350 Allied Jewish Campaigners Inspired by Abba Eipan European Rabbis Make Appeal for Russian Jewry would not dare a conflict until they were certain of success, he declared that Israel cannot af- ford to "tempt them" by secur- ity weaknesses. Eban expressed confidence that American Jews are not tired of giving, that if they could not continue their great humanitarian services "it would take the light out of their lives"; that they feel a sense of pride in the continuing labors to res- cue the hundreds of thousands whose prospects of salvation, he declared, addressing himself to his audience, "depends on you." He concluded by declaring: "In the spirit of solemnity, I ask you to continue your ac- tions, that you will stand with us as ever, until Israel shall have emerged from the shadows into a gentler age." Eban was introduced by Max M. Fisher, who also conducted the initial pledge-inviting por- tion of the evening. He was assisted in the calling of pledges by Lewis Grossman. Eugene Epstein and Aubrey Ettenheimer, chairmen of the real estate and Mechanical trades divisions, alternated in presiding at the dinner meeting. Cantor H. Orbach led in the singing of the national anthems. Rabbi Richard Hertz gave the invocation. Charles Gershenson, campaign chairman, also ad- dressed the gathering. It was announced that the where $2,267,485 was reported mechanical trades division, raised towards the 1964 goal ) which last year raised $964,000, already has to its credit $720,- 000 in pledges and that the real estate division, with last year's income of $709,318, al- ready has secured $360,150. Certified Master Watchmaker (Abba Eban held two days' and Jeweler meetings with top Administra- 18963 Livernois Ave. tion officials and Congressional leaders in Washington last UN 1-8184 week. He met with Secretary of OPEN THURS. TO 9 P.M. State Dean Rusk, Under Secre- tary of State Averell Harriman, George Bundy, Presidential as- sistant for national security af- fairs; Assistant Secretary of State for International Organi- Poultry zations Harland Cleveland, and with Republican and Democratic Senators at the invitation of WE CARRY A COMPLETE SELECTION OF Sen. Stewart Symington of FROZEN EMPIRE KOSHER and KOSHER Missouri. BEST: • TURKEYS-5 to 22 1 /2 Lbs. • DUCKS (Eban addressed the midwest UJA conference in Chicago last CAPONS • FRYERS • ROASTERS • Friday. He spoke at a number CORNISH HENS • of community functions in be- half of the UJA and he de- All Completely Cleaned . scribed the need for economic assistance to Israel at the cam- Ready For The Pot And — paign dinner in Philadelphia Ready For Passover!! GEORGE OHRENSTEIN KAPLAN BROS. tJ(t:sciand 18229 WYOMING CASH FOR ISRAEL BONDS 341-5477 DETROIT WE DELIVER — UN 1-4770 Member Detroit Kosher Meat Dealers Association Classified Ads Bring Results ! (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News) ROME — A two-day confer- ence of European rabbis ended Wednesday with a decision to submit a memorandum to the Soviet government expressing grave concern about the relig- ious situation of Soviet Jewry "who are denied religious free- dom guaranteed by the Soviet constitution." The resolution, which will be given to the Soviet ambassador in Rome, also asked the So- viet government to permit the baking of matzoth in state fac- tories. Rabbi A. Rose of Britain cited a memorandum from official sources showing a de- crease in the number of syna- gogues in Russia from 450 in 1954 to N in 1963 and said that large Jewish communities had been left without a single house of worship. The memorandum expressed concern about the difficulties facing Russian Jews in obtain- ing matzho. The memorandum asked that permission be given for the manufacture of ritual articles. It also asked authorization to permit ties for Russian Jews with Jewish organizations in other countries and appealed especially for adequate govern- ment measures to halt anti- Semitic propaganda. The rabbis were guests of honor at a reception tendered by Italian Jewish leaders at which Fausto Pitigliani, presi- dent of the Rome Jewish com- munity, stressed that the time and place of the conference might prove to be well chosen in view of "present hopes for understanding and a p- proach among the monotheistic religions." Judge Piperno, president of the union of Italian Jewish Communities, discussed Soviet discrimination against Russian Jews. It is because of his wife that a man's house is blessed.—Baba Metzia 59. • .... ..• ..... - ...... •-• • PUT YOUR TAX- CUT DOLLARS TO WORK ... Your tax-cut dollars can be that additional sum of money you've been intending to save. Make them even more, in a high-earning savings account, insured to $10,000 by an agency of the Federal Government, and save for that sunny day . 7=- = the American way. E- - 5.4 compounded and paid quarterly ... the highest rate on insured savings in Michigan rimmmmmmmmmmommmmmmmmn AMERICAN SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION MICHIGAN'S LARGEST STATE-CHARTERED SAVINGS AND LOAN INSTITUTION, Main Office: Woodward & Congress, Telephone: WO 5-5800 ■ Telegraph Rd. at Maple Rd. West Nine Mile Rd. near Coolidge BRANCH OFFICES: Livernois at West Seven Mile Rd. Dexter Boulevard at Cortland • West Eight West Fourteen Mile Rd. near Crooks Rd. Van Dyke at East Seven Mile Rd. East 10 Mile Rd. near Kelly Rd. West Fort Street at Military Telegraph Rd. at Schoolcraft Mile Rd. west of Lahser ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ The First Jewish Nursing Home In Detroit For Convalescent, Chronic and Aged. DAVID NU R I • • • • Private, Semi-Private and Ward Accomodations Frances Rosenzweig, R.N. • Facilities for 55 Patients Special Diets Supervisor Registered and Licensed Practical Nurses on Duty Highly Qualified Hospital Personnel Providing Excellent Care Around the Clock Established in 1947 113241 W. CHICAGO C .O'R. LI)11TIL=FIMILD For Information Call: TE 4-6670 or TE 4-1192 • Attractive Economical Rates • Your Own Physician Welcome D ETROIT J EWISH NEWS—Frid ay, Ma rch 1 3 , 1964 (Continued from Page 1) country's defense, continua- tion of the policy of an open door for the hordes of immi- grants who must find haven in Israel, the country's heavy burdens of indebtedness which compel it to maintain its financial reserve in order to continue the meticulous rec- ord of repayment of all its borrowings, and the obligation to extend its technological and educational processes. On the latter score. Eban placed emphasis on the manner in which Israel is overwhelmed by Arabs. whose territories, •stretching from the Atlantic to the Persian Gulf, are 500 times the size of Israel and their num- bers 40,000,000 to I s r a el's 2,350,000. He said by 1980 it will be 100,000,000 to Israel's 4,000.000, and he warned that "only by a high degree of scien- tific and allied accomplishments can Israel be expected to hold its own against the sheer weight of Arab numbers." By the same token, he said, while Nasser and the heads of 13 states decided at the recent Cairo conference not to wage war against Israel because they w