Friday, March 6, 1964—THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS-38 W. Germany Rejects Extended Time Limit on Nazi Prosecution Witnesses Describe Deaths in Ovens; Baby Burned Alive (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News) cially a Dr. Clauberg, tried vari- ous injections for sterilization on women inmates. "After receiving injections, these women were kept in Clau- berg's station for three months' observation and later gassed," Muench testified. KARLSRUHE — A proposed extension of the statute of limi- tations for prosecution of Nazi war crimes was rejected Tues- day by West German Justice Minister Ewald Bucher. * * * The proposal was made last week by the American Jewish Jews With U.S. Passports Congress in letters to Secretary Annihilated in Auschwitz of State Dean Rusk and Karl An Auschwitz murder camp Knappstein, West German am- survivor declared for the first bassador to the United States. time that transports to the The statute is scheduled to be- camp included in 1943 a group come effective in 1965. of Jews with U.S. passports. The Jewish organization The disclosure was made in pointed out that earlier statutes testimony at the trial by Dr. of limitations already prevent Otto Wolken of Vienna, a sur- prosecution for major war vivor of the camp. The Vienna physician had crimes other than murder. The new limitations will permanent- given detailed testimony impli- ly bar prosecutions for all Nazi cating defendant Stefan Baretz- war crimes, the organization ki in a number of murders. A defense attorney challenged Dr. said. * * * Wolken to identify Baretzki. FRANKFURT (JTA) — The As a hushed silence fell burning of a Jewish baby alive, over the courtroom in the the stuffing of the gas ovens Frankfurt City Council cham- at Birkenau with so many Jew- ber, Dr. Wolken walked slow- ish victims that the Nazis had ly down the aisle of seats oc- to build an outdoor pyre to cupied by the defendants. He cremate the martyrs more stopped in front of the desk quickly, and the deaths of many where a balding, greying man from rat bites were described of 44 was sitting and pointed in detail here at the trial of 22 to him. "That is he," Dr. Wol- former Auschwitz-Birkenau of- ken said as Baretzki's face ficers, guards and medical per- turned white. During hours of virtually un- sonnel. The testimony came from a interrupted testimony, Dr. Wol- non-Jewish woman physician, ken told dramatic stories of Dr. Ella Lingens, of Vienna. courage of some of the millions She spent two years at Ausch- who perished at the huge Au- witz for having been active as schwitz-Birkenau murder com- an anti-Nazi in the Austrian Social Democratic party. "I was not a typical pris- oner," she told the court, "but I saw and heard everything. The mortality rate in the women's camp was as high as 350 a day. They died from Writing in the Texas Quar- disease, exhaustion, beatings, hunger." Rats attacked both terly, in 1958, on "My Political the dead and the living, she Philosophy," Lyndon B. John- said. son, then the majority leader of Dr. Lingens added that 700 the United States Senate, stated: women were gassed so their barracks could be disinfected. "I am a free man, an Ameri- She said she knew about the can, a United States Senator, Birkenau crematorium almost and a Demo- as soon as she arrived at the crat, in that death camp. "At first, I thought order, and it was used only to cremate there, for me, bodies of people who had died the classifying `natural' deaths. stops." "Then one night I saw wom- This is one en being driven into the gas of the dicta ovens, screaming and begging offered to the for mercy. About 15 minutes readers of "A later, I saw the smoke becoming Time for Ac- thicker, rising from the chim- tion—A Selec- neys. Then I knew." tion from the Early in 1944, she said, Speeches and thousands of Hungarian Jews Writings o f The President were brought into the camp. Lyndon B. Johnson-1953-64", "They sent so many to the published by Atheneum (162 E. gas chambers," she continued, 38th, NY16). The book is filled "that the crematoria were too with excerpts of President full. So they built a pyre out- Johnson's uttered policies and doors, and threw bodies into principles. The publishers ex- the fire. I saw one SS officer plain that the selections were throwing a live baby into the made with the author's permis- fire." sion shortly before he became The white-haired, 55-year-old President of the United States. doctor described how she and Their explanatory note states another woman inmate saw a that the compilation "is de- Gestapo man hurl a live baby signed to be selective rather into a pit of fire near the camp than complete and to present crematoria. the principal expressions of his Dr. Lingens said they had views in the high offices he has sneaked up to see what was be- occupied since he became the ing burned. "We saw it was Democratic leader in the Sen- bundles of something, bodies or ate in 1953. All the speeches old clothing." and writings are given in full, "Suddenly one of the SS as they were written and de- men threw something that livered." moved," she said. "I said, 'Oh There are two important my God, he's throwing a dog in there' But I was near- speeches in this voltune that sighted. The other woman were delivered by Johnson said, `It's not a dog—it's a at Jewish gatherings—one, on child, a living child'." Another witness at the Frank- June 8, 1957, at the annual furt trials told of sterilization conferenec of the United Jew- experiments practiced on wom- ish Appeal in New York, and en inmates of Auschwitz. He is the other, April 4, 1963, also Dr. Hans Wilhelm Muench, who said he worked in a research in New York, on receiving the Bnai Brith Human Rights institute at Auschwitz. said SS physicians, espe- Award. plex. One of them involved a transport of Jews with U.S. passports which arrived at the Birkenau camp on Oct. 25, 1943. "One woman in this transport suddenly realized where she was and began screaming 'This is Auschwitz'," Dr. Wolken re- lated. "An SS man named Scheldinger tried to calm her. Suddenly she grabbed his pis- tol, shot him dead and wound- ed another guard before she was overpowered. "In revenge," Dr. Wolken added, "the other guards start- ed shooting wildly into the group. I don't know how many were killed that day." Once in 1944, he said, he watched a group of Polish Jews being led to the gas chambers, among them many children and teen-agers. "A boy of about 14 stopped in ront of a group of SS guards and said defiantly to them `Don't think you'll go unpun- ished; some day you'll go to the same place we are go- ing,'" Dr. Wolken said. The witness-survivor said that the chances for survival of prisoners who were not sent to the gas chambers were not much better than for those who were gassed. After the camp's liberation by the Russian Army in 1945, Dr. Wolken testified, he found some documents which told the details of 15 transports which arrived between April and July of 1942. In specific charges against Baretzki, Dr. Wolken said that the defendant and some other guard shot and killed 11 prison- ers on the inspection grounds after one of them tried to flee and another sought to protect himself from a beating. Dr. Wolken also testified that in April 1944, Baretzki beat an inmate, Mihail Liszka to death with a club. The doctor said he was "about six yards from the scene. I brought Liszka to the barracks building where he died. Death was definitely due to the beating." Nazi Arrested in Argentina; Came Often From Germany (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News) BUENOS AIRES — Gerhard Bohne, who jumped bail and fled from West Germany last July to escape trial on charges of heading Hitler's euthanasia program, was arrested here Monday. He told police that he traveled frequently between West Germany and Argentina since his first visit in 1949. He said he came to Argentina that year with the aid of follow- ers of former dictator Juan Pe- ron, who, in addition to helping him get the necessary docu- ments, gave him funds to act as a liaison between the Argentina government and prominent Nazi personalities who were interest- ed in going to Argentina. He was arrested on request of West German authorities for return to Limburg, where the trial in which he was to have been a defendant is un- derway with only one of the original four defendants pres- ent. He said the Argentine em- bassy in Bonn facilitated his trips. He also said that in Bue- nos Aires he had entered "a Jewish business" and that he 2 Historic Speeches at Jewish Gatherings, Tribute by Stevenson, in the President's A Time for Action'u Johnson's Utterances - In the UJA speech, entitled "The Open Curtain," the Presi- dent referred to the UJA workers as people who have dedicated their lives to helping their fellow men, and he com- mended them for their "envi- able record." He spoke about the problems of the atomic age, the East-West struggle, the aims to achieve peace through the UN. Then he turned to the aims associated with the UJA and said: "You have been associated with many humanitarian causes—and one of them is creating a sanctuary - for the oppressed. The sanctuary, Israel, stands today—perma- nent and enduring—in the midst of what once was desert. "Creating that sanctuary meant that rivers had to be dammed; fields had to be toiled; houses had to be built; the resources of nature had to be tapped. "These are the tasks to which all of humanity should be dedicated. "We have had enough of oppression and wars; of trouble and turmoil; of the frustration of every normal human impulse. We have seen noble impulses thwarted and turned to ignoble ends. We have watched the fruits of genius warped and turned into the paths of destruction. "This is not the work of the people of the world. It is the work of the small group of selfish and twisted men who withhold from their fel- low human beings the indis- pensable tool of freedom—the truth. "As you go about your hu- manitarian work, I want to leave you with one thought tonight. "You are people who seek to build, not to tear down. And when doors are opened had "no animosity" toward "the Jewish race." He also asserted that he had "many Jewish friends" and that his sister, who works in the German hospital in Buenos Aires, "spends her free time at- tending Jews." He admitted freely, under po- lice questioning, that gas cham- bers were used to implement the program for protecting "the purity of the German race" by killing of mentally and physical- ly crippled Germans deemed unfit by the Nazis to live. He said the program was only for the insane and other "physically defective" people and that while he was in- volved in the program, 80,000 such persons were killed. Dr. Werner Heyde, accused of succeeding Bohne as director of the program, committed sui- cide by hanging himself in his jail cell shortly before the trial opened. Dr. Friedrich Tillman, an- other defendant, jumped or fell to his death in Cologne the day before the Heyde suicide. Only Hans Hefelmann is in the dock- et in the Limburg trial, now in its second month. Hefelmann h a s testified that Nazi nurses who worked overtime to destroy handi- capped children received ex- tra pay and Christmas bonuses. He told of his "difficulties" in establishing a children's ward to do the job, and also in finding a German doctor to per- form the "operation." He said a Dr. R en e au eventually was brought from Austria for the work. Hefelmann, 58, was an official in the Hitler chancellory, help- ing run the "euthanasia," "mer- cy killing" program. * * * Testifies How Children Saw Killing of Parents BRUNSWICK, (JTA) — Otto Kielhorn, a Nazi storm trooper during World War II, described during the trial of five former SS officers charged with mur- dering 5,200 Jews in Pinsk, Po- land, how the Nazis forced Jew- ish children to watch their par- ents being massacred. Kielhorn said the Pinsk Jews had been rounded up, robbed of their valuables, and forced to strip down to their underwear, While the children watched, he said, the parents were killed. Then he said, the "children were driven into the line of fire of light machineguns," and all murdered. so the people of the world can find the truth for them- selves, we can all turn to building—building a better life for ourselves and our children. "The people can be trusted. It is time the case be turned over to them." Johnson's speech to the Bnai Brith less than a year ago was entitled "The Century of Human Rights," Thanking Bnai Brith for the Human Rights Award, he said: "The intense fury with which the totalitarians of both the right and the left deny the concept of human rights is the * * measure of their realization that Auschwitz Survivors Appeal their cause is doomed." He made to Refuse Asylum to Nazis this significant statement: PARIS, (JTA)—An appeal to "It is difficult for our gen- all governments of the world to eration—which has known of help bring former Nazis to just- Dachau and Warsaw, of the ice was issued here by the In- imprisonment of cardinals, ternational Auschwitz Commit- and the fate of Passover in tee, at a conference of 100 dele- the Soviet Union—to realize gates representing death camp the tremendous advance of survivors from 14 countries. The appeal requested that no the concept of equal rights in government give asylum to Nazi the mid-twentieth century." war criminals, but aid in their In Johnson's "A Time for Ac- apprehension and amend sta- tion" appear, in addition to nu- tutes of limitation so that no merous of his speeches as Sena- former Nazi criminal would go tor, his noteworthy Presidential free even if his crime had gone addresses—to Congress on Nov. undiscovered for a number of 27; to the nation on Thanks- years. giving Day, Nov. 28; to the UN General Assembly, Dec. 17; his State of the Union message, last Jan. 8. Adlai E. Stevenson, in an in- troduction to the Johnson book, Stops itch—Relieves Pain pays the President this tribute: For the first time science has found "Come now, and let us reason a new healing substance with the as- together' is Lyndon Johnson's tonishing ability to shrink hemor- and to relieve pain without favorite quotation and his best rhoids surgery. In case after case, while characterization. I can't recall gently relieving pain, actual reduc- when I first heard him use these tion (shrinkage) took place. Most of all — results were so thor- words from Isaiah. But for the amazing ough that sufferers made astonishing 30 years I have known him—as statements like "Piles have ceased t6 a Congressional secretary, Con- be a problem!" The secret is a new gressman, Senate maj or it y healing substance (Bio-Dynee)— of a world-famous research leader, Vice President, and now covery institute. This substance is now avail. President—reasoning together, able in suppository or ointment fern; face to face, has been his called Preparation Mk At all drug 'punters. method and his strength." Shrinks Hemorrhoids Without Surgery