▪ of the Middle Ages and apt to that the offending article was a Deputy Mayor Aziz Zu'be of Nazareth was a guest in Detroit tal of Judge Giovanni . Durando stir up hatred and disorder." religious polemic which could charges of offending the Jew- on Wednesday. He met with representatives of Hashomer The defense argued that the is- not be considered a violation of Hatzair-Progressives for Israel to inaugurate his drive here in ish religion in a case which de- sue was a "purely religious dis- criminal law. behalf of the Arab-Jewish Teachers College in Givat. Haviva, veloped during the trial of pute" and not meant to refer to Israel. Speaking to a group of Hashomer-Progressives Wednesday Adolf Eichmann in Jerusalem. Jews as persons. He cited the What the child speaks out of Judge Durando, editor of a night in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Kessler, 5270 Oakman, statements of the late Pope doors he has learned indoors.— weekly periodical, published an Zu'bi charged that Mapai leaders were responsible for military John XXIII that the death of Sukkah 56. restrictions on the Arab Israelis and he accused the Israel article declaring that Jews were "to be considered deicides in government of unjust and unwise alignment with western action," a n d "unconscientious colonial powers. He said advantages gained by Arabs were attain- and permanent authors of ed while Mapam was part of the government. He gave Israel Christ's crucifixion, deprived of credit for having elevated Arab standards educationally by est- the capacity to judge anybody ablishing schools in villages where they never before existed, by not belonging to their offspring helping to improve the health of the Arabs—he said infant mort- and lacking morality of any ality among Arabs has been reduced from 120 to 60 per 10,000 value." and that tuberculosis has been eradicated, thanks to Israel's A Jewish group whose mem- health measures. Nevertheless he called this balancing contrad- bers constituted themselves as ictory. Abraham Berniker of Windsor was chairman of Wednes- offended plaintiffs joined with day's meeting. Mrs. Devera Stocker is secretary of the group. a public attorney in bringing the * * charge against Judge Durando NEW YORK — "Israel is a history. literature and h u in a n who was acquitted by a lower fact, and Arab leaders who think values." court. The issue went to the ,‘ . . . There is room for an ap- Supreme Court on appeal by the it can be made to disappear are politically blind and are indulg- peal to the Arab masses above plaintiffs. Jewish sources said the decis- ing in wishful thinking." This the heads of their leaders to tell is the opinion of an Arab — them that peace is in the inter- ion of the Supreme Court paved the vice mayor of Nazareth. Ab- est of Jews and Arabs alike. the way for a bid for legisla- The Arab masses would grasp tion to equate the Jewish re- dal Aziz Zu'be. Zu'be, who also is editor of such an appeal by instinct, as ligion with the state Catholic the Arab newspaper "Al Mir- they often do in political mat- religion in regard to protecting adherents from contempt for re- sad" and is a leading member ters," Zu'be said. "Peace in the Middle East will ligion. This has been a long- of Mapam, spoke here on "Jew- ish-Arab Relations: a Construe- have to come some day and it standing goal of Italian Jews. tive Approach." can be brought nearer by such The Supreme Court decision The vice mayor declared that Israel actions as a declaration clearly indicated the lack of the recent summit conference in of a policy now in regard to the legislation to deal with public expressions of contempt for Cairo resulted in a "kind of in- problem of the Arab refugees. Judaism, also evidenced in the formal armistice in the cold war Not all of the refuges can re- acquittal earlier this week of between Israel and the A r a b turn to Israel or want to, but three young neo-Fascists who Mrs. Beaumont states" which must be exploited some could and should, without has two lunch hours by Israel through a new initia- affecting immigration of Jews. had been sentenced by a lower "The 'world at large' can at- court for smearing the Pisa tive on the refugee problem. synagogue with swastikas. Zu'be stated that "a new in- tribute to eventual peace by Yours and hers. Because many people bank from In the Supreme Court hear- itiative" on the refugee problem giving up 'the habit' of backing 12:00 to 2:00, Mrs. Beaumont spends your lunch hour should be offered to repatriate two rival sides. The Middle East ing, Pietro Lia, attorney the plaintiffs, declared that for Judge on the job—takes hers earlier. She and other members a certain number agreed upon should be excluded from the by both sides as a step towards ! arms race by an East-West of the staff at Manufacturers Bank rotate their hours FINEST PAINT IN 100 YEARS peace and "taking into consider- agreement," he said. so that you will receive prompt, courteous service Zu'be will tour a number of , ation the security and economl, of Israel." He added, "No ref- U.S. cities, including Detroit. whether you bank in the morning, noon, or afternoon. ODORLESS' ~ ugee should be allowed back in MIRACLE Whatever your banking needs, you can count on the Israel if he wants to go back ; PLASTIC kind of service that makes people pleased to say, only to be able to do away with Laytex Wall Paint Israel." "Manufacturers, that's my bank." Make it yours. READY ‘‘. . . The positive aspects of MIXED COLORS Reg. $6.99 Arab conditions in Israel, he WHITE & WHITE Sale said, "can be summed up in The American Committee for True Plastic • Serebbabte • terms of better education, health • Won't Blister or Peel • Brush It or Roll It services, national insurance and the Weizmann Institute of Sci- • Clean Up with Water ence has announced through its • Dries In 30 Minutes not a general improvement of the • Absolutely Odorless living standards of the 250.000 president, Abraham Feinberg, MAC-0-LAC PORCELAIN FINISH that $500,000 has been turned Israeli Arabs. Matching Colors to Laytex "The military government in over to the endowment fund of New alkyd formula! Now Only 4 411-e LAS Detroit - Dearborn - Highland Park - Avon Twp. - Bloomfield Twp. - the John F. Kennedy Memorial Dries to hard Carleton - Clinton Twp. - Dearborn Hts. - Farmington Twp. - Grosse $A95 semi-glossl the Arab areas is one of the Fellowships established recently porselain Pointe Woods - Melvindale - Nankin Twp. - Northville - Pleasant Covers in one coat! flat. Ridge - Redford Twp. - Romulus Twp. - Shelby Twp. - Southfield - negative aspects; it stems from at the Institute in Rehovoth, Absolutely scrubbable! Sterling Twp. - Warren—Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. the philosophy that Israel is for Israel. the Jew only and that the con- This sum represents the pro- venience and just demands of ceeds from the 18th annual Weiz- the Arab Israelis can be ignored," mann Dinner, which was addres- he said. sed by President Lyndon B. "There is an increasing Johnson in New York last month. number of Israeli Jews in all Feinberg said that Israel will walks of life, including mem- participate in the Kennedy En- bers of the government and dowment Fund to the extent of Parliament a n d political $1 million, of which a third will leaders who have declared be made available by the Israeli Of all the nights in that Israel's security has not government. the year, those of been served by the military Honorary chairman of the Is- Pesach a r e tradi- government. Premier Eshkol raele Committee for the Ken- has promised further improve- nedy Fellowships Fund is Is- tionally the ones ments in the condition of the rael's president, Zalman Shazar, when you and your Israeli Arabs and the Arabs and the chairman is Abba Eban. entire family get trust him to implement the deputy prime minister of Israel and president of the Weizmann promises. together. What " . . . The denial of the rights Institute. better way to corn- of the refugees as well as the memorate the holi- denial of the Jewish people's Hartford Church day . . . to drama- rights is not only a moral mis- take but a political sin. The Arab Exchange Baby- tize t h e present- citizens in Israel are the only Sitting Pact day festivities . . living bridge that can transmit and to display your HARTFORD, Conn., (JTA)— the values to the peoples on both sides. This bridge should be Congregants of Emanuel Syna- own good taste strengthen through full equality gogue and Horace Bushnell . . . than with these of the Arabs in Israel. instead of Church will complete a year of majestic handcraft- creating a feeling of second-class exchange arrangements on baby- citizenship . . sitting when synagogue mem- ed pieces from the "We Israel Arabs are proud of bers provide that service to the Land of Milk and the achievements we have in Is- church worshippers this coining Honey itself? rael . . . but there is still a gap Easter. The idea was originated between the Jews and Arabs. It at a synagogue PTA meeting is like a had wound in Israel's and approved by Rev. Philip body which must be cured in Ramstad and his congregation. order that we may understand The idea was first tested last each other's problems—language, Easter when four women syna- gogue members provided nurs- ery care for church members' children so the adults could attend Easter services. Volun- 13535 W. 7 MILE at SCHAEFER teers from the church later Dl 1-0569 or DI 1-3268 did baby-sitting for Jewish families during High Holy Day Open Saturday Evenings and All Day Sunday Services. '41111111145 --. MACO•LAC ! Americans Give 5500,000 to Kennedy Fund 99 - MANUFACTURERS HZZ.ICDHA. -c°3MK At BORENSTEIN'S • • • This Passover, add a touch of majesty to your seder with hand-crafted tableware from Israel. BORENSTEIN'S BOOK 6g. MUSIC STORE ip c ee'666 7-THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS—F riday, March 13, Arabs 'Blind' Who Don't Recognize Italian Supreme Court Upholds a Bigo t's Acquittal ROME, (JTA) — The Italian Durando's comments constituted 1Christ was to be blamed on all State of Israel, Says Nazareth Mayor Supreme Court upheld the aquit- "obscurantist intolerance worthy mankind. He argued therefore ea Cfb