Auschwitz Children Played • `Game' With 'Uncle Mengele From JTA News Wires FRANKFURT — "Going to the Gas Chamber" was the name of a grim game the doomed children of Auschwitz used to play, a former inmate at the extermination camp testified in a choking voice. Dutch Royal Marine Col. An- tonius Franz Van Velsen de- scribed the game of death at the trial of 22 former Auschwitz- Birkenau administrators and medical corpsmen for killing millions of Jews. "They (the children) knew what was going on," Van Vel- sen said. "They played gas chamber and kidded each other by saying, 'You'll go through the crematory chimney.' " Dr. Josef Mengele, Aus- chwitz' chief doctor called the "Angel of Death," joined the children's "game," Van Velsen said. The children had liked Mengele, now being hunted throughout the world. "He gave them chocolate. He particularly cared for 16 pairs of twins he needed for his so-called experiments. The kids cried, 'Hello, here comes Uncle Mengele' when he came. "They didn't know Uncle Mengele well enough." Van Velsen's voice rose al- most to a scream when he de- scribed Mengele's role. 'When it was their time to really go to the gas chamber, the children rushed to Mengele and pleaded with him, "Uncle Mengele, Uncle Mengele, we won't be gassed will we?" Mengele soothed them, Van Velsen said, and promised them they would go to the women's camp. "He then had them taken away in ambulances— and sent straight to the gas chambers. "The pairs of twins caught They began screaming. on. Mengele took a pistol and per- sonally shot each one of them," Van Velsen said. A description was given of how Jewish victims at Aus- chwitz were forced by an SS officer called "a killer" to sing songs while on their way to the gas chambers. Hermann H. Biermanski, who spent five years at Auschwitz, named Wilhelm Boger, one of the defendants, as the man who made the Jews sing on their way to their death. Boger, ac- Cording to Biermanski, had "a reputation as a killer" even be- fore he had been assigned to Auschwitz. The Nazi, one of the princi- pal defendants, grinned in the Court room as another witness described how Boger beat him mercilessly into unconscious- ness, revived him with a bucket of cold water, then placed him in a "stand-up cell" for 93 days. The witness was Hugo Peter Breiden of Stuttgart, who had spent four • years at Auschwitz for a criminal offense. Pointing a finger at Boger, and sobbing convulsively, Breiden shouted "you murderer, you." Boger seemed not to care. An Auschwitz survivor, who doesn't "want to be fired from my nice job," refused to back up pretrial testimony about Boger. A hotel cook in Stuttgart, he said, "I want to have" peace of mind. I suffer under the memories. Testi- fying could hurt me." The witness, whose name was not revealed, was asked by the court president if he feared an act of revenge if he were to testify. "No," the witness re- plied hesitatingly, but added as an afterthought, "It could be." When the court president re- minded him of the importance of the trial, the witness replied, "But the attitude of our guests is different." Judges and observers were puzzled by the refusal of the witness to repeat serious accu- sations made against Boger. It was disclosed later that the wit- ness was sent to Auschwitz as a homosexual. At the court president's request, his name was not made public. In pretrial testimony, the witness had said Boger had participated in the hanging of prisoners, the beating to death of infant children and the torture of many inmates. When asked abOut this, the •witness at first said he could not remember and then ac- knowledged that he was frightened. Boger was mentionedby other witnesses. Paul Leo Scheidl, 67, of Munich, showed a model of a torture instrument, de- signed by Boger, which was known by camp inmates as the Boger seesaw. Using a doll, the survivor demonstrated how pris- oners were tied to an iron bar so their heads would face the ground. Boger appeared unmoved un- til Scheidl said the former sergeant had shot two prisoners at the so-called Black Wall. "It is a fact today and will be a fact 1,000 years hence that I never shot a prisoner at Auschwitz," Boger shouted nerv- ously. A Jewish restaurant owner of Ludwigshafen, Willie Leeu- warden, testified that Boger once threw a Polish prisoner from an office window after beating him beyond recogni- tion. When Leeuwarden tried to take the man some water, Boger c a 1 le d h im in and punched and kicked him, the witness said. When Boger later commanded him to take the Polish inmate to another barracks, Leeuwar- den said, the victim "was dead before we could get there." Leeuwarden, who was 21 when he was sent to Auschwitz, described how prisoners were kept in a punishment cell that forced them to stand upright. "I was there for eight nights," he said. "During the day, I had to go out with a work gang." Another witness said one in- mate was kept in the cell 18 days until he died of starva- tion. Boger said Leeuwarden's tes- timony was "partly true," but that he never beat a prisoner to death. While the mass trial of the 22 continued, Dr. Joachim Greiff, president of the Frankfurt Provincial Court, announced that a series of other major war crimes trials have been scheduled to open soon. On April 27, he said, Hermann Krumey and Otto Hunsche, both aides to the late Adolf Eichmann, will go on trial here. The indictment against Kru- mey alleges he was responsible for the death of 437,402 Hun- garian Jews. Hunsche is accused of having been Kr um ey's assistant. Hunsche is already serving a five-year prison sentence for complicity in the murder of Hungarian Jews. On May 25, Dr. Greiff said, two more ex-Auschwitz officers will go on trial. One, Wilhelm Burger, will be charged with having procured the Zyclon-B gas used in the Birkenau gas chambers for killing Jews. The second, Josef Erber, has been indicted for having selected prisoners for the Birkenau gas chambers. In addition, Dr. Greiff de- clared, two batches of 10 ex- SS officers each will face sep- arate trials for killing Hun- garian Jews at Auschwitz. Still later, former Nazi po- lice officers who had killed many thousands of Jews in • Pinsk, in 1942, will face an- other count. At Cologne, Werner Schnone- mann, 52, a former SS officer, went on trial on charges of re- sponsibility in the shooting of at least 3,197 Jewish men, wom- en and children, as well as So- viet war prisoners, in Poland and Byelorussia, in 1941. He also faced a second charge of assisting in the shooting of an- other 800 Jews. A former SS major told a court at Brunswick trying five other former SS officers on charges of slaughtering 5,200 Jews Wednesday that he had been court martialed for refus- ing to obey a wartime order to round up Jews and to shoot them. Franz Klaus, 63, was a pros- ecution witness against the five former officers of the second Cavalry Regiment of the SS. They are accused of complicity in the killing of the Jews in Pinsk in White Russia. The five defendants have contended that refusal to obey orders to kill the Jews in Pinsk would have meant their own execution. Klaus testified that he was reduced to the rank of private and sentenced to five years in jail for his refusal. The sen- tence later was commuted to permanent serving in front- line "suicide commando" squads on the Russian front. Former Gen. Von Dem Bach Zelowski, now serving a life sentence for the murder of Jews and partisans during the war, also testified. He said, "I doubt if Gestapo head Heinrich Himm- ler would ever have put up for court martial an officer who refused to obey such orders." He said this was so because such action would have made public knowledge of the fact that such orders were being is- sued. He added that "maybe Major Klaus did not realize he was risking his life." * * * away before October 1, 1953" but who so far have received no compensation; and 3. Compensation for persons whose health suffered because of internment in labor camps or ghettos "or for reasons of per- secution have lived hidden un- der inhuman circumstances" on a level equal to those who have received compensation as a re- sult of "incarceration in a con- centration camp." • The resolution also asked that "persecutees unable under the provision of the German restitution law to comply with the key provision of proving the transfer of seized property to the geographical area pre- scribed by the law should have the opportunity to register their claim and, therefore, the reg- istration dates under the law should be reopened. * * $100,000 For Day School • MEMPHIS, (JTA)—A contri- bution of $100,000 by Sam Mar- golin, Memphis Jewish leader, marked the launching of a cam- paign to raise $500,000 for the Endowment Fund of the He- brew Academy, an Orthodox- sponsored all-day school. Rabbis to Petition Bonn for Grave Restoration NEW YORK, . (JTA) — A campaign has begun to gather 1 million signatures to peti- tion the West German govern- ment for indemnification to- ward restoration of graves in various European countries des- ecrated by the Nazis. The peti- tion drive was launched here by the American section of the A GOOD MAN TO KNOW ! For Some of the best buys on new Pontiacs and Tempest SkUt BEACH /mti /,‘eden,4 14 Acres I Resort Pleasure Features on Premises and Free to Guests 1,000 Feet of Bathing Beach Indoor Pool with Sun Lamps * Cabana Club, magnificent olympic pool * Bowling Lanes * Billiard Room * Tennis * Golf * Spa and Gym * Club Gigi * Complimentary entertainment * American / Europeab Plan. WO 2-4245 * * {..? European Plan American Plan • Spa Plan • VV AT Packer Pontiac 18650 LIVERNOIS 1 block South of 7 U N 3-9300 Nazi Victims in N.Y. Hold Protest Meeting on Restitution Lag NEW YORK, (JTA) — More than 1,500 men and women who survived the horrors of Nazi concentration camps met at the Hotel Americana here to pro- test against the proposed amendments to the West Ger- man indemnification and resti- tution laws. They consider the amendments insufficient to meet the needs of the thousands of persons who, for one reason or another, have not reecived just restitution or indemnification from the Bonn government. The meeting, sponsored by nine groups, adopted a resolu- tion which was sent to West German Prime Minister Lud- wig Erhard, Foreign Minister Gerhard Schraeder and Finance Minister Rolf Dahlgruen. Paying tribute to the contri- bution of the West German Re- public for what it has done in "the field of compensation," the resolution pointed out that many Nazi persecutees, who have received no restitution or indemnification, "have not only a moral but also an indisputable right to be compensated for their sufferings." The resolu- tion requested: 1. Equal rights for persecu- tees "who left the eastern bloc countries after the deadline of October 1, 1953" who have re- ceived no compensation from the German government; 2. Equality of treatment for widows "whose husbands passed World Center of European Rabbis. According to the organization, special Nazi battalions had de- stroyed Jewish cemeteries in the Soviet Union, Poland, Hun- gary, Romania, Czechoslovakia, France, Holland and Belgium. Efforts to obtain signatures to the petition will be made in all parts of the free world, the organizations leaders declared. When you plan that trip to Israel ... plan to fly non-stop via EL AL* Why. 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