1964-TH E DETR OIT JEWISH NEWS- 2 Purely Commentary Is the Nazi Spirit Being Resurrected?. During the picketing of "The Deputy," on the play's opening night, a placard prominently displayed the slogan: "the lie of the 6,000,000." A prize-winning Princeton University freshman wrote to the student newspaper deriding "the image" of the 6,000,000. Wayne State University's student newspaper published a letter written by an Arab ridiculing the Jewish cry of persecu- tion and similarly reviving a Nazi slogan. The Arab propagandist, it is true, attempted a pose of sanctimony by saying he would join in the fight against Hitlerism. Was that the case with the Arab nations during the war, when they were aligned with the Nazis and played both ends to attain all their objectives? What about the former Mufti of Jerusalem who went to Germany as an advisor for the extermination of the Jews by the Nazis? Didn't the WSU Collegian's correspondent follow a similar line when he spoke out for homelessness for Jewry? Who are these propagandists who would condemn Jewry to permanent wanderers on the face of the earth? Is it possible that a new corruption of the human Mind has set in and that the Nazi spirit is regaining its influence? It has been said that Arab propaganda, financed by "oil money," is in some measure responsible for the renewed neo- Nazism. Perhaps it is, simply, the Nazi idea which may not have perished except that Hitler and his hordes were defeated. Yet, during the past few days there has been presented evidence that should shame all who have not been deranged by insanity at the very .thought that mankind had failed to come to the aid of our kinsmen who were marked for death. Here are two items, in a single week's news that has been filled with evidence of Nazi brutalities, that should cause those who have demon- strated anti-Semitically (including our Arab Semitic cousins) to hang their heads in utter disgrace: BRUNSWICK, German y, FRANKFURT, Germany, Feb. 25 (UPI) — A former March 2—(UPI)—A woman Nazi storm trooper told a doctor today told the Ausch- West German war crimes witz death camp trial that court today how his SS (elite she watched Gestapo guards guard) unit forced Jewish burning babies alive. children to watch their Dr. Ella Lingens, a former Auschwitz inmate, said the fathers being shot to death before they were herded to camp commandant ordered their own deaths in front of the babies burned because machine guns. there was no room for them Otto Kielhorn testified for in the jammed gas chambers. * * the prosecution in the trial of five former SS officers The Vienna woman doctor, accused of directing the mas- thrown into the camp by the sacre of 5,200 Jews in Pinsk, Nazis for "political reasons," Byelorussia, during World said she worked in the War II. women's hospital. There was He said the Jews were almost no medicine but about rounded up, marched out of 7,000 starving patients, She town after being stripped of said babies were born in their valuables by security wards filled with women suf- policemen, forced to strip to fering from typhus, cholera their underwear and killed and other diseases. as the children watched. "One of the children even "The children then were lived for nearly a year," - she driven into the line. of fire said. of light machine guns," he said. This disgrace is not that of the American Nazis alone, but of those who have given them a platform. We would not deny to any one—even to an anti-Semite, and certainly to our Arab cousins. But the line must be drawn when correspondents incite to riot and to murder. That's what the Princeton freshman did: yet he was given high honors two days after his letter was published. That's what the Arab studying in Detroit did: yet our university's newspaper gave a platform to someone inciting to hate and bigotry. In Germany, in Austria, in Romania, there were university professors and college students who were the leaders of anti- Semitic movements who had set the tone for bigotry and the perpetration of massacres against Jews. It is possible that this can happen also in universities in our great land of freedom and justice? Genocide ... Fulbright ... the National Interest Congressman Seymour Halpern made a strong statement in the U.S. House of Representatives, urging that the U.S. Senate ratify the Genocide Convention, which aims to outlaw the persecution of religious and national groups, and . which already has been adopted by more than 60 nations, including the Soviet Union. But the United States and Great Britain still are hesitant to declare that anything like that approximating the Nazi holo- caust should be outlawed by humanity! What a sad commentary on an American shortcoming! And possibility of getting action in support of the Genocide Convention is so remote! Only a few months ago. Senator J. W. Fulbright, chairman of the U.S. Senate Foreign , Relations Committee, wrote to an American Jewish Congress representative: "It is my impression at the moment . . . that the situation in the Senate has not yet developed to a point where a two- thirds vote is likely. Under these circumstances there is serious doubt whether the national interest would be served by pro- moting a debate at this time which might lead to a defeat of the subject matter." Under such circumstances, what hope is there for action by the Senate? Why is the issue suddenly turned into a matter into which is dragged the question of "national interest"? It's a sad situation! The Jewish Apologists for the Anti-Semites It has happened so often in history—that Jews, renegades or misled—have come forth to defend anti-Semites! There were some of that ilk in Germany, just as there were a few in Spain. There is a group in Poland that maintains a front for Communism and is antagonistic to Israel and to Jewish traditions. They are to be found in Russia, where, several months ago, the Sovietishe Heimland crew repudiated Jewish claims for just rights to Jews in the Soviet Union. Must Human Minds Remain Brutalized by Hatred for Jews? By Philip !Rothschilds at Slomovitz 'Bond Conference Now, in spite of appeals by such distinguished non-Jewish men of fame like Bertrand Russell and others, a few apologists have been found to justify the death sentences for Jews who have been accused of speculative tactics. While non-Jews similarly branded have gotten off with prison sentences, Jews are marked for execution—and Jews have been found in Russia to defend such a policy by the Kremlin! It is in the Soviet Union that the atrocious blood libel charge has been spread in recent years. Yet the Jewish apologists are sprouting their own brand of libels against their own kins- men. The most recent anti-Semitic tract published officially in the Ukraine is a typical example of the trampling of justice in Communist countries. Is it possible that all the appeals for fair play in the USSR is falling on deaf ears? Extortionists Who Took Ransom from Nazi Victims YIVO Institute for Jewish Research, one of the major col- lectors of documentary evidence of the period of the hurban, of the holocaust during which six million Jews lost their lives, has brought us to an important exhibition—"Life, Struggle and Up- rising in the Warsaw Ghetto." During the coming few weeks, and at the annual event that marks the anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto rebellion against Nazism, our community will have an opportunity to view much of the actual material dealing with the struggle that was con- ducted by a few thousand Jews against the vast armies of Ger- many, the available documents, photographs, books and replicas of weapons that were resorted to by the heroic fighters in the resistance. The Warsaw Ghetto uprising brings to light again not only the heroism of the Jews who were determined not to be sent to their doom to the gaS chambers, but also the relationships of .J with non-Jews and with those on the "Aryan side"—Warsaw outside the ghetto—who were expected to help them but among whom were betrayers of justice. It is true that there were many Christians who helped the Jews during the Nazi years. Many Jews were hidden and their lives were saved. But there were by far too many non-Jews who betrayed their fellow-men who happened to be Jews, and there were extortionists who utilized the tragedy to acquire the wealth of the Jews. That is how it has been throughout the ages: that when the massacres and pogroms were perpetrated there were often not in the name of religion but in calculated ways of den, - ing financial debts to Jews or in whatever means were available to confiscate Jewish wealth. The manner in which extortion was resorted to against the Jews who were battling for their lives and who sought refuge "on the 'Aryan side' " was described by one of the survivors in his reminiscences published in Warsaw in 1949. Tovye Bozhikosky, in his memoirs, "Tsvishn Falndike Vent," had this to say: Although we are hidden here on the "Aryan side," we still maintain close contact with the Jewish underground. We receive all the news about the life and suffering of the thou- sands of Jews hidden on the "Aryan side." A great part of the relief work of the Jewish National Committee and the Co- ordination Committee is organized here. Active are: Izhak Cukierman (Hechalutz-Dror), Dr. Arolf Berman (Poale Zion Left), and Leo Feiner "Mikolay" (Bund). We have in our hiding place the files of the Jews who receive assistan,:e. From here go out the contacts to the various hiding places of the Jews in all corners of Warsaw. Some come to us to report about their work.... . And there is a lot to hear about. Every day many Jews fall into the hands of the Germans. Many are recognized in the streets by the Polish extortionists who demand large amount of money. Those who do not have the ransom money are delivered to the Germans and are not seen again. In cases where a person has only part of the ransom the extortionists rob him of his clothes. Many are caught in their shelters by the Gestapo at night and brought to the "Pawiak" prison, where they are executed. The Poles also pay dearly for hiding Jews. If two Polish neighbors have an argument and one sus- pects the other of hiding Jews, he may inform the Gestapo, whereupon the Jews pay with their lives for the quarrel. If a guest feels that something mysterious is taking place in the house of a person he is visiting, he may confide his impres- sions to a relative or friend. This is often enough for the arrival of a Gestapo car at night. At best, the extortionists come, and ransom has to be paid. But the house is then con- sidered "burned out;" after such a visit the hiding persons are afraid to remain there even one minute longer, for they are not sure who the next intruder may be. Why do some people wish to hide the facts? Why is it often heard, "why recall the tragedy? why not forget it?" Does this have some relation to the expose in "The Deputy?" How are we to protect ourselves against the recurrence of Hitler-made holo- causts if the facts about the one in our immediate past won't be known? Many should see the YIVO exhibit of the Warsaw Ghetto material. It will keep them constantly aware of the horrors that were imposed on all mankind, but especially on our people. Baron and Baroness Ed- mond de Rothschild were the honored guests at the Israel Bond conference held two weeks ago in Miami Beach, Fla. The upper photo shows LOUIS H. BOYAR, who was elected national chairman of the board of governors of the Israel Bond Organization, with BARON de ROTHSCHILD. In the lower photo are BARON- ESS de ROTHSCHILD (left) and MRS. JAN PEERCE, chairman of the Israel Bond national Women's Division. Senators Condemn Moscow for Latest Sentences of Jews WASHINGTON (JTA) — Re- ports of new death sentences imposed in a secret trial in Mos- cow on six Russian Jews and three non-Jews charged with alleged economic crimes evoked shock in Washington. Sen. Jacob K. Javits, New York Republican, called on the Senate floor for stronger pro- tests to let the world know how the American people feel about such "barbarous acts." Review- ing the history of recent Soviet persecutions of Jews, he said "this makes it clear what the aims of the Soviet government are in this field." Sen. Kenneth B. Keating, New York Republican, told the Senate that the newest sentences were "a barbaric manifestation of economic and moral values" and that the sentences were "a deliberate attempt to encourage anti- Semitism in the Soviet Union." Rep. Abraham Multer, New York Democrat, said a report on the newest sentences would be presented when the House Committee on Foreign affairs starts debate on a pending reso- lution condemning Soviet treat- ment of Jews. He presented to the House a resolution adopted by the New York Democratic congressional delegation urging the Foreign Affairs Committee to schedule hearings on the resolution. Council Urges Action Against Prayer Amendment "Prayer Amendments" now before the -U.S. Congress are of serious concern to the American Jewish community, according to Louis Rozenzweig, vice presi- dent of the Jewish Community Council and chairman of the Council's community relations committee. The purpose of these amend- ments, Rozenzweig stated, is to reverse the effect of the Su- preme Court decisions outlaw- ing Bible reading and other de- votional exercises in the nation's public schools. Already, 132 measures proposing constitu- tional amendments have been introduced into Congress, but most of the opponents of the Supreme Court decision have united behind an amendment submitted by Rep. Frank Becker of New York. The Michigan Legislature in recent weeks adopted and submitted to the Congress a recommendation for such a constitutional amend- ment. In a letter to Council affiliated organizations. Rosenzweig and Sidney M. Shevitz, Council president, detailed the reasons for the Jewish community's op- position to the amendments. The proposed changes, they pointed out, would threaten the principle of church-state separa- tion, endanger religious free- dom, and weaken genuine reli_ gious expression by the rote recitation of formalized prayer in public school classrooms. Noting that major national Jewish bodies, secular, congre- gational and r a b b i n i c, are strongly opposed to the amend- ments, Rosenzweig and Shevitz stressed the importance of mak- ing these views known to the members of Congress. Organiza- tions and individuals were asked to write immediately to members of the House from this area, and to send copies of their letters to Congressman Celler.