Friday, Fe bru ary 28, 19 64—THE DETROIT JEWISH NEW S- 1 6 Jewish Centers Here, in Other Cities Sandra Aronoff and Blondy Explains School Bits Bill Senator Charles S. Blondy, The DSR now provides 19 mil- to Hold Simultaneous Art Exhibit Jerry Maza to lied Detroit Democrat, introduced lion reduced fare rides for A unique art exhibit will New York; San Antonio; St. open at the Jewish Center and Louis and Washington, D.C. in 17 other cities across the country April 7. A Purim festival, featuring More than 40 artists will par- special Purim snack bar, will ticipate in a print show based be held 2 to 4 p.m. Sunday at the on the theme of "The Old Jewish Center. The community Testament and Post - Biblical is invited. Jewish Life," which has been The children's division will assembled as the 10th anniver- stage the "Story of Purim." sary art exhibition of the West performances will be at 2:30 side Jewish Center of Los and 3:30 p.m. in the Aaron De- Angeles. R.oy Theater. A Purim carnival, The simultaneous opening sponsored by the youth division, of a major art exhibit such will be held in the gymnasium. as this show is considered a There will be booths and games, first in national art circles. with prizes for all. Never before has such an im- Families can come for a late portant collection of art works been introduced to the lunch, or partake of snacks, served 2-4 p.m. in Shiffman viewing public on such a Hall. The food, including ham- widespread scale. In addition to the Detroit entaschen, will be prepared by Jewish Center, the openings on the Center's senior adult mem- bers and sold at nominal price. April 7 will be sponsored b y the Jewish centers and YMHA- * .* * A "do-it-yourself" workshop YWHA's in Atlanta; Birming- ham; Ala.; Canton and Colum- on how to conduct a seder at bus, Ohio; Denver; Hartford, home will be sponsored by the Conn.; Houston; Hackensack, Jewish Center on four Thurs- N.J.; Los Angeles; Newark, day evenings in March. Designed for men and women 4.•••••=immamemmismo who have never before con- ducted a Seder but want to do GRACE YOUR so now, as well as for those who Nvant to enrich their under- FESTIVE TABLE standing of the Passover ritual, this workshop will be conducted WITH in English by Rabbi Isaac Pan- eth of the Jewish Center staff. fIE Eest 9TOM OS/aEt The first session of this workshop will be March 5. The public is invited, but advance registration is sug- tL anti tland ptoductd and LoLL&d gested since only a limited number of participants can be in 9anzEzi cRilfzon-LE-lion I accepted. L A LARGE VARIETY OF Radomer Aid, Society j Plan Annual Banquet WINES and CHAMPAGNES TO SUIT EVERY TASTE CONCORD and MALAGA also in GALLONS AND HALF GALLONS 1.11•1 ■ 0••••••0 ■ 0■ 0 •11 ••• 11.11■041i11.< The Gift of Gifts 0•111 ■ 11 ■ 14,4111110.0 41! 011 ! 0 ■ 0■11 Radomer Aid and Ladies So- ; ciety will hold their annual ban- quet, 6:30 p.m., Sunday, at the I Mayfair Caterers. Hyman Waterman, chairman, has appointed past president Nathan Wolok, as toastmaster and Charles Alfeld, reservations chairman, LI 8-8292. I Dancing and entertainment will be featured. Proceeds go to charity. Center Theater to Meet Certified strictly - Kosher by the Chief Rabbinate of Israel Center Theater will meet 8:30 p.m. Wednesday in the Jewish Center. "The Chairs," by Eugene Ionesco, will be performed in two versions — by the Center Theater Players and by the Center Contemporary Dancers. A brief analysis of Ionesco, considered one of the outstand- ing playwrights of the 50's, will precede the performances. The public is invited. Available Now in Your Favorite Market MICHIGAN DISTRIBUTOR National Wholesale Grocers Co. For Information: TR 1-0606 Out-of-Town Orders Promptly Filled BRAVERMAN'S KOSHER MEATS the School Bus Bill, which pro- vides State aid to municipally owned and operated transpor- tation lines for the transporta- tion of public and parochial school children to and from the municipality having such a system. Students outstate get free bus rides whenever they live more than one and one-half miles from school. This pro- gram is supported by State aid. In Detroit students buy $1 identification cards and pay 15 cents for each ride. The regular fare is 25 cents on local buses. MISS SANDRA ARONOFF The engagement of Sandra Aronoff t o Jerry Maza is an- nounced by the bride-elect's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Aronoff of Ashton Rd. The pros- pective bride-groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Maza of West Outer Drive. The wedding has been set for Aug. 8. Mrs. Irving Steinman, Pontiac Jewish Leader, Named by Federation Max M. Fisher, president of the Jewish Welfare Federation of Detroit, announces the elec- tion of Mrs. Irving Steinman of Pontiac to the Federation's board of governors for a two- year period. Mrs. Steinman is active local- ly in Temple Beth Jacob and its sisterhood. She also repre- sents the sisterhood and the Pontiac Symphony on the Fed 7 eration of Women's Clubs. Mrs. Steinman, along with a group of Jewish community leaders from both Detroit and Pontiac, worked out in 1957 the integration of Pontiac's Jewish community into the larger community of Wayne and Oakland counties. At that time, Mrs. Steinman organ- ized the Pontiac Women's fund-raising division of the Jewish Welfare Federation and has served as its chair- man since its inception. She serves on the board of direc- tors of the women's division. Prior to Mrs. Steinman's elec- tion, Dr. Harry Arnkoff and Abe Lapides represented Pon- tiac on the Detroit Federation Board of Governors. Many other Pontiac residents are active in Federation, agen- cies and committees. They in- clude Dave Dunsky, Harold S. Goldberg, Robert S. Trepeck, Mrs. Arnkoff, Alvin Steinman, Irving Steinman, Norman Wach- ler, Samuel Frank and Maurice Landau. The following women have been active workers for the Allied Jewish Campaign: Mes- dames Arnkoff, Thomas Hor- witz, Rudolph Hartman, I. Pos- ner, Arthur Rosenthal, Sol New- house, Sam Stolorow and H. B. Stenbuck. RIB STEAK, trimmed . lb. $1 19 lb. 39 YOUNG BEEF LIVER I st Ni LAMB CHOPS lb. 79c CHUCK ROAST lb ' 59` PICKLED TONGUE lb. 49c OF BEEF, trimm ed lb. 79c $139 i b s GROUND BEEF 3 PuTicigse BREAST Fresh—Kosher Made . Lb. 49c 13500 WEST SEVEN MILE RD. DI 1-2345 Hy Herman And His Orchestra (Hy Utchenik) BR 2-5447 • Distinctive Ceremonies a Specialty! tender, moist meat world's finest quality PILLAR ROCK fancy white UNA "Rich in Polyunsat- urates" Packed In pure vegetable oil to bring out the finest flavor and tenderness. COHEN, ZAGER & REMICK Proprietors of DEXTER DAVISON KOSHER MEAT & POULTRY MARKET PRIME and CHOICE BEEF WE WRAP MEAT FOR FREEZER FREE! Coolidge at 10 Mile WE DELIVER CALL Oak Park LI 8-6800 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED NOW PREPARING STRICTLY KOSHER FOR PASSOVER Our Own Homemade: Chicken Soup • Chopped Liver • Matzo Balls Gefilte Fish • Beet Russell • Horseradish Dill Pickles • Roast Chicken • Roast Turkey Farfel & Potato Kugel SPECIALLY PREPARED BY GRUNT'S Please Order Early and Avoid Disappointment! STRICTLY KOSHER PARTY TRAYS AVAILABLE UN 1.9645—WE DELIVER Branch 2 LZOA to Hear Congressman Nedzi Branch Two, Labor Zionist Organization, will meet at the home of the Ben L. Freemans, 18005 Indiana. Guest speaker will be Con- gressman Lucien N. Nedzi. Re- freshments will be served. For the HY Spot Of Your Affair Music by Seatasfresh ft vor ALL SPECIALS GOOD WHILE QUANTITIES LAST SUNDAY ONLY students. Senator Blondy said, "This bill willl be a blessing to large families and will help the DSR out of its financial difficulties." A 0vptilralte GRUNT'S MARKET 18252 WYOMING near CURTIS OPEN SATURDAY NIGHT, SUNDOWN TO 1 A.M. FEATURING THE FINEST SELECTION OF SMOKED FISH RECOMMEND,. BY BETTER INTERIOR DECORATORS vie CLEAN oR Apsaotes ascu uSIV E " • CITY WIDE and FINE DRAPERY CLEANING • DRAPERIES • WINDOW SHADES • SLIP COVERS SUBURBAN SERVICE LAMP SHADES • BED SPREADS WE DO ALL THE WORK REMOVING AND INSTALLING (WITH PINS IN) Phone us for Free Estimate—NO OBLIGATIONS SUBURBAN PHONE: ENTERPRISE 7818