Friday, February I-Iarriman Praises Israel at Dinner for Harman; Forest Set in His Name State Dept. Aide Insists U.S. Against Boycott Modern Retirees' Home in Israel (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News) fully aware of its respon- WASHINGTON — The contin- • NEW YORK (JTA)—Tribute to the "impressive program of sibility," he said. "Its growing ued opposition of the United technical assistance carried on international relationships are States to the Arab boycott of in many parts of the world by based on mutual respect and American firms doing business with Israel was reiterated by the State of Israel" was paid cooperation. "In the Middle Eastern re- Asst. Secretary of State Fred- here by W. Averell Harriman, U.S. undersecretary of state for gion the same principle must erick G. Dutton in a letter to political affairs. He was ad- be applied. Conflict in that area Congressman Leonard Farbstein dressing the 56th annual dinner can be avoided only through of New York. of ,Bnai Zion American frater- the recognition by all states Rep. Farbstein, who is a mem- nal Zionist Organization, at in the area of each other's ber of the House Committee on integrity and independence and the New York Hilton Hotel. Foreign Affairs, complained to The dinner, attended by more by a readiness to compose dif- the State Department against the ferences by peaceful means. than 1,500 guests, was tendered "Israel will always display boycotting and blacklisting of in tribute to Israel's Ambas- this readiness," Ambassador American business organizations sador Avraham Harman, in A retirement home for pensioners from America and Harman assured. "We are by Jordan and Lebanon. recognition of his contributions Western countries, built by the Rassco organization, stands in Having been advised that building our future in a in promoting goodwill and Kfar Shmaryahu, one of Tel Aviv's wealthiest suburbs. One of these business organizations friendship between Israel and spirit of confidence, for we the major companies established by the Jewish Agency in Isreal, might hesitate to request as- believe in the inevitability United States and his record Rassco has designed the Neve Aviv Club as a modern residential of peace in our area and sistance from the U.S. Gov- of public service for the wel- club for retired people. Guests participate in activities, classes ernment, Rep. Farbstein asked throughout the world." fare of the Jewish people. and sight-seeing tours. A doctor and nurse are in constant at- President Zalman Shazar and for a policy statement on this Dr. Harris J. Levine, hon- Premier Levi Eshkol headed a tendance although only people in good health are accepted into matter. orary president of the Jewish list of leaders in Israel who In answer to this request, Dut- the club. National Fund, presented a cabled warm messages of tri- citation to Harman certify- bute to Harman and, at the ton wrote the following: "The department is fully in College Magazine Issue Banned as Anti-Semitic ing that a forest in his name same time, lauded Bnai Zion's accord with your view that will be planted within the projects in Israel. CHICAGO, (JTA)—The ad- publicity has risen, and new ad- American Freedom Park The proceeds of the $75-a- American firms should not be ministration of the Illinois In- vertisers want to get in. .We are near Jerusalem. plate dinner will go towards penalized by the Arab govern- stitute of Technology banned sorry it happened. It is often "Not only have highly quali- the Jewish National Fund and ments simply because they enter further distribution of the issue difficult to put out a magazine fied experts been sent out by the projects of the Bnai Zion into certain business relations of a student publication, "Lis- which appeals to the student Israel to other countries, but Foundation, particularly for the with Israel. tening," charging the issue was body and will be agreeable, at the Israeli Labor Organization financing of the Diagnostic and "As you know, we have re- "anti-Semitic." the same time, to the adminis- (Histadrut) has worked closely Evaluation Center for Mentally peatedly expressed our objec- Four hundred copies of the tration." with labor union leaders," Har- Retarded Children in Kfar tion to the boycott to the indi- magazine had already been Hashwedinin, Jerusalem, which vidual Arab governments, and riman stressed. circulated before the ban "These efforts have been has been named for the late they are abundantly aware of went into effect. The maga- President John F. Kennedy, it useful in offsetting Communist our position on this issue. Rep- zine carried a poem attacking APPLICATIONS FOR attempts at infiltration of free was announced by Herman Z. resentations will continue to be high prices in the campus trade unions," he said. "The Quittman, executive director of made with a view to obtaining bookshop, using as a headline Solel Boneh Construction Co. Bnai Zion. relief for American firms al- the term "Jew 'Em" coupled ARE NOW BEING TAKEN has participated in many joint though necessarily we refer to with a pornographic word. On New or Existing Homes - projects which have developed specific companies only at their Rich Wackerlin, one of the QUICK SERVICE many local skills while build- request or with their consent. editors of the magazine, prom- ing essential plants and roads. Phone Us Today "When a company requests ising "we will try not to do it Israel has responded promptly the department's assistance, we • • • FRANKLIN again," was quoted, however, as and effectively in times of nat- are prepared to make every ef- MORTGAGE CORP. saying that the controversy lead- ural disasters and epidemics Approved FHA Mortgagee NEW YORK, (JTA)—While fort consistent with over-all U.S. ing to the ban has not hurt with teams of doctors and 915 First National Bldg. Det. 26 policy in the Near East to re- the Soviet Union ban on the WO 3-4896 nurses. lieve the firm from the impedi- the publication. "Israel has drawn on its baking of matzoth remains in ments to its business activities "We didn't lose," he said. "Our own special talents and experi- force, selected private parcel by the boycott." ence to help other countries in service firms in the United Michigan's Newest & Most Luxurious Motel States, Canada and Israel were national economic planning Philadelphia Banker Gives and the development of arid reported to have been licensed A HOME AWAY FROM HOME FOR YOUR to accept matzoth parcels for $100,000 to Building Fund areas," he concluded. BAR MITZVAH & WEDDING GUESTS . . . N.Y. Congressman Ogden relatives in the Soviet Union on PHILADELPHIA ( J T A ) — Reid ,former U.S. ambassador a commercial basis. Abraham H. Weiss, a banker, Soviet commercial attache in trustee of the Albert Einstein to Israel, joined Harriman 14380 WEST 8 MILE ROAD in paying tribute to Harman. the United States, Eugene S. Medical Center ,and active in Bet. Schaefer and Northwestern Hwy. Reid also dwelt upon the re- Shershev, said that in the Unit- many other Jewish organiza- Conference RooM • Suites • Banquet Room__ cent conference of 13 Arab ed States five firms are licensed tions here, has contributed JO 4-5450 rulers convened by Nasser in by the Soviet Parcel Trading $100,000 to the $15,360,000 LI 8-1822 Cairo to deal with Israel's Organization to accept such par- building fund of the Federation HARVEST HOUSE RESTAURANT ON PREMISES imminent utilization of Jor- cels. of Jewish Agencies He named those firms as dan River waters for the ir- the Central Parcel Service, rigation of the arid dessert Chicago; Globe Parcel Serv- in the Negev. The speaker urged states- ice, New York and Philadel- manship on the part of all the phia; Package Express and Arab countries in the Middle Travel A g e n c y, Brooklyn; East to further fair utilization Union Tours Parcel Service, of the Jordan River waters by New York; and Cosmos Par- all the riparians under the cels Express Corp. unified 1955 Eric Johnston In Israel, the Peltours Co., Plan for the utilization of the which serves as the agency in Jordan River waters for the Israel for the Soviet Intourist benefit of both Israel and the Corp., said it had received a cable from Moscow permitting Arabs. President Lyndon B. John- the sending of parcels of mat- son, in a message of the dinner, zoth to relatives in the Soviet recalled that he himself was Union. honored by Bnai Zion at its The cable indicated that send- annual Order Day Dinner in ers abroad may pay customs 1961, which made possible the duties at the point of shipment planting of a Lyndon B. John- so that recipients will not have Editor, Lecturer, Author, son Forest within the Freedom to pay such charges. Forest near Jerusalem. Jack E. Levine, chairman of Educational Dir. of Nat'l Comm. for Labor Israel The President said that the the social action committee of linking of Ambassador Har- the Free Sons of Israel, charged man's name "with the Ameri- that a number of packages sent PLUS can Freedom Park will serve privately last year to Soviet as a reminder of the part he Jews had "disappeared." has played in cementing the He said "a few" of the par- friendly relations and under- cels did get through. standing that exists between In a colorful performance of original Israel dance our country and Israel. 1,200 Jews Naturalized Harman, in his address, de- clared that Israel's central as Brazil Citizens in '63 purpose remains what it has RIO DE JANEIRO (J.TA)— always been—to develop the About 1,200 Jews became na- quality of its people and the as citizens of Brazil turalized resources of its territory to ensure conditions of human during 1963, according to sta- freedom and self advance- tistics issued here by the Bra- Morris L. Schaver Auditorium zilian Foreign Ministry. ment. The Ministry gave the total of 19161 SCHAEFER HWY. "In the international arena," Harman said, "Israel is deeply 1963 naturalizations as 4,997, Refreshments conscious of the growing trend and estimated that approxi- No Solicitations towards international coopera- mately 25 per cent of the total. were Jews who had come from tion . . . Donation $1.00 P P e resro n "In seeking expression for its other lands. own individual personality as Want ads get quick results! an independent State, Israel is MORTGAGES VA or FHA Firms Licensed to Send Matzoh to Kin in Russia EMBASSY MOTEL 1964 HISTADRUT AMPAIGN CLOSING Address by DR. JUDD TELLER THE JUDY LEE DANCERS THURSDAY, FEB. 20 8:30 P.M.