Thunderbird Country Day Thunderbird Day Camp, a Camp directors Mickey Stern member of the American Camp- and Arnold Fisher announce ing Association, strictly adheres that Hal Kutnick has joined as to the standards and philoso- phies set down by this organiza- a director. He will personally supervise tion. An open house will be held the swim program at the heated I May 24. For information, call pool. EL 6-8893. New track, field and physical fitness areas are now part of DIAMONDS OF EXCELLENCE the camp program. Baseball in- archery, fencing, ba- ton lessons, horseback riding and camperaft are among the other features on the camp's 21 acres. Thunderbird's four large buildings permit the rotation of activities such as arts and crafts, indoor plays, singing, rest per- Open Thursday 'til 9 p.m. iods and overnights. Women's Clubs JEWISH HOME FOR AGED, YOUNG WOMEN OF JNF, WOMEN'S LEAGUE, Chil- dren's Orthogenic School, will newly formed affiliate with the Women's Auxiliary, will hold its sponsor a guided tour of the parent Women's Auxiliary of annual meeting and election of school and Hawthorne Center, the Jewish National Fund, an- officers 12:30 p.m. Monday at state institution for emotionally nounces recently elected offic- Northland Concourse, Lot E disturbed children Tuesday. The ers are Mesdames Faith Otis, entrance. Mrs. Samuel Weller, group will meet at the school president; Thelma Schurgin, nominating chairman, will pre- 9:30 a.m., where Sid Graber, di- secretary; Betty Pernick and sent the slate of officers, and a rector, will discuss the school's Marylin Gordon, progra m; musical "Wajha Revue" will be aims and conduct the tour. A Sanadra Formin, correspond- presented by Mesdames David box luncheon will be served 11 ence; Eileen Granadier, finan- Cohen, Sanford Lakin, Julius a.m., and at noon the group cial secretary; Noreen Sillman, Pliskow and Allan Weisberg. will set off by chartered bus public relations; Marcie Roth, Refreshments will be served. for Hawthorne Center, North- tree chairman; and Roslyn Guests are invited, according Bass, president. ville. Guests invited. For reser- Nosan, Roslyn Trunsky and to Mrs. George * * vations, call Mrs. Gerald Gur- Sally Rodin, board members. Plans are being made for a TEMPLE ISRAEL SISTER- vis, BR 3-7749, or Mrs. George !bazaar and auction in June. HOOD will close its book re Kayes, LI 2-0016. 1 1•11•11111111•111 ■ 1111.1•1 ■ I * * * view-breakfast series with Leon * * * PURITY CHAPTER, Order of Wells' autobiography "The Jan- DELTA PHI EPSILON, De- the Eastern Star, will hold an owska Road" Monday at the troll Alumnae Chapter, will --- "East and West Night" honor- temple. Rabbi M. Robert Syme present its annual fashion show ing Anne and Al Weiner Mon- will deliver the review at 11 8 p.m. April 8 at Bnai Moshe day evening at Eureka Temple. a.m. following 10 a.m. break- Synagogue. Prizes will be fea- Dinner will be served 6:30 p.m. fast. Luncheon chairman is tared along with a showing of and initiations at 7:45. For in- Mrs. Elmer Raskin; ticket chair- Choose assortments of fine foods, confections, liquors the latest ladies' and children's formation on reservations call man, Mrs. Charles Goldstein. and wines, attractively packaged in beautiful baskets fashions. All proceeds are do- Mrs. F. Herwitz, UN 2-1197. * * and other containers. We have superb selections in * * * nated • to the Cystic Fibrosis As- CLUB TWO, Pioneer Women, every price range to please the most sociation. For reservations, call SHER.UTH LEAGUE presi- will meet noon Wednesday at discriminating taste. Mrs. Bertha Strauss, LI 6-4926. dent Mrs. Jack Weinstein in- the Labor Zionist Institute, an- * * * SHOP EARLY- ENJOY YOUR HOLIDAYS MORE! vites the public to a noon lunch- nounces president Blanche Rose. ROSE STEINHARDT - BOOK eon meeting Tuesday at Sholem Guest speaker Lillian Boren- MAX BURNS REVIEW CLUB will meet for Aleichem Institute. Dr. Herbert stein will discuss Jewish music, luncheon 12:30 p.m. Saturday Bloom will show slides and lec- and refreshments will be served. at the home of Mrs. Hyman ture on his experiences aboard Guests invited. Horenstein, 17303 Prairie. Mrs. the SS Hope in Peru. Mrs. Mil- * * * Simon Slutsky will review "The ton Mellin and Mrs. Michael BATYA CHAPTER, Mizrachi 24695 COOLIDGE at 10 MI.• Group" by Mary McCarthy. Dreyer will serve the luncheon, Women, will meet 8:30 p.m. LI 1-4428 or LI 1 9575 * * * and Mrs. Samuel Winer is pro- Tuesday at the home of Mrs. WORLD-WIDE OPEN EVES. 'TILL 11 P.M. DELIVERY TEMPLE ISRAEL SISTER- • gram chairman. Frank Leiderman, 18946 Cher- * * * HOOD will host an Easter party rylawn. A film on the work of for the children of Northville KINNERET CHAPTER, Pi- Mizrachi, "Looking to the Fu- State Hospital 1:30 p.m. Thurs- oneer Women, announces coin- ture," will be shown, and Mrs. day at the hospital. Refresh- pletion of plans for the second James Gordon w i 11 discuss ments will be served and gifts annual Sunday evening dinner „ Integration in Israel." A dis- given to each child. A hooten- and games night 6 p.m. Sunday play of Passover symbols also anny wil be conducted by David at Sholem Aleichem Institute. will be featured. ,, * * Wasserman, and there will be Proceeds will go to the Ken- dancing. Baskets made by Girl nedy Scholarship Fund in Israel. THE LADIES OF YESHI- Scout Troop 152 will be filled For reservations, call Lillie VATH BETH YEHUDAH and with candy. Mrs. Irving Kramer Goldman, UN 4-4785. A regular WOMEN'S SABBATH LEAGUE and Mrs. Louis Rosenzweig, .meeting will be held noon will hold an oneg shabbat 3 p.m. chairmen, are assisted by • Mes- Wednesday at the Labor Zion- March 21 at Cong. Beth Yehu- dames M. Aptekar, Mrs. E. ist Institute. Sophia Tatelman dah on Dexter. Rabbi Chaim Leader, Mrs. R. Tullman, Mrs. Wise, president, will introduce Hollander will be guest speak- Y. Hertz and Mrs. J. Kurzman, the guest speaker, Mrs. Everet er, and refreshments will be Mrs. Ernest Golumbia is presi- Straus, who will discuss the . served. Mrs. Bertha Faigenbaum dent. civil rights issue. Frances .Dri- is arrangements chairman. * * * • GUARANTEED DELUXE HOTEL RESERVATIONS ker and Ruth Gosman will be Guests invited. (Including 5% NYC Hotel Tax) UNION OF ORTHODOX SIS- hostesses for the dessert lunch- (More Clubs Page 25) TERHOODS, Great Lakes Region, eon. Guests invited. ADMISSION TICKETS TO WORLD'S FAIR • will hold its final talk in the TRANSPORTATION TO WORLD'S FAIR • PRIMROSE BENEVOLENT Town Hall Lecture Series 10 MOTOR COACH TOUR OF WORLD'S FAIR • CLUB will hold a Child Rescue a.m. Monday at Cong. Young .1 1/ 4114Pt4 Israel of Greenfield. Mrs. Joshua Party 8:30 p.m. Monday at • OFFICIAL WORLD'S FAIR GUIDE BOOK Sperka will discuss "The Vilna Sholem Aleichem Institute. Re- Gaon." A continental breakfast freshments will be served. 2 iin'n orroom, Pcheroipeer osof nTw will be served by the congrega- Guests invited. * tion's sisterhood. Guests invited. Double Bed * * * DETROIT CANCER FIGHT- ERS, City of Hope, will hear FAINNIE GLUCK CHAPTER, Mizrachi Women, will meet 12:30 Detroit authoress Frita Drapkin • Airline Reservations Available • p.m. Monday at Cong. Beth Ye- Monday evening at Raleigh huda. Luncheon will be served, House. She will review her and a film "Marching Towards books "Mamma Is a Citizen" Tomorrow" will be shown. Host- and "Pappa's Golden Land." A esses will be Mesdames Louis business meeting at 8 p.m. will UN 4 4464 19437 LIVERNOIS Bigman, Aaron Margolis and precede the talk. Refreshments Just North of Outer Drive LI 4-4449 Jack Stevens. Guests invited. will be served. * * * PARKWOOD CHAPTER, NEGBAH CHAPTER. Pioneer Women, will hold a social meet- Women's American ORT, will HURRY ! ONLY 2 WEEKS LEFT FOR DISCOUNT PRICES ! ing 12:30 p.m. Wednesday at the hold an open chapter meeting Labor Zionist Institute. Election 12:30 p.m. Wednesday at the of officers will be held. Refresh- Michigan Consolidated Gas Co., ments will be served by hos- where a special program will be A Fic tesses Mrs. Isadore Kaplan and ' presented, announces president "d Riaf fty i GI AM Mrs. Abraham Spivack. Mrs. Jack Rubin. Prizes will be awarded. Guests invited. For for Boys Girls 3-11 reservations, call Mrs. Elizabeth FAMILY Schlafer, UN 1-7269, or Mrs. Leon Simon, UN 1-0207, by 5►4111 CLUB Monday. * A.hc‘A o BOOK STUDY GROUP, Pio- IN YOUR HOME PLAN . 0 4" neer Women, will hold its month- CAA p r ly book review 1 p.m. Saturday • at the home of Mrs. Harry Mon- lowor dry, 22902 Bellwood, Southfield. Per Week Chairman Mrs. Harold Noveck With Music will review Joanne Greenberg's OUR EARLY ENROLLMENT Lessons "The King's Persons," according to Mrs. Sam Fishman, vice presi- DISCOUNT WILL BE IN EFFECT dent of education. All Pioneer FOR ALL REGISTRATIONS Women are invited. RECEIVED 61 APRIL 1. * * PHONE UN 3-6997 information call... OAKLAND HILLS CHAPT- DIRECTORS: sosEN EPSTEIN Ask for Mr. Snyder ER, Women's American ORT, I4PROLD GROVE HAROLD MICHAELS will celebrate its fourth birth- K E. 5 -SW day 8:30 p.m. Wednesday at Holiday Kosher Catering. Hus- ASK ABOUT OUR 11 WEEK AND SATURDAY CAMPING PROGRAMS 19400 LIVERNOIS bands invited. ■ For Truly Luxurious Giving For Any Occasion .. . Gift Baskets Say It Best ! BOTTLE 'n' GIFT - RESERVE NOW 'Ir j-14 L, FOR OFFICIAL NEW YORK'S WORLD'S FAIR TOUR!! 3 DAYS, 2 NIGHTS )-- $ /— Joseph's Studio of Coiffeur GRINNELL'S NEW PIANO TOTEM POLE DAY CAMP 4 • 11111111•11, 95 Elkin Travel Bureau - f. ocks oho N410 0 6 LR4 es