Nine American organizations representing survivors of Na- zism from Germany, Hungary, Poland, Roumania, Czechoslo- vakia and Yugoslavia today sent a cable to top West German government officials protesting the restitution plans of the Ger- man government now before the West German Parliament. The nine organizations making the protest are the Association of YugoSlav Jews in the U.S., United Romanian Jews of America. Inc., Club of Polish Jews, Jewish Nazi Victims Organization of America, American Associa- tion of Former European Jur- ists, American Federation of Jews from Central Europe, Association of Jews from Czechoslovakia in the U.S., World Federation of Hungar- ian Jews and the Widows Group. The cable is a protest against the decision of the German Finance Ministry to ask for only `Homemade' Device Widens N-Powers at Weizmann Institute REHOVOTH — A "home- made" machine for interpreting bubble chamber pictures has opened up new vistas in ele- mentary particle physics at the Weizman Institute. This was stated here by Prof. Gideon Yekutieli, a senior sci- entist in the Institute's nuclear physics department and head of its bubble chamber laboratory. Institute scientists will now be able to participate in the research work being carried out with the world's largest proton accelerators, which are located at the Geneva head- quarters of CERN (European Centre for Nuclear Research) and at laboratories in the United States. Israel cannot afford such ac- celerators, which have an energy output of about 30 billion elec- tron volts, but her scientists will henceforth be able to ana- lyze experiments conducted with them. The machine was the largest ever constructed in the Insti- tute's workshops. It has 20,000 parts and weighs two tons. There has long been close co- operation between the Insti- tute's nuclear physics depart- ment and CERN. Visits have been exchanged between Reho- both and Geneva and the two institutions last year jointly sponsored the International Con- ference on High Energy Physics and Nuclear Structure. $100 million in additional resti- tution money. The Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany had recom- mended that a minimum of $250 million be provided for those survivors of Nazi persecution and confiscation who have as yet not received restitution from the West German government. "Debt of honor" pronounce- ments have been made in the past by the present German chancellor, Ludwig Erhard, and the former chancellor. Dr. Kon- rad. Adenauer. The cable, following a special meeting of the nine groups, ex- pressed regret that the West German Finance Ministry re- fuses to request an increase in the hardship fund above 400 million Deutsche Marks ($100 million) and to reopen registra- tion for Nazi victims who for one reason or another had not previously made application for German restitution. (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News) WASHINGTON — The U. S. Supreme Court is being asked to direct the state of Florida to heed a high court ruling out- lawing Bible reading and prayer recitation in the public schools. Four Miami parents filed a notice of appeal to the high court of a Florida Supreme Court decision upholding the Florida statute requiring daily Bible reading in public schools. The appeal also asked for re- versal of the Florida court's ruling that sustained recitation of the Lord's prayer and the conducting of religious bacca- laureate programs, and reli- gious tests as a qualification for teacher employment. The four Miami residents—a Unitarian, an agnostic and two Jewish parents—are being rep- resented without fee by the American Jewish Congress. Habimah Cancels Road Tour in U.S.; Blames Mounting Out-of-Town Costs NEW YORK, (JTA)—Habi- mah, the National Theater of Israel, currently having a suc- cessful engagement at the Little Theater here, will be un- able to fulfill its anticipated road tour because of mounting out-of-town costs, according to the Little Theater, Inc., Ameri- can sponsor of the tour. The New York engagement will end with the last perform- ance of "Each Had Six Wings" March 22. Habimah was originally scheduled to give presentations in Washington, Boston, Mon- treal, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Rochester, Chicago, Toronto, Cincinnati, Providence, Hart- ford, Philadelphia, Los Angeles and San Francisco. It won ex- cellent notices in New York where it is being filled to capacity almost every evening. FINEST PAINT IN 100 YEARS MAN•AC MIRACLE PLASTIC Laytex Wall Paint READY . MIXED COLORS .& WHITE • Scrubbable • True Plastic • Won't Blister or Peel • Brash It or Roll It • Clean Up with Water • Dries In 30 Minutes • Absolutely Odorless AUTO INSURANCE • CANCELLED • REFUSED • FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY LOW RATES CAPITOL INS. AGENCY 8988 Gd. River __TY 8-8646 Reg, $6.99 Sale $A99 Nat MAC-0-LAC PORCELAIN FINISH Matching Colors to Laytex New alkyd formula! Now Only Dries tohard $695 porcelain semi-gloss! Covers in one coat! Gal. Absolutely ucrubbable! Al's Birthday Sale! 1 Price 1 Price For All These Cars FULL SIZE CARS: Chevy, Corvette, .4 Dodge, Edsel, Ford, Mercury, Meteor, r Nash, .PlymoLith, Rambler, Studebaker COMPACT CARS: Buick, Chevy II, Comet, Corvair, Dart, Falcon, Lancer, Olds F85, Valiant, Willys, Tempest ig TAKING 6.00-13, 6.50-13, 7.00-14, 7.50-14, 6.70-15 1 Price For All These Cars Buick, Cadillac, Chrysler, Continental, DeSoto, Hudson, Imperial, Mercury, Nash, Olds, Pontiac For All These Cars TAKING Buick, Chevy, Chrysler, DeSoto, Dodge, Edsel, Ford, Hudson, Mercury, Nash, Olds, Plymouth, Pontiac, Studebaker, Willys 8.50-14, 9.00-14, 9.50.14, 7.60.15, 8.00-15, 8.20-15 TAKING 8.00-14, 7.10.15 * * * Israeli Gets U. S. Grant to Study Sex of Plants REHOVOTH — A study of the sexual characteristics of plants is now being carried out at the Weizmann Institute of Science with a 200,000-pound grant re- ceived from the U.S. Depart- ment of Agriculture. It is expected to provide basic biological information and help in the development of more productive plant varieties. The project is under the di- rection of Dr. Esra Galun, act- ing head of the plant genetics section, who will try to discover how sexual characteristics of plants are determined. Israel Conveys Concern to U.S. on Syria Action JERUSALEM (JTA)—Israel's concern over the planting of a mine by Syria near the north- ern border, the third Syrian act of provocation within two weeks, was conveyed to Ameri- can Ambassador Walworth Bar- bour by Mrs. Golda Meir, Is- rael's foreign minister. The dip- lomats met for an hour at the American envoy's request. INSTANT CREDIT FREE MOUNTING EASY TERMS Narrow Modern Whitewalls —ONLY *3 MORE Alf prices plus tax and smooth tire off your car Wheel Alignment — Brakei Authorized General Motors Expert UNION TIRE COMPANY 3140 GRAND RIVER LODGE FREEWAY TO TEMPLE Grand River Exit — Turn Right 2 Blocks to Brooklyn Al Stutz, Owner FA 1-1010 9—TH E DETR OIT JEWISH N EWS—Friday, February 28 , 1964 Miami Parents Appeal to Supreme Court for Prayer Ban Enforcement Nine Nazi Survivor Groups in U.S. Protest W. German Restitution Plan