Friday, February 28 $150,000 Israel Bond Show Initial $23,650,000 Sales t Miamii Beach Rece 1 Ption Launch Israel Bond Drive a s, am Weizmann Institute Receives Grant From USAF for Research (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News) MIAMI, (JTA)—The sale of principal and interest on ma- TEL AVIV, (JTA) — T h e $23,650,000 in Israel Bonds in tured bonds by the State of Weizmann Institute said Tues- Israel at the rate of 150 cents the opening weeks of the 1964 day it had received a $45,000 campaign was announced to the on the dollar. More than $41,- grant from the Aerospace Re- more than 2,000 delegates from 000.000 is due to be paid out search Office of the United the United States and Canada in 1964, he said. States Air Force to support a Warmest tributes were paid at the international inaugural study dealing with the resist- to Baron de Rothschild by conference for Israel Bonds by ance of organisms to foreign Samuel Rothberg, national cam- leaders of the Bond organiza- components and means of over- paign chairman, who presided tion as well as by another of coming that resistance. over the conference. This the principal speakers, U.S. Weizmann officials explained amount, he said, constitutes the Senator Abraham A. Ribicoff, that the subject is important in largest sum ever sold for the of Connecticut. It was noted problems of transplantion of inauguration of any drive in that, of the total of more than organs and other parts of the the history of the Israel Bond $69,000,000 in Israel bonds sold body from one person to an- last year, close to $5,000,000 organization which, since 1961, other. has raised more than $660,000,- were sold in Western Europe 000 for Israel's economic devel- under the Baron's leadership. Bar on de Rothschild ex- opment. A GOOD MAN TO KNOW At the reception for Detroiters in Florida hosted by Mr. Baron Edmond de Rothschild, pressed his gratitude to Israel and Mrs. Charles Grosberg in their Miami Beach home, of France, president of the Is- Bonds for giving him "the op- $150,000 in Israel Bonds were subscribed. At the reception, For Some rael Bond drive for Europe, and portunity to be identified with (from left) seated, Mrs. Grosberg, the hostess; Mrs. Morris L. Israel, not as a tourist or spec- of the an outstanding participant in Schaver, chairman of the Detroit Israel Bond Women's Divi- Israel's economic development, tator but as an active partici- sion and a Trustee of Israel.; and Mrs. Theodore Bargman, best buys pator in its growth and develop- w as the guest of honor at the first Detroit Israel Bond Women's chairman and a Builder of conference here which launchedIment-" He described his ex- on new Israel; standing, Abe Kasle; Lou Boyar of Los Angeles, chair- a drive to sell $85,000,000 in periences in selling Israel Bonds man of the Israel Bond National board of governors; Mr. Pontiacs Israel Bonds this year, and also , in Europe as follows: "It is re- Grosberg; Al Borman, Nate Fishman, Norman Allan and Sam inaugurated the new $400,000,- warding, in the course of my and Rothberg, national Israel Bond campaign chairman. The re- 000 third development issue of campaign work, to know that ception was in advance of the 1964 Israel Bond Inaugural Tempest Israel Bonds are a symbol of conference held last weekend at the Fontainebleau. Israel Bonds, whose sale be- the return of the depleted Jew-. gins March 1 A cabled message from Is- ish communities of Europe to - rael's Prime Minister Levi a status of equal partners with Eshkol outlined Israel's major you in building the Jewish objectives for the near future, homeland." The French baron, who ad- including economic develop- dressed the conference din- ment; absorption of more im- 18650 LIVERNOIS ner. Sunday told the audi- 1 block South of 7 (Direct JTA Teletype Wire migrants; carrying "life - bring- trolled Soviet press did cover UN 3.9300 ence: "Christian friends have to The Jewish News) ing water into the baren and the proceedings. Related Story, page 26. joined in this program for thirsty South" of the coun- LONDON — Six Soviet Jews Israel's development not only try; exploitation of atomic because they admire Israel and three Russian non-Jews Michigan's Newest & Most Luxurious Motel energy for the good of Israel, and are impressed with its were sentenced to death at the the entire Middle East region j A HOME AWAY FROM HOME FOR YOUR they buy because conclusion of the big Moscow and the world; tightening se-1 programs; -AA- they understand that they trial involving an alleged "ring" ift BAR MITZVAH & WEDDING GUESTS .. . curity; continuation of the drive i must stand in for the Jews of 23 black marketeers, dis- for peace with the Arab world; patches from the USSR capital the and intensification and enrich- who never returned from reported here Wednesday. 14380 WEST 8 MILE ROAD r ment of the Jewish culture and concentration camps." A seventh Jewish defendant, Bet. Schaefer and Northwestern Hwy. 1964 campaign of the heritage. I named Shakerman, had been Conference Room • Suites • Banquet Room In an address to the gather- National Women's Division of ing, Pinhas S a p i r. Israel's 1 the Israel Bond Organization tried separately, sentenced to LI 8-1822 JO 4-5450 Minister of Finance, discussed I was also launched at a luncheon death, and has already been HARVEST HOUSE RESTAURANT ON PREMISES Israel's current, five-year eco- 1 this weekend, attended by more shot, the Moscow dispaches re- • 6 it usspan Jews, 3 Gentiles Sentenced to Death at End of 'Black Marketeers' Trial Packer Pontiac EMBASSY MOTEL ne nomic immediatems as fol- , communities in the United Moscow the ni re- States and Canada. Mrs. Jan death sentences,to lows: Peerce, national chairman of the p orted four of the convicted "1. Absorption of a popula- 1 presided at the lunch- men were given 15 year pri- by Idivision, tion increase to 3,000,000 son terms, while 10 others 1970, and preparation for the I eon, which featured the inter- received lighter sentences. . . h• h is ex- 1 national premiere of the St. w fount The Moscow trial was the pected to be reached some time I Laurent-Israel Fashion Collet- largest mass proceeding yet during the 1970's. During the tion. Boyar was named chairman held in the USSR's series of past three years, Israel has 1 taken in some 170,000 immi-lof the organization's board of court cases for alleged "econ- grants. 1governors, succeeding to the omit crimes," which resulted in "2. Continuation of t h e post held by the late Rabbi !Scores of death sentences. The growth of the gross national Abba Hillel Silver. Morris W. I vast majority of the capital pun- ishments were to Jews. product at a rate of 10 per cent Berinstein, of Albany, N.Y., When the case against the 24 per year. Israel's plans call for was elected national chairman was revealed in Moscow last a G.N.P. of 15,000,000 Israel ; for trustees. * * * October, IzveStia, the official pounds ($5,000,000) by 1970; 1 organ of the USSR government. B. B. Israel Bond Sales it is believed this will assure identified two of the "ring lead- $5.4 million in '63 full employment for the coun- Exceeded Brith sales of Israel ers," named Shakerman and Bnai try's labor force. Roifman, as Jews. Bonds totaled $5,409,625 in "3. Reducing the gap between ; Izvestia called for a "show exports and imports by $160,-1 1963. trial," demanding death sen- Morris Alexander of Chicago, 000,000 before 1970. Exports byl tences even before the trial chairman of the Bnai Brith that time are expected to be 1 got underway. For an unex- close to $1,700,000,000, as com- Commission on Israel, reported plained reason, Shakerman to the group's executive com- pared with $600,000,000 in 1963. mittee last week that $61 mil- was tried separately; while "4. Achieving a substantial lion in Israel Bonds had been Roffman is among the nine improvement in the level of sold or purchased by Bnai Brith just sentenced to death. general and vocational educa- The trial had been held be- members and groups since 1951. tion in Israel." hind doors closed to Western Referring to Israel's current news correspondents, although negotiations With the European select reporters for the con- Common Market, Sapir dedi- cated that the outlook for these Israel Cabinet OKs negotiations is promising. (Direct JTA Teletype Wire Measures to Prevent Abraham Feinberg, president to The Jewish News) TEL AVIV — An Israeli im- of the Israel Bond Organization, Abuses of Passports hailed the recent announcement presario applied to the Inter- JERUSALEM, (JTA) — The Ministerial Committee on for- by President Johnson of Ameri- cabinet approved recommenda- can cooperation with Israel in eign artists for permission to tions submitted by a ministerial the use of nuclear energy for bring the Beatles to Israel. The committee aimed at the preven- the desalination of sea water. Liverpool quartet has indicated tion of abuses of Israeli pass- He said it represented "the it was ready to visit Israel late ports by persons living abroad. key to the solution of many of this summer. It is understood that the pro- Members of the Inter-Minis- posed measures would affect the the world's problems. terial Committee have been Louis H. Boyar, national current procedure of granting chairman for trustees of the alarmed by reports from Lon- newcomers passports immedi- Israel Bond Organization, em- don and New York of the scope ately and the renewal of pass- phasized the fact that confi- of teen-age reaction to the mop- ports of Israelis who reside dence in Israel Bonds has haired artists and have been un- abroad for extensive periods. Interior Minister Moshe Shapiro been spurred by the begin- able to agree on a decision. ning, on May 1, 1963, of the Israelis still have a vivid is expected to give full details redemption of the first Is- memory of the teen-age disturb- of the measure when he pre- rael Bonds. During 1963 ances when Cliff Richards, a sents the ministry's budget to alone, he said, more than British rock-and-roller, perform- the Knesset, Israeli's parlia- ment. $24,000,000 was paid out in ed in Israel. 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