• Pope John's Diary Detailed 'Rescue Dilemma' LONDON (JTA)—The late Pope John XXIII kept a secret diary in which, among other matters, he detailed the dilemma that faced Pope Pius XII in regard to raising his voice against Hitler's persecution of Jews, according to a Rome report published in the Sunday Express here. Pope John was Archbishop Roncalli, in 1943, when, according to the Rome report, he acted as intermediary for the Palestine Chief Rabbi, the late Isaac Halevi Herzog. The latter had appealed, through Archbishop Roncalli, to Pope Pius, seeking the pontiff's intervention against Hitler's anti-Semitism. Pope Pius, the diary indicates, regretfully decided not to receive Rabbi Herzog at the Vatican BlunCIering and not to intervene. Archbishop Roncalli then met Rabbi Herzog secretly in Cairo and, subse- quently, sent letters to Roman Catholic leaders all over Europe, urging them to hide Jews in monasteries and homes, In this manner, many thousands of Jewish lives were saved. The diary of the late Pope John XXIII is in the possession of Msgr. Loris Capovilla, a Vatican dignitary who is executor of Pope John's will, the Rome report said. According to the Sunday Express, Msgr. Capovilla has said the late Pope's diary "will not be published in my lifetime." E JEWISH NEWS Civil Rights Issues c=) -T-1=2 c) -r A Candidate's Crude Joke Rrel A Weekly Review Commentary Page 2 Michigan's 1-11 G 1•4 of Jewish Events Only English-Jewish Newspaper—Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle Purim Lesson: Its Jollity Israel Water Project Badly Misrepresented Editorials Page 4 VOLUME xuv— No. 26 mor Unio nSt p 174100 W. 7 Mile Rd.—VE 8-9364—Detroit 35, February 21, 1964—$6.00 Per Year: This Issue 20c Famous Philosophers, Scientists Appeal to K rushchev to Grant USSR Jewry Full Cultural Rights Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News LONDON—A joint appeal by world famous personalities in many fields calling on the Soviet government to allow Russia's Jews "full cultural lives, religious freedom and the rights of a national group," has been sent to Premier Nikita Khrushchev, it was disclosed Monday. The appeal, which was forwarded to the Soviet preMier last December, was signed by the British philosopher Bertrand Russell, Queen Elizabeth of Belgium, nuclear physicist Max Born, Israeli philosopher Martin Buber, Ricardo Lombardri, Francois Mauriac, Otto Nathan, the trustee of the Albert Einstein estate, Lord Boyd Orr, Prof. Linus Pauling, Dr. Albert Schweitzer, Norman Thomas and Prof. Giuseppe Ungaretti. Stressing that "we speak as friends, but as friends whose friendship requires honesty," the appeal declares: "Although aware and appreciative of the improvement in the lives of Jews in the Soviet Union through the abolition of legal disabilities of the Czarist days, we are gravely concerned by the evident difficulties experienced by Jews as a Soviet nationality." Pointing out that the Jews had been subjected to long and continuous persecution throughout the history of Europe, the appeal declares that the "culmination of this cruelty was the wholesale extermination of Jews during our lifetime, one of the most barbaric crimes in all human history, and the tragic fragmentation of the families of survivors in the chaotic aftermath of this holocaust. If ever a people were deserving of understanding and sympathetic treatment after harsh suffering, it is the Jews of Europe." "We greatly hope, therefore," the appeal continued, "that the Jews will be permitted full (Continued on Page 8) Commons Kills Bill to Outlaw Race Bias LONDON, (JTA) — A draft bill that would outlaw racial discrimination in this country was bypassed without debate in the House of Commons, and a stiff protest against using procedural technicalities to kill the bill was voiced by the sponsor of the measure, Laborite Fenner Brockway. Brockway complained to the House that the identical bill, which he has introduced 1-0 times in the last nine years, has always been pigeonholed without vote, although, in each case, the bill had passed on first reading. The bill, he said, has sometimes reached debate; but, by procedural meth- ods, no vote has been possible on the prin- ciples involved. Purim: New Look at an Old Theme n V=A-, nw3ImpT 7447.1A41211.5;;%- lynDtrinle —rJz -ktne tr-ev:Ires"tite, zrz•042el.pez kr to. s vas :tiro thttetti In zizztle4a tii-Arittm •e ITnirItl*esn , Terti',2v4 :Ta):.$1.,3?) rsiv Intittr:Piro AN rz IILA) •tip it lb vto =tin =lira sys2 trItSti IZItz =stet trtInr.f. r im;v2 zrM 1,..407t., ',1tmn frAtsvoilINI iLrAn ss , s-r A , It IA VIP V•1217:1,iPiti3 W.A;%Aig rAW-nAtit LARbrromi I nazwi ritelp crjtyrieplpi, `tar= tgrnt21 -t)3 N"`e4thierx I eZlo zittztl *vim zwceste"nanlInel *av41:91 fl'-"urill-fivAIra1.4tho" 1/4m41'W *41 "=.3—itpar"Itc4rtavaltransp '4 ' Pevetztrog ".-i'1,1720 -t,t4A"ntr$1 1/WAttlICS i1/4 anrwtr',- .13)61 %.,40irc) Dive 14,0 nietiz iteitmottelr.OV'm D.te ir tee tt■at1/2invint)ettt -11/rxt r.JIrttrist tem ttxt ftoto t'etstreet lea lit* wit; iJ1f'11•%it.t1 •. f 1%,if" i~ ..rtsItYpijr1 114, ,i% :IP'VD40:3 ; rat trie* errth 7:tt Ist4, webrep trAltr. NI+ tAn.t.w ttet 'r`l'A 'titr, , :,rAirritept OrJr rthtswiz‘Alviatotiv:S* itliVVYrti 115r4t1Ytt rADI A4: ,11 174 7fr/4471 V% :041111:v$1)( ;Iv:, +1110: r4"rZ /7a;1 t -1":,, 1 ,1,2 '"zr. mtvli ISM rro lI :Ftzio Dim mteon irtitrA betzpiz 'cern mv1/4.,..vntil•tb‘soitt•St'elltititeo —tine lam. villtentv -0, •tvit tz411--tzv - 414 V2111 4;6201, *OM 17I?:s V44.11. n't•vrt%•teultitAmt arts (.1?..A6 wItt01.,, ; to4veitt slY:t7* m•Itf.or,:to:t tt ■ to ttetpkv4,21z,6,1-cier•flie, ivritiptirlutn: • nvmSt•w ttv'fr;6a 1P,!trift4h.iltvit,v'enf n‘ttle ttot:livt 4 ,prInNem seagirtte. tt.t.S9 sal-or 11,43170.5-z enures zee tettevi 4k, 11 , -AV • • J'AI1+1rrtrn11 /7,Z tl A fipAtr ?ODA ?MA 117i15`2VM riD120"Z`14 172:1T'11AkA1: 41 DitY -t; atilteiteZ iiteie,ITN)St alt z114 lintArnez, 1.--vittez t.wzrt Illuminated Purim Megillah By NATHAN ZIPRIN Editor, Seven Arts Feature Syndicate The Purim narrative is a piece of perfection—a well told story with depth of detail yet with a remarkable paucity of words. The tale has many compelling virtues—rhythm, tempo, precision, mystery and pure drama. Each incident is told in minor chords, but when the curtain falls there is a vision whose echo rolls on and on. It is a measured story, with words used sparingly as if they were of true treasure. A lesser artist would have fallen into a trap in the striving to delineate a Mordecai at the gate, but the sculptor who etched this perfect piece was too mindful of the purity in art to blur the picture with extraneous touch. A Mordecai sitting at the king's gate is an overpowering theme. But in the hands of the scribe who parchmented the Esther tale, Mordecai waiting at the gate attains a stature beyond the meaning of the moment, developing into a prophetic projection of a tale that was to repeat itself tragically and endlessly over the Jewish generations. When Haman braves a repulsive gesture in the king's chamber, there is no Wagnerian thunder, no heroics, no raucous scene. Creatures of that mold are too pigmy to have treasured words wasted on them. It is always best then, the artist must have felt, to leave them naked and exposed. If brevity is one of the true marks of artistry, the restraint employed in the handling of that scene reveals a storyteller of unique quality. Yet, the virtue of terseness in telling of a story is perhaps even better illustrated in the scene that is the Fall of Haman. Haman had come to collect the honor the king promised to bestow upon him for the good job he was to do on the Jews. He is serious, watchful, astute, alert but not without a trace of buffoonery. He shows no signs of sensing the impending collapse. He shows no fear. When the hammer falls finally it strikes him into complete silence. There is no wailing or remonstrating. He now seems to know that the word of king and fate is final, irrevocable. The narrative becomes somewhat expansive when it gets down to limning Jewish elation over Haman's fall. But that is how it should be. Brevity here, the author must have sensed, would have shorn the incident of its simplicity. In rejoicing, restraint is not always a virtue. The king's dismissal of Queen Vashti for the younger and more beautiful Esther is hardly a tale for the strait-laced and the virtue-minded. But so skillfully is this romantic element woven into the major theme that it becomes palatable even to the purists. We forget on reading it that it challenges conjugal proprieties or even that Esther stepped out of her fold. There is even no recoiling at the hanging of all of Haman's sons—so perfect a tale is the Purim chronicle.