`Arab Attack on Israel Would End UN Aim to Strip Anonymity front Charges on USSR By SAUL CARSON Partly due to old rules, partly ficity be allowed, since, other- in Defeat Again,' Says Ex-Chief JTA Correspondent at the through extension of those rules wise, "it is all but impossible to United Nations by custom, a specific country comment usefully on the gen- expected to undertake," but (Copyright, 1964, Jewish must not be named when viola- eral human rights situation in Israel represented a "partner- Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) ship" between the Jews of Is- UNITED NATIONS, N. Y.— tions of human rights are the world at large." rael and those of other coun- A start has been made here brought up. Speakers can re- Thus, if this rule is adopted, tries. He listed the purposes as toward taking the wraps off fer only to "a certain country," the UN Commission's periodic continuous immigration, devel- charges, made here often in re- a certain region, or use other reports on human rights would opment of the country "and se- cent years, that the Soviet subterfuges to keep the the include direct charges made by curity at the highest level." Union practices discriminations USSR anonymous. Thus, if the any nongovernmental g r o u p The Israeli official disclosed against USSR Jews, especially Soviet Union chooses to admit against any government. The that Israel's massive Negev ir- in the religious, cultural and hu- that the shoe fits—it can `do so. Kremlin would no longer be Most often, it simply ignores shielded by the rule of anony- rigation project scheduled to get man rights fields. the charges—since it had not mity—or or, as some here call underway this year was being A number of United Nations been named. implemented "in such a way diplomats, as well as represent- it, by "the practice of calling A proposal that the barrier a spade some kind of imple- that it will be possible to link atives of Jewish and other non- it to a wider irrigation network governmental organizations, are be removed was made here to ment." Let a spade be a spade, once our Arab neighbors agree just plain sick and tired of the the chairman of the Human they say. to it." It is true that not all here weasel terminology imposed on Rights Commission by Jan Referring to Arab threats them when it comes to naming Papanek, acting chairman of agree with such a change . . In- to stop the project by force, the USSR specifically as the hu- the International League for deed, even some friends of Is- he said, "We will never sur- man rights culprit. the Rights of Man. The Amen- rael fear that a change in the render our right to pump can Jewish Committee is an rule and/or custom would only to life Pure water and give affiliate of that League. open the doors to more anti- Symbolic 'Wall of Peace' the Negev. Diversion of wa- In its statement, the League Israeli charges by Communists told the Commission: "We haVe and their Arab allies. Others, ter sources by the Arabs . Featured at World's Fair would be consdiered by us A wall, symbolic of the New expressed our views on several however, note that anti-Israel- an act of aggression." York World's Fair slogan "Peace occasions in recent years re- ism have never been forbidden Speaking as a military expert, T h r o ugh Understanding," is garding the desirability of anyway. The chief benefactor he said it would be "a grievous now under construction at the establishing a procedure for the of the anonymity practice, they error" for the Egyptians to as- American-Israel Pavilion and receipt and circulation of infor- insist, is the USSR. "Take off sume they could "soften up Is- will be dedicated at special mation from non-governmental the wraps," they say, "and let sources . .. about human rights the Soviet Union fend for it- rael by using their accumula- tion of missiles which now in- opening day ceremonies on questions in specific countries." self." (Emphasis added.) clude surface weapons. Egypt April 22. The "Wall of Peace"—as it The rub is that one word is as vulnerable as Israel." IF YOU TURN THE Ambassador Arthur Lourie will be known—will face the "specific." The League holds told the banquet that the cor- visitor as he enters the Pavilion that such naming of specific diality with which Mrs. Golda for the exhibit entitled "A Jour- countries would help the Com- UPSIDE DOWN YOU WON'T Meir, Israel's foreign minister, ney Through 4,000 Years of mission and the entire United FIND A FINER WINE THAN Revenue Officials End was received in Britain earlier Jewish History." Nations to view general human Israel Strike; Hospital this year had affirmed British- Stones specially quarried at rights concepts and principles Israel friendship as well as a historically and Biblically signi- "against the background of con- Workers Walk Out common approach to many prob- ficant sites of the Holy Land crete situations and problems." TEL AVIV (JTA) — Five lems between Britain and have been cut and dressed to The League suggests in the Milan Wineries, Detroit, Mich. thousand striking income tax, Israel. form part of this wall. memorandum that the speci- customs and other revenue of- ficials returned to work, but 6,000 other government work- ers, employed at hospitals in nonmedical capacities, went out on strike. The hospital em- ployees are demanding higher wages. The 5,000 who returned to work, ending a walkout that began five days ago, called off their strike on the assur- ance that no punitive action will be taken against those who had left their jobs. His- tadrut, the Israel Federation extend Passover greetings to the Jewish Community of Labor, had announced it would place the striking of- and invite your inquiries for classes ficials on trial in a Histadrut commencing September, 1964 court for violating its ban. The end of the strike by the grades Kindergarten through Sixth Grade 5,000 came after some of those (projected plans call for the development of a full Junior and Senior High involved, employed at Lydda Airport a n d in the customs School program in the years ahead) division of the Port of Tel Aviv, had voted to call on their own central committee to end the work stoppage. Others of the strikers, at Jerusalem and Haifa, then an- nounced they would accept a Friends of the Akiva Hebrew Day School government proposal to investi- (IN FORMATION) gate their demands for special compensation for certain spe- Morris Novetsky Eugene Greenfield Cantor H. J. Adler cial or unpleasant duties. (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News) LONDON — Yigal Allon, Is- rael's labor minister and for- mer chief of staff, declared here Tuesday that if ."the Arabs attack us again the re- sult will be similar to that of 1948 and 1956." Israel defeated the combined Arab armies in the 1948 War of Liberation and Egypt in the 1956 Suez Cam- paign. Speaking at the national banquet of the Joint Palestine Appeal (JPA), Gen. Allon also warned President Nasser of Egypt that "The distance be- tween Egypt and Israel is ex- actly the same as that between Israel and Egypt." He added that "Israel is quite safe now." J. Edward Sieff, chairman of the banquet, told the guests that in 1963 the JPA raised 2,250,000 pounds (56,- 3 0 0 ,. 0 0 0 ) of its 3,000,000- pound ($8.4 million) goal. He said the target for 1964 was again 3,000,000 pounds and that the JPA hoped to achieve it. Gen. Allon said Israel was pursuing three main purposes simultaneously, "which is more than any modern state might be Jhe gounders of Jhe ahiva We/brew g)ct y & Lot Call 342-9119 - Mondays thru Thursdays - 1-4 p.m. only State Dept. Refuses Any Contact With Arab League Boycott Office WASHINGTON, (JTA) — The State Department refuses to have any contact whatsoever with the Arab League boycott office, which is operating from Damas- cus. It also refuses to enter into any correspondence with that office or with any of the boycott offices of individual Arab states, Assistant Secretary of State Frederick Dutton in- formed Sen. Hugh Scott of Pen- nsylvania. The Arab boycott against American firms dealing with Israel "is certainly an important factor preventing full and sat- isfactory relations between this country and the Arab states- men," Dutton wrote to the Sen- ator. He revealed that American of f i c i a l s abroad "are under standing instructions" to re-em- phasize that the State Depart- ment. "will not recognize or con- done the boycott." That which is altogether just shalt thou follow.—Deut. 16:20. Leonard Antel Moshe Hoar Rabbi Isaac Paneth David I. Berris Rabbi Israel I. Halpern Sam Platt Bernard Blase Dr. Leon Herschfus Rabbi Samuel H. Prero David Cern Dr. Myron H. Joyrich Seymour Ribiat Herman K. Cohen Dr. Max Kapustin Julius Rotenberg Hy Crystal Abraham B. Kar Edward Rothenberg Dr. Harold Deitch Jerome Kelmon Simon Ruzumna Rabbi Hayim Donin Ernest Klein Irving Schlussel David Dombey Ithamor Koenigsberg Simon Schwartzberg Julius Feigelmon Leslie Krakovits Abraham Selesny Morris Flatt Harold Lax Mrs. Charles Snow Harold Gabin Abbe A. Levi Elliot Steiman Charles T. Gellman Benno Levi Max Stollman Sam Ginsberg Dr. Charles Levi Phillip Stollman Dr. Jacob E. Goldman Jack Lieberman Zvi Tomkiewicz Rabbi James I. Gordon Rabbi Joel J. Litke William Weinstein David Greenbaum Erry Loewenthol Mortin Weinstock "It has become crystal-clear to me that the sur- vival of Jewish life in our country — and by Jewish life I mean the synagogue, Israel. Federation and its 116 institutions, non-affiliated charitable endeavors and other affairs of Jewish life — rests on knowing what Judaism is. Only the day school can supply that vital need. . . ." Edward Silver (New York District Atty.) "The Hebrew Day School offers the opportunity to educate the Jewish child for the role he will play in both the secular community and the community of his faith. The increasing number of children taking advantage of the programs offered bespeaks the contribution of the schools to the spiritual and moral. 'upbuilding of our youth." Senator Jacob Javits