaw, And bullets, grenades— The Jews of Warsaw. They fired, They struck— The Jews of Warsaw; And blessed be Every Jewish bullet That pierced The heart of a Nazi. But doubly blessed be The inscription of six small words— To the Ten Commandments an Eleventh Commandment: Gvald, Jews, You must not despair! The rifles had bullets And the bullets ran out, Vey, ran out. The Nazi, the German, had more. Vey, had more: Had bombs, Had cannon, Had airplanes. The Germans silenced everything, But not the six small words— To the Ten Commandments the Eleventh Commandment: Gvald, Jews, You must not des-pair! What is its meaning, this word Gvald? The ward Gvald means Forever. Not once Forever, But seven times seven Forever. Many Aspects of the Traditions of Passover . . Leivick's "Do not Despair" . . . Israel and Zionism By Philip . Slomovitz carried out, so far from there being any gloating, the reader has to rush the sentence through in one breath. Such a phrase as 'the blood is the life' is not the motif of hymns. Here and there, in a stray Selihah on the Day of Atonement, one may come upon such a thought as 'May my flesh and fat, diminished by fasting, be accounted as a burnt offering.' But such ideas are few and far between. They belong to the hymnal and have no authority: they are due to the taste prevailing in the Middle Ages, when they were written, and they may be—and often are—dropped today." Conceding that there were instances in the Old Testament of rejoicing over the death of the wicked, Drs. Montefiore and Loewe nevertheless also point to the following: "To this day the Hallel is abbreviated on Passover in accordance with Prov. xxiv, 17 . . . Midrash Proverbs (on xxv, 21: 'If thine enemy be hungry, feed him') has 'even if he be coming to slay thee . .. then God will reconcile him to thee.' Similarly, in reading the Book of Esther on Purim, the execution of the ten sons of Haman is rushed through in one breath: The reason given in Meg. 166 is inadequate; no doubt the object was to hurry over an unpleasant bit of history. For in the same way, only the initials of the Ten Plagues and not the whole words were inscribed on the Rod of Moses (Exod. R., Shemot, v 6, viii, 3) and only the initials are recited in the domestic service of the Passover (for the usual explanations of this, see Abudarham in loc.) With one exception the `imprecatory Psalms' are absent from the synagogue liturgy, and even that exception does not apply to the Ashkenazi rite: the psalm in question, 'By the waters of Babylon,' is read silently in the Sephardic rite, before evening service opens on the Ninth of Al), an occasion when the Psalm is so appropriate that it can hardly be ignored. But many omit the last verses." There is a most interesting item in the memoirs of David Ben-Gurion, now being compiled by the former Prime Minister of Israel, that throws additional light on the matter of terrorism and murderous retaliations by Jews. The former Prime Minister's recollections now appearing in Jewish Observer and Middle East Review of London contain many errors in the references to American Jews and to the Zionists in this country. But there is much in them that will remain historically indelible, and among such items is the recapitulation of the discus- sions that were conducted regarding Arab-Jewish relations, the White Paper, the attitude of Palestinian (pre-Israel) Jews toward the British Mandatory power, etc., in recalling the discussions that were held by Zionist leaders, Ben-Gurion reported: "Ussishkin (the late Menahem Ussishkin who was the world president of the Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael—the Jewish National Fund) categorically opposed terrorism on moral grounds. 'If I were told,' he said, 'that if five Arabs were killed tomorrow the -White Paper would be withdrawn, I would be against the murder of Arabs.' He said there were no differences of opinion within the Zionist Organization of self-defense, even if it was a matter of 'active self-defense'." These and many similar historic facts attest to the position taken by Jews throughout our history in matters involving extremism, murders, inhumanities. There were retaliatory steps against Arab terrorism in Israel, but these were exceptions to the established rules. The peace-loving elements, the seekers for just actions based on negotiations always predominated and often prevailed. In principle, we are contra the blood-theme. We are for peace, for liberty for all. That's the major theme of Passover, and as we gather at the Sedorim, as we usher in the Passover, we strive for the perpetuation of this theme, we hope to be able to pass on the great moral principles to our children. If we succeed, the major crisis involving survival will have been overcome. Zionism: Israel's Link with World Jewry Israel's Prime Minister Levi Eshkol is a realist. Evaluating with the anti-Semitism of Henry his nation's burdens in tackling the immigration problem and Ford. But the authors do refer the difficulties encountered in creating a united people out of the many who come from numerous countries, he took into to Fritz Hailer, who was a no- account, in an address he delivered in Jerusalem last week, torious German consul in De- the need for retaining a strong tie between Israeli Jews and the troit during the early years of Jewish communities in the free countries of the world. There- Hitlerism, and this item calls for upon he suggested that the Zionists should form that link further elaboration. The au- and he stated: thors state: "There is only one address to which we can turn. We "Hitler was taking cognizance must turn to the World Zionist movement, the vital link for Israel and Zionism. Within this framework, we have the op- of the new Ford organization in portunity of developing new efforts and activities. The work Germany, and it may have been of furtherance of cultural and fraternal interests in the coun- tries of the Diaspora should be the central interest of our responsible for the award to Henry Ford on his 75th birth- Nation. "If we sit idly by today, the day will come when we will day, July 30, 1938, of the Grand ask ourselves the question: Why didn't we do something Cross of the German Eagle, when we could have? Why didn't we worry about tomorrow? which he accepted in Dearborn We must give the Jewry of the diaspora a chance to fulfill from Fritz Hailer, the German its great opportunity, we must give it the emotional and vice consul. A storm of disap- proval in America distressed intellectual stimulus to achieve its destiny." Unlike his predecessor, Prime Minister Eshkol is pragmatic. Ford, and he maintained stoutly He knows that an instrument is -needed for the serious task, and that he accepted the decoration he has pinpointed Zionism as the means of keeping world Jewry from the German peeople. He was still firmly convinced at united. It is an indisputably practical approach. At the meetings of the Zionist General Council in Jerusalem this time that there would be no last week, world leaders, including American spokesmen, indi- war in Europe. Others did not cated that there is an urgent need not only to strengthen Zionist share his faith: Germany had ranks but at the same time to increase activities in the direction taken Austria, and there was of fusing the cooperative spirit that must link Israel with the growing unrest when conditions Diaspora. Better results may be obtainable now, in view of the in Czechoslovakia led to the recognition of the extent of the indifference that has set in as capitulation of Chamberlain at well as the need for more effective means of overcoming the Munich in September." assimilatory spirit that threatens the continuity of a Jewish crea- The reviewer is compelled to tive existence. judge this as a whitewash of * * * Henry Ford Sr. If it was the in- terest in the growing Ford or- Authors of Wayne State University Book ganization that induced Ford to Accused of Exonerating the Auto Magnate Wayne State University's new volume, "American Business accept the Hitler medal, then Abroad: Ford on Six Continents," by Mira Wilkins and Frank it was a matter of "strictly busi- Ernest Hill, is a most interesting review of the expansion of the ness" with the auto magnate— Ford empire, its spread in many lands, its acceptance on the and the authors of this book should have said so. If he was six continents. In his introduction, the eminent historian, Allan Nevins, distressed, he could have re- jected the "honor." But he knew states: "This book interestingly shows how Ford experience over- that it was not a gift from the seas mirrored a wide variety of national demands and responded German people but from Hitler to a long gamut of world dangers over the years. It is an effective and he was arrogant when he contribution to 20th century economic history from Denmark to was urged to return the medal Peru, from the days of Theodore Roosevelt to those of Sir and insisted on keeping it.' Two or three years later he even Winston Churchill." The authors make numerous references to Ford experiences blamed the Jews for the Hitler- in Germany. As a commentary of the development of the automo- made war on mankind and the bile industry and the parallel emergence of German cars, this Jewish people. How can anyone is a most interesting bok. possibly exonerate that man and There was no occasion, of course, to deal in this volume absolve him from guilt? \ /